Fashion Friday: My Hooded Sweater
This is my striped, hooded sweater! It is not a new outfit, but I last wore it over a year ago so I do not think many cats have seen it before. Since the weather is getting a little cooler, I can finally wear it again. I like wearing things that are very colorful!
Here is my sweater from the side. I am not sure why there is a tassel on top. It might be to help me get better reception. Can you hear me now?

71 Notes for Daisy:
Lovely sweater - you look so nice in it. BTW, I think my cats are planning a blog of their own soon.
You look lovely in your striped hoodie, Daisy. :) We don't like wearing the hoods up on our hoodies - we our Frootbat ears, it isn't very comfortable.
Crikey you are cute!
A hooded sweater!
I have never seen before, so it still very fresh to me~!
I love colorful things~~~~
The best part of This hooded sweater, is that tassel's place~
If this sweater's score is 8, plus that tassel, it will be 10+1~!!!!
I totally understand your meanings of stretch out, 2 weeks ago, that polo shirt just make me the same way~!! But it also means, you are very thin~!!!
Great sweater~!!
Great modeling~!!!
And I LOVE the last expression, hahahaha~!
The tassle alone is worth at least 5 extra Temptations!
My cats would attack me in my sleep if I even thought about making them wear anything.
You look so adorable in your striped hooded sweater!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
Nice sweater Miss Daisy doo - I loves your googly eyes. They are pawsome.
Poker playing too - you are the most talented cat on the interweb.
Have a great weekend, and give Miss Pixie bananas a big high five from me.
Luv the sweater. The hood up look is rather cute.
That sweater would definately come in handy here.Even though we are having mild weather for now, it's still way cooler than you are used to. Hoodies also keep the back of your neck warm.
Purrs Mickey
you would need that sweater AND a parka if you lived here Daisy!
very cute and colorful!
CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! You are coming in loud and clear!
We remember this sweater Daisy! It is one of our favorites, and it looks superb on you. Red is a fun color!
We hope you and Pixiekins have a very snappy Friday <3
We remember that sweater! It's so cute. It did give you the googly eyes. :)
Since the weather has gotton so cold down your way it is a good thing that ya had that sweater to keep ya warm. It is funny how it makes your eyes pop. Wonder why? And congratulations of ya winning the mystery I had with Momo.
hey i know some old women in palm beach that look like that but theirs is from too many face lifts! ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
What Parker said!
You are too cool Daisy, have you ever considered being a runway model.
That is a cute sweater! It is new to me and a agree waring the hoods are kinda weird on the ears! ~Queen Snickers
That would be nice in very cold weather but then you would need a matching pair of sweater pants.
I remember your hoodie and I think it is very cute. I think the tassle might be for playing? I think I would.
You look cute in your hoodie Daisy even if it did give you googly eyes.
Concatyoolayshuns Daisy furr winning Sassy's compytishun. It is an onner furr me to be runner up to such an intellygent kitty as you.
oh what a pretty sweater. Scylla & Charybdis
Has it really been a year?
Simple comfortable fashion is so YOU.
I personally like the hood down, but you're so cute either way!
Not The Mama
Love the sweater!! I wonder if they make one for humans!?!?! Have a super weekend.
You look stunning in stripes, Daisy! The tassel at the top was cute. Did you hear any aliens?!?!
Hi Daisy
You are a very stylish kitty!
Thats a cool hoodie
(Mommy said all that)
I like the antenna part !!!!
Hi again
i forgot to mention that the corn cob is a chew toy.Its called Bar-b-chew !!!
I think you should not wear the hood if it keeps your eyes open. I would hate it if you were nap deprived.
Ok...that is a great outfit! My cats would chew my arm off before I could get them into any outfit.
Me-owser, we want a hoodie too. Do they come in gray? =^..^=
Oh Daisy, something about that tassel on top of tour head made me giggle. You are the cutest and funniest kitty! :) I like hoodies too, but I never wear the hood. (bad hair days) I love your fashion Fridays and I love you!
Love and Purrs to you and Pixie,
Oooohh Daisy that is spiffy - great colors and warm!
We've tagged you for a meme over on our bloggie, stop by!
