After I made that little mistake with my new credit card last week, I decided I should find a better way to make some money:

I might have made a little mistake pricing my lemonade. Do you think $38.00 was too much? Do not forget, I want to make a LOT of money.

Sunday Comics with Daisy!
77 Notes for Daisy:
Poor Daisy. I'm afraid you horribly overpriced your lemonade. You should have made the first batch really cheap so everyone would stop and buy some. Then when you have a crowd....hike up the prices !! Also. its always worth saying that it has some magical properties. Most beans will fall for a youth elixir !! Good Luck
Daiy I would pay that much for a lemondade from you, but only cause you is so sweet.
Good luck finding other customers though!!
I think $38 is a good pwice for a gwass of wemonade made by you Daisy! Those customers don't know how to appweciate yoU!
It's cheaper than Starbucks! Just give it a fancy name, like "Limonade Freshetta" and the humans will come in droves! Good luck!
Oh no, I think $38 was a little much! You have to start out smaller, then work your way up.
But it looks like your friend the snail is coming to buy one, so maybe you'll have a customer after all! :)
That's a little pricey for lemonade, Daisy. You either want to lower your prices or find something that is worth more to people.
Most humans are getting used to very high prices for stuff these days... so do not worry. They'll accept it as the "right price" in time and stop by. They have no choice... sort of like putting the stuff in their cars to make them go, that goes up & up & up and they just keep paying for it.
P.S. this was NOT a political commentary (ha, ha!)
Oah Daisy,
they didn't know what they miss,
it made by you - Famous Fashio star Daisy~!!!!
You may put a sign on the add, "after you drink thie lemonade, you will be popular and fashionable and adorable just like me~!" And they will know this "$38" is nothing, HAHAHAHAHA~~~~
I am afraid that people are watching their pennies now. I think that $37.00 might have worked better!
Here are some ideas: How about $10 as a starter. Sell water. Give money to charity. Bring and turn on a radio. Then dress up in the cutest and most adorable outfit you have. No one will say no to that.
Hannah Fanna
Oh Daisy - we just saw that it was Sunday night! Argh!!! It's our favorite night of the week!
And we want to say, it's OK sweetie, your friend the snail is going to keep you company while you ae waiting for a sale. :)
Dearest Daisy,
Maybe you need to move next door to Donald Trump or somethin'...we bet he would pay $38 for lemonade!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
hmmmm ....
yer price fer a glass uv lemonade iz kinda steep, daisy. how abowt $29.99. dat sowndz good. wuddya think?
That is alittle pricey.Maybe you could try selling your art it's
great :)
Oh, Daisy, Mommy feels so much better now that she has had her "Daisy Sunday Comic's Fix". She says that any lemonade made by you is work millions! :)
Sad but true Daisy :( You need to do a lot of market research!
I think you also need to jazz up your product. How about lemonade popsicles? :) I cannot believe some cars did not stop though.
Purrs Mickey
yeah that has to be some mighty fine lemonade for that price... maybe if u added some vodka u might get a buyer or two.
It looks like your snail friend wants a glas...
Mommy says you should wears a bikini. It worked for the gal that does a hotdog stand by the rotary. She gets lots and lots of beans PLUS you woulds get a great sunning that day! (Mom says that beans are silly they pay for things sometimes to get a look, like circus stuffs.)
We are afraid the lemonade is overpriced. Mommy said you should try selling it for 38 cents. You have to count on the volume to make your money. She also said once they are hooked on your lemonade you can raise the price (not drastically though). And once summer hits you might just get $38 from some desperately thirsty and hot bean.
