Fashion Friday: My Glamorous Coat
Since winter is almost over, I thought I should model my new coat before it gets too warm. I think it is very glamorous. It has faux leopard trim. I'm pretty sure "faux" means extra fancy. Like, when you go to a jewelry store, you should always ask for "faux" diamonds to be sure you get the best quality.
My Mommie tried to make me wear this cap with my coat. I think you can tell I am a little bit mad about this, because it does not look right together. The cap is much more sporty, and I am going for old-fashioned glamour.

70 Notes for Daisy:
That is one very very beautiful glamorous coat~!!!
I like the mark and color on the coat, it's perfect for you~!!!
And I think the cap is very unique as well, although your head is too small, just using lots of time to put it on your head and take shots~ I think both of you and your mommy must doing so hard on cooperation!!!
Have a wonderful weekend, Daisy~!
This coat is great for winter ending~~~~
Oh Daisy, you do look like a movie star, so beautiful and classy.
I think you look beautiful in your pink coat. Yes the hat is too sporty and doesn't go with your glam coat. What was your mommie thinking? We need to report her to trinny and susanne.
Have a lovely weekend and banana kisses to miss pixie.
Wow Daisy you look a real glammer puss, but we agree, the cap duzn't look right wiv yer byootyful outfit. We're wearing hats today hehe.
The coat is DIVINE, and that hat is a bad idea. Silly mummy. You look every inch the filmstar. In fact you would leave most of them in the shade, you are sooo glamorous.
My Mommy almost spit her coffee out at the photo with you and the hat! I can tell the hat was not your favorite!
ps- we almost tied Daisy! I asked Wozog to send the $ to Churchill!
The Ingrid Bergman hat is over the top! "Here's lookin' at you kid." Daisy, that coat is Glam, Glam, Glam!! Mom loves the pink hat! She said you make it glamorous.
She also says that it reminds her of hats she wore when she was a young girl. We did not know she was a young girl, did you?
Beautiful coat!! Yes,the hat is cute but way to big for you. I think you would make an excelltnt actress as you have a very expressive face :)
Purrs Mickey
Whoa, and it is pink! yikes, I think you look so pretty in that coat. I agree, the sporty hat should not be part of the ensemble... completely alters the vintage look.
hugs to you and Pixiekins ~<3
That is the glamor coat of all time! Definitely nix the hat.
lauren bacatt??? furry classic and chic
This is a lovely coat, Daisy. This post really made us smile (especially the definition of "faux"). Maybe someday there will be a re-make of Catsablanca and you and Skeezix will play the leading roles!
That is one fabulous coat, dear Daisy! You look so glamorous, and I think you'd be perfect in a remake of Catsablanca (that's my favorite movie!).
Daisy, you look fabulous, as always! We look forward to visiting your site every day! It is one of Mommy's favorites!!!
That is a very glamorous and beautiful coat Daisy and you are lovely as always. You made the right decision not to wear the pink hat!
You look fab, Daisy!
Oh, I don't know. Humpry Bogart was pretty good for a human. You are right in that the hat does not go with it. Otherwise it is a really nice coat. I know Bean was shopping for fashions for me last weekend but could find nothing she liked.
This made the niece thingy smile.
She's got the flu so mom's babysitting her,and the first thing she ask about was your blog...Hugs Ariel
you do look classy in your coat. i hope you are right and winter is almost over.
That is certainly a cute coat! I don't think the hat works though. Perhaps your black and white leopard-spotted scarf would do the trick. You know, the one you modelled for us a while ago.
Daisy, you are very lovely in your coat!
You look lovely in your purrty coat. Ctasablanca would be a great movie for you and Skeezix to re-make!
OH Daisy, you sure are old school glam! You are a classic beauty!
I'm sorry I missed you was mom's fault! I'm so happy you were able to have your big adventure and that Pixie got a good ear massage.
Happy Friday!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Daisy, you are VERY glamorous! Mommy squealed when she saw that last shot of you with Bogey . . . you are the purrfect leading lady!
You have great taste, as always, Daisy. That hat does not go with that coat. I hope your Momma gets your approval on her accessories before she goes out.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
P.S. My momma is giving a lecture on Casablanca next month. Maybe she should discuss how the movie would be different if there was a faux star like you in it.
Daisy! You look so beautiful! We thought our Rocky was gonna break through the 'puter screen and give you a big smoochie! We know Skeezix wouldn't like that, though!
You and Pixie Bananers have a wonderful day :)
P.P.S. Oh yeah, I almost forgot--stop by my bloggie, Daisy: I have an award for you!
Your buddy, JJ
"Here's looking at you kid"........
You look so glamourous! Please wear that to Chey's party!
Oh what a great coat! Momma said Faux is French so it must be fabulous! My pink stole is faux fur too with a faux diamond. Our momma's wouldn't get us less than the BEST! ~Queen Snickers
That's a lovely coat. We agree that the hat is just not correct. Maybe it's too big.
Faux is many times better than real. Faux is extra extra fancy.
Luf, Us
Absolutely smashing! What style!
That coat is quite glamorous Daisy and you model it well. I like that photo of you near your stairs. You look like you are waiting for your leading man to come down!
