Fashion Friday: My Bucket Hat
Today I am modeling my bucket hat. Bucket hats are lightweight, rugged and durable. But, I am not sure that they are very fashionable. Do you think I look like Gilligan?
My bucket hat has very beautiful yellow, orange, and pink stripes with sparkly gold threads. I think this makes it a little more fashionable than your average bucket hat. Also, the pink lining is very glamorous.

82 Notes for Daisy:
You look really cute in the hat Daisy. I bet you'll make a pawsome fisher-cat
~ Girl girl
Dear Daisy,
You are really really sexy with that hat!!!! I love your new style very very much~!!!
If very special taste!!!!!!!
KC said...
You look cute in tha bucket hat, but don't like you's enjoying it furry much. It does look like a going fishin hat, except in a glamorous pink.
Purrs, KC
pee ess: Yours camera is on it's way!
Daisy, that's a perfect sun hat, or perhaps a gardening hat.
Daisy, that is a very cute hat! You are wearing it really well. We don't do so well with hats, since they bother our frootbat ears.
Oh that's is a very cute little hat Daisy! :) Maybe a lizard hunting hat? ;) Or for a sunny walk in your lovely harness? :)
bucket hat? i did not know dat it wuz called a "bucket hat." see ... u can teech a cat sumthin noo.
u look verree fashunabul.
Treater says she likes bucket hats, but I'm a bit concerned about your ears.
Fishing? Fishing sounds yummy, er... good!
You sure area saucy pink sailor girl this week Miss D.
Just delightful.
Poppy Q
It look great whatever u are wearing, Daisy! Do not let the bucket hat inhibit u and your poses! :D
Love da colors Daisy! Dat hat looks simply stunning on yoo.
I don't know if the sexy thing works. The wee-est one is jealous, her favorite colours are pink and orange. She wants a hat like that.
Very cute!
Oh we loved Gilligan. :) We are singing the theme song now. :)
Daisy, that hat is adorable!!
Hey,if you go fishing,I'll go with ya!! We can get a big boat.You can wear your hat!!
Purrs Mickey
Nice hat!!! I like all the pretty colors. So summery!
Daisy, you look so cute in that hat. We like all the different looks! The colors are beautiful on you!
I think the hat is beautiful miss daisy, I also think you would be a great fisher cat, Gilligan? too funny
i triple love hats honey and you look lovely in yours!!!
smiles, auntie bee
you've convinced me that i need to go out and buy a bucket hat. nothing wrong with lookin a lil like gilligan.
You are such a fashion icon, Daisy! I am doing my very first Fashion Friday today. Hope you like my pretty pink dress.
You look cute in your hat Daisy, but then you look cute whatever you are wearing.
Daisy: you are such a fashion plate that you never wear the same thing twice. What do you do with your clothes after the public has seen them? Do you have a store like Oprah's where you sell your unwanted clothes to your fans?
somehow you manage to cawwy off the sexy look wif that pose even in youw bucket's the way you dwape youw legses..I love the colow..but I agwee youw waincoat is the best fow bad's waining hewe would be pawfect
smoochie kisses,ASTA
That is a very cute bucket hat Daisy. You look great in anything you wear!
I think you look adorable in your bucket hat! You don't look a thing like Gilligan!
We think you look more like Ginger, who for some reason is wearing Gilligan's hat.
Now we understand why Mommy doesn't wear hats and gets sun burnt instead. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
I think a fishing hat is a great idear now that summer is coming, Daisy. And those colors are very pretty on you.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
I like your bucket hat, Miss Daisy! It highlights your face and eyes! Yes, I agree that it's a bit difficult to look sexy in a bucket hat..but you'd be a very fashionable fishercat!
I think you look more like MaryAnn than Gilligan. YOU look very cute in your hat and if your weather is like ours today we are going to have rain and that hat could come in real handy.
You always look lovely in anything you wear Daisy. If it isn't in fashion you can make it fashionable.
Purrs, Sukie X
Daisy you have the ability to take the simplest, most basic article and make it fashionable. That is a rare talent. Kate Hepburn did that very well.
Actually, Daisy, you don't look like Gilligan, you look like Ginger! Seriously, girl, if anybody can work that look, you can. You are an extremely photogenic animal. I wish I were -- Steve and the female always manage to get my double chins when they take pictures of me.
Your hat is very cute.
Hi Daisy!
You are such a great model - everything looks good on you!!
Love Clover xo
That is a very cute hat, Daisy. I do agree that it's probably more sporty than sexy. hee hee
We like the look of the brim down in the front. Very sexy!
Ooh, you look so retro yet trendy. I like the bucket hat with the brim down.
I love how the yellow band in the hat makes your eyes stand out.
Glamorous & versatile too, Daisy!
Daisy, That sexy look is pure LAUREN BACALL! You look great in pink. Have a great weekend!! Your dog pal, Pepper
That is a lovely hat! Our little blurpy sisser has some bucket hats too! You will need that hat if you go outside on a hot summer day on Floreeda.
We has fishies right here in 3 HUGEST glass areas. You coulds try to learns with thems if you likes!
I am not sure that I would like a hat over my frootbat ears. You are such a great model Daisy!
