Tattle Tail Tuesday: I am a dust magnet
You will not believe what happened! A strange man went inside my house to repair something. It made lots of loud noises. I could not get to my normal Safe Spot under the bed in time, so I ran behind the sofa instead. When I finally came out, I had some extra "accessories." Can you see all the dust and dirt I picked up from behind the sofa? (click to biggify)
Look! There is even a dead bug stuck in my furs! You can see I am still very, very nervous and trying to sneak away in case the man is still in the house.

90 Notes for Daisy:
Little Daisy dust bunny, I knows your mommie keeps a very tidy house and is only a tiny weeny bit of dirt and a itsy bitsy bug that got caught up in your curly furs.
I hope the nasty man doesn't have to come back.
Poppy Q
I think you probably cleaned up all the dust for your Mommy, so she doesn't need the vacuum. I hope the loud man doesn't have to come back.
A dust bunny! HaHaha! Even though you had a little dust on your furs you are still very pretty!
Oah~~ You are a very good daughter cleaning the house for your mommy!!!!! Watch out for dead bugs, your fur is very precious~~~
I hope that loud man doesn't have to back either~~
Momma just had all the carpets and floors cleaned and could not believe how many furrs she found (and how dirty everything was). But you wanna know something? The very NEXT day she found more furrs all over the hard wood floors and litter pellets and sighed...it's endless. We try to keep her buzy!
Mom says dust bunnies are free toys for good little pussy cats. :)
Sorry, Daisy... We just couldn't stop laughing when we saw the photos!
It looks like a spidey web and the spidey owner u got on your furs and whiskers.. well,now that u helped your Mommie remove them, remember to demand temptations for the hard work you've done. :P
this is hysterical!!! I am laughing so hard!!!
Did you find any cobwebs under the bed? Because my cat loves to play in those, and eat as much as he can. To him, it's like eating Cotton Candy. I'm sure your mommy cleaned you up real good, though, right>?
Haha we're always finding dust bunnies furr mum too. We like to scatter bits of kitty litter efurrywhere furr her and carry it between our toes cuz it's like sand. She has even found it in the bed.
Well, Dear little Daisy Dust Bunny, into each life a little dust must fall. You have accidently discovered a new 'good deed' you may perform for your Mommie ocassionaly! Great job!
We are sorry you were scairt of the repairman. We love visitors! Most of them give us scritchies and ear rubbies.
"Daisy Dust Bunny!" That's so funny!
I don't like strange people in my house, either. My favorite place to hide is under the bed, but if I can't get there fast enough, then I go behind the washer and dryer...and then I become a dust magnet, too!
Daisy, our poor kitties come up with so many dust bunnies and spots of dirt lately I think we'll have to get one of those men to come in too...several times! Thanks to you and your mom bean for all theprayers and well wishes for our TB..he's home!
Oh Daisy that's so naughty of you Mom, taking photos of you when you're not at your tip tip model bestest... ;)
Awwwww, you are dirty. Poor Daisy. Do you have one of those little baby swimming pools? You can play in there and get cleaner!
Daisy Dust Bunny! That's cute! mommy says it's too hard to move all the furnichur all the time
WE have dust bunnies too.
I think you were helping your mom with the dusting. You should get an extra Temptation today for that!
Purrrs to you and Pixie!
i like bunnies honey! you are a cute bunny!
smiles, auntie bee
Wow, Daisy, you managed to find a little bit of dust and get it on your furs! As for whiskers, who needs them? We don't have any, and we get around just fine!
Dennis says Darling Daisy, I will brush that dust bunny from your beautiful angelic face.
but how did you break those whiskers off?
Hahahahaha!!! Look at the dust bunnies sticking to ypur whiskers :)
Mom is not too concerned about dust bunnies either! She says with us, we make them faster than she can clean them up!! Huh?!!
Purrs Mickey
Oh, Daisy, my silly human gets upset when I come home from exploring the coal places in the old houses around us with coal dust on my coat. Sometimes he even washes me with a cloth damp with nasty water. I hope your human dusted you and didn't subject you to nasty water.
Awww, so sorry to hear about the problems. I hate loud noises and I hate dust bits. Hope you get a nice brushing and snuggle from Mom later on. Feel better.
ha ha ha ha aha ah aha! That made me laugh so much! I used to run away and hide when people came into our house, but I'm getting a little bit better. a man came into our house and he used a laptop AND a little printer!
How could I not investigate it?
You need whiskers both sides if you want to be a professional cleaner of dust bunnies!
Purrs, Sukie X
actually u seem remarkably clean. if my boyz ran behind the sofa they'd come out with more dust than fur.
wonder what the strange man was doing...
