For today's Monday Mystery, you can play detective! Here I am pretending to be thoughtful, like a real detective.

Please study this picture closely. Now, which one do you think is my Mommie? You can click on the photo to biggify. Here is a hint: My Mommie is kind of a nerd. To make it easy, you only have to pick from the girls with blond hair.

To help you even more, here is a picture of how my Mommie looks now. I do not know why my Mommie is saluting. Sometimes, she does strange things. Do not forget, in this photo she is much, much, much, much, much, much older.
Do you know the answer? Click HERE to see if you are correct! ps: I got the idea for this funny game from Reward Rebel!

Monday Mystery: Who's Your Mommie?
86 Notes for Daisy:
I'm gonna guess that it is D. That is a good game. We don't have class photos like those ones, so we can't play quite the same way.
Have a nice week ladies.
Wow, we guessed right! :) Your mom was very cute as a little girl and looks very pretty now!
Your Mommy was cute and I guessed right!
Ooh I guessed it right! :)
Looks like efurrybuddy guessed right eggsept furr us. We thought it wuz the girl next to D . Where wuz your mum's teefs?
Hooray! Thanks for narrowing it down to just the girls, Daisy! That made it a lot easier to guess!
Oh that's adorable. That gave mom something fun to do!
We guessed right. This was a fun game. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
..your teeeth are much better now!....
Dat's great! We picked rite. Did yoo aks her where her teefies wented?
Well, thank Reward Rebel, I had fun guessing! Your Mommie was pretty! Also, I don't think she was saluting! I've had enough "detective" for today, so, keep guessing what else she could be doing!
"Wow" my mom got it right.Guess I'll have to stop calling her dumb now...
I knew it was D!
I remember that last year you had a picture of your mom and her twin brother... she had the shorty short bags.
My mom was a nerd too... and a dork.
<3 to you and Pixiekins
I guessed right! Your mommie was very cute when she was a kitten.
we guessed B. oh well. your mommy is furry purrty!
I guessed right! It was easy because your Mommie doesn't look a day older than she did in the first picture!
WHOO HOO....we guessed right. Your Mommy is so pretty! What a great game! Daisy, you always have the best ideas!!!
I guessed C,heeheehee.I'll blame that on my older eyes heeheehee
That was a fun game.So many little beans with no teeth hahaha!!!
I don't think your Mom was a nerd, but she is pretty now ;)
Purrs Mickey
got it wrong... I can't tell from the current picture but did her teeth ever come back in?
We're not really good with matching but we guessed C and now we're going to see if we wuz rite!
your mommie is beautiful daisy!!! i guessed "c" so i am wrong again. i am not too good at the guessing but i love to play!
smiles, auntie bee
Well, we wuz wrong but then we don't thinks our mommy looks anythin like hers looks now anyhoo How did you set up that quiz? Our mommy wansa try a post lik dat!
Oopsie, I was wrong! This was a very fun game, Daisy.
You have a sweet site! My cats CoCo and Sebastian would love this!
We were right! That was fun. Your mommie was a cute little wee one. She's a cute big wee one now. Wait...that doesn't sound quite right.
~Shade and Goldie
We guessed right, Daisy.
That was a fun game!
Your Mommie must see a flag.
~ Timothy
I guessed right!!!! Your mommy was cute. What a fun game. We tagged you for the book meme. Go to our bloggie for the details.
Keep up the Monday mysteries!
well I must admit I looked for the nerd. My first choice was A and miss bee told me I was wrong, then I picked B, no more nerds there, and miss bee told me I was wrong, I started to pick between C and D and miss bee told me I was wrong, no way could I have three picks.
I was wrong. I really thought it was C.
Wow! I was right! but then I'm no stupid pussy cat you know. I think I could make a good detective - NOT!
Purrs Sukie X
We were right! Your Mom was a cute little girl and she is purrty now!
Your mother sure turned into a beautiful swan. You know, if you'd like to keep the beauty thing going (although your mom looks like she does not need any help), you could give her a complete facial dermabrasion with your tongue. It's great for rejuvenating the skin!
D'oh, I guessed wrong! :(
Your mommie is gorgeous, by the way!
Not The Mama
aWW Daisy
Your Mom was really cute as a litten kit....
How cute is that! Your mommy still is cute but what a sweet little human she was! Thanks for sharing.
Daisy that was a great game! We guessed right but we weren't sure at all cause we did not think she looked very nerdy.
We guessed right! Your mommy was a cute little girl. Nerd rule, by the way.
we guessed C based on the shape of the nose. What happened to her teefs?????
Dear Daisy,
I think you are often saying your mommy is old, hahahahaha~~~~~
I think your mommy is still young:)
She will always younger than tomorrow, so, she is young~~~~~
She has the youngest heart with you, help you blog, she is the youngest heart that I have ever seen!
Well, I guess wrong again~!!
But I like the photo of your mommy as a little girl, very adorable~!! Just like you!!!
Well....maybe you are a little bit cuter, hehehehe~~~
Purr to you and your lovely mommy,
