Fashion Friday: Looking good on a shoestring budget
Today we will talk about how accessories can make your outfit. This little hooded jacket came from a dollar store. You can tell it is not very fashionable, and it is a little bit too big for me. So, I started digging around in my accessories to try to make the outfit look better.
First I added this jaunty kerchief. I think there is a big improvement already!

71 Notes for Daisy:
Such wise fashion tips always make my day, so I'z given you'z an award! :)
Dearest Daisy,
You are very good at fashion, put the hood up and added my beautiful pink diamond necklace~! That is the best~!!!!
Keeping your style and make the unfashion clothes become a fashion way, that is very taugh~! And I believe you are reaching that level today~!! You are very professional for sure~!!!!!
Certainly, the simple and elegant strand of pearls is great for a lovely lady like you, your advice is excellent, it's work every girl cat~!!!!
Have a great weekend, and so is Pixie, too.
Daisy, you are the Cat mentioned in the word 'Catwalk fashions model', I'm sure!
Good day to you and Pixie and your Mommie. :)
It's very true, you can never go wrong with pearls!
Daisy your Friday Fashion is sooper this week. If only I could wear clothes and pearls.
Thanks for the fashion tips, Daisy. :) You look lovely in your hoodie and kerchief. :)
You always give the best advice, dear Daisy! We think you deserve your own fashion show on TV!
If only all fashun advisors were as wize as you Daisy. You mayke it sound so simpil. Stunning look !
We really liked the pink crown, it was very trendsetting but we think you looked furry pretty in the the neckercheif and diamonds too.
I think you do a great job of showing how important the right accessories are.
Your strand of pearls are georgeous.
Purrs Mickey
What a nice fashion show, I think you looked cute in all your outfits,
Daisy my mom says your the prefect model.She wishes I would pose more like you :)
Absolutely fabulous Dahling! The whole ensemble brings out the subtle pink undertones in your fur. Just lovely!
lovely ideas honey! unfortunately i cannot usually find my clothes in the dollar store, no matter how hard i look. now sometimes i can find some stuff for sarge though! ha ha ha
you are beautiful!
smiles, auntie bee
We think the hood up with your lovely scarf and necklace was very fashionable.
The pearls look very classy and elegant on you. We love the pink bow you added to them.
Scylla, Charybdis & Sockie~Pooh
Stunning as ever dear Daisy, you have such good taste:) xxx
I like the pearls. Maybe the pearls with the scarf?
My mom says that pearls dress up everything-being a guy, I think you look pretty without all that glitz, but my mom says thats just the way girls are.
Daisy, I like Miss Delilah and think she's very can I show her I like her without going too overboard? I don't want to rush her by moving too fast, but I also don't want her to think I'm not interested.Can you advise me?
Thank you!
Thank you for the accessory lesson. I learned lots.
Daisy, I learn so much about fashion from you! With your hood up, you look like Audrey Hepburn.
You are quite the model, Daisy! How do you sit still for so long with clothes on? I can't sit still at all, and for sure not with clothes! You look pretty.
Oh Daisy, you know so much about fashion! Great work on pulling that look together - you look beautiful!!
Love Clover xo
Daisy we have an award for you. Please come by our blog to get it when you have a chance.
Scylla, Charybdis & Sockie~Pooh
A lot of good information there, Daisy -- as a gentleman cat, I can't personally use it, but at the same time, it's easy to see how sharp it makes you look!
You are definitely a good candidate for America’s Next Top Model!
good advice. what can I do with a vishus deer sweater? - Miles
Daisy, another brilliant fashion post - and although we don't wear clothes, we're again amazed at how easily you pull the purr-fect outfit together.
Gypsy & Tasha
Yes, we can see why you tossed the crown back. It just didn't go with that hoodie. Very good advice once again!
Luf, Us
Daisy, what wonderful advice! You are a true inspiration.
Great tips Daisy. You certaintly are the most fashionable kitty!
i luf the jaunty kerchief and the diamonds
Daisy, I think you could give large classes on this fashion advice. You are very wise!
You look cute in most anything! But I am partial to the kerchief!
Fabulus...just fabulus!
My mom has always been a simple strand of pearls girl. It was a lesson she learned from her mom. But I do like your jaunty kerchief!!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Hi Miss Daisy!
You look adorable in anything you wear! We especially like the hoodie with just the 'kerchief - very trendy!
We hope you and Pixie Bananers have a great day and a wonderful weekend!