Wow you did so good with that hat! Very tough modeling job! I hope you got payed extra!! You make even bucket hats look good! ~Queen Snickers
Oh, Daisy, you look cute as ever in your little bucket hat. But we do have to admit, it isn't really you.
To answer your question, there isn't anything going on between Merci and Shadow. But we're glad Shadow told everyone Merci is "sooooo cute." And we couldn't resist teasing her about it. After all, that's what brothers and sisters do. :)
supa sutah Diasy!! Pink is always lookz best on u!!
Happy Fashion Friday Daisy! You wear hats so well! I like the colors in your bucket hat too. It would be fun to wear while strollering. Fishing is boring and you would probably have more fun playing. :)
I hope you are having a great day with Mommie and Pixie.
Hugs, Purrs, and Smoochies,
While I like the colors, I have to admit I am not thrilled with the style of the hat. I think you are more the cute pillbox hat type myself.
That hat is adorable on you, Miss Daisy! :) You are much cuter than Gilligan!
Happy Friday to you and Pixie Bananers! xoxoxoxo
I don't know if it's the same as a fisherman's hat. I have three of those hats.
You look very glamorous with that hat. Very stylish...Fashionable indeed...
I love to wear that during rainy days because I've seen a picture of Hemingway wearing one.
I don't think you look like Gilligan at all, Daisy, you look very adorable in your bucket hat!
Oh wowie Daisy I LOVE this bucket hat!
happy week-end to you girls
Daisy the fashion look great in anything! =^Y^=Ty
Daisy, yer RONG RONG RONG!! Yer bukit hat is vary vary vary s-e-x-e-y. I got urjes!!!
I love the second picture, you look so cute.
Daisy, that is a very nice hat!
You are getting very good at the sexy poses! I am sure Skeezix will love that last photo!
I love the second picture, you look so cute.
Daisy, you look wonderful in your pretty bucket hat! It's very stylish. You look perfectly ready for rain, or fishing :-) But don't go fishing at your pond, that could be very dangerous with the alligators there!
Daisy, is there anything dat looks bad on yoo? Yoo are rocking dat hat!
If ANYONE can pull off those hats it's you Daisy! :)
What a great bucket hat! That color is a very fun style and makes you look very fun and funloving! You are so very much cuter than Gilligan.
I think your Dr. Daisy post with Pixie is the sweetest post I've ever seen. We keep Pixie in our purrs and prayers that they find a cure for her. Maybe it will even be bananna flavored!
I do not think you look like Gilligan.. you look more like Ginger the movie star!
Daisy, You look marvelous in the hat. It doesn't matter how you wear it. Actually, one of the reasons it looks so glamorous, is because you're wearing it. My cat Simon thinks you're the bees knees and is excited that you purchased an ad on A Nice Place In The Sun.
Thank you for the fashion show. Simon and I love the bucket hat, and I hope I will be able to purchase one soon.
Anyway, we really enjoy your blog, and wish you a happy week-end.
Ann & Simon
I pawed a comment to you about your lufferly hat but its gawn. Where is it ? Also, my comment to you about you being a doctor has gawn too. What is goin on Daisy. Am I doin somefin wong??
I liked your hat. I only thought you looked like Gilligan in the third photo. That is just because of the way you had the rim. Of course you look cute in anything that you wear.
I REALLY like your bucket hat, Miss Daisy. Did you know that if you went to Mom's school, you could wear that hat 'cuz it fits within the parameters of the dress code? It doesn't have any logos on it an' it has a two inch (or larger) brim 360 degrees around your head! Yay!
Hey Gilligan, I mean Daisy...nice hat.
Well, I don't think Gilligan had your whiskers.
Fishing? What if you fall in? You get wet! YUK! As for the hat, we think it is very pretty. Lucky especially loves the pink inside and the pretty colored outside.
Ya look lovely Gilligan, er, we mean DAISY! An watch out fer the Skipper. He allus gets mad at ya, er, we mean GILLIGAN!
Daisy, you were the big topic tonight at mine and John's dinner. John, just loves you. He loves your blog. We both decided that if you ever decided to leave your mama (I'm sure you'd never part) that we would certainly take you in. That's pretty good considering John said we're not allowed to have any more pets.
What a versatile hat. And a pretty one too!
Daisy, The hat is pretty cute. I love the colors. The yellow stripe picks up the gold in your eyes.
I think what is missing is a pretty hot pink sundress, maybe with some spaghetti straps? It should be the same pink as the hat. I think if you had a sundress, you would love the hat.
Just a thought.
You look stunning in that hat Daisy. Who's Gilligan? :) xxx
No - we don't think you look like Gilligan - maybe MaryAnn. You look very cute in your bucket hat.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
You are really looking so cute in this new hate.
Don't worry Daisy your much cuter than Gilligan :)
We've been MIA for awhile, but have been lurking and watching your antics Daisy. You crack us up.
Luf, Us
Awww, Daisy -- what a cutiepie you are! You made Mom say SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Dennis says Daisy looks like Audrey Hepburn, not Gilligan! Very demure and very, very pretty
Tell me daisy... did you have any crash on you after the new fashion. Some one must have.
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