Tattle Tail Tuesday: My Mommie done a bad, bad thing!
For Tattle Tail Tuesday, I am going to tell you about a bad thing my Mommie done. Remember last week when I told you about how I was trapped in a little space under the cabinets? Well, it was so hard for me to get out of there, that my Mommie thought I would never ever go there again. So, she did not seal the opening up right away. Guess what happened?
I WENT BACK IN THERE THE VERY NEXT DAY! Only this time, I was stuck for over 7 hours because I was too scairt to come out. In this video taken over the course of the day, you can see me being bribed with Temptations and baby food to come out. I was finally rescued (again). But my Mommie felt like a big numskull for not sealing off the space sooner.

Here you can see the space is finally sealed off with cardboard and package sealing tape. And the missing grout is fixed up, too.

93 Notes for Daisy:
Now Daisy, you stay out of that hole sweetie. I am glad that your mommie has blocked it up, so you can't get stuck in there again. Wow seven hours must have been very scairty for you, and it must have hurt your little body to squeeze in and out of that gap.
Smooches to you Miss D.
Wow, when you are determined, nothing gets in your way. I am glad that your mommie taped that all up. That is soooo small, you must be part shape shifter.
Glad you are alright!
Ooohz we glads uz alrites... Ize wittle and cud get stucks in a plase wike dat tooh!! Hooray fur Mamas dat looks out fur us!!
-Bootsie Woo, subbing fur Katie too cuz shez out in da rain at hurs Ninja Cat meetin.
Oh Daisy you iz a sweet Daffodilly like me... oh do cum reads Mawmees poem bout dat... -Daisy May Daffodill
Dearest Daisy,
Dang...you must be magician to git in a whole that tiny. Promise you won't do that no more, 'kay? You gots us skeerd!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Daisy however did you manage to get in there again? We're glad the hole is blocked now cuz next time you mightn't be able to get out, then you would haf to live in there furr ever.
You finks dare is a mousie in dare? Or a secret buried treasure? Maybe yoo can hear lizards scratching in dare!
Wow Daisy, there must be something down there! I am so happy you are OK and that the space is all closed up now.
...you didn't even come out for baby food!!!
Oh boy u went there again!!! :S mst be having smthing very valuble hidden down there ... glad u r k daisy :)
Oah Daisy,
Watching this video, I feel that spot might be your very special secretn place, and you like hiding there~!
And yet, maybe it will have many trouble for beans to pull you out~~~ I think you better not to go inside, after all, there are so many other big space at this house, right?
So glad you get out, again!
Adan & Lego
Oh boy! A secret hidey Hole only for you and your Mommie went and sealed it off? You could have used it as a secret club house! You could use it to hide all your treasures away from everyone! And you got extra Temptations and baby food?
Now it's all sealed up, forever? Rats!
Daisy, how ever did you squeeze in such a tiny hole. Weird how you can squeeze up, but not down again. I think it's good that it is blocvked up now. I wonder what is up there that temps you.
Purrs, Sukie X
Dear Daisy, that is a scairty day when u got stuck inside the black hole! And u made it 2days in a row, we really hopes u don't go in there again! 3's not a charm in this case!
ummm, well honey i think the bad one was the kitty and not the mommie but i'm not too sure! ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
Hmmmm...we have a spot like that in our house that Sox is trying to get into. Think I'll tell TB we'd best put something over it to seal it!
Daisy, please stay out of there!!! 7 hours is a long time to go wifout foods!!
our mommy would haf been real sweet saying nice things to get us out of there, and by hour 5 she would be screeching and saying werds on the bad werd list. She does that when Sammy hides in the hole unner the boxspring in Billy's room. After Sammy didded it twice, she shoved a bunch of stuff unner the bed, but he found another hiding spot unner there so she just lets him sit there till he gets bored. we bet YOUR mommy would not holler like that.
Daisy, sweetie...DON'T GO BACK IN THERE! Goodness, you must have been scaired and you must have scaired your Mommy too!
Find another place to play hidey!!! Somewhere not so small!!!
How scary, Daisy! We are glad you finally came out, and that the hole is sealed up now!
Oh dear. I am so worried! Please don't get hurt or stuck again. It might be fun, but the last part is really scary. Glad you are safe.
That video was so funny! We are confident you will find a way to get that barrier down. hehehe!
