Monday Mystery: Guess the Snack!
For this Monday Mystery, you must study the photos below. Then, guess what snack you think I am eating. Good luck! 

A. Temptations! I am savoring them a lot.
B. A lizard. It is wiggly and tickling my mouth.
C. No snack, I am just keeping my face clean.
D. Peanut Butter. It sticks to your mouth.
Do you think you know the answer? Click HERE to see if you are correct.
Pixie and I also want to wish you all a very happy new year!

72 Notes for Daisy:
Happy Happy New Year, Daisy~!
It's "D"~! I finally right one time~~~ HAHAHAHA~!!
I think the answer photo of you is extremely beautiful, I love your eye expression~!!!
I also wish you and Pixie and your mommy and daddy~! All have a great great new year's eve dinner~!
And wonderful new year for sure~!!!
I am so happy to know you this year~!!!! It's really a wonderful great thing at this year :>
Michico still needs to work today, can you believe that? Hmmmm, she will be late home, but we will count down together~!!!
So, also wish you have a great count down!!
We've never tried peanut butter. We may have to convince our humans to let us try some.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Daisy and Pixie!
Hi Daisy!
We would have guessed Temptations for sure! Although, peanut butter is a great snack, too!
A happy and healthy 2008 to you, Pixie, and your Mommy & Daddy! :)
Love and Purrs,
Rocky, Angie, S'more, & our Mommy :)
I think that you were sucking on a lemon!!!
Happy Noo Year Daisy and Pixie Bananas and your lovely beans.
wishing you a million temptations in 2008.
Poppy q
We think you are eating Temptations. We are fixing to go look and see if we are right. Happy New Year to you and Pixie.
~Scylla & Charybdis
Haha!! I guessed wrong :) I must say, I know cats that like peanut butter ;)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
drats, i thought it was A, happy new year daisy, i look forward to my visit with you each day.
Oh I'z gotted it right! :)
Happy New Year!!!!
We guessed peanut butter because the Temptations just seem to slide down our throats. We'll have to find out why our Momma has never given it to us!
We wish you all a very Happy New Year and we're so glad we found you and all our new friends this year on blogspot!
Laila, Lilly and their Mom
Happy New Years to you, Pixie and your Mommy!
Even before I got to the multiple choices, I sez to myself it looks like she's eating peanut butter. I will have to see if the boyz like pb.
i guessed a and was wrong! but i like peanut butter too and so does sarge. he eats it with spaghetti! ha ha ha
happy new year honey to you and pixie and mommie too...
smiles, auntie bee
Happy noo yeer Daisy and Pixie! We hopes yoo haf a grate one :)
Alla Us Hotties
deer daisy an pixie,
i am hopin dat 2008 izza grate yeer fer u both! i hope u hav good health an lottsa temptashunz (an bananerz, uv course!)
i diden't think u cood get better lookin, daisy ... but yer mom'z noo camera showz off yer grate byooty even more!
wowie kazowie!
New Years greetings from me, too, Daisy and Pixie.
Thank you for visiting my blog Daisy. I always appreciate that!
Guess what? we guessed right.
Peanut butter makes you lick a lot because it is sticky.
We hope you have a very happy SNAPPY and fun New Year!
purrrs, Caesar
Daisy and Pixie,
We had no idea that peanut butter was a tasty treat. Thanks for the tip!
Have a Very Happy New Year!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
I guessed wrong :( but I've never tried peanut butter so I guess I don't know how tasty it must be. Happy New Year!
I lovez your expressive itty-bitty face! I tinks dat peanut butter iz only reazonabull on New Yearz.
Did you shine up your tiara yet? da partee iz startin' anytime you wanna drop oevfur!
Love, Dr Tweety
Happy Meow Year my dear friend!
So cute all the pics
_____0000o0000________ 00o000o000
_______00______AÑO NUEVO____00
_____00___HAPPY NEW YEAR______00
Prrrrs for all your family
Happy New Year to Daisy, Pixie and family!! All the best in the New Year
Ninja & Brenda
Muhahahaha! Ñammmmm...
Daisy, help! MomBean is playing with my blog and won't let me see it!
Happy new year. Say hellow to him .
Happy New Year Daisy!!!!!!!
Nice cat. wonderful picture.
Happy new year to you and your cat.
I guessed right Daisy. With that tongue action it had to be peanut butter.
Happy New Year to you Daisy, Pixie, your Mommie and Daddie!
i guessed right
we guessed right!!!
Happy New Year Daisy and Pixie!
Happy New Year to you, too. Daisy :)
I guess C!
Happy New Year to you and Pixie and your beans!
You are such a little cutie!
Happy New Year Daisy, Pixie & Mom!
Wow Daisy! We thought it was temptations. I did not know you liked peanut butter.
Happy New Year!
Oh yippee, we guessed peanut butter! We love your Monday mysteries! We want to wish you, Pixie and your Mom and Dad a Happy & Prosperous New Year!!
Your FL furiends,
We were wrong! We thought it was Temptations!
Happy New Year to you, Pixie and your Mommie & Daddie!
