Photo Hunters: Candy
The Photo Hunters theme today is candy. Here is some yummy candy for cats: it is called C.E.T. Oral Hygiene Chews. They are very chewy and delicious, and they keep my teeths clean!
Gimme the candy! Please.

Photo Hunters: Candy
Posted by Daisy at 5/17/2008 04:30:00 AM
Labels: candy, CET oral chews, Photo hunters, treats for cats
68 Notes for Daisy:
Tooth brush candy for pussycats? Wow you Americans have everything? Miss Daisy it looks like a fun game, chasing those candies around.
Have a good weekend sweets!!
That C.E.T. looks like fun & delicious, Daisy!
We thought that maybe you would be "eye candy"! Haha!
Mom's in New England visiting our Aunties, so we can't visit this weekend. Please take good care of all our kitty friends!
ohhh you are lucky to have one of those hygiene candies, not everyone can have that.. hehe so cute
You have a really cute cat! She's excited to have her candy lol
Daisy, those look like carrots or circus peanuts, I hope they taste better though.
First off...I swear you take the best photos!! Never, NEVER a disappointment on Saturdays here. Awesome.
Great choice for the candy theme.
Well, I have one candy that's nutless, and one candy with nuts...stop by and enjoy the sweetness!
Have a great weekend.
candee? i never had any candee!
shood i try it?
jus wunderin.
Some one likes Candy, cute and great shots.
Pop over and have a piece of choc with me.
you look like candy to me Miss Daisy
Candy that's good for you? Sounds ideal :) Now where can I find some for myself?
Good morning sweet Daisy. You look like you are enjoying your treat!
Hello Daisy my darling!
Thank you SO MUCH for sponsoring my Meowmie! To be honest she could do with the exercise :)
I saw that you are studying to become a heart specialist, please could you also turn your paw to oncology? I reckon you would be good at that!
Me and Castle used to have those CET chews, I didn't really need them cos I had all my teeths taken out when I was a kitten (very very bad gum disease), but they tasted nice. Castle liked to bat them around the home and play football with them - he needed to eat them really, but he never did.
Thank you again xxx
ps - after my vet visit yesterday and the depressing news we received..i came home and ATE like a PIG and this morning I ate again too! And I had a very good nights sleep with no moaning...dementia? I DON'T FINK SO!!!
Daisy, I have the will to live...whether my body will let me is another question xxx
Cute...I wonder if they have these for doggies...
Cat CANDY!!!!! That looks yummy! You make it look yummy too, heehee
I don't think I have tried that. Hmmmmm.
Purrs Mickey
That looks like very yummy candy. ~Socks, S & C
Those look delicious I'll have to get mom to buy some :)
That looks like a real tasty treat! I wonder if I could find some around here?
That looks so yummy.
Oh wow, Candy for kittys? Is it catnips flavoreds? How bouts turkey? ::drool::
Mommy said that she thought about getting us some of that candy but she did not know if we would like it. I see that it looks very yummy. Now I will get to try some!
Daisy of absorption, it is lovely in the candy.
I can see you are really enjoying that candy Daisy dear - and to think it keeps your teeths clean too. Now why don't they make sweets like that for beans, I wonder?! :) xxx
hmmm momma saided she'd have to look if we have a chance to get them here also.
might be good for othellos gingivitis problems...
Nice! I wonder how it tastes? I was weird-- I used to eat cat food when I was young. Don't ask me why.... :S
My favourite Greenies are supposed to be good for my teeth. But my mum says I am supposed to crunch them not just swallow them in one gulp, in order for them to do my teeth any good! You look like you are enjoying those though.
My miewmie gifs me spesial krunchies dat are gud for my teefs. Dey is not candy though. Lucky Daisy !!
nice pictures
Candy is not a word used for sweets in the UK so I hope my photo hunt isn't too British :O)
Great photos again Daisy!
whoa that's one big piece of candy. i'm gonna have to see if they sell that around me.
Oh my CANDY for cats! How cool is that!! Where do you get it at? We want to try it! Love your pictures and being fed by our Mom is the best thing, too!
Oh That lookz yummy!! Me dont like cleaning teeth so mai mom think this is better for me!! Me too!!
