My Very First Cartoon!

I'm challenging bloggers to make something, anything, and post about it. Let's see what you creative people come up with! Here are the rules:
- Make something, anything. It doesn't have to be complicated or artsy. Make a list, take an interesting picture, make someone's day, make dinner, make a doodle, make fun of yourself, make a poem, make your bed (OK, that last one is lame).
- Write a blog about it. With pictures for extra brownie points.
- Link to this blog and challenge six other bloggers to do the same.
Well, I am not too good at making stuff, but I like cartoons! So I decided to make my very own cartoon. It is about a lizard. It is not very good. But I made it myself.
ps: If the cartoon does not play, I think you can also see it by clicking HERE.
ps: If the cartoon does not play, I think you can also see it by clicking HERE.

69 Notes for Daisy:
This is great fun~!!! Very funny cartoon~!
I think that is an anole right? Is that a kind of lizards again, hahahaha~~~~~~Oah I love it~~~~~
Daisy I give you ten out of ten and an A+.
You and your mom are just wonderful. :)
Fun, Talented, Beautiful...what more can you be?
I think you did a great job on your cartoon!
Love the sun!
Your cartoon is the bestest cartoon EVER! We likes it lots and is gonna play it over and over and over!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Great cartoon, Daisy! :)
That was wonderful Daisy!
Daisy, your cartoon is awesome. Keep it up.
Daisy, you don't give yourself enough credit! That was a fantastic cartoon!!
Best cartoon! We LOVED it. We joined just so that we could rate it #1!
Great Job!!!
You are very talented Daisy! :) I think my talents lay elsewhere though... Making kittens is what I do best I think! :)
Very cute cartoon, Daisy! We like his tongue! You are very talented. :)
Great First Cartoon, Daisy! Can't wait to see the next!
leaping lizards what a fine cartoon. very good job.
WOW!! That was awesome!!!!!!!
You are so good at making stuff!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Daisy I think you are far more talented with stuff like that than my human is.
That is a wonderful cartoon, Daisy! I do not believe that it was your first time!
This is a really good cartoon, Daisy!
I think you ARE good!
Love and purrs
Funny, beautiful and talented! You've got it all! You are the complete package!
Great Cartoon cute lizard :)
Daisy! Did you see how that Rude Lizard slurpes up theat beautiful butterfly? Rude!
that lizard needs a whap for eating that pretty butterfly! you did a really grate job daisy!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Daisy, that was an awesome cartoon!!!
We are distraught the lizard ate a butterfly. We hope in your next cartoon a cat will eat the lizard.
We didn't know you could draw so good, your cartoon is amazing.
Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
wow Daisy, you did a good job with that, i never knew a cat with so much talent.
Great cartoon Daisy! You are very talented.
That is a very neat cartoon!
Very cute cartoon, Daisy!
That is an awesome cartoon, Daisy. I was half expecting to see a curly kitty dressed as a samurai popping into the frame. hee hee
That is a wonderful cartoon ... I was expecting a Daisy paw to whack the lizard at the end ... maybe in the sequel.
That is a delightful cartoon and very good for your first time!
How could you possibly say that you awe not good at making things??
That is a pawsome cawtoon,,the evil lizawd desewves to be punished fow eating those bootiful buttewflies though..
Thanks fow liking my hats..I bet you will look gweat in a have to entew the contest too
smoochie kisses,Asta
That is a great cartoon!
I never seen a cartoon made by a cat before. You should work for Pixar, they made the Nemo movie. They would be luck to have such a talented kitty working for them.
WooHoo Daisy!! You made a great Cartoon. You are so talented!!
Your FL furiends,
You are very talented! I like your cartoon very much.
I like your cartoon a lot! I think you underestimate your talents. Bendrix was hoping to see your tongue come out and eat the lizard all up!
This actually had a very nice ending so that made me happy.
That is a very cute cartoon. You should be very proud of yourself!
That was furry cute. And it least it didn't attack you like the one in your house did.
Haha great cartoon! ~Queen Snickers
Daisey, you made us smile. We loved your cartoon.
We left something on our blog for you.
HUGS & PRAYERS~Chancy, Ernie's Voice & Jake
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!! That's the vary best cartoon I've ever seen in my hole entire life!
We think you made a purrfect cartoon. Momma says animations are very HARD to make. She was very impressed!
~ Kirara
Daisy, that was a GREAT cartoon!
You are very talented Daisy!
Well done Daisy!
wow! you did a fantastic job!
We think your cartoon is wonderful, Daisy!
Ah Daisy, I agree with everyone who has written about how talented you are. Great job!
I think your cartoon is very good, Daisy!
Awwww, that is just adorabble! I love yur cartoonie about the lizzurd. And he's a furry polite lizzurd! He efun smiles.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
That is a neat cartoon. I would like to eat that lizard.
Oh, Daisy! *giggle* Your cartoon is precious. I love how you made your lizard so sweet natured!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
That was good! I am going to ask if Cartoon Network can make it into a series.
Glad yoo liked yoor award. i werked real hard on its.
And i think yoor cartoon is awesome.
Daisy ... That's a great lizard cartoon that you made! Wow! You could work for Pixar or something!
Great job! You's so talented and smart.
Good cartoon, Daisy. You can definitely make stuff.
Good cartoon, Daisy. You can definitely make stuff.
Wow that was yer 1st cartoon? Proves ya gotta start "somewhere". Pretty cool little cartoon, too!
Daisy, this was totally pawsome!!! You did a fantastic job. What a talented girl kitty you are!
Luf, Us
I tagged you for the Middle Name game!!!!
Daisy, you are very talented. Not only are you a super model, an award winning actress, but now also a soon to be award winning cartoonist. We loved the sun and the butterfly.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Iz dat George 1, or George Junior?
Either way. I tink you are furry creosotetive.
that was a great cartoon, Daisy, i just hoped to see tha cat (you) come up and eat tha lizard. hee hee. Maybe that's that next installment?
Purrs, KC
You made a great cartoon, Daisy. I really like it.
That's really pawsome.. You sure are talented
~ Girl girl
Let's see, you're a doctor, a fashion model, and a cartoonist extraodinnaire! (Not to mention the founder of the Pink Ladies who do SO MUCH GOOD in the blogosphere!) You really are a renaissance cat, Daisy!
Sending LOTS OF LOVE to you & Pixie
AND your MOMMIE today!
♥ ♥ ♥
Not The Mama
and Daphne & Chloe & Spooker & Jazper & Little Isis
Ohhh! I lov it!! I think Lizard is supa cute!! I think this is very good!
Daisy, we enjoyed your cartoon very much! Three paws up!!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
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