Keeping Clean with Kleenex
Sometimes my nostrils or eyes get a little bit dirty, but I do not like when my Mommie cleans my face. So, I been learning how to clean up my own face. First, I must make sure nobody is watching me. Because I am Not Allowed to use Kleenex by myself.
Next, I casually place my paw on the stack of Kleenex...

70 Notes for Daisy:
Daisy, we are very impressed that you can clean your own face with Kleenex!
Oh my goodness! That is so good.
Hey Daisy, I just sneezed all over all of my mom's legs. She was so glad I didn't do it on the laptop screen for once, that she didn't say anything.
But she did say it was like someone sprayed her with a hose.
Boy, Daisy, this is great that you can clean your face! :) Being a Himalayan, Rocky's eyes get dirty alot - he could really benefit from using this technique! Thank you very much!
Rocky, Angie, & S'more xo
Wow, that's a great idea. But I can see why Mommy says that you should not try that by yourself. Too many surprises for the next user!
One (or more) of the cats here like to attack the toilet paper roll. Either the entire roll gets unrolled and partially shredded, or the roll gets deep fang marks on it.
Once I had a 24 roll pack that was not put away. That night all 24 rolls got savagely attacked and there was paper fluff EVERYWHERE.
With multiple cats, it is hard to tell who is guilty. Maybe only one cat - maybe all the cats. There is no way to tell.
Daisy you are very clever to clean your face like that, and you never even shredded the tissues. Weren't you tempted too?
Daisy you are full of surprises.
I always knew you was a clean girl.
I really need to live with a kitty like you, Daisy. This is ridiculous how much I am learning about how nice kitties can be; how clean and nice. The bad boys shred tissues and walk away: as if by doing so, they will prevent cleanliness.
I like to wipe my face off with paper towels when I finish eating just like Mommy, Daddy & the boys wipe their faces when they are eating. But Mommy gets very mad at me when I jump up and snag the roll of paper towels.
You are very smart to wipe your face on the Kleenex.
Daisy, I wonder if maybe you can teach my cat some things... For one and two, to stop urinating on people and their belongings too. He has been doing it ever since he's lived with me (and now us/wife/her kitty- who humps people), for a few years since I adopted him!
another great lesson daisy. we all learn so much here. thanks honey pie! i will have to get sarge one of those so he can clean his own face!
smiles, auntie bee
Good job cleaning your face by yourself! We cannot do that because Mom hides the Kleenex in a cupboard. I wonder why?
Purrs Mickey
That's a grate idee! It could be a meezer rule. Why should beans clean our faces when we can do it just as easily; or when possible free trapped facial tissues from thei prison!
Daisy you are such a good helper to your mom by cleaning your own face. I like Kleenex too but I have to fish it out of the box.
You are just sooooooo smart Daisy, thanks for showing me how to clean my face.......
Gosh, you are so smart, Daisy ... and cute, too!
Ah Kleenex, nature's answer to all things gobby or snotty. I use it on my guys too. Recently the vet recommended I go to small gauze pads, so I guess I will. They're no fun to play with though. Nope. No fun at all.
dats a pawsum twick! Yoo noes how ta do all da coool twicks. Iz gunna twy dat so Mommie stops cweening my eyezes.
A cheap alternative to using Kleenex and buying that special ring is toilet paper. My boyz can show you a quick way to unravel an entire roll in minutes.
kleenex tissues rock,....ummm. except when you're 'llergic to kitties like me. I think I'll use Puffs instead...
(tee hee!)
Ooooh! We want one of those rings for our kleenex too! Good job, Daisy!
This is very interesting. We think we understand why your Mommie says you can't use the kleenexs by yourself.
Luf, Us
Oh I'm SO coming to try that at your house. If your mom likes that sort of thing she's going to love having me around.
We do that but we the toilet paper. Jack shredded, we mean USED, three whole rolls just last night!
That's very clever, Daisy. We like toilet paper, but we haven't tried Kleenex yet.
Oah Daisy,
You are very very smart to find a great way to clean your face~!!!!
That is excellent~!!!!!!
Pamilla mommy won't let me do it, but I think I could beg michico~~
Wow! Can you teach BabyBean how to do that?
Daisy, whenever I come towards Billie to wipe her eye gunk she becomes very irritated with me. I tried to show her how good you are about doing it yourself, but she's not buying it. You're so cute. You seem to have fun every day. :)
Hugs and Purrs,
Daisy, you are too cute! if it was US doing that, she would haf yelled.
Me gots in troubles for playings wif tishuse last week, Mommy had dem all over cus she was sickies. Me want to com play wif tishuse at your house. ~Empress
Oh dat's a good one Daisy, purrsonally I'z pick dem outta d'box and use dem to wipe up water like when I manage to knock over My Mummy's purrty flowers and spill all d'water! ;) Or d'time I clogged up d'cat fountain and flooded d'kitchen floor... I'z sure My Mummy didn't notice as I'd covered all the wet up with paper napkins that time! :)
You are so talented Daisy! I gotta try this one!!!
