Monday Mystery: Lizard Justice?
Before we start with today's Monday Mystery, I must give you a warning: If you are squeamish, do not read any further. I mean it! I am not joking! This is very, very serious.
Another lizard got into my house! I was just sitting nicely looking at him, and he opened his mouth in a very MEAN way.

A. I ate him all up
B. I did not eat him all up, but he did not make it anyway
C. His tail fell off, but he survived
D. He survived, but he looked very pale and shaky
After you make your guess, click HERE to see if you are correct!

90 Notes for Daisy:
I vote for D. I think your human probably rescued him (mine always does that and it is very annoying). FAZ
I agree that it was self-defence Daisy. You've got to be careful with Lizards - they bite hard! I'm glad you are okay. Did you get Temptations for being a brave girl?
Oah My God, that is a BAD BAD lizard, how come he could bite my lovely Daisy friend twice?!?! I want to tear him!!!
I voted for A. although I am wrong!! But I will do it by myself if I next to you~!!!!!! Hm!!!!!!! Hiss...Hiss to let lizard!!!!!
At first beginning, I feel nothing to lizards while I watch your blog, just feel you are so cute and funny. But now! I want to catch lizards just like you did, especially those lizards which need taking classes!!!!!
You post early today~!
thank goodness you is ok! that was furry furry rude!
A Bitey for a Bitey, that's what I always say!
That lizard was very rude and foolish. We voted for B. Bet it won't be back!
Mindy & Moe
Poor Daisy, how are your paws? Did that bad lizard hurt you? He deserved MORE than what he got. But he did look "ALL SHOOK UP", uh huh!
We don't get lizards here for some reason,thank goodness cause Mommy hates them!!
Dearest Daisy,
What on earth would your mommy do without you to protect her from them vile and evil ol' lizards??? We hopes your paws is okay after all them vicious bites from that nasty lizards git rabies shots?
We hope you will be okay.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Oh I was hoping it would be A - that is what I would do and I am afraid to say my mum would let me eat him up, but only outside. Not in the house.
I think your mommy is nicer than my mum.
Lizard kisses to you miss Daisy.
Oh goodness. Glad no one was hurt. Maybe next time, you could just swat him with your paw?
I can see this turning into an episode of "Cops."
See? Lizards are Very, Very Rude!!!
Mom always laughs at us when Rude Lizards bite us. We do not think that is funny, do you, Daisy?
Sometimes the Bitey is all they understand. We have tried to give one a spanking. Perhaps we will try that next time.
You are very good with lizards Daisy. You are much more patient that I would be. I have never had a lizard to play with though, imagine that! Here in south florida I should have a lizard to play with!
Daisy, if you are like my kitties, I choose B. You played with the lizard until he didn't move any more. Then you left him in a place where your human would find him for sure.
EEK!!! We vote for number B. What a nasty, rude lizard! We hope your paws are doing okay.
What a mean and rude lizard! First he breaks into your house and then puts the bitey on you twice! I would have bited his head too. Lucky for him that he was still alive.
That was a rude lizard!!!! Good thing for him your Mom was there! I think our beans have a soft spot for living things . Mom does,well,except big spiders!!!!!
I had guessed B,because I did not thinh you would eat him with your Mom there ;) heehee
Purrs Mickey
Lol...What a rude Lizard.How dare he bite your paw.Good job teaching him who's boss :)
How naughty of your potential food to put the bitey on your toe! :( It's lucky your Mom got him and took him away, or he might have put the bitey on your tongue! ;)
wow what a series of action shots. did you yelp when the lizard bit you? did he yelp when he bit him? do lizards yelp?
Oh. I guessed B.
Well, that was fun!
What a cheeky lizard to chomp you. The lizard got what it deserved!
purrrs to you and Pixie
Oops! I chose the answer C. Your mom must have spoiled the whole fun huh by snatching away from you quickly before you actually kill it!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wowie Daisy, you do lead an interesting life! I was so very sure you had done him in. My mom was so pleased that he survived the ordeal. Good job Daisy!
You should have eated him. Too many of those things in Florida anyway. And your Mom violated Article XVI of the Catsitution. She will now have to be punished. Flogging seems like a good punishment to me.
Sarge Daisy, you took charge of that lizard, tell mommie that you should reap the spoils of war.
Daisy I am so jealous! I can't believe you actually got to put the bitey on him! You rock!
Dag gone it. We keep getting the Monday Mystery answers incorrect. We are not good at mysteries...
Luf, Us
Mean ol'Lizard...
he BIT you??? oh my. i would have to put the bitey on him myself for that rude thing. man. what a very very rude lizard!
smiles, auntie bee
pee ess: i never did trust a lizard!
I thought for sure he didn't make it!
It's a good thing our beans have soft hearts though...otherwise some of us wouldn't have homes.
Goodness, that lizard needed to go!
Daisy, you are one tough disciplinarian. Big salute to you for teaching that lizard some manners.
