Doodling for Charity!
On May 12th:
For every blog that posts a doodle with a cat in it,
and links here @ It's A Blog Eat Blog World,
I (Mo) will donate 50¢ to CFHF.
All you have to do is Doodle & Link
For every blog that posts a doodle with a cat in it,
and links here @ It's A Blog Eat Blog World,
I (Mo) will donate 50¢ to CFHF.
All you have to do is Doodle & Link
What a great idea, Mo! First, I got out all of my doodling supplies. I like my colored pencils best.

ps: Do not worry, it is just a doodle. No actual lizards were harmed.

92 Notes for Daisy:
That lizard doesn't look very happy in your belly Daisy
Daisy that is a great doodle of you. I fink that you are much better looking in real life though.
Mmmmmmmmm I wonder if that lizard was tasty?
You finished a nice doodle.I like it very much.
I think the lizard part catch my attention!!! Hahahaha~~~~~~
This is a very good doodle!!!
Very cute doodle, Daisy! :)
That poor lizard. Somewhere there's a nest of baby lizards missing a mother.
Daisy this is a great doodle and we love the lizzard inside your tummy and you even doodled your curly furs!! Amazing!
Daisy, that's a wonderful doodle! Mine looks, well, somewhat lacking...
Very cute!
So sorry Daisy...
Much as wanted to join the Doodle Week, I couldn't, because something is wrong with my Blue tooth. I couldn't upload my doodle.
I haven't told you that I am an Art teacher and it's easy for me to doodle, to draw, or to paint but the problem is uploading...
I hope there will be next time.
Anyway, your doodle is okay. It's really cute.
That is a great idea and you did a wonderful doodle Daisy. ~Socks, S & C
That is so sweet, Daisy! Kudos to you.
Well, that's one happy doodle of yours!
Daisy, u captured the expression of grreat satisfaction of having your tummy full of 1 lizard (George?), really well. And those curls are curly-wurly just rite!
U are a natural!
A happy morn to you and Pixie!
Awesome Daisy!!!!!!!! You also finally got a lizard!!!!! Cool :)
You are a really good doodler :)
Purrs Mickey
You are a great artist Daisy!
You are Daisy, queen of all doodlers, what a great job.
thats a purrty doodle daisy
LOL!! Daisy, what talent you have! Even free-style drawing you are wonderful!!
p.s. We do not mind if you eated the Rude Lizard! Grayson eats them all the time. They a little bit crunchie.
Barb, WillThink4Wine
Gandalf & Grayson
it even has little toenails! that is just the cutest thing! i an laffin' so hard!
smiles, auntie bee
nice doodle. i'm sure the lizard is only temporarily in your belly.
Daisy that's a great doodle :)
Dennis loves Daisy's self portrait, you are beautiful and your portrait shows your happy disposition!
Cool lizard-in-the-tummy, Daisy!
That is a doodle worth framing!
Good job, Daisy.
~ Timothy
What a wonderful doodle! I especially like the lizard inside...Hehehehehe.
Oh what a wonderful doodle. I see your curly hairs and your sharp claws. Very nicely done Daisy.
That is a brilliant doodle Daisy!
I did one of me but I think I drank too much he he!
Purrs, Sukie X
That's a great doodle Daisy. Is that George, and was he tasty?
That's a fabulous doodle and I really liked the lizard in your tummy. Sometime, you'll have to tell me how you hold a writing instrument without opposable thumbs.
What a great doodle, Daisy! You are so artistic. I think the lizard was a nice touch.
Great self portrait Daisy!
Your human is a very good doodler! I think you look very happy with a lizard in your tummy.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH - that is a PERFECT doodle! I love the lizard!
Oh, Daisy! That is a wonderful Daisy Doodle!
I love the big smile on your face because you have a lizard in your tummy!
Thanks for Doodling for Cat Friends Helping Friends!!!
Splendid doodle, Daisy, and for a great cause, too.
That is a pawsome doodle, Daisy!! You really got the curly details down.
And wuv the lizard part too.
Daisy you are a very talented artist, mommy is gonna' see which one of us has any talent so we can put one up this week. =^Y^=Ty
That is a gweat doodle Daisy! I shall go and twy mine paw at doodwing too!
Wow, Daisy! You are quite an artist! That is a very beautiful self-portrait! Or is it a self-doodle?
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
You look marvelous in your doodle!
Super cute doodle, Daisy!
Nice doodle, your an artist! Nice work on your mother's day gift, yesterday.
Luf the doodle Daisy. Hey that could be the start of a song. "doodle Daisy". Anyway, no image could efer capture your beauty xsept a foto.
Hehe I like your doodle very much! ~Queen Snickers
Wow. That's a great doodle, definitely frame-able. You're quite the artist!