Laila and Lilly
Well,now that you know you can get out and get goodies ,why wouldn't you want to go back in there!!!
Good luck Daisy :) Heehee
Purrs Mickey
Somehow we missed the first time you got trapped. Please stay out of there Daisy. That is very scary!!!!!
We are glad you are OK and got out safely, but don't go up in there again, OK!
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
We can't figure out how you fitted back there Daisy. It's good that your mom has it blocked so you don't get stuck again!
Um Daisy... not to tattle tail on u as well but I think there is co-responsibility for the bad thing... yes your mommie should have sealed the hiding place off sooner but you shouldn't have gone back... i enjoyed seeing pixie make an appearance in the video...
Daisy, that was a askeery video. I'm glad you came out from under there. I thought for a second that Pixie was going to eat your baby foods. That was pretty askeery, too.
Daisy you are so silly for going back in there! You know what they say about curiousity....
It was nice of Pixie to come see if you were okay.
I am glad that spot is covered up now.
Seeing your paws grappling at the jar of baby food made me splutter coffee at the screen Daisy! It was nice to see Pixie looking for you too, or was she just looking at the baby food?
I understand you found a great hidey hole and you want it back...maybe with a pic and ax you can dig it back open...
Oh Daisy! I know how it is to want to go into small spaces, but I sure would not want to go in there again and get stuck for a 3rd time! Be careful.
Tyler's mom:
Daisy, Daisy, Daisy, was it fun making your mom worry like that? It looked like even Pixie was worried about you. I agree with the others to please stay away from that hiding place even if it does look like it's covered up very well now. It's not nice to worry your mom like that for such a long time. Be a good girl now, ok?
Tyler: Cool fort Daisy! To bad your mom took it away. Can you find another unknown secret hiding spot in your house? You're my idol.
Yikes, I'm glad your Mom fixed the secret hidung spot!
Oh, Daisy! I'm sorry you had such a traumatic experience. But are you sure you were really scairt and not just wanting some alone time?
Daisy, Wow you have got us all very scairt! Maybe instead of getting a cooling vest we should design a little kitty straight jacket for a certain curly kitty? Well, I think maybe you are done with that secret space now, time to go back to getting some privacy in a good old paper grocery sack, or the reusable kind are good too for a time out. Be a good kitty now, young lady. We send our best wishes! Bonnie and Pepper
Daisy, we cats know all about obsessions and the fact that humans "don't get it" is not our problem. However, for your mommie's sake, please try to become obsessed with something else.
Daisy, is that tiny space how you get to Narnia or Wonderland? Is that why you keep trying to get back in there?
My mommy feels very bad for your mommy. Oh Daisy, please don't do anything like that ever again!
(PS: It was nice seeing Pixie in the video!)
Fank gudness your mummy has seeled up dat hole. The hole fing luks qwite twaumatic bof for you and your mummy. Pixie didn't seem too bofered tho.
That must have been a pretty great hidey-hole if you went back Daisy! We're glad that you finally came out and that it's all fixed so you can't get in there again!
Isn't it odd dat a place can egzist fur years and years den alla sudden it is just THE best place to be. We'z glad it's closed up cuz being stuck in der prolly isn't any fun.
Oh Daisy, I can't believe you went back in that cupboard hole! Is it fun in there?
I am glad your Mommie sealed it up - now you be a good girl and stay out of there.
P.S. I must say your little head sticking out of the hole was really quite cute : )
Wow! That's a very interesting concept Daisy! Stay out of there!
Luf, Us
Whoa - that was you getting attacked by Godzilla. I had no clue! I'm on my way ...
Daisy you must not go in there again. What if your Mommy couldn't get you out!!
7 hours?!?! Oh my!! That was a very big mistake your Mommie made. I'm glad she has that space closed off now, so this will NEVER happen again! :-0
Daisy, you need to let that space go. You never know what might be in there. Just walk away.
Oh honey! how did you stay down there so long without food or potty break? Um, you didn't do potty did you? Kitties are very determined when they want something!
Your poor Mommie. I know she must have worried terribly. I'm so glad you got out of there to be with Mommie and Pixie again. Be good okay?
Billie is feeling tons better! Let's have an eventful-less week. :)
Love and Smoochies,
This might take a bit of extra effort but I bet you can gnaw through the cardboard. I know I would!!! I bet there are really cool things in there even if you can't get out.