Oh, Daisy, humans are parsimonious creatures! (I learned that big word when my human was talking about health care from his government for other humans). Maybe you would do better if you sold lizards—I mean if you can ever catch any. OK?
no i think it is purrfect daisy, you just got some rude peoples!!! i would pay you 38 for lemonade honey!
smiles, auntie bee
people will pay for good product. my favorite food store is, "Zingerman's" and they charge an arm and a leg for really good food. Start your lemonaide with a simple syrup and use good sugar. They will pay. Maybe not thirty eight bucks a glass...
i like the bikini idea
HEY DAISY, I think the snail can help you, he knows about slow things, the money gets slowly, i wish it grows on trees, but god, 38 dollars, thats the money mom wins in a month! (my mom remember, she is 12 yeers old)i think, 25 cents can be good for your lemonade, or you have to make a garage sale
Daisy, we love reading your comics! I think that if we were there, we would pay $38 for you lemonade.
Well... maybe not. (^_^;)
My mommie said you should have put the word "gourmet" or "organic" in front of the word "lemondade." She says people pay alot for those types of products.
Daisy, I think Sophie is right; you need to call it 'gourmet'. And give it a fancy name, like "Daisy the Curly Cat All Natural Lemonade".
Oh, mine mombean sez: "Add rum, lots of rum. Oh, put a little umbrella in it too. And one of those really red maraschino cherries!"
Daisy, $38 is not enough money for lemonade made by the most famous curly cat in the world. I would pay treble that! x
Daisy, there are many excellent ideas here. Here's another one: how about smaller servings at lower prices? Cheaper ingredients (you can still call it "gourmet"). Try to get some investors to create a franchise of you and your lemonade -- that's where the really big money is.
Maybe a free lizard with every purchase?
We would recommend pricing it at $37.99, and put a cute little umbrella in it. That's shut we learned from da real estate market. You might also sell more if you wore some hot pants and a halter top. That's whut they do at Hooters - it might also help you git some tips.
Definitely worth the price! Lemonade isn't the easiest thing in the world to make.
Hmmm $38 might not have been the right price to start out with for regular lemonade. Maybe you could market it as Temptation-infused lemonade! First of its kind! Great for your health!
Well i sink it was a great price.
I bet the government would buy it from you...
I agree with Judy ... Price it cheaply at first to get your buyers addicted to your lemonade an' then hike up the price! Mwah, haa, haa ...
Daisy, depending on what you are putting in your lemonade, it may be worth $38.00 ... hee hee! Maybe catnip???
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
I would gladly pay $38 for your lemonade, Daisy. Most other humans are probably thinking $1 a glass. Give it a try. Good luck! :)
It's cheaper than Starbucks! Just give it a fancy name, like "Limonade Freshetta" and the humans will come in droves! Good luck! (posted by 2shebas)
...Yeah... what they said!!
PS - Thanks for stopping by and giving get well wishes to our woman. She got out of bed today!!!
How could anybean drive past your cuteness without stopping? But perhaps your price is a tad high. Just saying...:) xxx
I love your comic strip. Very cleverly done :O)
OMG!! $38human dollers!! dat will buy meee 100s of fancy feastz!! your lemonade must be soooo goood DAISY! me want one but me no money....
I think it might be a little high for lemonade but if you cooked up a lizard with it, it would be perfect.
PS. Can I purchase with a credit card?
Muahaha Daisy, you want make a lot money in a short time, no possible!
I think you need to change your sales strategy.
But apparently fell an innocent, there is the snail!
I do not tink dat 38 green paperz iz too much. After all, I needz to borrow some green paperz from you fur da cafe. You justee mights end up openin' up your own bank if you can sell dat stuffee. Da only problum I forsee, iz dat cats will not drinks dat stuff.
Mebbe naner-aide?
Mom sed to put sumthing called "vod-kah" in it and tell beans it will make dem young and enerjetik...den dey will pay more fur it. And maybe a fancy paper umbrella is not a bad idea either, and a fancy name like dey do at starbucks...
That is a bit high, Daisy. Usually lemonade stands are much cheaper.....but then, inflation, so who knows!
It looks as if you've made a delicious glass of lemonade. Will the lemons in the glass, it looks like it's worth the money you're asking.
