Today is an important day to remember those who died in the service of their country. Memorial Day originated in 1868, when May 30th was designated as a day on which the graves of Civil War soldiers would be decorated. This day was originally called "Decoration Day" but was changed to Memorial Day and became a holiday dedicated to the memory of all war dead.
I would like to take a moment and salute all of the brave service men and women.

My Grandpa did not die in a war, but I am very proud of the service he provided to our country and I would like to remember him on Memorial Day. My Grampa was a Master Paratrooper. Then he went to Officer Candidate School, and then to flight school. After he got his wings, he went to Vietnam and flew
Caribou transport planes. He was very brave and got many medals. My Grampa served almost 15 years in the Army, and after he resigned his commission, he became a commercial airline pilot for Western Airlines, and then for Delta Airlines until he retired. This is the flag from his military funeral.

My Grandpa died before I was borned. I wish I could have met him.

About Memorial Day
64 Notes for Daisy:
Thanks for introducing us to your grampa, Daisy. He served all of us.
Dasiy we are thinking that your grandad would be proud of you for such a great post.
We hope you have a nice memorial day, and get to spend it with your mom and dad.
Poppy and Mum Q
That is very very special of you telling us about your grandpa, Daisy~!!!! I am very honored to know him!!!!
Thank you so much!
That's a very sweet and fitting Memorial Day tribute to your grandpa and to all who serve your country. Have a great Memorial Day!
Thats a very nice tribute to your grandpa Daisy.
That is a very nice and fitting tribute. Happy Memorial Day!
Thanks for telling us about your grandpa's military service. He was brave to be a paratrooper! My grandpas served in the Navy during WWII. Grandma has the flag for one of my grandpas and Mom has the other one.
We cannot thank our service people enough for their military service and their sacrifices for our country.
That was a wonderful rememberance Daisy! Your Grandpa sounded very brave.
What a great salute. Your grandpa would have loved you so much. We all love you!!!
Happy Memorial Day!
For Our Troops:
That was a great post your Grandpa was very special.Thanks for sharing
his story :)
Your grandpa served his country well!
In Canada, we honour those who gave their lives for our freedoms, as well as those who served and who continue to serve, on Remembrance Day, November 11th.
Daisy, what a beautiful post! We wish you could have known your Grandpa, too.
Mom just finished reading Sarge's post and dried her eyes and now she's crying again! This will be a very emotional day!
Daisy, that was a lovely tribute to your Grampa and all of those who have died protecting our country. We wish you could have known him, too ...
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
That's a lovely post for your Grampa Daisy. You are right to be proud of him. We don't have Memorial Day here, but we have Rememberence (Armistice) Day in November.
Today is a great day to think about your Grandpa! He did sound very nice and I bet your Mom can tell you lots of stories about him :)
Have a good memorial Day !
Purrs Mickey
Your grandbean sounds like a wonderful person.
Dear Daisy, thanx for sharing with us about your Grandpa and ur love for him.
That was a very sweet post about your grandpa. Thank you so much.
more hugs
your grandpa is very brave, just like sarge. and you do really good to honor him honey. you are just so sweet...
smiles, auntie bee
Daisy, thank you for the background of Memorial Day, and of your grandpa. Let us all remember the heroic people who died to save our country.
What a very nice tribute to your Grampa, Daisy. Both of our grandparents served in WWII. Grampa was a pilot and Gramma was a WAVE in the Navy. We notice your Grampa died 8-22-01. our Gramma died the day after on 8-23-01.
Have a nice Memorial Day.
Laila and Lilly
That is a very nice tribute Daisy.
In the UK we have 'Remembrance Day'
Also called 'Poppy Day' or 'Armistice Day' on November 11th
(((HUGS))) Sukie X
What a lovely Memorial Day Tribute to your Grandpa. Thank you for telling us about him. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Miss Daisy, this was such a nice post. I love that snappy salute, the old sarge tips his hat to your Grandpa.....
Thank you for telling us about your grandfather, Daisy.
Your grandpa sounds like he was quite the guy.
Have a nice Memorial Day...
What a beautiful post for Memorial Day, Daisy. Your grandfather was a wonderful man who would be so proud to see this post. He did serve us all.
Don't forget the National Moment of Silence at 3 PM local time.
Happy Memorial Day!
***** HUGS ******
Love & Purrs from KC & The Sherwood Bunch
What a nice tribute to your Grandpa, Daisy. We hope you have a wonderful day!
~ The Bunch
