Fashion Show Friday: Hurricane Wear
Did you know that today is the official start of the hurricane season? Well, I am prepared with this beautiful pink raincoat! I think it will repel wind and rain.
It has this little hood to protect my hair-do, and a velcro closure.

60 Notes for Daisy:
Sorry to hear it's the start of hurricane season, Daisy. Your raincoat is very cute! It looks good on you. :) I like the daisies. :)
Oh daisy I luv your rain coat I have one too it spotty black wiff pink spots but it too big since I lost weight I hoping next year for april shows bring may flowers it will fit
Lilly Lu
eeeek hurrycanes. we do not like them.
We do like your new pink raincoat! Your grammommie bought the very
perfect size!
Happy Day
C+P <3
That looks beautiful on you!
We are already hurricane season...ACCK!!!
Oh that is a beeyoutiful coat Daisy!! Be careful in hurricanes. They would probably blow you away since you're so petite.
Luf, Us
that is so cute, where dpes your grandma shop for all your neet stuff?
You have the cutest clothes! And you look so cute and stylish wearing them!
Hurricane season starts already? I'll have to tell MomBean, we usually don't get hit that badly but she likes to stock up just in case.
You're such a good source of information, Daisy!
There are rain coats for cats? You have to be kidding. Cats hate the rain even with a rain coat on.
My cats would attack me and poop in my shoes if I tried to make them wear anything.
Your grandma is like your personal shopper! I think its very cool that she keeps getting you neat clothes. This is very practical too!
we are with Forty Paws...a hurrycane would blow you away! Buti it is good to be prepared. Does your mommie have a whole closet of stinky goodness and crunchies for youand Pixie?
You look great in your raincoat. Your gramma sure buys you lots of cool stuff. Be careful of the hurricanes!
We'z hoping fur no hurricanes this year, ders been enuff of dem the last cuppul of years. Yoor gramma is a furry good shopper. Yoor rain coat is stylish, praktikal and fits yoo purrfektly.
Wow, Daisy! You ARE prepared. All we have is a hurricane proof garage door. We need to get prepared!
Spirit sez... What a adorable raincoat. Ezzy needs one in blue.
Daisy you look so furry pretty in your raincoat. I hope it pertects you during hurry-canes. Yore grandma is nice for buying you stuff.
WOW! That's the most byootifulist ranekote I've ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!
well if you are not just the cutest raincoat clad kitty in the whole wide world daisy! (nose rubs)
smiles, auntie bee
You look great in it, Daisy, but I hope you never have to wear it for protection in a real hurricane!
Very practical and fashionable at the same time!
I hope you don't have a bad hurricane though
Daisy, I hope you don't have to USE that coat in a hurricane! However it does look cute.
I love your raincoat you look adorable in it :)
Very stylish Daisy! You have the best gramma in the world. Obviously you get your savvy fashion sense from her.
Hurricanes have NOTHING on you, Daisy!
Simply gorgeous!
You're such a great model, and pink really is your color!
Daisy, you look beautiful in your rain coat!
Beeeeyoooootiful! I may need to borrow it tonight, we're supposed to have big storms!
What a great rain coat! You look like you are very well prepared!
Once again you look fabulous. What a wonderful role model you are in the name of fashion!
ps i apologize that i cannot make regular comments on your blog. my pet human turns off the mac when she is working and lately she has been working lots.
oooh Daisy!!! You look adorable!! Honestly, each time I see a picture of you in a new outfit, I wonder if you could get any cute - and then you do!!
Gorgeous girly! xx
I think you look adorable! What else can I say that hasn't been said? Baby, you the stuff!!!
You look very cute in your hurricane wear Daisy. Pink is a very nice color on you. Let's pray for a mild hurricane season this year. Stay away from Florida, especially. It's suppose to rain here tonight, too. Have a good Friday.
Samantha & Tigger
Your new raincoat is adorable. I really hope you don't have a hurricane, though. Your Grandma certainly has excellent fashion sense.
You look so pretty in pink! I'm sure your new raincoat will protect you from the rain but you are so petite you'd better stay away from wind...unless you want to be the first flying pink cat.
Sweet have some great photos of U on your blog....but this one is the furrrry best of all. You really need to be on the cover of "Meteorology Monthly" or something like that!
If you were a Barbie doll (I collect the old ones:) you would be a first edition worth zippidy dollars!
>(^,^)<...I have a family:))
What a nice Grandma you have, she knows exactly what will look purrfect on you!
We all hope the hurricanes won't be bad this year.
Oh my gosh -- you are sooooo cute!
Oh you look adorable, Daisy. Usually raincoats aren't that attractive, but yours is fabulous!
Your new raincoat is fabulous and fashionable! And you look just beautiful in it, and that picture of you with your hood pulled up made my mom go, "Awwwwwwwwwww!" *smile*
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
p.s. -- Neat that both our moms are bookworms!
A hurrikane sounds kinda skeery! I'm glad you've gotcha a nice raincoat. Your Grandma's so nice to get it for you!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Dat's a lovely raincoat, and yoo look furry purrty in it.Hope yoo don' git enny bad hurry canes this year.
Pink is my color too Daisy.
Nice to meet yoo!
Since México
Wow. Stylish and functional - the perfect raincoat! But I hope you never need to use it for a hurricane... maybe just for a light shower.
What a pretty raincoat! I like the color AND the flower! Hurricane season doesn't do much for us here 'cept when Mexico's west coast gets hit: Then the surfin' is good here.
Let's hope that the only time you wear your raincoat is for Fashion Show Fridays.
Very fashionable Daisy. We lived in Florida for 6 months and were fortunate enough to not experience a hurricane. Just a lot of rain. I'm not a clothes kind of Cat so it's just as well we don't live there anymore.
You are all set for the wet weather, Daisy! Now you could start a new career as a weathercat.
it's furry beautiful!
What a pretty raincoat! I really love the useful hood and the pretty daisey flowers!
Pink is definitely your color!
Very stylish!
What a perfect raincoat - you look very fine in it!
How bad is it wearin' clothes?
That is a cute raincoat - and da daisy is perfect!
You're raincoat is very beautiful, but I hope you won't need it for any hurricanes this season!
That's a very cute raincoat Daisy! I should have had one of those when I lived under a BBQ. But I don't go out in the rain anymore.
OH! I know! I could wear one if my mom uses a squirty bottle when she says I'm bad! She got one of those today from My Giant. I'm not very happy with him! But I don't think I'd look as cute as you in one.
Maybe I should hire you as my fashion consultant now that I've picked out my jobbie here at my home!! It's a very important job, and I should look right, shouldn't I?
Oh, that was me, Persephone. I forgot to sign again.
Have fun in the rain!
I am glad that we don`t have hurricans in Sweden.
lovely raincoat daisy! u r definitely prepared for the hurricane season :)
We loooooove your raincoat. Your grandma buys you the prettiest clothes!
-Kat 3 and Sara
That is a great raincoat Daisy! And you make it look even better! Stay safe!
The daisy would easily be your favorite flower.
It is a very good flower.
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