Hi gorgeous Daisy Dust Bunny, I'm so glad you found some dust in your house because every time I look at pictures of it, it puts my housekeeping "skills" very much to shame(;-0. My current excuse is, I can't use the vacuum while my arm is so hurty... There's always some excuse, hahaha! :) xxx
P.S. Perhaps I shouldn't have published that first picture of my knees. Quite a few kitties seem to have thought they were what I suspect you thought they were, haha!
Why should your mommy be embarrassed when her dust is worn so cute by you? ;-)
Even dust bunnies like you!!!!!!!
Did you get to eat that dead bug? Was it tasty? If you think that dust is bad just come over and go under our refrigerator.
I finks dust happens. Shadow is a clingon for dust bunnys. I woulds has been scared by the strange man too, I tries to hide quickly just as you do.
I finks you aren't so bads to help your mom finds all the dust.
Nothing wrong with being a dust bunny, we collect those all the time (under the chairs or behind the couch) - sometimes we even bring in fresh dirt from outside, just for fun!
Good job getting those dust bunnies and dead bugs for your Momma Daisy! Someday we'll have to brave it out and see what we can drag out on us here!
Daisy you are the cutest dust bunny I've ever seen!! My mom laughed out loud when she saw the tiny buggie on you.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Daisy, you are a cute little dust bunny! Mommy would have gotten the camera too!
Did your Mommy get that critter off your whiskers?
Oh well, thanks to you Daisy its clean back there now.
We are glad you found an alternate safe spot. Strangers can be frightening.
hee hee Those dust bunnies are sneaky things. I hope you're all pretty and groomed now. =)
You've got a lot of Bunny Foo-foo's behind your couch! My mom says I have to stop talkin' right now before I tell you where all HER Bunny Foo-foo's are!
Good for you for finding dust and bugs and bringing them to Mummy's attention. We had a stwange man here today too. He was somfing to do with windows. He came just as Miewmie was twying to haf her lunch so she wasn't furry happy !!
HAHAHAHAHAHAH - we know ALL about picking up dirt and dust - guess our staff is not the best in housekeeping! But I have to say in their defense that an artist's studio just ALWAYS is dusty. And dirty!
But we would not have expected that from your Mom, hahahahahahahahaha!
P.S.: Don't miss to come by tomorrow for an important post!
All us kitties have jobs to do. Looks like yurs is to dust behind the sofa. I speak for all mancats when I say we expect to see you in your maid's uniform on Friday Fashions. (I hope yur whiskers grow bak quick...sorry bout that. I hate gettin skairt by strangers.)
Oh Daisy! Your adventures always make us smile. We don't like strangers, either.
~ Miss Emily
Daisy, I've seen your mommy's kitchen counters - she is a very good housekeeper!
You should see my apartment - I've only been there since January but with 3 cats full-time and Isis at night, we have some wicked dust bunnies! I opened a window and a spring breeze blew a tumbleweed of kitty hair right down the hallway!
It's a DustDaisy! Don't worry Daisy, I know what it's like, cuz I like to hide behind everything (everyone knows a manly mancat has to have a great defense!)
When someone finds dirties in our house mom sez her housekeeper is sooo fired...dis is furry confusing cuz our mommy IS da housekeeper. Well, now yoor mom don't hafta worry about cleaning back der cuz yoo did it for her.
Oh Daisy! You are hillarious! You made my day!
Ha ha ha! Oh, Daisy, I could have the exact same tattle on my mommy. I bet you cleaned up the dust for your mommy anyway, since you are such a cute little dust magnet!
nope, mommie is not embarrassed, but you do need some extra grooming.
KC said...
Mine mommy says yours mommy is furry smart and made tha right choice to run fur tha camera. That's a lot more fun than cleaning.
An you's already cleaned fur her, like a Mommy's Day Present. hee hee.
Daisy tha Dust Magnet.
Oh you poor thing! This is an outrage!!
Normally you look perfect so this must be terribly embarrasing for you, Daisy!
We can understand why you'd be scared and run behind the sofa! We don't like it when strangers come into our house either.
Tipper & Misty
Ha, ha, ha....that is so funny! You look very cute with your dust bunnies.
Daisy - you look very cute - dusty, but cute. We hope the loud, scary man doesn't come back.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Momma always starts complaining to dad about not cleaning the floors (his job) when dust balls start getting stuck in our whiskers like that! ~Queen Snickers
Daisy, Sometimes I and my brothers and sisters all get dirty when we explore underneath and behind things. My Mommy is always checking us to make sure we don't have sleepy eye goobies or dust or any bugs. She clips our nails, combs our fur. wipes us down with warm softly scented damp wash cloths and sometimes wipes our behinds too.
We think lots of people probably have dust bunnies behind their couches. Mommy says they are very heavy and hard to move, and that not being cats they can't crawl into the small space between the couch and the wall to clean up.
She thinks maybe your Mommy should tie a vacuum cleaner to you so you could do the vacuuming. Actually she wants to do that to us. What a naughty Mommy. ~Socks, S & C
We just couldn't stop laughing when we saw the photos! Is so cute!