and strong Pixie, too!
My mom's grade school pictures look very similar. My mom does not want to think back as far as her grade school though...that is a long long time.
I thought you were going to tell us who your biological kitty mama was!
Ohoh, we gessed wrong again! Dis was a fun game.
I was wrong, but I do know that mom is way prettier these days!!! She's a very beautiful lady!
Hah! We guessed right. Great Monday Mystery Daisy.
Abby, Rosie, Jackie, Gidget & the new kid Lola
What a great mystery, Daisy! Your mommy was such a cute little girl.
Darn, I got it wrong.
Your Mummy was a very cute little girl. My Mum says her Mum used to do her hair like that too. Is your Mummy's twin brother in the photo too?
Yay, we guessed right! We think she was a cute kid, and she hardly looks any older now, except that she gots teeths!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
We guessed D - and we were right! It would have been much harder without the hints ;-)
Your mommie was a cute little girl! She's super pretty now! Thanks for sharing such a fun game Daisy! Have a really happy day.
Love to you and Pixie,
thank you so much for your kind remarks on my Manic Monday 1000 post
I guessed C or D.
Nice little blouse and jumper by the way! It looks soooo familiar!!!
We guessed C. Darn!
This was a super fun game!
Yay! I was right. :) Very cute.
That was fun, Daisy. Thanks.
Got it right, first guess. When your mommie was a little human kitten, she looked a little like Skeezix. Maybe it's the eyes. It definitely is not the frootbat ears...
Yay! I was correct! Your momma didn't look like a nerd!
Are you sure she's your mommy? She doesn't have ears, whiskers and a tail. She doesn't look at all like you.
Hi daisy! we gotted it right! of course we would because I am the awesome of detectives since I am named after Veronica MARS who is the best detective either. Figaro says to tell you he does not knowed how to growls either. I am a good hisser though but I do not growls either. Since I am such a good hisser I can't go see the other hissy kitty for visitation.
Hey we thought either 'C' or 'D' and that was before we looked at the 'today' photo! My mom has those class shots too-hee hee-funny clothes!
And we can see your blog as mom is checking out IE instead of Foxfire. Go figure!
We guessed it!! Yippee! Your mommie is such a cutie pie!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
We guessed right and your mommy was not a nerd!
Maybe she is saluting Chey?
Daisy, that was a good game! We agree that your mom was very cute when she was young and not a nerd at all! I also wanted to thank you for always leaving us comments even when we don't blog for ages and to let you know how much we love your blog. You are so creative with your photohunters, and comics and mysteries... we just think you're great!
~Purrs, Harlie
Oh, that is so funny, Daisy. Not your mum, but the picture. Mom will have to show you her 2nd grade photo. It is really funny.
Yeah! We guessed right. You was a cute little kitten, err kid.
You're mom was a very pretty girl.
I came by to give you an award. Please come by and and vist me.
I guessed right, for a change! I did just look at the girls.
fanks for fun game Daisy!! Your mom was so cute!
Oh I gessed wrong. It nefur occured to me that Mommy wuz a little girl. Seriously.
Aw, we guessed B, but it is a really fun game, Daisy!
Mindy & Moe
D. The answer is D.
Cute mommy ya got there.
Your mommy was not a nerd!!! She looks lovely. My human had a similar teeth thing going on at that age.
wow ... yer mommie haz better bangz den skeezy'z fl ... but iz yer mommie missin sum chopperz?
jus wunderin.
I had absolutely no idea.
A;; Bens look about the sae to us, but we'll guess "A" based on them cheek bones...
Ack, wrong 2 weeks inna row. An we hadda perfect record before!
I guessed right! Cute photo!
Her bangs are SO LONG!!!!! Didn't her mommy ever butcher her bangs????
You sure look like you're thinking hard in that photo Daisy. Your mom's cute when she's a little girl
~ Girl girl
Oh dear, we guessed wrong! You mummy changed so much!
I got it right!!! That was fun!!! Great game Daisy:)
We tagged you for a book Meme. Hope you haven't played before. ~Socks, S & C
Sorry Daisy, this was easy. Your mom has not aged at all!
Wrong again!!!
Luf, Us
we didn't get it right :( but our Lady says that school class picture looks so much one that she has that she half expected to discover that she and your mom were in the same class. all the kids and their clothes and hair look just the same as the ones in her school did.
Hi Daisy!
Gots its rong.
Mom says she knows were your Mom is in the now picture. She is at Viscaya in Miami.
My Mom has been there many times when she was a youngster. That was a very very long time ago.
I didn't even try, but I should have because she looks so much alike as her little self. You have such a beautiful Mom, Daisy.
Could you ask her for me, if she would like to participate in the Teacher Potluck Carnival? It's moving to my blog forever for April 22. Anything like a recipe, teaching hint, etc would be so great! Amy and I always put in tons of recipes that we are working on (yes, I work with recipes at times!).
Thank you Daisy. Tell Mom she can see more info at
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