Oh, your poor little paw! I figured that your mommie took it away. It's probably a good thing that you didn't eat him because he probably would have made you sick. Your toys would be safer to play with. :) Rude lizard!
Hugs and Purrs,
Oh my goodness, Daisy! I hope you spanked that lizard good & hard! He shouldn't come into your house w/o a proper invite if he is going to harass you. I thinkyou did the right thing by showing him that he cannot be rude & have such horrible manners...maybe he stayed in the same spot hoping you would come outside so he could apologize to you...
Love & Licks,
What a rude lizard! Biting your paw - twice! It probably was for the best that your mommy took him away. I can't believe he ran away the next day. I didn't see that coming!
-Jasper McKiten-Cat
Oh we were wrong, we guessed B. He must be a tough lizard to survive a bitey to the head! ~Queen Snickers
You sent that lizzard into shock!!!
Maybe now he will think before daring to enter your domain!
I don't know Daisy - that picture of the lizard outside does not look like the same lizard you are playing with.... Maybe you did eat him and don't want to admit to it?????
I understand - as you might know - I am a dedicated lizard connoisseur myself!
Guessed wrong again but i think the lizzard got where he gave out. I bet he won't come back into your house again and I bet he will tell his family and friends to stay away from Daisy's house!
That lizard was extremely rude. I hope he was punished for his behavior.
What a fwighteneng expewience..You awe so bwave to stand ou to the vewy wude lizawd even aftew two bites to youw bootiful paw..I hope he didn't give you some dwead disease..
I guessed wong too I thought he would be DOA and it would sewve him wight fow huwting my Daisy fwiend
smoochie kisses,ASta
Well, what else could you do Daisy. If lizards or beans or cats are rude and won't let you teach them good manners you have no choice but to bite them in the head!
Ack. I guessed wrong. I figured that rude lizard was a goner, but that you didn't eated him all up.
We are sorry he gave you the bitey on the paw. That wasn't nice. We are glad you didn't eat him though, sometimes when you eat lizards you get sick according to Socks.
Scylla & Charybdis (Socks is outside hunting lizards)
Awww, we guessed B, cuz we were sure that with that powerful bitey, the meany head lizard was a goner!!!! Purrhaps some of your manner advice will "sink in" to his memory! MOL!!!!!!!!
Gosh... a biting lizard! Luckily you did not bite off his head or else you will be having tummy ache now :P
I'm still figuring out the 7" thin tail Jon was playing with. I wonder it belonged to who. I have not seen any "body" around yet. Neither do we have a lizard with such a long tail here in the country... unless it is a monitor lizard or iguana.. haha :P
What a rude lizzerd. We gessed wrong, thawt dat mean lizzerd was a goner fur sure! How dare he bite yoo, in yoor house, dat he wasn't even invited in to!
lemme know if you need a lawyer in case the lizard sues you. I can argue self defense since you have photographic evidence of the lizard giving you The Bitey. Twice. you may want to delete the one of you spanking him.
We guessed wrong again!!! :( We thought for sure it was B. Momma said that your Mommie would not let you eat him, but we thought for sure you were fast enough to give him enough of a bitey to well, you know, make him deadded before your Mommie tooked him away. Grrr.
Yay!! We guessed right!! But of course, we are disappointed for you that your Mommie took the lizard away from you. Your Mommie sounds a lot like our Mommy, who takes our mousies away from us. It is good that you taught that bad rude lizard some manners, though!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
We guessed right! Probably 'cause our Mommie took the last lizard we had to the vet to 'help it to the next life'.
She's weird that way...but that lizard perked right up at the vets office and it didn't get to go on that life trip.
We think it was glad.
~ The Bunch
We're guessing D, cause we bet your Mommie is like ours and always "rescues" everything we catch!
Great job, Daisy! I bet that lizard knows to mind his manners now.
Oh Daisy, that is our favorite game! Catch the Lizard, but our Mom isn't as fast as yours sometimes! Oh well, we have plenty in our yard!
Your FL furiends,
Hay Daisy, it wasn't George in my yard. It was his cousin Jacque, from Canada! I catch my lizards outside so Mom can't get them!
Hi 5 Paw,
Mr. Tigger
You do have a lot of lizards where you live. We don't have any. But I do have newts in my pond, they look like lizards only they live underwater. But I have never caught one because that would involve getting my paws wet.
hmm, bcareful with lizard, but your paws are ok?
we more tempted with coackroaches, butterflies & birds here, coz thay could fly away so fazt;)
daisy - this is awful. I cannot believe how rude those lizards are. I am happy to say we don't have rude lizards in this country. I think they are all english gentlemen. Those lizards are clearly trailer trash without any manners.
Daisy have you seen my Gamma? She usually comes to visit me at least once a week but the LL says she is down in your neck of the woods. If you find her, please ship her back this way (you may of course make her play with you first.)
I'm so not happy that we don't have lizards here. Maybe if we had lizards I wouldn't "steal" trash.
