Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Dona Nobis Pacem

I am very proud and excited to be a participant in the BlogBlast for Peace. Here is the Peace Globe Pixie and I made: If you remember the last BlogBlast for Peace, I told you about our Save the Children sponsored child, Mequelina. She lives in Mozambique. I think that is very far away! We got a new picture of the beautiful Mequelina just last month. She is 10 years old now.
I think this is the perfect time to share some more information about my friend Mequelina. She is attending the fourth grade, and her favorite subject is Mathematics. Her report says that she is a bright child! A few of the programs that Mequelina participated in during the last year are: Child to Child Training, Sports in School, and Basic School Materials.

Here is what I learned about the program in Mozambique:
Although life continues to be hard in Mozambique, Save the Children is determined to continue our efforts to improve the lives of rural Mozambicans in both Gaza and Nampula provinces. 2007 marks the second year of a new government in Mozambique, which has shown serious efforts to get as close as possible to the rural people through decentralization and what is called an "Open Governance." This has led to some changes in the decision-making process, especially at the district level where there is more autonomy.
The fragrance always remains in the hand that gives the rose.
Heda Bejar
Even though I love bananers, I will give peas a chance.


65 Notes for Daisy:

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

This is a great peace Globel of you and Pixie~!

And I am very touching for Mequelina, and this is a wonderful news at Peace Globel day. I am very very happy for her~! That country maybe is very hard, but I think if there is more children like Mequelina we saved, it will have more hope~!!!

Great sharing story, Daisy~!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We enjoyed your update about Mequelina, Daisy.
We like yer peace globe too. We haf told mum she has to be kwik and make us one. We hope she can do it in time.

Parker said...

Oh Daisy, what a great post. Maquelina looks like a lovely child. If Daisy is willing to try some peas, she should try whirled peas! AHHH HaHaHaHa!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Hee hee. We'd like to give peas a chance too. Ut oh now dat song is in owr heads. Peace to you all.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

This was a very interesting post Daisy. You and Pixie are very good cats for trying to make the world better.

~Scylla,Charybdis & Sockie~Pooh

Sunny's Mommy said...

Helping others is very important :-)

While your topic today is serious, I'm sorry but I couldn't help LOL'ing at Pixie's picture. It is funny :-D



YOU are wonderful and I love your quote.


Another great posting and thank you for sharing Mequelina's story with us on peace day...
Purrs for peace


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Your Peace Globe looks great, Daisy and Pixie. :) It is wonderful of you to sponsor a child. Let there be peace.

Anonymous said...

We really like your Peace Globe Daisy and Pixie. Thank you for telling us all about Mequelina. It is a good thing that your family is doing to sponsor her.

Pixie looks cute with the bananer sticker on her head!

Anonymous said...

Hi Daisy,

Love your globe.Thanks for sharing your friend Mequelina with us.

Honey P. Sunshine said...

visualize whirled peas

The Misadventures Of Me said...

I think I will give anyones who wants them my peas.

Jersey - The Furry Diva said...

♥ & peace to you and yours!

Mickey's Musings said...

LOL at Chiquita Pixie!!!!!!!!!!!She is a funny girl!
I like your globe, it's cool.

Mequelina is going to have a better life thanks to you,she is pretty :)

None said...

Very nice globe you've made and you are great for sponsoring a child. I'm glad Pixie is willing to give peas a chance hihi!


Rosemary B❤️ said...

The globie thing is very cute. You are driving a car Daisy!!!

Mequilina is a great girl and she has a wonderful chance now of growing up to be something meaningful and do good things for her country! Yay for our future!

Pixie you look very cute... but, peas, are icky heehee

purrrrrrrs. Give purrrrrs a chance :-D

jenianddean said...

Thanks so much for sharing Mequelina's story. Helping the world one child at a time.

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

PS Pixie's picture cracked me up!

Catzee said...

Hee hee hee. I like what Pixie said.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We enjoyed reading about Mequelina, and how she likes Mathematics.

You and Pixie have a very pretty Peace Globe!

PYB Design said...

Happy Peace Globe day!
Grant us peace ♥

Anonymous said...

Daisy, in your peace globe, you look like you are going to run over your sister!

Anonymous said...

I think Pixie is very wise!


Scout said...


This was a very important and informative post that you wrote today. I am glad you are my friend and are very mindful of such things.


The Meezers or Billy said...

Peace to you our wonderful friends!

All we is saying, is give peas a chance!! We love that Pixie!

Carolina Cats said...

Happy Peace Day, Daisy and Miss Pixie. Thank you for telling us about Mequelina, she is living a better life becos of you and yore fambly.

Lots of love & purrs & hugs,
Finny & Buddy

Tybalt said...

That is a great peace globe! And wonderful news about your sponsored child, Mequelina. Peace to both you and Pixie. (Mommy giggled at Pixie's picture.)

Dma said...

Sounds like Mequelina is doing well. And I love Pixie's quote. I too will give peas a chance.

Ramses said...

Tigmut'hep has mixed feelings about Pixie giving peas a chance 'cause he loves them and is worried she'll convert to peas... ;)


Me. Here. Right now. said...


Asta said...

