Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thursday 13, Edition #47: My Box of Life

My good friend Mickey tagged me for Miss Peach's beautiful Meme called My Box of Life. Here is what she said:
List your treasures and tag other kitties and their humans also, as many as you like. Let this reflection spread throughout the world. We need to count our contentments as Blessings! What do you look back over and treasure enough to place inside your Box of Life?
So, on this day of Thanksgiving, here are 13 things inside my Box of Life:
  1. The love I give to my Mommie and receive back from her. We have a very special relationship. And she still loves me even when I give her the Bitey.
  2. My Daddie who I also love, only not quite as much as my Mommie. Am I allowed to say that?
  3. My Grandma also has a special place inside my Box of Life. She reads my blog every day, and gives me wonderful presents. (Can you breathe inside that box, Grandma?)
  4. Each and every day that I have left with my big sister, Pixie. Her cardiomyopathy is very advanced, so I treasure each day I have left with her. Even if she does growl at me.
  5. The time I got to spend with my Sea Monkeys. Before they all got deaded.
  6. I know it is a little bit wrong of me, but I treasure my beautiful fashions. And I think there is room for them inside my Box of Life. If it gets too full, I will take them out.
  7. I also place my many, many, many fun toys. Toys make life much better.
  8. Always having enough foods to fill my tummy. Even though I must eat prescription foods that are not very delicious.
  9. My wonderful friends on the innernets, and my extra-special friend Skeezix.
  10. My Box of Life includes many lizards for hunting and playing. I hope they do not make a mess inside the box.
  11. Rays of warm sunshines under which I bask, keeping my furs warm.
  12. Compassion for all the cats and dogs who do not have a Forever home, and do not have very many wonderful things in their Box of Life yet.
  13. Finally, I fill my Box of Life with as many Temptations as will fit in there. I will take them out of the bag so they can fit inside all the little spaces. This way, I will be sure to get as many Temptations as possible in my lifetime.


63 Notes for Daisy:

Nomi said...

Thats a luvly list Daisy. I fink you mite need a really big box to get all dem fings in. I know its fanksgiving day where you is but here in the yoo kay, it is my mummies birfday. So happy Thanksgiving and happy birfday mummy (who I luv furry much)

Siani said...

That's a lovely Box of Life you have there, Daisy. My Liberty is on prescription food, too, so she knows how you feel about it. I'm allowed to mix a little bit of "real" cat food into it if she won't eat at all. I know all about the Bitey, too, thanks to my Leo, although he hasn't done it for a long time - his biteys draw blood!

Happy TT, Daisy! My list is up at Siani's Pot-Pourri

Ramses said...

What a lovely list Daisy! Though I'm starting to fink that your Grandma might not like being stuck in a box filled with lizards and temptations! ;)

Willow said...

What a very good list you made, Daisy. I particularly like how you made sure that you could fit more Temptations in the box when they are out of their bags!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Purrrrrrrrs, Willow

ZOOLATRY said...

Daisy, not only pretty... but super smart (taking those Temptations out of the bag...mmm).
You have a very full and wonderful Box of Life. But we do feel you should have several steamer trunks for your fashions! We are thankful to know you, happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

You are a lucky cat Daisy ... I hope I get a new cat soon . I miss my Chloe girl.

Sassy Kat said...

That is a nice list and ya will need a big box to put everything into. Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your family.

Parker said...

Daisy - that was lovely! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Mickey's Musings said...

Daisy that is a wonderful Box of Life you have!!!!!!! :) You are very rich in compassion &love.It's OK to put your fashions inside as they are your treasures.It's amazing how much stiff you can fit in there. Besides, Skeezix might bring some then you will have lots :)
Happy Thanksgiving !

Andree said...

A girl wouldn't need anything with your Box of Life. It will take your fashions, I know that. All my love, Daisy, for your Thanksgiving.

Sarge Charlie said...

the old sarge loves to come into your box miss daisy, you are very nice. Did you see your photos on my post?

