Thursday Thirteen, Edition #23
Here are 13 things that I LOVE about my toys:
- They are very, very FUN to play with.
- You can get good exercise by running and jumping around with them.
- The soft ones are good to snuggle with.
- No matter how hard I bite my toys, they never bite back! If I bite my sister Pixie, she gives me a big hurty bitey in return. So, I think toys are nicer than Pixie.
- You can practice your hunting skills with them.
- Some of them make funny noises when you shake them.
- You can play fun pretend games with them, like the Strangler, Ninja Cat, and Hoppy the Clown.
- If your furs are already clean, you can groom your toys! (the fuzzy ones).
- If your Mommie yells at you for giving her the bitey, you can bite your toys! As hard as you want! And toys do not bleed. Ever.
- It is very fun to steal toys from my sister Pixie.
- Many times, toys are STUFFED with catnip!
- You can practice rabbit-kicking on them.
- Playing with toys is a fun thing I can do with my Mommie.

49 Notes for Daisy:
That is a great llist of reasons to love toys, Daisy. :) Toys are so much fun!
Better to put the bitey on the toys than to put the bitey on Mommy!
Daisy, thank you for telling us why toys are so important. BUT I've tagged you to tell us Five True Confessions about yourself. FAZ
Oh no Daisy, I've just read all you recent blogs and see you have already done your True Confessions - you are off the hook. FAZ
Daisy this is a very good list, now we are off to attack our toys.
Wow Daisy, I never knew there were so many great reasons for having toys. My Mommy tries so hard to find ones that I'll like. Maybe with this new perspective I'll enjoy them!
I like best that we can bite the toys all we want and never get in trouble.
Great list. Now my mom knows why we like our toys. My favorite toy is a white mouse that I put under the couch and make my mom move the couch so I can play with it some more. Best game I ever invented to get mom to play with me. (HeHe)
Samantha & Tigger
We love toys. we have two toy boxes! and upstairs one and and a downstairs one.
I hope you have a very happy day!
I love toys and I agree with almost everything you said! Hooray for toys!
PS. Sorry the hospital picture scared you. Mommy loves this picture of the two of them. Reminds her of "good times". ;)
We luff our toys too Daisy. Specially the red mousie and feathery thing and crinkly jingly balls. Sometimes mom sprinkles nip on dem and den dere even more fun!
hi daisy! that's a good girl to put the bitey on the toys. don't bite the beans or pixie honey, just the toys. that's a good girl. you are such a cutie pie!!!
smiles, auntie bee
You've got a lot of toys to play with! I only like one type of toy, but everytime I start playing with one my BabyBean wants it. Or it gets under the stove.
Toys are great!! Sadly I am completely deprived. And by deprived I mean every waking moment is not spent playing. The Lap Lady is no fun.
Rabbit kicking! Grooming! Hunting practice! Exercise! These are a few of my favourite things... to do with my toys!
Hhhhmmmm. Maybe we should get Maw to dump over our toy box so we can get at all of our toys. She always puts them away when we get tired of them.
Luf, Us
bunny kicks!! YES!! I loves that - Sammy
Great list Daisy! I love my toys for all those reasons (except the Pixie ones cause I'm an only kitty). I love my toys and playing. I, like Caesar have boxes and boxes of toys. Yippie!
I'm no hero Daisy, the driving was an axident! I keep trying tho. I love the fakt dat toys keep Sadie and Speedy busy so they don't bother me.~Zippy
Daisy, Why do you want coyotes?
Luf, Us
Those are great reasons for loving your toys! I especially like the way they don't bite back!
This morning I was given a scrunched up piece of paper which was the best fun - it kept trying to get away from me to no avail.
your tt is excellent, daisy! you have so many good reasons to love your toys!
I don't think I'd like to play the Hoppy the Clown game: clowns skare me.
Yeah, toys rock! I love puttin' the bitey on 'em and also rabbit kickin' 'em, hehehe.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I JUSS LOVE that picture of you with the nanner!!
You are so cute.
Rabbit kicking! That's great fun!
Great list Daisy. You sure know how to have fun!
yep,toys are great. I prefer a moving target, like baby mao for example! ha ha xxx
We LOVE #8 - givin' toys baths is one of our favorite things!
I think I'd like more explanation on the games you can play. How do you play the Strangler, Ninja Cat, and Hoppy the Clown? Those all sound like a lot of fun.
Those are all great reasons to love your toys! I can relate to several!
Thank you, Dr. Daisy for the help with the hypnotizing yesterday. I think it may have worked. After Mom scooped out the litterboxes, yesterday, I didn't want to litterbox surf at all. I think I might be making progess!
Here is how you play the funny games:
Hoppy the Clown: This is my favorite. You grab your toy and jump, jump, jump all around! The more hops you do, the better.
Strangler: Grab your toy by the neck, and chew. Do not let go until he is deaded. You can tell because the neck will be all limp.
Ninja Cat: You have to be very stealthy. Sneak up on the toy and wiggle your bottom back and forth, and at the last second SPRING onto the toy.
Tibbles has a plastic lid he thinks is a pink frisbee. Hours of fun...
toys are the best! Our 2-legged kitten likes to play with some of our toys!
toyz ar fun! life iz grate.
i am laffin an laffin.
yer grate frend--jh
Toys don't go "ouch, ouch, ouch" either. Have you noticed that?
You have lots of good reasons to love your toys. I especially like the one about biting toys. You can put the bitey on them all you want and they never complain.
#14: If you bring your toys to your Mom, she might be so touched by your kindness that she gives you a handful of TEMPTATIONS®!
That is a great list. Phoebe plays with our toys more than me, but i'll give it a whirl from time to time. Mostly, though, I wait for the laser toy to come out.
Do you have a lot of toys, Daisy?
Daisy, Daisy, Daisy - I am your fan! Not only did you vote for us but you are just sooooooooo cool!
And this new picture here, we LOVE it!
And good points about the playing with toys!
We usually don't play with toys because we prefer playing with lizards. And rats. And birds.
Though our staff takes them away from us when they catch us ...
Sorry - didn't sign the last comment... It's Anastasia.
It's usually me when The Cat Realm comments, Karl doesn't like the commenting thing...
Ooooooooooooooo! I LOVE Ninja Cat!!!!!
Toys really are great! We love to play with them, especially the ones with feathers!
You sure love your toys! Our Mom is always trying to get us the latest and greatest toys and sometimes we just ignore them. That drives her mad, but at least she knows her role is to try and please us.
No. 4. is so so true~~~~
Makes me laugh all the time~~
toys are everlasting friends daisy :) u'll always have a lot of fun playing with them!
We can pick the roses together if you come over sometime. They are called EDEN, isn't that a pretty name? I will let you chase my fishie around the bowl...that is a really fun game! Mommy always yells to STOP that now and git down!
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