Peace to you my fwwiend!
That was such a nice stowy you awe a vewy sweet cat to help someone get a bettew chance in life!!!
You can come have some of my cheese any time!!! I'm vewy good at shawing
smoochie kisses

Shaggy and Scout said...

Nice Peace Globe girls!
Trixie, if you don't like how peas taste you can always bat them around the floor.

Travis Cody said...

Peace to you and yours on this wonderful Peace Globe Day.

The Cat Realm said...

You are such sweet cats!!! That is so wonderful of you to sponsor a child, thank you for the update!
Great peace globe, just keep on driving - it would be nice if we could make this a road trip where EVERYBODY joins in....
Have a peaceful day!

Unknown said...

Daisy and Pixie, I love your Peace globe and Pixie I really loved your quote : )

Maquelina, looks like a very beautiful child, I am so glad that you sponser her.

Anonymous said...

I love the quotes chosen!! what a beautiful post for peace, my globe is up and flying today....Peace to you!!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Thank you for taking such good care of Maquelina with your support. I'm sure it means the world to her. Pixie, you've eaten so many nanners that you are turning into one!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Searching For A Peaceful World on THE COUCH


Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

What a cute globe! I think it is wonderful what your family is doing Mequelina. Taking care of beans and furries seems to be a talent of your mommy's!

The Wanderer said...

happy road to peace!! we is very happy to hears about your sponsereds child. :) :)

Unknown said...

We're purring and prurrying for peace too!

Tell Pixie she might like peas-our little monkey sure does!

DK & The Fluffies said...

Paz & Bananas! ~Fiona Bun

LZ said...

Oh Pixie that is very big of you!


catsynth said...

Hi Daisy and Pixie. Peace to you and your family.

Sassy Kat said...

What a nice post. Mequelina looks like such a lovely girl. I think it is nice that you are making the world a better place by reminding us how important peace is and what a difference the world would be if we were all at peace.

PB 'n J said...

It's so wonderful of you to help Mequelina - the world is a better place because of you and pixie and your mommy!

Purrs for Peace,

Anonymous said...

Peace before us,
peace behind us,
peace under our feet

Peace within us,
peace over us,
let all around us be peace.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Yay for Pixie giving pea a chance! Peace and Purrs to you all!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Peace to you all sweet kittie!

Opus and Roscoe

Forty Paws said...

Peace to you and Pixie and Mequelina!

Luf, Us

Team Tabby said...

Cute picture of Pixie with the sticker. It is good of you to sponsor Mequelina. She is a lovely looking girl and wants to learn, with your help she is doing that.

Peace to all of you,
Moe & Mindy

MaoMao said...

That is so touching about Mequelina. What a beeyootiful and smart little gurl she is! Yur Peace Globe is pawesome. And I love yur quotes, too -- Pixie's is so cute!

Peace to you sweet and wunnerful kitties and beans! We love you!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao and the Ballicai.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Mequelina is very lovely! Good for you for helping her!

Hi Pixie! ****paw waving in air***

The Furry Fighter said...

sorry for my absence these past days - my mum has been too busy at 'work' to help me...whatever that is!

this is a great post and i fink peas definitely deserve a chance - or they might get peased off!

your mum looks fabulous in her wig! very high-camp!and glam indeed! in that picture she reminds me of Edina from the Yookay version of Absolutely Fabulous :) xxxx

Willow said...

Mequelina sounds like a very smart girl - I'm so glad that she has your sponsorship.

Also, both China Cat & I loved your Peace Globe - it made us smile!

Purrrrs, Willow

Gretchen said...

That's a pretty peace globe you and Pixi have. I live the picture of her with the Chiquita lable.

Hugs...and peace...G

Alexi said...

Peace to you, Mequelina, and all of your fambly! We's purraying for peace.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Such a great post! A fun,cheery, and uplifting peace globe, a great update on young Mequelina, and even words of wisdom from Pixie. Your posts are always a delight.

~J&B (and Mom)

Robin Lee Sardini said...

Purrfectly Playful Peace Globe! Much Love to you..

Samantha & Mom said...

Thanks for sharing about Mequelina! Your Peace Globe is so cute with you in your car and Pixie all dressed up!! Peace to all!
Your FL furiends,

Anonymous said...

A Daisy in the globe... so beautiful, a flower make us smile, every day, just like you, Daisy!!

Like your Mequelina, we also had a sponsered daughter far, far away, Daisy. She is now a grown up woman and a teacher, we are so proud of her!

Pixie.... You make me laugh, you are soooo sweet!!:)

Headbutts and Love to all of you.
~Ruis, kitties & Staff

Karen Jo said...

Your Peace Globe is wonderful. Thanks for the update on Mequelina. I am so glad that you are sponsoring her. I love the picture of Pixie. She should have whirled peas. Peace to you and all the world.

Chrissie said...

Thanks for telling us about your young friend, Mequelina. It is very good that she has someone who cares for her and tries to help her. Let there be Peace!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

That is terrific, Daisy. Your Mozambique child is lovely and certainly has a bright future ahead of her ...
Peas are kinda good, but I like string beans better!

Mimi Lenox said...

Even though you love bananers you will give peas a crack me up.

Thanks for participating.
Peace to you and yours.

Annelisa said...

Great post, Daisy! Peas is nicer than bananas! :-)

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