**GASP** Daisy!
Your mommie isn't the bad girl in this scenario and you know it! You are so naughty!
Your mommie trusted you and probably believed you learned your lesson but, by your own admission, you're obsessed with that hidey hole!
I'm very glad your mommie realized you are too mischievious and that she had no choice but to close up that opening... for your own good!
Hi Daisy!
It's a good thing your Mommie got that all closed up - we don't want you getting stuck in there again!
Love Clover xo
Your eyes were so big & scairty in the video! 7 hours is a long time!
Daisy, Your Mommie should be told on. We all know how very curious cats can be and it is apparent, because you still want to go where you should not. But now she has taken care of the situation, give her a big hug because she loves you very much. Perhaps she will give you some catnip in a different area of the house. This could become your new favorite place, instead. :)
You must have been vewy scaiwt if you wouldn't even come out fow temptations..I'm sowwy this happened..pleez stay out of scaiwy places..love and smoochie kisses
Dont worry Dasiy..I hope you will able to find your target.
Was there a lizard in there, Daisy? Did it lure you inside?
I think you were just being curious, which a cat is supposed to be. Anyway, my human the baseball fan says to tell you "I am glad you are out and safe at the same time." Whatta card...
Even I can tell it wuz yur private medditayshun chamburr. In sum kulchures thay fast and haff outta furr experiences. Yoo did good to resist the Temptayshuns and to push the jar of food away. Now your medditayshun chamburr is all seeled off. I'm so sorry Daisy. You'll haff to find a new place to find inner pees and enlitenmint.
Oh my Daisy, how did you ever get in that little hole? We are glad your Mom sealed it up! We wouldn't want anything to happen to you!
Your FL furiends,
that must be a great hole for you to keep wanting to get in there. we're sorry it is blocked off, but it is best so you don't get hurt.
we are all caught up on our Daisy posts and we think your flannel robe is very warm, soft and looks pretty on you, I'll stay away from the free tortilla guys and we think your grandpa was a brave heroic man. we wish we could have met him too.
Daisy, just the thought of being stuck anywhere in a little tiny space is really scary to think about! I have gotten stuck in a closet for hours, and Sam has gotten stuck in Momma's chest of drawers cabinet for hours, and we were both scared. At least your Mommie finally fixed the hole since you tattled on her ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Daisy - you are just a silly little kitty. Why are you trying to worry your mommy so? You make me giggle. It's amazing the small spaces kitties can squeeze themselves into.
You be careful missy!
We are so glad you are out. Seven hours is a long time to spend in such a little space!
We bet your Mommie was scared!
~ The Bunch
Oh, Daisy, your mom did do a bad thing, but we hope you forgave her. She's only human, you know.
Sounds like your mom is going to have to do more than cardboard to keep you out again. Does she have a block of wood she can cover the hole with? You sound too determined for cardboard to hold you back.
Find something safer to obsess on, okay, Daisy? That really isn't a safe place for you to hide.
Well I am glad your Mommy blocked that hole! Maybe your Mommy buying that "Daisiana Jones" outfit spurred your need for adventure?
Daisy, I just saw a pillow that could be your twin!
Please stay away from that spot Daisy.. we do not want to see you get hurt. WE all love you too much!
Is there something inside the little space that you want? A lizard or mousie?
Oh, goodness ... Looonnnnggg learning curve, huh? You need to stay outta tiny places, Miss Daisy.
I know you were scairt and everything, but that video of you is really funny. My favorite part is when only your paws appear from the spot. Mommie's favorite part is Pixie's face observing this situation.
I am really curious as to what's in there and how you get inside!
Ohmygosh Daisy! I'm so glad you came outta the hole! Us kitties can fit through the teeny-weeniest of spaces and amaze our humans, but it's not good to scare them!
Congrats to your mommy for wooing you out. :)
Wow Daisy, we can't believe you were there for 7 hours. We are so glad that your mommy closed it off so that you can't get back in there.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Miss Daisy, my mom was laffin' an' laffin'! She knows you were never in danger, but definitely illustrated that you've a mind of your own!
wutta grate hidin place. i know dat mi brudder matsui wood luv a place like dat.
how duz yer mom keep yer growt so cleen an wite? she mus be da bes howsekeeper in florida.
Oh Daisy, I am so glad that Pixie was there to help mom try to encourage you to get out of there.
