Thursday, April 10, 2008

How to Get Rich Quick, for just $2.99!

I am going to share an amazing discovery with you today. Please do not tell anyone else, okay? I have learned the secret of getting rich... for only $2.99! See, you can BUY YOUR OWN MONEY! In the grocery store! Look at all the money I bought for only $2.99. And it came with a free money clip, too. The money comes in little pads. I noticed that there were lots of small bills, like Ones and Fives.
I do not need these. Because I have much bigger moneys.
Also, when you have so much money, you can use some as a toy!
This is more moneys than I have ever had before! I need to go back to the grocery store and buy MORE money. Before it is all Sold Out.
I am very nervous and suspicious that somebody could try to steal all of my wealths.
And I found out that if you are not careful, your moneys can slip right through your paw!


96 Notes for Daisy:

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, Daisy! You have lots of money! :) You are rich!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I won't touch your money, Daisy~!!!!
I can see you are happy with your money :)

I think you can also keep some little change money, because many little money will gathering big money, you know ~~

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Thanks for the tip, Daisy! Ummm, since you won't be needing those smaller bills, can we have some?

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Dearest Daisy,
Maybe you can use some of that money to pay off that big credit card bill you gots a few weeks ago. Dang...we gotta find out if we can buy some money, too...we could use it to buy all the Temptations in the whole wide world!!! Thanks for the tip!

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang

Parker said...

Maybe you can but a Temptation farm now!
I have always wanted a Temptation farm!

Anonymous said...


Louche Tabby said...

........don't let it go to your head!.......

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
O, Daisy, what grocery store do you shop at? i's must go buy some money, too. it looks like a good buy fur just $2.99. Did you's count how much is in tha pack?
an is tha a GOLD money clip? You finded a reely good buy. Good job, Daisy...
Purrs, KC

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
pee ess: use some of them small bills to go buy more packs of money.
Purrs, KC

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Daisy, you are a genious and rich too! Love the photos! But, don't let it all slip through your paws!

Leslie said...

Oh my - you are so cute!!

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

Gene-Gene says, (my ten year old), "Thank you, Daisy, for liking my eagle. Are you gonna buy a giant lizard with that money? Have a nice brunch."

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Daisy! You did make money fast! Also, to make money, you can go to a casino to make money.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

That's a great idea but I think there is something fishy about them?

Maybe it is because we are used to all those coins and bright coloured Canuck $$.

Loved the shot of you yesterday putting the bitey on that lizard! Well done!

~Goldie and Shade

Honey P. Sunshine said...

2 werds......ROAD TRIP!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oboy! i am going to make sarge take me to the grocery store today! thanks daisy!

smiles, auntie bee

Monty Q. Kat said...

You could buy a plane ticket to see Skeezix!

Anonymous said...

Hi Daisy,

Ummm since you won't be needing those dollars. Maybe you came give them to Dr.Tweety for his cafe :)

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh wow, MOOOOOOOOMMM go see if Wegmans sells monies!!! please???

Sasha said...

Dear Daisy, I don't get to play with any money, but I have found out that the top of the computer box is a nice warm place to sit. Lynettea is afraid it will get full of my fur.


More money to go shopping with! just think of all the wonderful outfits you can now buy!!


Clarissa said...

Can we go shopping for monies with you? With 15 of us we need lots of monies!!!!

Clarissa & Co.

Spooky said...

Gee! So much money! Thanks for the tip, Daisy. I'll pester Treater so that she'll make me rich quick, too! I've got my shopping duds on and I'm ready to go.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you got some of the pretty money, Daisy. It's good to play with it.

Dma said...

You are my favorite capitalist cat.

Unknown said...

Daisy is a lucky cat -- send some my way Daisy.

Cecil the Cougar: said...

You have lots of monies!! That is more than enough to pay off your credit card AND buy new fashions and temptations!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Paugh! I just print my own. Much easier.

Unknown said...

What a great discovery, Daisy! We're sendin' our mombean to the grocery store right now - we hope she picks up a new box of kitty little while she's there.

Anonymous said...

Oh Daisy, now you are RICH! You can always go to the store to buy more money! That is great!!!

Beethoven said...

Woah Daisy! Can you buys some for me? The grocery store here doesn't sell money. The Giant Kitty knows how to use mine Mummy's plastic card thingey to do shopping, but he refuses to teach me, so I hope you can help me buys some money. Then I can buy lots of treats!

Anonymous said...

Now I know where to get some cold hard cash in a hurry!

The Furry Fighter said...

cor - look at all those spondoolies!!!

my Meowmie said it would be nice to be able to hang to her money too :)

we got an award for you Miss Daisy!