It is definately colorful. I do not like having my ears covered up either. I think I will stick with my hoodie though, although it's been pretty warm, past few days.
I think the tassel is a laser, and you can use it to zap lizards with, just point and shoot! That's a really colorful hoodie, I like it!
Hi Daisy...we don't like our ears confined in any way either, but you sure did look cute in it
By the way, we have a surprise waiting for you at Catnip Corner, and you can pick it up at
Thanks and enjoy!
Chris, Jackie, Gidget & Fritz
You look so cute in that sweater! Doesn't stretching feel good??!!!
You look so cute in that sweater! Doesn't stretching feel good??!!!
Hmmm, I wish I could borrow that for when it gets really cold again. I bet I would need a much bigger size, though. It is raining today, but it is still chilly.
OH Daisy! I love your hoodie. I think you are way cuter than that Old Navy dog, Magic. I bet it keeps you super warm.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
More of a dog person, but these are adorable.
YOU just get cuter and cuter with each outfit you wear.
The tassle is adorable, Daisy! It may just be there as a lure to get lizards to come close and check it out. Then you can pounce on them.
Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
It's cute! Love the tassel on the top!
One school here in Dallasssss outlawed hoodies. Thought you might wanna know...
Your comment on our blog cracked us up!
Luf, Us
Awww...Daisy that is the cutest little itty bitty sweater I have ever seen! I really like the stripes and the tassle. It is very fashionable!
Daisy, you look really nice in that sweater!! I love it! I can see why you like to wear colourful things!
Love Clover xo
Purretty sweater...u look pawesome :)
What a cute sweater... and as always you look adorable in it. Love the stretch!
We loves that last picture of your Mommy giving you Temptations! You are just too cute for words!!
Rocky, Angie, S'more, & our Mommy,
Karen xo
We loves that last picture of your Mommy giving you Temptations! You are just too cute for words!!
Rocky, Angie, S'more, & our Mommy,
Karen xo
Oh Daisy you are just the cutest little kitty
Hey, Daisy,
We stopped by to congratulate you on your award for Sassy's mystery contest. Great detective work! We're proud of you.
jans funny farm
Very bright and colorful! Except for the hood (my ears are aching just thinking about it) you look really smart in it.
As a formerly homeless ginger tom, I hope Weeble adopts some lucky human soon. They'll be glad he did!
Darn, Daisy, yoo look good in effurything!
I love this hoody sweater Daisy and you are so cute! What pretty eyes you have! Sending lots of love and kisses for you and Pixie. Your friend, Zed!
Headbumps and purrs from the other bad cats!
That is a perfect 10 stretch!
And your sweater is very cute.
Thanks for your kind support over the linky thing. Its really great to know that I have such really great friends!
Daisy, you look supercute in your sweater. I'm jealous.
Everytime I come across this blog. I say out loud "I JUST LOVE THAT CAT"
Just when I think you can't get any cuter, you do! Can I borrow your sweater?
You've been tagged by The Queen of Memes. Long live the dungeon.
No Autographs Please - The Band Meme
That hoodie always looks great on you!'re very fashionable. We'd never wear anything...we like being in the nude. LOL @ that last picture! It makes you look really hungry!
Love those colourful stripes! We both think you're very brave to wear the hood up over you ears. You definitely earnt lots of temptations for that.
Purrs from Gypsy & Tasha
OMG! YOU look SWEET!!!!
I gave you an awardie, come have a look!
I am totally cracking up. Even my mom's DOG hates sweaters and jackets- yet Daisy seems so content wearing hers. This is one of the best group of cat pics I have ever seen.
That is such a great hoodie! I love the colors on you. I agree, your ears look a bit squished. But the photo of you stretching like that — well, that's just one of the great photos of you!
Daisy you are simply the most adorable model I've ever seen :)
Wow! You get reception with your hoodie sweater! How cool :-D
That is hilarious. Great picture of Daisy "getting even." My two cats have some Halloween costumes, including a pumpkin and a bat, which they absolutely love to wear ;)
Daisy, this one came up as a suggestion to today's post -- I had never seen this sweater before. I love it!
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