Hmmmm . . . we don't fink yer momma should intervene in lizard justice! Next time EAT HIM! You have to set an example fer da other rude lizards!
Daisy I bet that naughty lizard was singing I'm All SHOOK UP for the whole day before he ran off!
Why wouldn't your mommie let you eat it up?
Drats!! I was wrong! I hate it when I am wrong!
The rules of karate are simple. Ask them to let you go and if they don't, then you defend yourself.
I guessed B, figuring that your mommie took him away before you could eat him so that you wouldn't be kissing her with "lizard breath"!
i'm sooo proud of yoo!
we guessed "b", but we shoulda known. your momma is definitely in violation of article 16 of the catstitution: "XVI. All kitties have the right to kill mice and other prey as available, and furthermore, said prey shall not be "saved" by squeamish humans. Gratitude to and admiration of the cat is incumbent upon the human when presented with a trophy. And smile when you say it!"
of course, our mom woulda done the same thing; but you just might wanna take this unner advisement.
"lizzerd breath"--good one, angus!!
Daisy, we think you should have some burly Mancats as bodyguards. Max and I will be happy to come to Florida and protect you from these marauders!
That lizard was so rude! I'm so mad we guessed A and were wrong. We wanted you to eat him all up!
I guessed B so I guess he was very lucky, especially after being so mean! Maybe it took him a day to move because he had to think about his behavior.
I thought it was B. But I guess your Mummy taking him away is highwy pwobable too. Beans just have the knack of spoiwing our fun.
Now that was a rude lizard! Your mom must have a soft heart.
Is Daisy playing with that Lizard or try to eat that?I am not sure.
I say B, I didn't eat him all up but he did not make it.
Now I will go and see if I was correct.
Obviously the lizard didn't learn anything from the book he read yesterday. We don't think that biting is non-violent. We think Gandhi would be very dissapointed in him.
We are sorry that your mommy let him go. At least you got a quick taste of him.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Yoo are vary vary vary vary brave to do battle with such a ginormous lizzerd. Does he give yoo lizzerd breth?
What a mean lizard for trying to bite you. You should chew it's head off
~ Girl girl
Boy, he was really asking for it!
hmmm, that lizzard must have been vary hungry to try and eat yoo, pretty daisy!
Well, I figured that rude lizard was a goner for sure. That picture of him outside, he didn't look so good. Guess when your mom touched him, he thought you were back for more revenge.
How dare he bite you.
I think it was a VISHOUS LIZZARD. You'd better be careful.
Purrs, your new friend Sol
I'm glad you're OK, Daisy! That lizard had a lot of chutzpah treating you that way!
You should get mommy to put a sign up saying "no lizards allowed".
I was hoping for (B) since he deserved it for putting the bitey on you twice. (Those were some really excellent action shots.)
Thosed are some good pictures, looks like you haded fun even though the lizard put the bitey on you. He must have been a brave lizard to try that.
Yay, Daisy!!!! Way to putta bitey on his rude ol' lizzurd hEAD! You are an ecksellent huntress!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I have to say that this post is a bit disturbing. It is not okay to take pictures of your pet playing with and or killing another animal. Yes, this is what cats do and my cats do this as well with mice. I take them away from them when I catch it soon enough.
The first thing that DOES NOT come across my mind is to grab my camera because this will make great blogging material. I have to say this post made me unsubscribe to your feed and I sure will not be back to your site after this.
I am sorry that you feel that way, Sabriena. I appreciate your point of view. One thing that I think we must remember is that felines are carnivores and predatory behavior is instinctive and natural. In fact, play behavior is designed to develop the coordination and timing needed to capture prey. This is innate behavior. Although my prey is always removed from me, the above scenario happens thousands of times each day with cats who have access to the outdoors.
Gosh, Daisy ... I was SURE that you would have eaten him all up!
Correct me if I am wrong, but Sabriena did state that cats do catch and play with prey. I believe what her post was based upon was your owner making a photo opp on it and not the natural occurrence of prey and predator. Clearly the basis of her post was missed.
Thank you for your thoughts Sabriena/Pandora. Yes, I can see the IP addresses are the same. And no, I have not deleted any comments from this post although I can see on your blog that you have accused me of doing so.
Yes, the IP addresses are the same due to the fact that we live in the same house and are under the same network. Point of that? No, we aren't the same person.
But again, my point was ignored. I was merely stating that I thought it was disturbing that YOU ran to get your camera so you had something to blog about on your website rather than try to save the lizard which I am sure did not have the same outcome in which you stated.
I understand and acknowledge your point. I think you are ignoring the fact that the lizard was, in fact, saved.
I volunteer 12 hours a week at a cat rescue shelter and have done so for almost 2 years. I am a member of the Humane Society, I sponsor 3 cats through Best Friends animal society, and I have been a vegetarian for almost 20 years. However, cats are by nature predatory animals and the prey drive is instinctive and natural.
Although I see that you wish to debate this point, it is not my desire to create controversy. Therefore, I am closing this post to any further comments.
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