Going in and behind stuff is SOOOOOO fun. It used to be one of my very favorite past times.
Purrrs that you lose interest in that place soon.
Daisy, why do you like going in that hole & then get scairt to come out again? I know kitty cats love dark places to hide. Kitty cats are explorers & are always curious. But sometimes being curious is not such a good thang if you ask me...
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh Daisy, 7 hours being stuck back there! How scary! Thank goodness your mom taped up the opening and you can't get stuck in there anymore! Be careful little Daisy!
Daisy, STAY OUT OF THERE! 7 hours? My goodness, how did you survive? I would have expired from fright, I am certain.
Poor little Daisy. That's what happens when you are so tiny, you can get in tiny places where Mom can't rescue you! When I was a little kitten I got behind the lazy Susan in the kitchen and Mom had to unload the entire thing. And once I climbed on top of the entertainment center that was caddy-corner in the corner and jumped down behind it and got stuck. Mom could hear me crying and talking, but couldn't find me and finally Mom distracted me from the side while Dad used a sharp knife to cut a hole for me to get out. Be careful, silly!
You are a stinker. Naughty girl for scaring your mom like that. I did have to laugh at your little paw trying to pull that baby food jar closer.
Oh Daisy, I think that looks like a fantastic place to hang out and explore! Are there lots of invisible bugs there?
KC said...
O, Daisy, pleeze do not go theres no more. i's bet it skeers yours mommie to have to tug an pull you out wifout hurting yours little kitty body.
i's glad she took drastic measures and fixed it. Glad Faith Boo isn't over there, she chews and knaws thru fings like a rat.
Hahahaha - you are too funny! Only 2 more days until the wedding and maybe you will find some really nice little spots on board of Voyager...?
See you there!
Dear Daisy and Pixie - we forgot to thank you for your beautiful pictures that you posted on our reception blog! So stylish, so pretty, always impeccable taste!
See you soon!
P.S. Skeezix will be there too....
That looks like a good hiding place...hehe...
Hehehehe! You can come to our house - we gots da same issue, but we is too big to squeeze in there! We will have to take photos to show you. Yer momma is kinda like McGiver!
Maybe there's something interesting in that hole? I hope you dont get stuck there again. It's scary
~ Girl girl
I can't believe you went back in that tiny hole again, Daisy. Seven hours is an awfully long time to be stuck in a tiny place. I'm glad your Mom got it sealed off so you can't go back in there any more.
Wow, I can't git over all that packing tape ware yer mom patched up the hole! I cood sniff that all day long!
it looked like an adventure! My mama is always worried about the foster kittens doing the same thing!
I think that that looks like a great place to hang out... but, okay maybe seven hours is a bit long. Take it easy, kiddo, go find another hole to crawl into - one with a little easier exit!!
Oh no Daisy, you can't go in there. What if you get stuck and you're hungry and there's no food? I'd hate for your tummy to be rumbling!
hi daisy! that is silly you keep going in there! I am glad your moommmie fixed it now.
Daisy, it is not a safe place to play, and your Mom only wants you to not get stuck in there anymore. I'm sure you'll have plenty of other places to play.
Now that is just so cute!!!
You loved every moment of it didn't you?! I think you would be good friends with my furball Mr Jingles! You should come by and say hi to him on my blog sometime!
Best wishes!
Oh Daisy, I unnerstan completely. There is this little space unner the cabinets fer a airvent ta get out, and I forced into it last week.
The Big Thing hadda help me get back out. It was SO embarrassin!
My whiskers said I could get in, but they said I couldnt get OUT!
Pee Ess, he was SO sneaky. He putta pieca cardboard above me an it foolt my whiskers while he slid me out.
I sure wont go in there again!
Dennis worries about you-- he does not want you to to get hurt or frightened.
But Dennis understands your motivation.
Dennis says if he had to date a cat that wore wigs and talked talk worse than baby talk, he want to crawl in a hole too.
Hmm, oh well... Don't blame your Mummy too hard thou' cause we bet you had 7 hours of sure fun in there, else you wouldnt be trying to grab the babyfood INTO the hole. That was so cute again!
And dont forget the saying of "curiousity killed the XXX"
Now Mummy -- would Daisy try to scratch the cardboard off. We think she can if she is desperate enough =P
Rudolf & Goofy
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