Lately, I have been so busy that I have been neglecting my medical studies. You know, my big sister Pixie has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This means her heart is very sick. So, I have decided to take the Advanced course in cardiology to try to help heal Pixie's heart.
Pixie: Daisy, I saved up all of my allowance! Will you take my case?
Daisy: Pixie, I could never take your money. Let me study your case and see if I can fix you all up. First, I will need to practice the operation on my test subject.
Daisy: Hmmm, I think I see the problem here. The heart is broked. I must repair it without making the nose light up.
Daisy: I will first practice with my trusty
tweezers scalpel.
Daisy: This is much harder than I thought. If nobody is looking...

...I will use my teeths instead. Do not worry, I brushed before the operation. This means my teeths are sterilized.
Daisy: Pixie, the operation is much too hard for me. See for yourself.
Pixie: Oh, I see, I see.
Daisy: I am very sorry Pixie. I will keep studying my hardest and maybe one day, I can cure you. For now, you must keep taking your medicines every day, and visit your regular cardiologist every six months.
Pixie: Do not worry, Daisy! I love you.
Daisy: I love you too, Pixie.
Pixie: Can I have a bananer now?

Learn more about Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, or donate to research on this disease, by going to
The Ricky Fund for HCM Research at the Winn Feline Foundation

Doctor Daisy Learns Cardiology
90 Notes for Daisy:
At least you could offer your sister great fresh tasty bananas~~~
I am glad to see you both love each other so deeply~!
It's ok Daisy, I know you really study hard just for your sister Pixie~!!!!!
Kiss both of you!
Daisy, that is very sweet to study so hard to try to help Pixie. We know she appreciates it. Those are great pictures of the two of you.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Daisy, that was a very unselfish effort to help your sister!
Somebody give that sweet Pixie a bananer, right this minute!
You did you very best, Daisy! But sometimes we just can not help our family and friends, how much we try and love them...
Pixie, take your bananers and medicines every day, and maybe your sister or someone else can cure those heart diseases in the near future!!
I've heard that cardiology is hard. But if anyone can learn it, it's you, Daisy. You are very nice to Pixie.
It was nice to see Pixie.
We are sorry that the surgery was to hard for you, but we know you did your very best.
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
deer pixie,
if yer sistah cooden't take care uv mi brudder matsui'z hoo-ha-ektomee ... she can't do dis operashun.
Daisy - that is so sweet for you to try and help Pixie with an operation. You are a wonderful sister!
We just love the pictures of you both!
You and Pixie Bananers have a wonderful day!
Daisy, you're the bestest sisfur in the whole werld to try and help Pixie!!!
Pixie we purr for you efurry day!
Oh Daisy, you are so sweet! You tried very hard to fix Pixie! We know that you love her very much. Until you get your degree, she needs to see her regular doctor...just as you recommended!
Pixie: Bananers are good for the heart. We prefer nip nanas, but you go ahead and eat the real thing. Hmm...Mommy just bought bananers...mayber we will give them a try....should we peel them first?
Daisy, you are truly of purity, innocence and loyal love just as your name suggest.
Pixie and you are both so fortunate to have each other. And of course your mommie's devotion and love too.
One bananer ready for Ms. Pixie!
Purrs and Kissies,
Aw, Daisy, you have a kind heart for wanting to fix Pixie's heart. While you continue your studies, remember to be nice to her. Sisters are special.
Ohhhhhhhhhh Ladies I loved it!!! Nice to see you Pixie, and you guys played so nice together.
I fink that operating is very hard, but maybes you can help fix Pixies heart a little bit with lots of love and bananas.
Smooches to you both.
Poppy Q
Oh Pixie! I want you to get better!
Dennis says O Daisy!
Daisy, you never cease to amaze me.
Your love for Pixie is inspiring-- I have been much warmer towards Chedwick since I fell for you.
I feel sad in my heart for dear Pixie. I can see that she loves you very much. How lucky she is to have you.
Dennis will be offline for a day or two but will be thinking of you non-stop.
Oh Daisy, you are a very good doctor!
Oh Pixie - we send you hugs! :)
Daisy you make a wonderfurfulls doctor.
Dear Daisy, I think you will be a great heart surgeon one day. It's lovely that you are studying hard so that you can help Pixie. You two look so cute together:) xxx
Daisy, it is wonderful that you want to help your sister like that. We hope they find a cure for HCM.
What a sweet sister you are Daisy!
hey daisy you left us with a cliffhanger. did pixie get her bananer?
it's nice of you to try and find a cure...
