My Not of my Species Special Friends!
Karl and Anastasia's current I Dare You All challenge is to make a friend of another species. This challenge turned out to be even more fun and exciting than I ever dreamed! Because I asked some very special other-species animals to be my friends. And they agreed! My NOMSS friends are:
I have always loved Bob and Patrick because they are very handsome, friendly and nice goats. And I want you to learn all about them, so I did a special interview with Bob and Patrick, the Nigerian Dwarf Goats. Here is what I learned:
Bob and Patrick's favorite treat is vegetables! They especially like carrots. Cutting them into pieces makes it easier for the Boyz to eat them. They also like bread and fruit. There is an apple tree right outside their fence and sometimes the apples fall inside! Bob and Patrick are very lucky. I wish some tuna would fall inside my home. No luck so far.
Bob and Patrick do not have any little toys like I have, but they like to chew on cardboard boxes. They will chew on anything that's around, even the gutter downspout. That is very silly of them, because they get in trouble for taking off the downspout.
My goat friends just turned six years old in May. They came to live with Bobbie when Patrick was just three days old! Here are pictures of baby Patrick and baby Bob. They are very adorable.

Bob and Patrick do not like to get wet, so they get to go inside the basement in very bad weather. When they go inside and see a cat, Bob and Patrick get a little bit scairt. I think this is just because they are not used to seeing many cats. But maybe they are right to be a little scairt, because if I was in the basement with them, I might try to jump on their backs and go for a ride. I would never hurt them, though.
Here is a big surprise: the Boyz do not wear any cute fashions! When they were babies, they got to wear little collars, but they are too big for that now. And if they had fashions, they would just chew them all up.
Goats are very fun, and they make good pets. They have great personalities, just like we cats do! And guess what? They do not have any front teeth on the top of their mouths. They do not really eat tin cans, but they like to eat the paper and glue from the cans. This does not sound very delicious to me. Usually they eat Goat Chow.
Thanks for the interview, Bob and Patrick! I salute you, my Not of my Species Special friends!

46 Notes for Daisy:
You've made two wonderful friends there, Daisy. :) Bob and Patrick are very nice goats. They were adorable as little baby goats. Hopefully they will learn to be less scared of cats.
they look like fun friends. Aren't you the little socialite.
You did a good job intoducing them to everycat.
Bob and Patrick will be very great friends for you Daisy. Thank you for introducing them to us. They were very cute goat babies and we look forward to learning more about them!
If anyone can make them less scared of cats, it is you!
Your FL furiends,
Daisy, goats are very interesting. Until I saw your blog I had never seen a goat but I think they do look a bit like clippy cloppy horses and vishus deer (except smaller). FAZ
My NOMSS brofurs are honored to be Daisy's friends.
We think Daisy is a very special Kitty-Cat, because she has so many talents, and she's so cute!
Skeezix is a lucky guy :)
This was a great blog about Bob and Patrick! they are really cute... er, Handsome goats, and the cool thing is, each of them has a little goatee.
This was a superb entry. They sure were cute as kittens, I mean baby goats.
Happy Day Daisy
Today is going to be a really good day!
Purrrrs, Princess
Hi Daisy, Thanks for introducing us to your goat friends. They are very nice goats and they were cute when they were babies. Maybe you could teach them not to be scairt of cats.
Excellent interview Daisy. You've made me want to me Bob and Patrick. I've never really met a goat but from what you've written they seem like decent folks.
Hoo ha ectomy. Hee hee.
Today we remembered to come here before we are fully awake so that we wake up happy. And we did. And we are!
What a wonderful interview, Daisy, and the baby photos are amazing. Who knew they would be so grown up at 3 days?
We learned a lot from this. Thanks!
Thank you, Daisy, so much for accepting the Dare and your wonderful post!
These goats are adorable, I will have to come back again and again to look at their baby pictures! I had never seen a baby goat before - how cute they are!
And the interview was just awesome! I think we all learned a lot and that was exactly what I had in mind with this second dare - you captured it beautifully!
Thank you, Daisy!
Your friend Karl
Those goats look really interesting. My GrandpaDave has a goat that I like to chase around because he's so scairt of EVERYTHING. I wish he had a blog but he does not. Bob and Patrick look like fun friends. Good choice.
Daisy, that was a awsome innerview!
wow daisy you were furry brave to do that! i was a little scairt of goats myself. maybe now i will like them more. i nefer gotted close to one though. thanks....
smiles, auntie bee
Wows I learned that the goats and I has somethings in common - cardboards. I like to shred it with my claws and they likes to eats it!