Luf, Us
My guess is Tempation!!
Have a wonderful NYE, Daisy, Pixie, and the parents.
See you in 2008!
Ew, peanut butter. I think Temptations would have been a better snack. I think I better ask mom for some of the ones in the green bag.
Happy New Year, and thanks your visits to my new blog!
I would have never guessed peanut butter. I've offered it to my kitties, but they always give a "sniff" and walked away. Maybe I should cover a Temptation treat with it. :) I hope You and Pixie and your Loving Humans ;) have a wonderful, happy, healthy New Year!
Hugs and Purrs,
happy new year! and fanks for the luck wish for my neuters.
happy new year! and fanks for the luck wish for my neuters.
Wow did I guess wrong. That would have been my last choice. Hope ya and your family have a Happy New Year.
Dear Daisy,
You have entertained my mommy so much in this past year. You've made her smile when she was blue and given her good tips, for someone who is not curly as you are. The only issue I see is that my mommy was so enchanted with you, that she adopted another cat, who I will not dignify by looking at. I am the head Cat Goddess around here and will not be supplanted. Thank you very much.
Anyway, I appreciate your blog and so does my mommy, oh and those weird hairless things with only two legs that she insists on loving. I am not sure what is wrong with her about that. Only someone with magnificant fur is worthy of her love.
Much love and happiness in the new year, Kali-Cat. The Goat Rodeo Goddess and keeper of the yummy snacks.
Just want to point out that peanut butter is not a dignified treat. My mommy gives it to the dog. I don't like the dog worse than I don't like the new cat.
Oops, gotta run. Mommy is coming and she does not like it when I hijack her account.
I didn't know that cats like peanut butter - I will have to try some as I like a lot of different foods!
China Cat & I hope that you & Pixie have a very Happy New Year!
Purrrrrrs, Willow
Oh, good, we guessed right.
Happy New Year to you and your family!
jans funny farm
Happy New Year, Daisy, and to Pixie and your beans too!
Mindy & Moe
Daisy, what a cute pink tongue.
Happy New Year to you too!
Roxy & Lucky
Happy New Year to Daisy and Pixie (and their Mommie).
sticking your tongue out and so forth does not diminish your beauty at all--Daisy what a face you have. Happy New Year!
ps I will try some peanut butter next year
Peanutbutter is great! And it goes great with bananers, too!
Happy New Year to you and Pixie and your Mommie and Daddie!
Yep ... I could tell that you were eatin' p-nut butter. Just think ... If you an' Pixie combined your snacks, you could be ELVIS!
Happy New Year! I hope that your 2008 is GREAT!
Hmmmm....we has never had peanut butter before, but Mommakitty says she has seen that look before!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Daisy and Pixie.
owh God! I love your blog. I am really missing my cat as I currently further my study at far far away. lol. anyway, my guest is right. My cat name "heejeerah" [i know it's kinda weird name, it means in arabic : moving from one place to another] and he always likes the taste of "indulgence" in his food. Happy new year to all cats and their owner in this world..! ;D
Have a Happy New Year! Love Henry, Clyde and Charlotte Helton!
YAY, we were right again! Peanut butter... MOL!
Happy New Year Daisy and Pixie!
I guessed a) but I was wondering about d) ... so I'm saying I was almost right! :)
Happy New Year!
I guessed C, so I was wrongies! Really cute pickshures of you enjoyin yur neanut putter.
Happy New Year to you and yur fambly! We wish you all the bestest in 2008.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
LOL, just like 'Anton' does...with his tongue..only he doesn't need to eat peanut butter.. :)
Happy New Year !
Awwww, Daisy -- you look precious, enjoying your peanut butter!
Happy New Year to you and yours -- I hope it's your best year yet! And I hope sweet Pixie gets lots of bananers!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
I'm so glad I know you and have you as a friend. I get such a kick out your site. Happy New Year and have a Great Eight!
Pssst....I have my mind on Temptations all the time...I never would have guessed peanut butter...was it good?
Yay, I got it right! With all that tongue action it had to be peanut butter. Peanut butter goes great with bananas. Pixie should try it. I wish all of you a truly happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!
That peanut butter looks delish. We hope you liked it very much.
Happy New Year - We look forward to seeing you everyday.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Daisy, we think the answer is C - no snack - just keeping your face clean!
We hope you and Pixie and your beans had a fabulous New Year's Eve and we wish you the happiest, healthiest 2008!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Haha - we got it right but the answer photo would never loud for us....
Happy New Year Daisy and Pixie and humans.
Your friends from The Cat Realm
grrrrrrr Wrong again! Well, at least I got 1 out of 4! Happy new Year Daisy and Pixie!
Oh good, I guessed right!
I guessed correct again!
At first I thought it might be bananners, but you didn't have bananners on your list.
happy new year!!....sweet daisy!!..and her MOm!!
"Yay" I was right.Now I want peanut butter...Mom!!!
Thanks for being my bestest pal Daisy! Happy New Year from cold,Penna!
I guessed peanut butter, though I don't eat it.
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