Rosemary B❤️ said...

This is a very wonderful list Daisy.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and Pixie and you mom and dad and gramma.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That is a wonderful list, Daisy. :) The items in your Box of Life are very special. :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

happy thanksgiving honey! i hope your box of life if full of happiness and love forever!

smiles, auntie bee

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

What a great list! Don't forget to leave room for a few turkey leftovers! Happy Thanksgiving!

Laila and Lilly

Anonymous said...

Very nice list, the cat on my lap totally agreed with your choice, though he mentioned that he would somehow sqeeze the windowsill and the heater in it, too ;)

Happy TT!

Julia and Mack-Cat

Millie said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for being my first TT commenter Daisy! I hope you all have an excellent Thanksgiving.

I was thinking, maybe you could us my black hole from last year's Christmas, you know, put it inside your box so the inside is so big you could get ANYTHING in there!

Hot(M)BC said...

Happy Fanksgiving Daisy! We think yore box of life is grate!
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Happy Turkey Eattins day to you and your beans!

Email us withs a snail mails address so we's can send mommy beans out with the package for you's (and Pixie too).

The Meezers or Billy said...

Your box of life is wonderful!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Hi Daisy... just dropping by to say happy Thanksgiving!!!

Forty Paws said...

What a great list for your Box of Life! You are such a sweetie!

Happy T-day!

Luf, Us

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
Happy Fanksgiving to Daisy and Pixie. That is a furry good box of life u's made, Daisy. i's specshully impressed wif tha idee of taking tha Temptations (yum) out o' tha bag so's u can pack more. Brilliant thinking.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Momma is busy cooking so I am visiting friends.. I like what you have in you like box those are good thins!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like the bestest box of life, ever!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is wonderful ~!
These are great things in your box of life~!! I am so happy to know~!

I love your humor, if your grandma must breath in that box, that box must have the most greatest air-conditioner, hehehehe~!!!!

I like your fashion for sure, that certainly should put in your box~!!!

Finally, Happy Thanksgiving to you~! My great friend Daisy~! And please wish to your Mommy, your Daddy, and your lovely Pixie sister, and your grandma also happy~!!

Please extra kiss your sister Pixie for me, I am great thankful for that :)

Unknown said...

your box of life is great!!

Have a super Thanksgiving! Be nice to Pixie today!

Asta said...


That is a vewy special box you have!
Idon't think you awe selfish fow wanting youw costoomes, you look so gweat and make us feel bettew when we look at you! I'm glad you have youw Temptations to make up fow the pewswiption food...youw Gwama dould put a stwaw in to bweath!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and youw family
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

that is a beautiful post, Daisy.
We love you very much!
Thanks for being our friend,
Daphne & Chloe
(and the rest of the gang at purrchance to dream!)

Chrissie said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, Daisy, and to your Mommie and Pixie, too! I hope you enjoy some turkey for your tummy, today, and the love of those who are near and those of us who are far!


Honey P. Sunshine said...

happy thanksgiving daisy, mommie, daddie, pixie and grandma

Tara said...

Those are wonderful things in your box of life Daisy.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

Those are wonderful things. I hope your Grandma doesn't aspirate any temptations and that she isn't afraid of lizards though...

Aline de Chevigny said...

Loved the list Daisy. Happy Thanksgiving.


Laura W said...

Hey that's COOL our auto-link was filled in for us. (Remember...she is LAZY!)
Happy TDay to you and your sister and mommie and daddie, Daisy.
I like how you remembered your deaded sea monkeys today.
Gotta go...there is a floor register covering in the dining room calling my name.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh yes, yoor fashons hafta be in da box. Yoo would not be happy wifout dem and we want our sparkly Daisy to be happy. Um, dad sez yoo can borrow his drill to put some breething holes in da box fur yoor gramma and dem lizzerds. Happy Thanksgiving to yoor fambly and a speshul nozekiss to Pixie.

zevo hussein calamari said...