Baby goats sure are cute, Daisy! Another great thing about goats is that they make cheese, too!!! (at least lady goats, I think). Goat's cheese is super yummy.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Those are a couple of adorable goats. When I was little my Grandpa had goats who had curved horns. My sister was bent over the stream that ran through the farm picking some flowers, and the little male with the horns actually put his little head down and charged! He hit her right in the bottom and knocked her into the stream. After Mom made sure she wasn't hurt, it was really funny. Thank you for reminding me of such a happy memory Daisy!
Very interesting! I never met a goat before, so I have to visit them.
Thanks Daisy!
It is very difficult to meet goats here, but I like it very much~!
Thanks for introducing them~! They are very cute~!
Daisy you really do have some handsome friends in Bob and Patrick :)
I do like Bob and Patrick and considered them for my friends, but I thought I had to meet NEW species folks... I've talked to a pig and even thought of approaching a supposed not so vishus deer.
If Patrick had bigger ears, we'd praktikly be twins! My Food Lady razed gotes for Heffer Internashunul as a 4H projekt win she was littul. She sez that gotes have grate persunaliteez and they are fun to have arownd and yoo can milk 'em. Can yoo milk cats?
Hi Daisy... good on you if you can make friends with another species. I'm so Ticked Off about this D.O.G. in my house that I'm afraid it will take me several weeks to buddy up to her.
Nice to know that it CAN be done.
You did a wonderful job interview Patrick and BoB, they look like very nice goats.
Those boys are so cute! Thanks for the informative post.
SOOOOOOOO cuteeeee!!!
And the baby pics...oh myyy!!!
They eat veggies also! Excellent. ~Fiona Bun
Daisy - you make the coolest friends!!!
Wowie, what a wunnerful innerview with Bob and Patrick! They're really kool goats and I'm sure they will be furry great not-of-yur-species speshul furriends!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
wow we haf nefer met a goat. Bob and Patrick sound really nice ~the fluffy tribe
Awwww, Bob and Patrick are adorable! Mom and Dad think goats are so cute -- and Bob and Patrick sound like sweeties. I enjoyed your interview with them so much!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Daisy, you are so adventurous! That was a very informative article about Bob & Patrick. I'll have to see if Samantha and Bebe would like to meet some goats now.
Thanks for the good thoughts for Spooky!
our mom likes baby goats a lot. she wants one for the backyard but the MIG says no! Bob and Patrick are both very handsome!
Bob and Patrick of very cute.I loved learning more about them thanks for sharing them.I made up a Meme and tagged you please go to my blog.Hope you play :)
Your blog is wonderful Daisy, it always makes me LOL. My kitties have been wishing that Tuna would fall inside their home too, and as yet no luck. But they think if we move closer to the sea.. maybe that is the secret, because Tuna do not swim in the sky. ;)
We like yer new furrends Daisy. They look like furry nice goats. Mum sez there yoosed to be a big Billy goat at the next farm to us, but he wuz mean. He would chase efurryone and butt them wiv the big horns on his head. Sometimes he would go into the village and git on the bus, then he wouldn't let anyone else git on, and he wouldn't let anyone git him off. The busdriver yoosed to haf to run to the farm to git the lady to take him home.
Daisy, you accepted the challenge quick. Definitely didn't waste any time. I am having a difficult time picking who I want to interview. I worry they will say no! I hope not!
Oh Henry, I am sure they will not say no to you!
Cool friends Daisy!
My mom used to farm with goats and says they can have very real personalities...and that they are funny!
Daisy that was a very good interview with Bob and Patrick. I learned alot about them. It is good to have all kinds of friends, of our species or others!
You did a great job! I'm a bit apprehensive too, but I'd like to accept the challenge.
Hello Daisy!
I am back!
You have two wonderfull friends in these goats. They look like a lot of fun!
Hi Daisy! I just found you through Dobby's Not of My Species challenge. I'm a dog, but it's okay because I like kitties. Come visit! (I love your stroller, by the way. I'm trying to convince my mom to get me one.)
You did a great interview with Bob and Patrick. They sound like very nice goats.
Well, they sound nice in the interview. but aren't they just a little bit scary looking?
I am a Nigerian dwarf goat too! My name is Pricilla. I live on a small farm with three other goats; Abigail, Michael and Luke. Michael and Luke are not "wethered" so they get to have goat girlfriends. I also live with three cats; Fred, Stinky (don't ask) and Pumpkin. I really enjoy looking at your pictures even if I do occasionally butt my cats....I can be a baaaaaaad goat.
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