That was really sweet of you to try and cure Pixie. But sometimes it's best to leave these things to the specialists. We know that they are taking very good care of Pixie.
I agree Daisy!! Trying to fix the heart is very hard! You are a great sisfur to try though :)
Good luck with your studies :)
Purrs Mickey
Holy Cow! Daisy you are so talented. I just love reading your adventures. I'm glad you are caring so nicely for your sister. =)
that IS very hard daisy. good try honey. maybe you can do it the next time... pixie is a good sister!
smiles, auntie bee
That is so sweet Daisy! I wish love alone could heal our health-Pixie would be better in a heartbeat! Actually, she would have never gotten sick!
Pixie~I hope you got a banana!!
Dr Daisy, oh my, you have so many skills. I think Pixie is in good paws.
Never mind Daisy. You did your best. It's lovely to see Pixie, and you can see you love her.
Purrs, Sukie X
You are a wonderful sister to Pixie to even try this. Don't despair about the medical treatment being too hard for you. Human cardiologists spend many, many years learning to do such operations. May we look forward to seeing you in surgical scrubs on an upcoming fashion friday?
It is nice to see Pixie! She is very cute! Daisy my daughters and I were shopping at Target yesterday and we almost bought you a beautiful peach dress but weren't sure if peach was your color.
Sometimes, you make me smile and make my eyes get misty at the same time, Doctor Daisy!
♥ to Pixie!
Not The Mama
Daisy, what a wonderful cat you are to be studying to help your sister!
It's really nice of yoo to try to help fix Pixie's heart Daisy. Sorry it din't work out, maybe da carde, kadeo, maybe da heart doctors will come up wif a way to fix it.
Yes, that looks like a really hard operation. Study hard so you can learn to fix Pixie's heart. And in the meantime, a bananar a day keeps the doctor away.
Dr. Daisy, it is good that you give your patient a healthy banana, even tho' you cannot operate on her. It's important to keep her heart as healthy as possible and good nutrition is vital! Bananers have lots of potasseyum in them and that is good for Miss Pixie!
You are such a good girl to try to help Pixie's heart! Even if you can't do it, the advice you gave is just right. We hope she got the bananner.
I have a human friend with HCM...
Daisy, you're a good baby sister.
I require your feline medical attention...this post made me break out in the warm fuzzies! Thanks for the smiles, Daisy.
Daisy, you done yur bestest. Fur now, you can keep adminsisterin fur and purr therapy. I's sure it helps Pixie. Purrs!
Awww you girls are so cute sittin there trying to fix Pixie's heart. ~The Fluffy Tribe
Daisy, we know that if you could fix Pixie's heart, you would! Keep on studying.
Hi Daisy and Pixie! We didn't know that Pixie had heart boo-boos. Oh my goodness. You two girls are adorable playing with your operation game together. I know Daisy could have swatted her sister but she didn't, that's nice Daisy.
We have a funny question about curly furs -- on cats, on the back of your lower hind legs, there are different furs there, it's really dense like felt! On curly cats, is it like felt or are there curly furs there too?
And, do the pads on Pixie's feets look like little pink pinto beans, like Daisy's do? Such purr-sonal questions, hope you are not minding this - Pepper is curious about these things!! Thanks to both of you girls and to your Mommy too - Bonnie and Pepper.
Daisy, you are a great sisfur to Pixie to learn advanced cardiology. You both deserve bananers!
Daisy you are very sweet to want to help your sister. It is nice to see you and Pixie together!
Dearest Doctor Daisy,
Do you think you might be able to help heal Felix's pooper? It ain't been right for over a year. Please let us know if you will take on his case.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Daisy, even as I smiled as usual while visiting you, my eyes are teary for Pixie. You're a good sister to want to help her. You gave her good advice about her medication.
I know your Mommie loves you both so much! You are both just so adorable. :) I think about Pixie often and I can't look at bananas now without thinking of her.
Lots of Love to you two Curly Girls,
Thanks for trying anyway, Daisy. At least you were able to let other cats know more about feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
daisy, u r so sweet to try and fix pixie
I liked that story!
It's so nice of you tr try and help Pixie - just keep studying!
Daisy you're the best kind of sister a girl could have. I sure hope Pixie keeps doing well. It's hard going through those kinds of things. But you keep loving her and loving your mommy too. And you're right she needs to take her meds and visit her doctor to keep herself healthy.
You guys are just too sweet. Love yas!