That is just a tad too much for lemonade. However, if you market it right, those humans will pay!
Well I tell you what DAISY - just get those cars to stop and chat with you. After a couple minutes of seeing how totally adorable you are they will give you $38 and probably a TIP to boot!
Well, at that price, ya only need ta find a few buyers!
I wood gladly pay $38 for a glass of limunade that yoo maked. Shood I paypal yoo?
**giggle**, well... Daisy, thirty-eight dollars is quite a lot for a glass of lemonade. But I am impressed with your buddy the snail -- I think he wants to become your business partner!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Thirty eight dollurs is a lot fur lemmonade, but then I bet yur lemmonade is super-furry yummy! Well, maybe not furry, but furry yummy, hehehe!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
That is a tad expensive Daisy, but give it a fancy name and you'll not have a problem getting customers.
I'm sorry your lemonade stand didn't work out. I think 1.00 would have been more appropriate.
I loved your little pink polka-dot t shirt and your royal fuzzy crown.
I enjoyed Pixi's blog about bananas and I'm sorry you got pranked on April Fool's Day.
Dear Daisy! When Chey becomes president, I have been offered the job of director of the FDA. SO your Lemonaide Stand falls under my jurisdiction...if those are Meyer Lemons then the correct cost for the glass of Lemonaide should be closer to $380.00!
Good luck with your plan to make lots of of green papers.
Miss Peach your pal in charge of the FDA
Yes, that is way too much. You will have to make a LOT of lemonade to make a lot of money. Tries cookies and milk.
sorry I am so late getting here, the old sarge was a little puny today, I feel better now.
Hi Daisy,
We think you might be charging too much for your lemonade! But we liked the comics!
Those are nice awards you got!!
Kodak, Winton and 3 Perf
Hi Daisy! Maybe you can ask that much for it on a really steamy, humid day in July. Oh and give it a fancy name. :) Have a really nice evening.
Hugs and Purrs,
Why do you want to make lots of money?
We haz a planz Miss Daisy to help cell yoor lemonade. Kirara sez it showd be PINK. Also, we can help yoo repakage it so itz a Lemited Edishun!!! Beans will pay moor if its speshul and pink IS yoor signtur culor.... Gud Luk!!
Is it warm enough in Florida to sell lemonade already? Maybe that's the problem?
We don't think that was too high a price, but then LEMONS cost that much here!
I dont think you price them too high.. I would pay $38 for lemonade made by you
~ Girl girl
Hi Daisy,
We don't think your lemonade is overpriced, we think you just forgot to inform the public that it is "designer" lemonaide made from fresh imported lemons!
Did you do a market analysis? Did you determine your target market? Did you get help from the SBA?
And we like the bikini idea too. But don't make Skeezix mad.
Luf, Us
I think your price might be a trifle high, Daisy. You need to start low and build up a clientele, then raise the price a little bit at a time. I love your Sunday comics.
I think $38.00 is very overpriced. Sorry. But if you lower your price, and if I was in your neighborhood, I would definitely buy your lemonade :-D
Watch out for Mr. Snail!
Dear Daisy, the lemonade is not too much if there is a shot of Midleton in it-- but then the drivers would all have to become pedestrians.
Maybe you could say the lemons were grown by a very famous person, like Johnny Depp--in the south of france, then meditated over by the Dalai Lama before being shipped in velvet lined boxes by special airplane to Daisy and made into lemonade via a recipe that Julia Child left you in her will.
also, you will have to use crystal glasses. I suggest you set up a kiosk in West Palm.
This is Ms S's class in Australia, Ms S owns Pyewacket. We have been writing our own Daisy's Designs in class. We read your comics every week and we enjoy it a lot!
We so enjoy your Sunday Comics Daisy!! We think $38.00 may seem a little high, but don't give up! It takes people a while to get use to new businesses!
Your FL furiends,
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