That candy looks good. We get treats that are good furr our teefs. I am good and crunch it, but Eric just swallows it right down.That is big candy so we will tell mum to put it on her Mericky shopping list furr when she goes there in October. Mebbe Eric will crunch it.
Oh she is cutie...happy hunting!
i never knew there was kitty candy! i might have to try that myself. does it taste sweet or like tune joose???
smiles, auntie bee
Hi Daisy! & mmmm CANDY!!!!!That bucket hat is wonderful..but I must confess - its not one of your more alluring looks...but it is still very functional & practicial...especially when its raining...
I LOVED your post of helping Pixie with her broken heart & you trying to operate on the test speciman...
Very sweet of you!
Love & Licks,
ps...hope you get lots more candy too!
Thats what mom wishes! That she could just sit back & be fed candy all day long!
Oh yummy Daisy. It's good to have candy that is good for you. :)
Looks yummy.
That is perfect cat candy!
We've never heard of that CET before. It sounds interesting!
We tried those C.E.T. things and none of us like dem. Gess mom will just hafta keep brushing our teefs.
Hahaha! Daisy, you really look like you're enjoying your candy!
We wouldn't mind some of that toothbrushing candy, but Jan would say no as soon as she heard the word candy. Wonder if we can rename it toothbrushing kibble?
Oh, Daisy, now I am hungry and I just eated (and was brushed by my human while I eated). Maybe I shall eat again. OK?
Yoo is too kyoot. :::hold paw up to mouth::: I think I needs sum of that candy.
Hi Daisy! I must try that candy on my kitties. Billie puts up a fuss with her teeth cleanings. Cody just had a bunch of tartar scraped and Cricket is actually in pretty good shape because she insists on crunchies with the stinky goodness for every meal.
I like to go to Pet Smart anyway. :)
Have a really fun Saturday with your Mommie!
Big Hugs and Smoochies,
Candy that's good for the teeth? If only we humans had that too! Happy weekend
Wowie, that looks like furry great candy! We Ballicai will have to try that. And it looks fun to play with, too!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
They have made candy that are toys for bean children for years, so why not for cats. It is our right. It is even better that the candy is good for our teeth - they haven't even managed that for the beans yet.
You look like you are enjoying it.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Mom bought those CET chews for Pierro and me. They are quite yummy.
That thin papery film on the outsdie... are we supposed to eat that? is it beneficial to eat that? we find that outer covering icky and we make mom tear it off.
I agree, they are quite yummy!
purrrs to my curlygirlfriends
You are looking particularly beautiful today Miss Daisy. :)
I eat tweats that awe good fow my teefs too..Clean teef and fwesh bweaf awe vewy impowtant..I bet youw sweetie and youw Mom bof appweciate it
smoochie kisses,ASTA
a candy for cats? wow, we never heard of that....
.....make sure you chew them real good or you will get stink breath...I have already experienced this with Mousie when she didn't chew her fishy treaties..they were repeating on her like onions.........stinkaroo!!....
Hope you didn't bite your mmos fingers when she was feeding you that, Daisy. Food is always good, in my opinion. I had some broccoli last night. Yummy.
My mom bought me some Feline Greenies, which say they are useful for tooth cleaning and breath freshening, but I'm afraid the little treats never get that chance as I swallow them whole!
I wish they made those for humans. :) I know some folks who could use 'em.
YUMMO! Your candy looks furry delicious, Miss Daisy.
Miss Daisy I have missed you! Mom wants to play operation with you and pixie!
Oh yes, my cats like these also... I usually cut them in half before I give them out. Now I'm going to have to special order them, as the one place in my little town that carries them stopped...
I'm glad you are getting them, Daisy!
Those look like yummy candies to keep your teeth clean, Daisy! :)
Very very delicious I am sure~!!!
I am glad to see you finally eat your yummy candy!
Dennis says sweets to the sweet! No kitty was or will be as sweet as Daisy.
Next time I go to the vet (Tuesday for the new guy), I'll check those things out if they have them. The guys went thru all the Temptations. Of course, all I do is pour them on the floor and sit and watch the fun (no, no fights!). These candies look like they will take more time to consume.
How nice. Looks like you enjoyed that treat.
Those look very yummy!
I guess the candy is little bit harder for you. First you have tried so hard but at last you really needed some hand to eat that.
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