Java's Coffee House said...

Wow i hased never knowned a rich kitty afore. Can i borrow some moneys i needs it to support my nip habit.


Anonymous said...

Hey Daisy, at the very least, now you know what some of our founding fathers look like!

Don't spend it all in one place.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Wow Daisy - you are a genius! We are going to ask Mommy to buy us some money too!!

L. Alida said...

Wow, Daisy You sure have nice grocery stores in Florida. Our grocery stores take money, but they never sell it at such a cheap price! Spend it wisely! You know, cat toys and Temptations. :)
Hugs and Purrs,

CastoCreations said...

Oh Daisy You are so precious! lol All that money might get you some yummy treats. :) lol

And thank you so much for commenting on my blog. I'm so glad your mommy volunteers...I can't. I've volunteered in the past and end up bringing animals home. I can't stand it. But we do donate money and food to our local shelter and another shelter online called Saving Shelter Pets. :)

Sunny's Mommy said...

Wow! You can buy money at the grocery store? I didn't know that! I'm going to go buy some now so I can be rich, too! That is a great tip, Daisy!!

Jaya said...

Daisy you are SO clever!

My cats never even go to the
grocery store, much less bring
home packs of money... I'm going
to have to make sure they read
your blog more often!

Now I'm off to the grocery store!!

Black Cat said...

Ooh, I must ask my local corner shop to sell money. I wonder if these packs are available in £s:) xxx

P.S. Snow in April is a bit unusual but I do remember squillions of years ago, when I was at school, we had snow in May! Brrrrrrrr!!!

Quasi said...

Daisy, I'd like to marry you for your money. What are you planning to spend it on? BTW, thanks for your baking soda opinion on my blog.

Ramses said...

Wow Daisy, I learn so much from you! Though I'm pretty sure we don't use that type of money here, I'm sure I could find a way of spending it! Just think of all the 'nip I could buy online with that for a start!!! :)

Chrissie said...

Wow, Daisy, with so much money you can go shopping for lots of fashions and feathers! Then, you will have to model them and get paid lots of Temptations! You've got a good thing going!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I wonder if I can get more money with the money that you have there? I mean like invest it or something?

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh wowie.
I am going to get mommie to buy some money for me too!
Oh... I wont tell any other cat.

purrs to you and Pixiepoospuff

Tybalt said...

Daisy . . . thanks for the tip! I can see that I will now have to accompany my mommy to the grocery store to make sure I can buy some money of my own.

(For some reason my mommy was laughing super hard, especially at the picture of you worrying that someone might try to take your money. She got all leaky-eyed.)

zevo hussein calamari said...

Great idea... I think this is how we will pay our tab at the Ritz Carlton this week.

By the way.. you are an excellent singer!

Dark n Stormy said...

u can be rich for only $2.99! That's brillant!! We think u will use the money to buy more of your pretty clothes!!

We are going to be taking Chanel to the vet about her fur. Perhaps it is excessive grooming. She grooms a lot. Mummy doesn't know how she produces so much saliva!!

Thanks for the advice!!

Tanya & Chanel

The Furry Kids said...

Daisy, you are RICH!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's a great grocery store. Can you tell us where it is so we can teleport over. We want to buy some money furr our Beans furr when they go on their holly days again

Shaggy and Scout said...

You have the best grocery stores there!! We remember when you got some pretty fabulous jewels there too, at grocery store prices!!!!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We will try to keep your secret, Daisy.
We like that suspicious photo!!

~ The Bunch

Anonymous said...

Can I interest you in some life insurance, Daisy? Perhaps a variable life annuity?

Anonymous said...

Daisy, at first you look happy, but then the suspicious thing is nice to have so you can pay for your house and food and stroller, but feeling suspicious and greedy for it, that's not good. Money is just a tool to get the things you need or want. Think of it more as a Spa For Lizards than something to be greedy and suspicious of others for, okay! Love, Karen PS. I still have my Valentines Day card...secret admirer!

Anonymous said...

I'd invest it, Daisy then you can watch your money GROW!

Yes, it can grow! Really!

Spoon of life said...

hehehe sooo always put a smile on my face!!!

jenianddean said...

That is excellent advice ... I'll have to have Mom and Dad pick up some money next time they go to the store!

jenianddean said...

You're rich!! Yippeee!! Much better than your lemonade stand. I hope our Publix sells money like that.

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Mr. Hendrix said...

wow Daisy! look at all your green papers. i am very impressed with your financial smartness. have you taken accounting courses?

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Wow, Daisy you are so SMART!!!!!