Another truly excellent "how to" Daisy!
Wow! You weawwy know how to cwean up nicewy Daisy! Sad to say, we don't have those wing type tissue holders here.
That is a great inventor Daisy. I think I will honor him when I am president... after all who would have thought that cats needed tissues?
Way to be independent and wipe your own face with your own paws, Daisy! :)
Those are funny pics of you with the kleenex :)
that kleenex and you look sooo cute... meow
Oh, I like that Kleenex ring - it makes it much easier for us cats to access Kleenex.
My Mum has Cat Eye Wipes and Cat Ear Wipes and she knows how to use them! I would prefer if she would just let me do it, but she says she can't stand to see me with eye gook.
Daisy - you are so clever! and clean too! Well you know what they say, cleanliness is next to dogliness. Wait, is that right? I can't remember xx
You are so clever, Daisy! I will have to try that.
OUr kleenex is in boxes, and also in fancy bathroom covers too, so it is hard to get the kleenex out. Sometimes we like to unroll the toilet paper though...that is fun too!
Wow, Daisy, we're so impressed! Mom would love it if we learned out to do that. (^_^)
Does your mommy know you waste, I mean use all those Kleenex to wash your face?
Hmm, our mom should get one of doze rings...oh, but den she couldn't carry all da tissues around da house wif her. She gets mad at us when we sneez in da box of tissues, if she would give us one we wouldn't hafta keep sneezing and blowing our nozes in da whole box.
You awe so vewy clevew!!
We have the same wing fow ouw tissues, even though i'm not a cat, and I'm not allowed to help myself to any eithew, but you have a gweat method to clean youw bootiful face
smoochie admiwing kisses
Wow! I gotta try that! sometimes, i have to sneeze! So knowing this technique i can avoid spreading germs!
KC said...
O, Daisy, u's makes it look so easy. I's know mine Mommie ML would love that ring, she loves MoMA, especially MUJI stuff.
Furry good lesson today.
Purrs, KC
Hi Daisy
we love that ring!
Next you need to wipe you face on the guest towels,that always brings out a scream!!!
Daisy, you are very smart. Nice job cleaning your face. I did that last night, with the clean laundry.
Please don't let the demented snowmen scare you, I would not let them hurt you. I would protect you. Lucky, too.
Daisy, you're awesome for many reasons, but today I think you're awesome for letting us know where to get such a cool toy, um, I mean handy tissue ring. Yeah, that is what I meant.
Mommy thinks that is so cool!!
How smart are ya. Cleanin your own face to keep the mom from doin it. I know ya are more gentle with yourself then she is, they sometimes just don't know how strong they are.
Good Job Daisy!
Wow! So that's how that's done!
Thanks, Daisy, I learned a new trick.
You are just so smart, Daisy. I love the way you learned to clean your own face with the Kleenex.
Wow! Thanks for the tips Daisy. I love kleenex.
Riley of the Turkey Cats
Wowie kazowie, that's awesome you're kleanin yur face with a Kleenex! I don't klean my face with 'em but I love shreddin 'em, and shreddin tiolet papur and papur towels when I can get the ooppurtunity. hehehehe
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
You are just so smart, Daisy! We don't have those rings here. Even if we do, SS is not going to get it, after seeing your demonstration.
I think that show what a big girl you clean your face all by yourself. And my mom loves the Kleenex ring, but she knows that would carry the tissues all over the house if we had one of those.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
It's so nice of your mum to get all the tissues out of the box for you. Great job, Daisy!
Wow Daisy, that's nice of your mom to buy you that cool Kleenex dispenser.
We're not allowed to have Kleenex either - but Pearl steals them anyway (she sneaks onto the table in the night).
Wow, that is a great way to keep your eyes clean. Ask my Mommie to tell you how I keep my ears clean, your gunna love it...Missy
Daisy dear, I am impressed that you use Kleenex! You are obviously cognizant of the fine points of etiquette.
I must confess: I make use of paper towels, but since I sharpen my claws on them when Mom isn't looking, I doubt Miss Manners would approve *giggle*.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
great! thats very smart of you, Daisy. you can clean your face with a Kleenex! you are very cute, and really helping as well. thats so coooooool:)
Happy New Year!
Wow! Daisy, you are really smart. The Spice Cats really need to learn from you. Do you give lessons?
You're one clever girl, Daisy! :D
the WriggleButts
PS: We hope Santa Claws suddenly discover you need that tree and pop by with one very soon!
Hi, Daisy. My name is Alex and I am a kitty, too, and I have my own blog just like you. I write about my life with the human that I own. I shall come back and visit you again. OK?
Great grooming skills Daisy :)
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