Thoughts on Thursday: I am no card shark
I am taking a little break from Thursday Thirteen. So, I would like to introduce my new feature: Thoughts on Thursday. Today, I been thinking that I would not make a very good card player. Here is why:
I get a little confused about what makes a good hand. I think it is good when all the cards are in order. Right?
Other players might get a little bit mad when I try to hide my bad cards. Let me see, I do not really need this Four card...
I get a little confused about what makes a good hand. I think it is good when all the cards are in order. Right?

69 Notes for Daisy:
Gosh this was good! A+++++ Daisy.
Daisy, you may not have a good poker face, but you are very good at card tricks!
Daisy thank you for the compliment. We are still very much a beginner and it took us a very long time - there were 18 layers!
Daisy - It's hard to keep a poker face. I think magic tricks would be a lot more fun!
i am laffin an laffin!
yer a card, daisy!
Thoughts on Thursday~! What a great new feature~!
I think I won't be a great card player~! At least you would like to pick it up, I only sniff for a while and go away. I refuse to learn~!!
So, you are good enough~~~~
I think you will have your own card style~~~ I believe in you~!
Daisy - we agree with Parker - magic tricks are lots more fun :)
Thank you for making us smile every day sweet Daisy!
Rocky, Angie, S'more, & our Mommy xo
hah! you make me smile every time I drop by your blog. Keep playing Daisy, you will do great. :DD
Daisy was bluffing- I'm telling you cats are good at this and I wouldn't play poker against her. I don't even know Daisy but I feel like I do. I think it's because cats are so much more like people than most think.
Focus Daisy, focus...
The key to being a good poker player? Ya got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them ...
Daisy you really mustn't smile when you got all those aces. You're probably right, better to stick to card tricks.
I do the tongue thing too when I have a bad hand. Well, at least it saved us from a life of gambling and dissipation!
Daisy, I can count on you every single morning to make me smile. Thanks.
What a great card shark you are Daisy.
i luf your poker face!
Ooh I'z never even tried playing cards... Ypu'z always teaching me new stuff Daisy! :)
Oh,I like the card tricks!
I would not make a good player either as I would get bored and walk away. I would,however watch tricks :)
Purrs Mickey
sarge will teach you daisy, he has a poker face! ha ha ha he plays really good too and wins green papers and sometimes he buys treats!!!
smiles, auntie bee
You are cracking me up today Daisy, I may go to the dog track to play poker later today, oh, do you like dogs??
I smell Temptations. Were there Temptations involved?? I think cards are very hard to play and you don't want to become addicted to gambling.
I think you have a great poker face!
I think if you played poker with Skeezix you would still win with that poker face. :)
Daisy, I think you should good promise for playing cards.
In your first photo, you have a royal flush. That is like the bestest hand you could ever ever have! With a hand like that, you don't need a poker face. Just other players to take money from.
Isn't static electricity great?
Poker is hard!!
card tricks is FUN! hee hee
I'd stick to doing what you do best... Being Daisy!
How did you make that card levitate???? We don't play poker, although we like to walk on the tables during Maw's Keno games....
Luf, Us
I would much rather watch you do card tricks than play poker!!!
I have never tried to play cards... except for my mamma's credit cards - I like to play with the numbers on the keyboard and buy lots of temptations
Well, you may not have a poker face, but you do have a very cute face! You could play "Go Fish", but sadly there are no real fish involved. :) Have a great Thursday! Don't forget Miss Peach's Tea party.
Hugs and Purrs,
Great card trick Daisy! I agree, we can't aren't meant to be card sharks. I think we're more "craps" animals. Batting dice across a big felt table, knocking chips into squares. That is my kinda game. You, Pixie, Icon and Skeezix should come over and play sometime. I have a table in the basement.
Wow, Daisy! You may not be able to play poker well, but it looks like you would be a wonderful magician kitty! I bet you would look great in the cape and hat, too.
I do not make good card player because I cannot hold card in my paw. Kind of hard to bluff when everyone can see your paw.