We had no idea you could buy money. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks

Skeezix the Cat said...

WOW WOW WOW. That's a LOT of moneys! Will yoo still like me even tho yer a sqwillionaire???

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You better get that money put in the bank before someone takes it!

Or better yet....go buy tons of Temptations!

dennis said...

Dennis likes Daisy even more now. Dennis spent all of his money on books and school.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Wow oh wow our green paper problems are over! I can get fashions from the expensive boutique now! ~Queen Snickers

Asta said...

DaisyWhat a fabulous discovewy..I won't tell anyone..I hope you get lots of temptations and new clothes wif'we so clevew Daisy..I nevew noticed the signal that man in the pictoowe was making..I wondew if he's an intewnational spy ow something?
I could have used some of those moneys on my twip..I didn't have neawly enough hehe
smoochie kisses

Lux said...

Which grocery store did you buy your wealth at? Because I want to send my beans out to buy me some! :)

Anonymous said...

Now that the cat is out of the bag ..let me try my luck too !! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Daisy! Lots of money! Maybe my silly human will give me $2.98 and bunches of moneys!

Daisy, as a kitty cat, you understood bout kitties wanting warm places to sleep and what you wrote to my human gives good ideas. I shall check those out. But, my dear kitten, what is a “heated cat-cup”? I may want my human to get me one.

' Kitty

PB 'n J said...

What a great deal Daisy - we're off to the store for the green papers!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! Daisy, you are so smart! I wonder if my local grocery store has this money to buy? Will my money be Canadian money? "Oh Mum, break out the stroller I have to go to the grocery store"!

Babs (Beetle) said...

Ooooh! you are so rich! If I was a man cat I might want to marry you for your money he he. You do make my mummy laugh so much.

Purrs Sukie

The Misadventures Of Me said...

WOW! That is a LOT of green papers!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

You are LOADED! Are you gonna buy lots of cute fashions or will you take Skeezy on a fancy trip?

The Crew said...

My goodness, now you can buy anything you want. And if you run out of money, you can go to the store and get more!

Mickey's Musings said...

With all that money,you need a purse :)
Purrs Mickey

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Oh Boy...thanks for letting us in on the secret Daisy! I'm sending my beans to the store right away!!!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hmm, wonder if dey haf dat money at our store....moooooom we need to got to da store...thanks fur da tip Daisy.

Gretchen said...

Oh, wow, I didn't know you could buy money in the grocery store. Maybe if I got some money I could buy a year's supply or Temptations.


SophieKitty said...

I am telling my mommie to go to the store right now. If she can buy more money, she won't have to work and she can stay home with me! Thanks, Daisy!!!

The Devil Dog said...

Don't you think that is a little suspicious, Daisy. All that money for only $2.99?


Don't worry, we won't take any.

DK & The Fluffies said...

We bet you can get lots of lobster with all that money!

Miz Allie Cat said...

Ohhh Daisy yous is so smart..meow

Amber-Mae said...

Wow, you got moneys! I want moneys too!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Daisy??? Can I ask a itty-bitty favor? Doze moneez dat you do not wants, da onez dat you threw away...can we uze doze to open up da Itty Bitty Cafe?

meemsnyc said...

Hhehehe, If only money was that easy to get! We always wish that it grew on trees. Money trees.

Karen Jo said...

You are very clever to buy all that money for $2.99, Daisy. Be sure not to let it slip through your paws.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh Daisy, that's so clever of you. You can buy so much treats and toys with all those money

~ Girl girl

Anonymous said...

Since you are nervous someone will try to steal your moneys, you should get a safe to put your moneys in.Ask your Mommie the details, then ask your Mommie to buy you one.

They're awfully useful.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You are very rich Daisy!

Dragonstar said...

Daisy, that last photo is my favourite. Just purr-fect!

Unknown said...

Oh yey!! me want to pulay with money too!! yeyeyey!! u has too much moneyz!! can I has some? puleeze!

CRIZ LAI said...

Wow.. it sure feel great to be rich with only $2.99.. LOL Tr to get your Mommy to get your more delicious yummies with those .. hehe

Andree said...

You can buy money with money? wow! i should've learned that before my rack and pinions broke!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Buy Nip!
Buy Lizards!
Buy a Snail Home!
Pay off Cheysuli's campaign debt!
Send us stuff!

Liss said...

Wow Nixon and Fatty said they'd buy a cat tree with all of that money.

Herbie said he'd buy a pug!

Nixon said he'd really like to pay someone to pay Herbie.

I'd buy a stroller and a bigger house and another cat tree and another pug! Maybe John would get a gift

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