Thats a great doodle!
Hahahahaha... Oh Daisy it is purrfect, I LOVE the doodled you!!
We really like your doodle Daisy! It was surprising to see a lizard in your tummy!
Whoa!!! Daisy. That is one great drawing. It reminds me of a MIro.
You're so lovely and talented.
Hi Daisy! Your doodle is adorable! I see all your little curls! :)
You are such an artistic super model cat. You make me smile whenever I visit you.
Love and Hugs to you and Pixie,
Daisy, you've been very artistic the past few days. Nice work.
Daisy, that is a fabulous doodle of you. We love the lizard in your tummy.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Wow! I luvs your doodling. How do you hold the pencils wif your paws? We are going to try doodling 'cause the moneys go to help kittehs like us.
Thank you for stopping by our blog! We added you to our blogroll, too!
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Daisy you are such a good artist! And how creative of you to put one of those rascallly old lizards in your belly :)
Oh Daisy, that's a VERY funny doodle. You look so happy with the lizzerd in your belly.
Poor lizard. Well at least you didn't chew him up.
Going to see "Iron Man" again. Well, my Mommy is but she tells me all about how good Robert Downey, Jr. and the other cast is. She said he looks simply wonderful. I don't care about all that. I like your drawing Daisy. DO one of Pixie because she would like that.
Love always,
That's a great doodle Daisy!
I love your doodle, Daisy! You got your curly furs just perfect and your whiskers, too. You're a very talented doodler.
This is an excellent doodle Daisy! I like it very much!
happy Day to you and Pixie!
That is so cute! Thank you.
Great doodle. I especially like the lizard in your tummy.
that is a great doodle Daisy. i'm glad that lizard is in your tummy.
Daisy, come see my doodle, I used you for my model. When you get there, be sure to let me know if you like it
Daisy, come see my doodle, I used you for my model. When you get there, be sure to let me know if you like it
That's a very funny doodle, Daisy! Great job.
Ha, ha, ha.....I like your doodle ALOT. My Mum doodled with the mouse and it is really, really, really bad : )
That's a great doodle, Miss Daisy!I like that you put the lizard in your it's tail wiggling?
That's one excellent doodle, Miss Daisy! Was the lizard doodle-icious?
That is a great doodle, Daisy. I will have to try it, too.
That is a great doodle Daisy!!!!!
What an artist you are! I think your drawing is more than a doodle.
This sounds like a good way to raise money that can go to help others. I still am not sure how it works and will check it out. I would like to help too.
Daisy, as usual, you have outdone the rest of us. What a wonderful doodle. We are glad that Mr. Lizard wasn't harmed in the making of the doodle!
Come and see Sam's doodle!
I'm a kitty doodle dandy
A kitty doodler am I
I drew a sleeping little cat
She had to be pink and that is that!
Love, SAM I AM!!
Just so adorable Daisy, hope you
don't get lizardheartburn! Purrrs
from all of us! Spooky, Daisy,
Aniwa & Shadow.
You did an excellent job highlighting the color nuances of your furs! And the heart-shaped nose, too.
You should consider getting an art show could probably get money by selling your doodles.
Wow! I can see your furry sharp clawrs, Miss Daisy! That's an excellent doodle!
Great job!!! :) c
Oh my, I actually thought you swallowed a whole lizard!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
You are quite the artist, Daisy! That is a brilliant doodle!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
You doodle furry nicely - you really captured yer curly furs well!
Lookit how much deetale thare is of yur curly furs! Yoo haff so many tallints.
That's a pawsome doodle. You can sell it as an art piece Daisy
~ Girl girl
WOWIE!!!! I didn't reealize yoo were a purrfeshunul artist too! I think yer werk beelongs in the loov.
Hehehehe, Oh Daisy, what a great doodle!
Our mom started snorting and laughing when she saw your wonderful doodle! You're a great artist!
MamaCat & the FurryPurries
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie, Freckles, Lola & Dandelo
What a beautiful doodle. I love the lizard. Keep doodling.
Haha....Daisy, that is a very very cute and funny doodle of you!
KC said...
O Daisy, what a grrreat doodle.
An love tha details... tha lizzard in yours tummy.
:: Sighs ::
effurryone is so talented at doodling, who would haf thinked?
me an my ole doo-doo-doodle. but at least it got another fifty-cents donated to CFHF, ugly as mine doo-doo-doodle was.
Awwww, that's an adorabble doodle! So purreshus, and funny, too, with the lizzurd sittin in yur belly!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
OMG Daisy you is the best cat artist on the planet!! Me love your drawings sooo much I want it for my wall!! seiously!! u should make a book!!
Wow! I don't draw, but some e-mail scammers from Africa did couple of nice paintigs for me! :)
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