That's a wonderful post for your Grampa.
Luf, Us
Oh Daisy, your grandpa was a wonderfully brave man! How proud your family must be of him. I'm sure he would have found you to be adorable! :)
I hope you and your family are having a great weekend. We are feeling much better and relieved today.
Much Love and Hugs to You and Pixie,
Thanks Daisy for introducing me to your Granpa and for being so proud of him.
My son-in-law is a soldier Daisy. And he just got back from Iraq.
Last week-end he came to visit us and we flew his Father's flag from his military burial in honor of US Armed Services Day.
Today I have a poem and the song Some Gave All playing at my site in memory of those who did give all.
I am very happy to be introduced to yet another brave soul that did serve his country.
What a wonderful grandpa he was! Thanks for sharing that.
That was a wonderful tribute to an honorable man, Miss Daisy. Thank you.
Thank u for your granpa. Happy Memorial Day and thank u all the people who have served their country.
What a lovely tribute to all the war heros and your grandpa.
Daisy, Thank you for sharing about your grandpa. It is a great post and tribute.
Happy Memorial Day.
Pixel and Samba
We salute your grandpa too. He must have been a very special man.
How proud you must be of Grandpa! It is great thats he was able to come home. I bet he sometimes looks down on you there, even though you's never met him.
You look so tall and proud by your gramdpa's flag.
Daisy, we've been thinking........ we think you need a Theme Song. We are not creative enough, but your mom sure is!
Our grampa kitty wuz in da Korean war. We salute yer grampa too!
We didn't know you knew how to salute! And that was a very moving tribute to your Grampa. Thanks for sharing it wif us!
Happy Memorial Day to all my American friends. In Canada we celebrate our troops and heroes in November, so my Mum is at work today.
Your Grandpa sounds like a very brave man! It takes people like your Grandpa to make a country great.
Oh Daisy, what a nice tribute to your grandpa and to all those who have served our country. Your Grandpa sounds like he was really special - just like you! We are sending big ..: hugs :.. your way!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Granpa was brave man Daisy!! I lov your pciture with american flagz!! you make merica proudz!!
That was a lovely tribute Daisy. Our grandfather died before we were born too. He served in the Navy but was never in combat.
I am very honored to know about your grampa. I wish you had met him too. I think he would have loved you, Daisy!
Purrrs to your family
YOur grampa was a brave man!
Yur Grandpa sounds like a brave and wunnerful fellow! Thankies fur sharin him with us. I'm sure you're furry proud of him!
Happy Memorial Day!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
We amember...and we salute yoor grampa too!
I think you have a wonderdful grandpa. You must be so proud of him for serving in the military to fight for the freedom that we all have today. It is important to remember those that serve and served in the military.
We also salute those in the military.
Roscoe, Sassy, Momo & Opus
Love the cat art on your blog. UK memorial day is in November I think but we don't have one in Malaysia.
You look mighty proud sitting next to your grandpa's flag. Reading his story, I can understand why.
Thank you for introducing us to your dad, Daisy. My dad is a veteran as well. I am very proud of him.
That's a wonderful tribute to Memorial Day and thanks to your Grampa.
I salute yourrr Grrrandbean too!
That is a very nice post. And you can do a pawsome salute. I think your grandpa would love to meet you, you're such a sweet kitty
~ Girl girl
Wow, your Gramps died a hero! Isn't nice to have a family member serving for our country? Happy Memorial Day!
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
That was a great post. Your granpa was very brave. Our Papa served in the Air Force during Vietnam, but didn't have to go over there. He was here in the United States.
((((hugs)))) to all of you.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
That was a great tribute Daisy! Your Grandpa would be proud of you! Thanks for your comment about Mom's dad! We must always be proud and honor our Service men! ((((((((((((((((((Hugs from our house to yours in Honor of Bonnie)))))))))))))))))))))))!
Your FL furiends,
Wow Daisy, that's a cool story.
We wish you could have met your grandpa as well!!! he would have really liked you and the your memorial day post!!!
Kodak, Winton and 3 Perf
That is a nice tribute to your grandpa Daisy. And you need to teach the Spice Cats how to salute.
That is a great tribute for Memorial Day. I am sorry you did not meet your grandfather. Did you know my daddy Len is also a pilot?
Thank you to your grandpa for protecting this country. He sounds like he was a very brave and courageous man.
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