What a simply stunning coat! I agree, faux is much fancier. You should send your modeling photos into any company that makes clothes for pets so you can be their spokes kitty. OH! You could be a Hello Kitty spokesperson. You'd be perfect!
PS I like licking Peeps too, but only when they are stale.
I think we have lots of really really nice stuff if that is what faux means!!
You look so elegant!
Oh, Miss Daisy!
You is the most glamourful womans in the whole wide world.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
completely adorable honey!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Daisy, you look so sophistiCATed! Yes, the first hat didn't quite work, but the 40's style one does. Here's looking at you Daisy!
Love and Purrs,
You would be great in Catsablanca.
Mommy said faux fur means no animals were injured so it is a good thing. On the other hand she said faux diamonds were not a good thing. We are puzzled by that, but sometimes Mommy is very confusing.
We wonder if that means the diamonds in our collars are 'real'.
Scylla & Charybdis
Dennis is in love with Daisy what style! what beauty! what personality! What tenderness! What a huntress! Dennis thinks Daisy is purrfect.
That is a furry classy coat Daisy, yoo sure do look like a classic movie star. Thanks fur the tip on faux, now we will make mommy always look fur 'faux' on effury lable.
I am sorry that you were dressed up with no place to go :(
You look very glamorous!
Happy Leap Day!
Yes, I think your coat is glamorus. You could very well fit right into Casablanca.
I agwee with you the pink hat is too spowty! but the coat...mawvelous!!!,vewy glamouwous..and you and skeesix would make a most womantic couple in that hat you'we weawing in the last pictoowe goes pawfectly with youw coat..
I'm sowwy you have no place to go..evewyone should see you in this outfit
smoochie kisses
You are a terrific model, Daisy. We love your coat. You're right. Ditch the hat.
Let us know when the movie with Skeezix as your leading man comes out. We'd like to see it.
jans funny farm
That is quite the pretty coat, Miss Daisy, and you look very glamorous in it!
WOW! That's the most glamerus kote I've ever seen!!!! And yoo look grate waring it. Do yoo have any good tips on how to make Tripper shutup?
BTW, the pink lepperd skarf mite go good with it.
You will look better with a crown are such a Queen!
We love your are very beautiful in that!
Thank you for the heads up on our pix! We had problems viewing the pictures earlier...hope it's fixed now! It appears some are still having problems seeing our pix...we can see them...but some can't!
We have tried viewing with IE, Opera & Firefox and have no problem. We have no idea what is going on! SO SORRY!
Anyone have any ideas?
HUGS~Chancy, Ernie's Voice & Jake
That is a gorgeous coat Daisy, and you look stunning in it :-D
Oh daisy! what a wonderful coat!
Wow, what a great coat. You will make all the other ladies jealous. You have quite the wardrobe.
daisy - you are a glamour puss! The epitomy of style and grace! x
What a lovely outfit, I love the coat! I think that you are right about the hat, your other choice is better!
wow daisy that is a beautiful coat-and you look very glamorous in it!!! And it is getting warmer so you'd better wear it as much as possible!!
Kodak, Winton and 3 perf
Oh my word, Daisy, you are the cutest, and that coat and hat ensemble is out of this world adorable. I wish our cats would allow us to dress them. They hate wearing things, even a collar.
Daisy dear, you always look elegant in whatever you wear. And you would have been a better actress than Ingrid Bergman!
KC said...
O, Daisy, you looks so cute. True Ingred Burgmann class. But I likes tha Casablanca hat much better than tha puffy hat. An I'd like to see tha dashing Skeezix instead of Bogart.
Love & Purrs,
Play it again, Daisy!
Daisy, as usual you look marvelous! That Skeezy is a lucky guy, having you as his girlfriend. Maybe when I grow up a bit I can find a beautiful lady like you, but I am still to much of a butthead to be nice to the girls, except to my sissy Sabrina of course!
Purrs and headbutts,
Congratulations Daisy!
You and Samantha both won the Red Carpet Buzz contest!!!
Come and pick up your badge at the blog and email Karl your address for the surprise price!
thecatrealm at gmail dot com
That is a beautiful coat and I even like the hat with it - you can pull anything off!
That is a beautiful coat, Daisy. It looks fabulous on you. The hat does not work at all, you are correct. It is a ski hat, not a glamour hat. You look very beautiful next to Bogie.
You're right, Daisy. The hat doesn't go with the coat. I wish you Mommie would have let you go out to show off your coat.
You should meet Blondie, the lady who adopted me. She makes hats! She thinks everyone should wear a hat. She says you are right, the first hat was way too sporty, and a pill box would be better.
I think she should just write this herself.
I'm a boy cat. I don't care about hats.
omg!!...i love this it!!!
That is a beautiful coat, but you are right, the hat doesn't go with it.
Happy weekend.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
You look quite lovely in your pink jacket Daisy. Rosie has a similar one in tan with the leopard cuffs and collar, but we can't get her to wear a hat. We love the last hat' you look very Marlena Dietrich - esk in it.
jackie, gidget, fritz, abby & rosie
Daisy, you do look like a movie star!
Oh my goodness. You look fabulous. That hat is strictly gorgeous.
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