Thoughts on Thursday: Be happy!
I am sure you have heard this saying before, but I am going to say it, too: A smile is just a frown...
...turned upside down!

Make me smile!
When I have Temptations inside,
it makes me smile real big and wide!
This must mean my tummy is smart,
and it speaks right to my heart.
If my belly is empty within,
then it is very hard to grin.
Yummy Temptations, slide right down!
so I never have to frown.
by Daisy

79 Notes for Daisy:
deer daisy,
yer a fashun plate ... a hyoomerist ... an now ... a poet. yer a rennisawnce cat.
Dats an important life lesson for all of us Daisy.
Your mommy must be up early doing this post. Have a great day Daisy fambly.
Bravo Daisy, Bravo!
::Clap, clap,clap::
Oh Daisy, you're the icing on the cake. :)
Hello Daisy!
Your HUGE love for Temptayshuns sure came through with your poem. :D
*pat ur curly hair head*
Mommy got us some Temptations to try. We are very impatient for her to give them to us.
Scylla, Charybdis & Sockie~Pooh
Daisy, that little poem would make a splendid advertising jingle for Temptations. I'm tapping my toes just imagining it.
Were you frowning because some of your curly whiskers were missing? I know that would bother me. Whiskers are important to a cat.
I really liked your poem Daisy. You can add poet to your list of accomplishments! Both pictures of you are cute, but I like the smiling one better!
Fabulous poem, Daisy! You are very talented. :)
Great poem, Daisy! Now we want our temptations!
Oh Daisy! I can see that Temptations really make you a happy cat :) They really are good,aren't they :)
Purrs Mickey
Great poem Daisy! Now I am off to have some Temptations!
That was a wonderful tribute to a tasty treat!
Great poem Daisy - we love the photo of your whiskers too, although we're sorry to see that a couple are broken off. Just keep eating those temptations, and we're sure they'll grow back in double quick time.
Gypsy & Tasha
You're a poet. I didn't even know it.
Nice poem ~ ur smile is very cute!
love and purrs from the SnowForest family :)
Dear Daisy, we have said it before and we will say it again. You are SO talented. What a great poem.
Roxy & Lucky
You are a very talented writer and poet! I am very impressed! Stay happy too, ok?
Our momma just loves your face, she thinks its sweet!
That is a great poem. We like your smiley picture. Momma didn't know that kitties could smile. I think she's probably going to be staring at us all the time to see if we do, too. hee hee
Daisy, you're precious. Thanks for making me frown upside down.
Haha. Pixie writes an ode to Bananas and you write an ode to Temptations. I think I like your poem better!
wonderful poem Daisy and I fully agree with you on it!
Temptations are the bestest thing since lizards....
Oh Daisy! I'm going to nominate you for the Nobel Prize in Literature! That little poem is PURE GENIUS! I bet you could send that to the temptation company & become the new Temptation Kitty! & be in commercials & get a lifetime supply of Temptations to eat WHENEVER you want!
Love & Licks,
Great Poem and you have a cute
smile :)
very nice poem Miss Daisy. and I like your smile
I like your thought of today, Daisy~~
It's important for sure~~
Always smile and find the happiness for ourselves.
And I can see you always find the great thing to make you happy~~~~
I love your poem very much,
it's very shining style and it also makes me smile, too!
YAY for temptashuns!
(applause applause applause!!!)
daisy makes me smile and be happy
she never makes me feel so sappy...
what about that? ha ha ha
smiles, and hugs, auntie bee
I'm sorry, I stopped readin' after Temtashuns...I got a little distracted.
Well done! ::clapping paws::
You are so talented! I just love your poem and your smiling face!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
That is a great poem Daisy! I love it!
Daisy! I never knew you had such poesy in you. Bella! Molto Bella!
What we would do for a handfull of temptations! Very nice poem, but I think your eyes alone speak of a thousand words...
You must have just eaten Temptations for the second picture! I like your poem! ~Queen Snickers
Daisy, your cute little face always turns my frowns upside down. :) You're a furry, curly ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.