Happy Thanksgiving.. may temptations fall from the sky today for you!

Unknown said...

That is such a great list Daisy. You are a very thoughtful kitty cat!

Fat Eric said...

I am going round the blogs saying Happy Thanksgiving to all my Mericky friends! I am furry jealous that we don't have a turkey day here today but mum says I only have to wait till Christmas...:-)

Karen Jo said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Daisy and Pixie and Mom and Dad. I think it is perfectly fine to put your fashions into your Box of Life. They make you happy and the pictures of you wearing them make us happy, too. You have a great Box of Life. May it always be full of fun and love.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Happy Thanksgiving! We are fankful dat yoo are around to give us such pleasure wif yur daily blog.

The Devil Dog said...

What a beautiful list, Daisy. Happy Thanksgiving!

Roxy & Lucky

Anonymous said...

A beautiful list, Daisy!! Only you have to watch out when you take the Temptations out of the bag. If the lizards don't eat them, they can make your fashion dirty.

Happy Thanksgiving to you, Pixie and your Mommie & Daddy!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's a lovely box of life you have Daisy, but be furry keerful that the lizzerds don't eat yer Temtayshuns.

Tiger Lily said...

Your Box of Life is full of many wonderful things Daisy! Even with all those Temptations I'll bet there is still space for more every day.

Thank you very much for your encouragement while Ruckus and my Daddy were feeling so bad. They are both feeling better now even though my Daddy still has a long way to go before he is completely well. Mom and I both appreciate your help through the difficulty!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Juno said...

Happy Thanksgiving Daisy! Hope you and your family are having great time over yummy birdy! :)

Your Box of Life is bootiful!!

Momo xoxo

The Furry Kids said...

That is a great list, Daisy. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Pixie and your Mommie and Daddie.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

That was an extra good TT, Miss Daisy!

Happy Thanksgiving to your fambly! Eat as much (burp!) turkey as you can manage!
DMM and the Feline Americans

Black Cat said...

I think you should ask Dr. Who if he has an extra Tardis he could spare so all those lovely things and beans in your box won't get squashed! I would teleport my house's resident black hole to you, but nothing ever comes out of there so I wouldn't be doing you a favour, hehehe! Hope y'all had a fab Thanksgiving Day:) xxx

Team Tabby said...

Your Box of Life is wonderful, Daisy! Thanks for dropping by while we were away, you are a good friend!

Moe & Mindy

Anonymous said...

What a great concept the Box of Life is! My favourite was about the Sea Monkeys that got deaded. I think that I will think about what I keep in my box of life. Thanks for the inspiration.

jenianddean said...

That is just lovely. My favorite was about Pixie. You are a super sister.

Happy Thanksgiving!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Those are great thankful things, Daisy...

Katnippia said...

Happy Thanksgiving Daisy! We hopez youz and your family had a wonderful turkey day.
Purss. Siamia
P.S. I liked your box of life list. Very smart taking the temptayshunz out of the bad.

Samantha & Mom said...

Daisy those are wonderful things for your Box of Life! We hope your Grandma can breathe okay! We are very thankful for you, Pixie and your Mommie! You have been a great inspiration and a wonderful furiend!
Your FL furiends,

DK & The Fluffies said...

Hoppy Gobble Gobble Day!

Skeezix the Cat said...

That's a grate list, Daisy! Espeshully #9!

Sunny's Mommy said...

I like your box of life!

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Daisy! That is a very wonderful Box of Life you have there with lots of great treasures in it. We especially like the creative way you take the temptayshuns out of their pouches to fit more in! We are very thankful for you and Pixie, Daisy! We hope you both (and your beans) had very happy Turkey Days!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Linda R. Moore said...

Oh, the life of cats! My three furries are watching with interest.

I was involved in four TTs this week:

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

What a beatiful TT. Sorry it took us so long to visit. We hope you have many happy days with Pixie.

~Scylla, Charybdis, Sockie~Pooh, and our Mommy (Alasandra)

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