Gorilla Nose
I am going to show you something funny that happens to my nose when I get chin skritches: it turns into a Gorilla Nose!
Here is my regular nose. See? It is a normal shape, kind of like a little heart.

Gorilla Nose
Posted by Daisy at 4/08/2008 04:45:00 AM
82 Notes for Daisy:
I will has to see if Mommy Bean makes a gorilla nose when I's kneed on her. I do not know if mine does that. I will needs a looking glass to see, if I can'ts get the Mommy Beans to tell me.
Not me!! Your nose is as cute as a button!!
Banana kisses to miss pixie.
that's furry interesting. we will have to make mommy look close at our noses!
Your nose is adorable, Daisy. We will have to look closely the next time we get scritches and see if our noses change shape!
Daisy, that is too funny, Gorilla Nose Girl!! No, but our eyes shut tight and sometimes our toesies curl up.
My toesies curl up too !! Mummy has nefer said my nose goes all gorilla like. Maybe she's too busy kissing me to notice.
Oah Wowww...Daisy~!!
This is very very interesting~!!! I didn't know your nose could do this very lovely different shape!!!!!
Wowww....But I think I will love both your regular nose and Gorilla nose~!
I am going to have to have Mommy check very closely! Gorilla Nose is very cute!
Ooh now this gives me a change for experimentation Daisy! :) I shall demand chin scritches and see if my nose changes when the scritches are done properly... This will however take a lot of research! ;)
that's cool. I have never seen the boyz do a gorilla nose.
hey I tagged u for a neat lil meme.
Hmmm...Daisy, you come up with the most interesting questions! We think your nose is adorable! Either way!!!
Oh Daisy -- the gorilla my dreams.
Grrrr. Sniff. Scritch. HAPPY.
Dat's really interesting. It makes us want to know more. Why duz dat happen? Ut oh. Here comes mom to try to gives us Gorilla noses too!
Serious gorilla nose going on over here, with wrinkles all the way up the nose!
We have a hard time picturing the word gorilla in reference to you, Daisy! You are way too precious!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Hi Daisy,
I think your nose is adorable :)
Is your nose cold? Is it fun to do Gorilla Nose? I bet to see a picture of your whole body doing Gorilla Nose would be fabulous!
(And more adorable than possible!)
Kitter does, but she says she doesn't. Go figure.
Your gorilla nose is very cute Daisy! I'm not sure if we do gorilla nose but we'll check it out the next time we gets chin scritches.
That is too funny! Heeheehee
My nose does not scrunch up quite like yours. You have a neat nose ;)
It is much cuter than a gorilla though !
Purrs Mickey
i think maybe sarge has a gorilla nose, not sure!
smiles, auntie bee
MomBean does after I use the catbox...
Did someone say I have a goreilla nose?
Hmmmmmm we have to test this one out....
I still think you have a cute nose no matter what you call it!
Daisy, you have a lovely nose . . . even when it is scrunched up like a gorilla's! Those pictures made my mommy 'squee' at your cuteness.
Mommy says she is going to look closely at my nose the next time I get skritches to see if it changes.
Wow! Gorilla nose huh? I will have to have Meowm check it out! I think we are both making Gorilla noses with Orions stink in the house!
We like your gorilla nose. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
Daisy, you're adorable. But since cats rule the universe, is it possible that the gorilla is really doing "skritched cat nose" and not the other way around? BTW, Steve and the female envy your mommy's camera skills, whatever those are.
Hmmm...Not sure about my nose. I will investigate that. You have a very cute nose. The gorilla looks like he has a serious skin disorder!
Well, we're gonna have to check this one out!
Ooh, this is the cutest post, Daisy. I do not know if my nose does this. I think I need some chin scritches. ASAP.
Humph. If I ever got any attention, perhaps I would make such a nose but no one ever scratches my chin...
nope... but my nose is funny looking as it is...LOL!
I am not sure if I made a Gorilla Nose because I do not let Mommie get near my chin very often. When I see her hand coming close to me I give it the bitey to let her know I am ready to play! I am always ready to play!! Unless I am ready to sleep. Then I let her pet me.
Either way it is an adorable nose! I am impressed with your mommy's talent to take a photo and scratch your chin!
I do I do! I makes gowiwwa nose too!
You have a very expressive nose :)
It's a happy nose! Maybe gorillas are happy?!
We'll have to see what our noses do!
Miss Daisy,
Apparently Orion was tested for all kinds of things when meowm took in his poo sample. A test was done in the v-e-t-s office and more testing done elsewhere. Mewom was told parasite testing was done out of the office and in the office they tested for the other stuff...heartworm andother things like that.
We just hope that with being on the same food I am and a little more time will clear up his aroma. If your Mom has any suggestions, we will be happy to have them.
I dunno...it doesn't look anything like the nose on that Gorilla!