Wow Daisy, you could be a magician!!
I love your magic tricks! That sees so much more fun then regular card games!~Queen Sncikers
Daisy, I think you look like an expert at playing cards! But you might not want to have any money involved with your card playing.
I do like your magic tricks though.
I wouldn't be a good card player either...I would chew on the corners. That card trick is AMAZING!!!!!!
We just like to chew the cards.
Oh Daisy, you should put the levitating card trick in your circus act - that is very cool!
I think you can start your own magic act!
You make an amazing awe tewwific! I just knew you would know how bad kissie deficiency anemia is..hey Daisy if you go to my oldew posts..I once had one whewe I explained how to play might like it
smoochie kisses
You are quite the card shark, aren't you?
Drop by when you have a chance. We gave you an award.
jans funny farm
I don't know much about cards - only that they're kinda tasty. I chewed up a pack once. heh
Daisy I find this post very thought provoking..I think your poker face might give the game away!!!x
Mom and dad play cards and we just sleep in da middle of da table. We think da majik triks wood be better.
Daisy, you may not fool them with your face, but you could certainly distract the other players with your beauty! One look at you and they'd be trading in the good cards without even knowing it!
Hi Daisy - Maybe you need some sunglasses to hide your expressive eyes...& a hat...or maybe even a are very expressive & sometimes you can't hide your true feelings..its Ok...just play with the cards...
Love & Licks,
Ooo I've got to learn to play cards on day, they look tasty!
I just gave you a blogger of the world award!
What an innovative post! Your mommy must spend so much time getting all these ready. I really admire her skills and patience. Now SS can get back to work, having had her daily Daisy pick-me-up dose!
I looooooove your poker face!
i make that same face when mom catches me trying to eat something off the carpet...
Amazing Daisy! You would be so good at magic. Just think of the cute outfits you could wear!
Cool levitation trick Daisy! Cards are fun to whap off the table too.
I like yur Thoughtful Thursday postie! I don't think I would have a good pokur face, either. If I gotted a furry good hand I don't think I could keep myself from hollerin MAO MAO MAO MAO MAO MAO MAO!!!!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMaoMaoMao!
Awwwww, those are precious pictures of you, Daisy Dear! I agree, you don't have much of a poker face -- your lovely face is just so expressive! *smile*
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Yoo has da most fun Daisy. Now yur a card shark too. Yoo am so cool.
I like yer tummy shot in the 4th pikcher. It made my face go red!!!
It's okay if yoo suk at poker. Rocky's teeching me a good game called strip poker. I'm shur he'd be happy to teech yoo, too... c'mon over!
Keep going with the cards, Daisy, and you'll be in the high roller suite in no time!
Mindy & MOe
Wow, Daisy. You are so talented. I would just chew the cards, I think.
I think that you'd make an excellent card sharp!
Oh, I have never tried to play cards. Perhaps you should ask your humans for a paw-set version.
Hey Girl, did you win treats?
You've always got a card up your sleeve. I bet you 50 yellow temptations.
I'm just the same Daisy, can't keep a "poker face" either and I have all the problems you do except I don't think I stick my tongue out. I certainly have to use all my fingers and toes to count the numbers on the cards though, lol! I would love you to teach me that levitation trick:) xxx
You never failed to impress me Daisy, now you even play cards!
Daisy, you're an amazing kitty! I bet you outwit everyone at poker. I missed Thursday Thirteen yesterday, too - couldn't think of anything.
BTW, I've tagged you - don't worry if you're too busy a kitty to do it, though. Have a nice, purry day!
Daisy, you really ARE amazing = you can always make a smile magically appear on my face!
Not The Mama
You are so adorable, I would just love to snuggle you, but one does not snuggle a cat without said cats permission, so I will behave :)
Don't worry about poker - we think you've got a future as a magician - making the card levitate was cool!
Purrs Gypsy & Tasha
You'd do very well playing cards with my fifth graders, Daisy! They have a lot of the same problems that you do. Except they cannot do that card levitation trick that you can do. I want to know how you do that!
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