I'm sowwy you wewe scawed and had to wun away..youw bootiful cuwly whiskews must be magnetic...I think youw Mom has nothing to be embawwaed about, cause those dust thingies appeaw two seconds aftew you clean...I'm glad she gwabbed the camewa
smoochie kisses
ASTApee ess..you would have loved FUfu, he was a doll
Oh you look so dirty I'm surprised you deigned to show your face!
ps why are your whiskers so scraggly? been sitting too near the fire?
Hahaha! That is funny :-D
I think you actually did your Mommie a big favor though. I bet it's all clean behind the sofa now!
I like to run up to visitors and stand on my hind legs while meezing and sniffing them. I didn't know you were supposed to hide?
Hee hee, Daisy, Mommy is giggling away over here! Our Mommy doesn't worry about dust bunnies, either. She says she has yet to figure out how to keep up with all the furries with two Himalayans in the house!
This is why I don't take pictures of MY cats. :)
hahaha That is pretty funny, Daisy. Yeah, vaccuuming is not mom's strong suit either.
hehehe, those are cute pickshures of you with the little bits of dirt and the buggie! I bet it was skeery to have that repair man inna housie. I'm a furry outgoing little feller with Momma and Daddy and my brothur and sissurs, but when othur people come to the housie, I hide until I'm sure they're okeydokies!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
It's tough when the servants are performing their duties to your standards :-) Demand cat treats as compensation!
*giggling*, you make an adorable dustbunny, Daisy dear! Of all us Ballicai, Dorydoo shows dust the most because she's very glossy and black. It really stands out on her fur!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
It's a good think that you don't live at my house or you'd be covered in ginormous dust ELEPHANTS!
He he, Nixon, Fatty and Herbie all have dust bunnies on them because their mama is not good at house cleaning either.
I hope your momma gave you some extra Temptations to thank you for cleaning up her dust bunnies, Daisy. I think the look on your face says it all.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Hi Daisy! Cricket goes into deep hiding when people come over too. I think your Mommie has good priorities; play with kitties first, dust later. :) Besides you, who goes under the furniture anyway? I hope you didn't have to lick all that stuff of though. Eww...
Have a Happy Evening!
Hugs and Purrs,
That's pretty funny. My mommie says she prays I never get behind the refrigerator.
hehehe, that happens to me too sometimes. I get places mum doesn't clean very often.
My humans put me in washing machine twice a year ;)
How come ya didn't eated the bug?
Yeah, our mommy uses her camera more than that noisy dirt eater too! Your right, it is scary when a stranger enters our domain. We have to huge poodles barks to scare them away, sadly it doesn't always work and we sneak out after awhile to check out the situation. =^Y^=Ty
Oooh, you look sooo dusty! Maybe you need to be dusted or perhaps, bathed.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I think it is very cute that you are a dust bunny!
Poor Daisy! But you must congratulate yourself for being such a helpful dust bunny for your mom. She doesn't have to clean now!
Oh.. I think you helped your mum clean out under the sofa there. :)
~ Girl girl
It's not too much dust.
With black fur and black furniture, we need to keep things pretty clean around here...
Oh Daisy, you are like a furry duster! Look at the bug stuck on you!
Oh Daisy, you look so nice with the dust that I am sure she wanted everyone to see you.
Your poor whiskers Daisy! I hope they grow back soon.
I get all sorts of fluff and dirt on me in the garden, as we get spiders spinning webs. If I go between bushes and get webs on my face and whiskers, Lynettea always wipes them off for me.
Some people think I am spoiled, but I say it is all the result of careful training of the bean.
Daisy, You don't look so dirty. I get dirtier than that; maybe my human mom does not clean the floors enough. I think you and I are long lost cousins! We look a lot alike. I will try to figure out how to send you a pikchure of me. My purple soft paws make it hard to use teh computa key board, though.
Love, "Cousin" Tammy Faye Parti Lites
P.S. The Furry Bambinos' mom told me about your blog.
I hope you can see my pikchure, Daisy. Maybe I am your great aunt, ya think?
Tammy Faye
Maybe the name should be changed from dust bunnies to dust kitties. I agree with the others who said you should get some extra Temptations for doing such a good job of cleaning behind the sofa!
he he he!! You is good floor cleaner Diasy!! Can u clean mai house too??
Hey... daisy is little bit busy and you are disturbing to take some pic.
Poor Mommie.... Is there a tiny little bit of dust behind the sofa and you share it with the whole blogosphere, and let them BIGGIFY... hahahahahaha.
Daisy, I sent you an important email, I hope it is not in your spam folder...
That's O.K. Daisy, I get dust bunnies on my whiskers sometimes too. Mom says no one looks behind the sofa's. Only thing is we all run under the beds if anyone comes in the house. Repair man or no repair man. Mom says no body ever looks under the beds either.
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