Thursday Thirteen, Edition #34
With the start of pre-season football, I am going to list 13 things about football:
- I am very excited, because I get to wear my football jersey (check back tomorrow to see!)
- My team is the Miami Dolphins. I like this very much, because dolphins are cute. I would not like to have a scary mascot like Vikings or Buccaneers.
- The Miami Dolphins team colors are very pretty: aqua and coral!
- My Mommie likes to watch football, so this is good time we can spend together.
- If you like the Dolphins, you can call yourself a Dol-Fan. I like this name.
- You can call the team the 'Phins for short.
- When my Mommie watches football, sometimes she has beer and pizza or popcorn. This is a good chance for me to eat some popcorns.
- T.D. is the official Dolphins team mascot. He stands 7 feet tall and is all mussels! Hahahahaha! But T.D. 's muscles are not as cute as Skeezix's.
- My team won their pre-season opener against the Jaguars on Saturday night!
- The only bad part about football season is that I do not like loud noises, and sometimes my Mommie yells at the players on TV when very good or very bad things happen. This makes me scairt. But at least she got rid of the big foam finger.
- Trent Green is the new Dolphins quarterback. He is pretty cute. It is very wrong to boo the quarterback, especially when he is trying his hardest.
- The Dolphins play at Pro Player Stadium. It has a grass field. That's my favorite.
- Here are the Miami Dolphins Fight Song lyrics. Sing along with me!
Miami has the Dolphins,
The greatest football team!
We take the ball from goal to goal,
Like no one's ever seen!
We're in the air,
We're on the ground,
We're always in control.
So when you say Miami,
You're talking Super Bowl!
(Chorus 1)
Cause we're the Miami Dolphins,
Miami Dolphins,
Miami Dolphins Number 1.
(Chorus 2)
Yes we're the Miami Dolphins,
Miami Dolphins,
Miami Dolphins Number 1.

50 Notes for Daisy:
Miami Dolphins sounds great~! I love your describtion, and especially No.7.
I think that is a perfect chance to have some popcorns~!
Cause we're the Miami Dolphins,
Miami Dolphins,
Miami Dolphins Number 1.
Cause we're the Miami Dolphins,
Miami Dolphins,
Miami Dolphins Number 1.
Cause we're the Miami Dolphins,
Miami Dolphins,
Miami Dolphins Number 1.
I don't have a clue about football, but I like Dolphins, so I'll cheer with ya!
Thanks for visiting my BED TT!
Mommy is a Lions fan and Daddy is a Bears fan. This does not make a loving pair during football season! I like the Lions 'cause, well they are Lions!
I didn't even know a cat could have curly hair! Fantastic!
Great site!
We don't know nuffin about American football but we hope yer team do well. Trubble is mum can't git the Miami Dolphins song out of her head now.
I just asked mom about football. She says the Dolphins are ok but we like the Patriots. good luck to your team
That's the way to be true to your team, Daisy. Hopefully this will be a good year for the Dolphins.
Enjoy the season. Good Luck with your team! All I can say is...
Well, we have the "warshingtin redskins" and they are sort of crummy. So we will vote for the dolfins too
Happy Day Daisy, hafta run
although our home team is the Buffalo Bills, mommy doesn't like them, she's a DOL-FAM (which is a furry bad thing to be around here).
Oh, MomBean and HeBean like different teams-it's led to more than one 'interesting' night during football season. I'm just glad I wasn't around when both of their teams were in teh SuperBowl.
(I'd like to be in the SuperBowl, does that mean lots of tretas?)
I thought Dolphins lived in water (like Space Monkies)? FAZ
Hhhhmmmm. This was furry inchresting Daisy. Do you get beer too when your Mommy is having beer & popcorn? Paw likes the Cowboys because, well, we live outside Dallas.
Luf, Us
You expressed your luv of the Dolphins very well. You truly are a DolFan. I must disagree about your being scared by the Vikings' mascot. he's actually kind of a loveable character once you see him enough. That horn thing he blows however is pretty loud.
well i don't eggzakely luf futbol daisy but i luf popcorns and pizza so that is fun!!!
smiles, auntie bee
ha ha daisy, i thot of you and the proud face when i posted that photo
Wow Daisy, we have a lot in common, I am a Dol-fan.......
I'm not a fanatic, but do watch at times. Don't have a specific tiem I cheer for except the Bucs since I live in the Tampa area.
Happy TT!
GO BEARS! We are lucky our momma doesn't watch football in front of us but at other people's houses. We would be very scared with all those bears chasing that funny shaped ball.