Daisy, I would love to join the pink ladies. I have sent you an email. I so look forward to visiting with some respectable felines.
Your nose is entirely too cute to compare to a gorilla.
Ooooohhhh...we don't know if we gots a gorilla nose or not. Dang...a gorilla nose is cute! We hopes we got one! We will check as soon as mommy gits home from work!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Can I adopt you? And if not, can I at least have joint custody?? And your nose trick is TRES adorable!
omg!! you can turn to Gollilla now Daisy!! you is amazing!!
Oh, yes ... All five of us make the Gorilla Nose when we have our chins scratched.
I tried this with my fur-babies and they all had the same nose. You're special, Daisy!
Oh, that is very funny - I have never noticed that on me before. I will have to get my Mummy to check.
Nope, I don't see it. Yoo have a byootiful noze. Like maybe Audrey Hepbern .... or Elizabeth Montgomery win she twitched her noze to make sumthing funny happin to Darin.
Daisy, that's funny! Just last night Chloe was getting lotsa chin skritches and she was making funny faces, too!
Not The Mama
Sunny gets that sometimes before he sneezes.
We wonder if gorillas get kitty noses if yoo gif dem chin skritches. Mom sez she's not willing to try dat...
We just LOVE your gorilla nose! Our human hasn't noticed if we make one or not, but we told her to check it out the next time we get a chin scratch!
Still waiting for Asta's return. Did you know that our human got to meet her FOR REAL! What a cute dog!
Opus and Roscoe
Yay!!! You can do "gorilla nose" too! Oh, Tom Tom will be so proud that someone on the other side of the U.S. can do "gorilla nose" too! He's the one that made us coin the phrase to begin with because when he scrunches up his all-black nose it looks just like the gorilla's nose in the picture you posted. YAY!
Hugs and purrs,
Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
Oh Daisy, that's so cute! I call Cody "Monkey Face" sometimes, because he does remind me of a baby gorilla. But, at other times he reminds me of a baby bear. Kitties are so entertaining. :)
Have a Lovely Day!
Hugs and Purrs,
Hmmm we'll haf to look further into this. We bofe shut our eyes furr chin scritches, but we'll haf to get mum to watch our noses.
I think your nose is cute as button either way!!!!
::kisses on your tiny nose::
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Yes..your nose is as cute as a button!! ADORABLE!!!
Besos 00X
hey Daisy-- you are adorable as always!
I make gorilla nose when I sneeeeze hahahaha
hi daisy,
You r a devon rex like us. Did you have longer baby hair that shed away? We are trying to figure out if this is what is happening to Chanel. There is a picture of her on our mum's blog.
Tanya & Chanel
Whoa I am going to go check right now!!!!
purrs girls!
I'm going to have to ask my mommie to check if I get a gorilla nose when I get skritches. That's a very interesting observation, Daisy.
oh wow! what a cute nose even when it is a gorilla nose! mommy is going to have to check my nose next time. i've never noticed when i'm checking myself out in the dishwasher...
Hehe So cute! My nose stays the same but Empress' nose looks alot like your! ~Queen Snickers
Too funny, but I think even you gorilla nose is cute!
I do not make a Gorilla Nose (I don't like chin scritches). I will ask Katie and Greta if they have Gorilla Noses...
(It looks like it could be a special talent - like some people can curl their toungue)
Can you still breathe when you do that?
Luf, Us
WOW! We are gonna hafta check ours! We haint nefer seen a gorila before... They must be some of those BIG cats weve heard about!
Are you part gorilla? I knew it! I knew you were part gorilla! Gorillas are cute, and so are you!
Daisy dear,
I forgots to askee you dis... doez you ride a by-sickle builts fur two????
Oh, dere haz been a few suggesshunz to offer a lizard wit yer glassee of lemon-aid. Dat way, more peoplez iz apt to offer da full 38 green paperz.
Dr Tweety
Daisy you are very observant! I'm not sure if I make a gorilla nose, but I definately plan on having my bean check it out...lol.
Ha ha ha ha! We all get that too!
hehehehehhee, we love the gorilla nose!
That's a funny nose-we don't know if our noses do that...but we sure did like the picture of yours!!
Kodak, Winton and 3 Perf
That is a very cute nose!
Oh, SQUEE SQUEE SQUEE! What an adorable nose you have, Daisy -- both versions! *smile*
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
That is so cute. :)
Aw, Daisy, your "gorilla nose" is much cuter than an actual gorilla's nose!
I'm a mommy of three kitties, and two of them make "gorilla noses" when they get chin pets, too!
oh oh how funny! figaro makes a gorilla nose when he yawns!!!
Daisy, I didn't know you even had musckles in your nose! I'm going to get my mom to check mine to see if I can do the Gorilla Nose.
I love their little noses. waayyyy cuter than a dogs nose..
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