Love and Purrs,
Thank you for reminding us to keep a smile on our faces! You certainly put a smile on ours!
You help our faces smile every day!!! We like your pope Daisy!
Great poem Daisy! It is just inspired!
Dearest Daisy,
You is so pretty...we think your whiskers are way cool.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Ha, ha, ha.....Daisy, you are so cute! I love the pictures.
What a good poem, I especially like it because it is about Temptations.
Wonderful pictures and an even more wonderful poem! You have a lovely smile, Daisy!
Sometimes it is fun to be crabby, speshully when it gets yoo some treats.
Daisy, you just have too much Cuteness. Temptations is probably getting their lawyers busy writing a proposal for you to be their Official Spokes Cat right this minute. =^..^=
That's a lovely poem, Daisy. BTW, you have an award!
Hi Daisy!
I have been having Daisy withdrawal because I haven't visited your blog in a while. I was happy to come today and see your cute smile!
Monday mystery was a good one - I knew it would be the temptations... And I loved your Sunday comic! So funny and cute!
Love Clover xo
Daisy, you are a very smart kittie, and a very good poet.
I like your smart activities.Just carry on.
You awe an excellent poet and have pne of the most bootiful smiles I have evew seen! and you'we wight it's lots bettew to smile..othews smile back at you when you do too( I always smile when I see you)
smoochie kisses
She is so cute.The picture is nice.
The poem is so nice.Thanks.
She is realy cute and cool.I love Daisy.
Hi Daisy,
Tybalt came by my Big World and saw the giant lizards I posted yesterday. He thought you might like them and may want to try to catch them! You should come by and see them. They might scare you though........
Daisy you are the only cat on the blogosphere that makes me smile! I mean that - I am always so busy being cantankerous but you always make me smile with your adorable anecdotes!x
Fabulous poem!!
Good poem! We likes! Are you dreaming about temptysasions when you sleep? We do!!
great poem!!!!
You should be a spokes-cat fer Temptations!
Daisy you made my LL smile something I didn't think she could do today.
You makes me happy Daisy.
^_^ You get my smile, love your pictures.
You look a happy cat. Love your profile pic when you are actually smiling broadly.
I have posted a game on my blog. As you are a veteran of CB, you should have no trouble with the answers. Test your skill!
Daisy, not only are you a cutie, but you have a sunny disposition and great talent. Poetry, cartoons, acting, modelling, photography and even writing cheersquad chant! Amazing!
You always make us smile!
You are an eggsullent poet Daisy. We like it when your little curly whiskers smile.
Daisy, it's not just you but your poem is also very cute!!
We fall in love with your eye colour!! So bootiful!!
Momo & Pinot
Cute pictures!! You do mad real good, Daisy! Your poem is great and it made us smile!
Your FL furiends,
Your words are beautiful. I'm smiling at you...
I like to smile, Daisy. But today my silly human wrote about a doggie he had before I possessed him and I feel sad because he did not write about me.
Miss Daisy!
You are a furry excellent poet ... Maybe even a Feline-Shakespeare!
your first picture looks quite serious Daisy, as if you are in a thoughtful mood. Maybe you are thinking of what to smile about next.
You iz a poetess! Like Emily Dick-enson. You could be: Daisy Tempta-shanon. Famous furr-evfur.
We love your smiley face Ms. Daisy
That's a great poem, Daisy. I like your illustrations of frown and smile, too.
Hey Daisy - I gave you another award!
hehehe, that's an adorabble poem, Daisy! Temptayshuns make me smile, too!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Jete's rite, yer a rennisawnce cat. Wow. Yoo can rite poetry better than that Shakespeer guy.
Nice poem. We all need to have Temptations to make our days go smoother.
I gotta get me some temptations. I keep saying that, but now, at least, they are actually on my grocery list. That is a very upbeat poem with a strong rhythm, Daisy!
I just love poetry! And poetry about kitty treats is even better....because it's about kitties.
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