Lilly and Laila
Well, we'z neffur seen mom or dad watch football. Mom sez dey useta be huge Packers fans and watched all da games and even went to Lamb-bow field sometimes. Den all dem football players and owners and managers and all started getting greedy and making waaaaay more money den anyone and some of dem started behaving badly so her and dad and some frends sed dey woodent gif dem anymore of der money or time. Now when football is on dey do other stuff. To feed mom's need fur football they are supporters of the local high school teams. She sez in many ways high school football is much more egsiting den profeshunal football.
Yoo had a good T13 goin' thare until yoo started singin'....
Do yoo know if thare's a football teem called the Fashionistas? Or if thare's a teem whooze color is pink? Cuz I'd watch football if thare was.
Skeezix, I think I would JOIN a team called the Fashionistas! Especially if their team color was pink.
Wow--the Dolphins colors are perfect for you, Daisy. I can't wait to see you in a team jersey.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
I might as well live in the UK with Eric and Flynn with the amount I know about American football. But I think it sounds like a wonderful time for you and your mom to bond...and for you to sneak some pop-corn. What I'd really like to try is the pizza. Do you think you could slip me a slice?
Excellent topic, Daisy!! My beans yell at the TV sometimes, too. It is scary!
we've never seen football but it seems kinda fun watching it when popcorn are involved says othello.
momma says we only have soccer here but she is not very interested in it.
Kashinm & Othello
Thanks for sharing that. I don't know nothing about football. Is there a team called 'Cats'?
excellent topic Daisy. our team is the cincinnati bengals. I think this is cool because they are "tigers" and I am a cat too. Their colors are black and orange stripes and I get to wear orange soft paws during football season. They look good with my furs. I also get to wear a special Bengals bandana. I don't really like clothes, but mommy sayz i look handsome and tough it it so i wear it. You look good in all your special outfits.
We didn't win our pre season game, but have high hopes for the season (as long as no stinky Steelers player makes a dirty hit on our quarterback again....but lets not talk about that, it is upsetting)
oh daisy, enjoy the american football season. I have to put up with shouting and hollering when the world cup is on over here! No big foam hands but plenty of guiness he he xx
Daisy I like to watch soccer because I chase the ball over the tv screen. Good luck with the Dol~Fans....they do have real nice colors.
I see that you have a new photo in your profile now. it does not show your pretty frootbats off as nice as the old one....but your color is more defined:)
How happy I am that you would gift me one of your lives...I am touched beyond words...really so I will just sit here watching the birds building a new nest and cry a bit. Mommy said it is OK to happy cry:)
Love you so and Miss Pixie even more...
Our mom and dad root for the Redskins which has been very hard lately because mom said they suck. What do you think she means and what are they sucking on? Dad sometimes yells at the screen and then we have to hide under the bed.
My partner is an OSU football Bucknut, so I'm sure we'll be seeing you this year again! Oh no! Hey, come and join in my blog contest! Happy TT!
That's not football! Football is played with a round ball!!! :)
It's the start of OUR football season too here in the UK - my team Chelsea are doing very well!
we don't really like football...but so happy you are having fun watching it!
Of course you can call me J.J., Daisy!
Your buddy, J.J.
My Lady is not a football fan. Neither is Senor. I would rather them like it so that way they would stay on the couch and I could lay next to them all afternoon long.
Dolphins sound kool! And how neat that you and yur momma can eat popcornies togethur. I LOVE popcornies!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
We Ballicai don't watch football, but it does sound like good quality snuggle time with beans! And I have never tried popcorn. I wonder if maybe I should? *smile*
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Big Pat's fans here! But we are known to watch any football. I don't know if we have a fight song...
Great cat pictures! Thanks for stopping by.
Our team (da 49'ers) won their season opener too! We gots to break out our jerseys!
Da Dolphins sounds like a fun team! Mommy would like da drinkin da beer part. Daddy makes us watch da Packers who has Green and Yellow colors. We like dem coz dey haf somefin to do wif cheese which we likes furry much.
We can't wait to see you in your football jersey tomorrow, Daisy. Glad you and your mommy are having such a good time with the start of the season. Does Pixie like football, too?
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Daisy, we are glad you support your team! Our momma and man in Green don't do professional football. Only college. They cheer for the Iowa State Cyclones...that's where we gots our blog name!
Ooh, Daisy! With all this talk of football, I think you're going to like my blogoversary competition... big announcement this weekend!
WOW! I've never watched football before. Why is it football? Do they use a foot as a ball?
Where do they find the foot then?
Great Football facts about the Dolphins Daisy! Dad likes the Dolphins and his favorite college team is the Seminoles. Mom doesn't watch football! We can't wait to see your Dolphin jersey tomorrow!
I don't watch football, so the Spice Cats doesnt either. Hehe....
Hmm, why don't my cats watch sports? All those things to chase!
Cats and football - interesting combination. I would have thought badminton... with the whole birdie thing :)
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