That's the cutest thing I've ever seen -- and seeing the game Operation made me smile too -- it brings back memories from back in the day.
Daisy, you're one sweet little sister!
Thanks for teaching me about Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.
Daisy, You are such a good little girl, trying to help your precious sister, Pixie. What a lovely family you have.
I knew beneath that tough exterior was a heart of gold. You are a sweetie Daisy for taking such good care of Pixie.
We've got an Idea Daisy, have you ever heard of the yellow brick road...well it leads to a wizard and he might be able to help Pixie like he helped the tin man. Then there is an even better idea, all of us purr real hard for Pixie to have a healthy heart.PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR=^Y^=Ty & The Cat Street Boyz
AWWW thats sweet of you to help your sister! My sister is helping me with my heart, maybe if you study really hard you fill find away to help yours! ~Queen Snickers
Daisy you are very thoughtful to try and help Pixie, but we think you may have to study a bit longer first.
Awww! Love between sisters is unbreakable. Her heart might have some troubles, but at least you know that you and your Mommy will never break it (only make it better with your love).
Oh Daisy! You deserve a PhD, a Pixie-helping-doctrate!
Very sweet!
Purrs to you both, Shade and Goldie
Daisy, it is very rare that we get to see you and Pixie together in the same picture!
You are such a nice sister for at least trying to fix Pixie's heart. I am glad that she at least has medicines to help her.
Keep studying Daisy, you never know what you will discover one day.
Daisy that is realy nice of you to try to help you sister. I also know even if you can't do anything as long as you purr together it will help.
I also wanted to thank you for the Birthday wishes
Those bananas will help Pixie ... Keep studying, though. It's important to keep active in your careers, Miss Daisy ... Oh, "Dr." Daisy.
Daisy, it is so sweet to see you with your sister! Pixie is so beautiful. I love her furs.
One day you will be an expert. I and so happy that you and Pixie love eachother. I am trying to love Pierro but he is a pest sometimes.
*smooches* to both of you
I wanna play! I love this game. :)
That is a kewl toy! Kewl toy to learn how to do Cardiology...You are so sweet to help your older sister.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
That is very nice of you to try to help Pixie. Learning can be very hard. Hope Pixie gots lots of bananers!
You have great dr skills, Daisy!
Surgery is really hard! We remember back when we tried to fix our friend mister Phil Mingo who jumped off the table. Hope you're having a good week!
Yoo are a good sisfur. I hope sumday thare is sumthing to make Pixie bedder. I'd like to give yoo both hedbutts.
Them kinna operashuns is FERY hard! Its OK not ta be good at them. But keep studyin!
Oh Daisy, that is so nice that you are trying to learning about broken hearts to help Pixie. You are a great sister!
WOWIE! It's one thing to become a dokter, but to be a speshulist like a cardyolijist.... yoo are a reel go-gitter! Maybey next yoo cood become a meeteurolojist and makes the hots go away frum my howse!
You 2 are so sweet. I hope you or some doctor can help Pixie get well.
Meanwhile a banana sounds pawsome
~ Girl girl
That is very sweet of you Daisy! I'm sorry the operation was too hard. That must be difficult for you, not being able to help her.
Pixie, you're in our purrs as always.
You awe the sweetest fow wanting to help coowe Pixie..I'm glad she has hew medcin meanwhile, cause that looks vewy difficult..I'm sending hew a bananew kiss
and you a smoochie
This will sound totally crazy...but my human is into alternative healing for humans and she believes in guided visualization. Maybe you and your Mom could visualize a healing light helping Pixie to get better. Maybe if you do this everyday for a few could not hurt.
Daisy you is sucha smart kitteh. Me don't know what cadiology mean but it looks fun!!
Hahaha! That was very funny when you used your teeths to operate :-D
I'm sorry you can't fix Pixie with your operation game :( It's nice to see pictures of you two getting along good :-)
Dr. Daisy is on the case.
Awww Daisy this is so sweet it made mom's eyes leaky :)
Maybe watching Grey's Anatomy will help you learn more Daisy.
Luf, Us
Maybe watching Grey's Anatomy will help you learn more Daisy.
Luf, Us
AW....Daisy how sweet of you to want to help Pixie!!! What a wonderful sister you are!
We think you are a super sister to Pixie. We all love her!
~ The Bunch
Daisy, you are such a good sister. You deserve an extra temptation for studying so hard. Thanks for making me smile every day.
Dennis came back to say he hopes Pixie feels OK today. Dennis worries about Pixie.
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