Rocky, Angie, S'more, & our Mommy,
Karen xo
Daisy, you are so pretty in pink! You and your Mommie are quite the fashionable team. Does Pixie ever watch your modeling sessions?
Hugs and Purrs to you and Pixie,
As always, you look beautiful. I wish I could wear fashions, but it makes me give the bitey. sure do have the ability to accessorize, Miss Daisy! We is so impressed!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Hehe Yes, fashion can be very expensive! Thanks for the great accessories tips! `Queen Snickers
wow, you are so good at the faashions! i never miss a Fashion Friday on your blog, I absolutely love your style Daisy!
My Bean has started eyeing up clothes for me...i saw her in the clothing section of the shop at the Vet Place...she had better not put me in anything, I even dislike collars!
Have a good weekend x
Excellent advice today Daisy. We think our mom needs help in this department so we are gonna go through all her jewelery boxes & give her some help.
Daisy, you have such marvelous fashion sense! And you look gorgeous and oh-so-stunning in your pearls.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Daisy, I have a skarf ikzaktly like yers! But I don't have a doller store pink hoodie. Or perls. I think I need to go shopping for perls.
you always look so stunning daisy. very fashionable. thanks for the shoesting fashion tips. i always spend my allowance on catnip toys, but want to be fashionable too.
Daisy, your fashion sense astounds me. You made that dollar store hoodie look very expensive and chic! A job well done.
I think I need to purchase some pearls - a girl should always have pearls in her wardrobe.
Excellent fasion advice - you're a feline fashion diva!
What fasion sense you have Daisy! We can't decide which look we like the best between the final 2.
jackie, gidget, and fritz
You look a bit like Audrey Hepburn.
Daisy I think pearls are You!
You are so dainty in your outfits. I mean, I'm a girl too, but I'm just a big chooch! I could never pull off the pearl thing.
Daisy we like your Pearls and natural look the best! But we also want you to know You make everything you wear look so cool and pink always looks A+ on you.
Your FL furiends,
Daisy dear, once again you have shown us all why you are the final word in feline fashion. You always know how to accessorize properly!
Tipper & Misty
DKM wears pearls with everything!
Daisy, you are staggeringly beautiful and elegant as always. My human REALLY needs to take fashion tips from you. She keeps stomping around in those hideous Ugg boots. It is really rather disgusting. I wish she could teleport over and play dress up with you! x
You always wook pwetty Daisy, no matter what you wear!
Daisy you so need a champagne colored handbag to go with the outfit. Fill it with catnip and a few Pounce treats and the Tom Cats will flock to you.
Dis is x-celent fashion advices. I fink you are bee-u-t-full and always look jest rite fer any ok-sion.
Bye, luve from Phinney dat boycat.
My human only tried to put human thingies on me once: a Santa Claus cap at Christmas. I scratched him.
You are such a fashion icon Daisy. Always in good taste.
You are one hot mama Daisy...puuurrrrr!
You look great in simple pearls, Daisy. You can carry that look any time. As for the hoodie, with the scarf and the diamonds it looks great.
Wow, Daisy, you are a great stylist! I've taken notes down for my momma. I think she should start shopping at the dollar store.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Oh Daisy! You could give that Tim Gunn guy from Project Runway a Run for his money!
Pink is definately Daisy's color!
Love & Licks,
We like your hoodie Daisy. Maybe you can snuggle with Skeezix in there since it is a little large. Mom agrees, pearls go with anything.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
We think both looks are great, Daisy. We enjoy your Fashion Fridays.
Mindy & Moe
Dear Daisy, I like the string of pearls look best, as it shows more of your pretty fur. You are a most incredibly tolerant cat. I would go wild if Lynettea put any of this stuff on me. Perhaps a little piece of glitter occasionally, or my halter.
You made that dollar hoodie look stunning with the hood up and the scarf and diamonds. I have an award for you.
"I think that I shall never see,
A thing as beautiful - as Daisy."
You give the best fashion tips evew..I like the hood up look, but the peawls awe the most elegant evew!
smoochie kisses
Oh, I like the pearls the best. Those are some huge pearls. I bet the oyester that had those babies were happy when it was time to spit those pups out. I would think they couldn't even close there shells with pearls that fat in them....
I thought the first photo with the scarf improved it a lot, but the pink necklace photo: wow! You're a genius with accessories.
But now this last photo . . . naked with only pearls. That's a thought.
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