Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday Mystery: A Medical Mystery!

I was going to do another word puzzle today, but since I just went to the V-E-T on Thursday, I thought I would do a different mystery. Can you see me peeking out of my Sherpa carrier?
For today's mystery, you must guess which thing is NOT true about my visit to the V-E-T last week:

A. I got a microchip

B. They stoled some of my bloods, and I wore a big red bandage on my leg

C. My amylase level is still elevated

D. I gave a big bitey to the doctor

Do you know the answer? Scroll down to see if you are correct!


A. I DID get a microchip. Hooray! It did not hurt a bit.

B. I DID get a big, red bandage after they stoled my bloods.
C. My Amylase level IS still elevated (this is another mystery).
D. This is the correct answer. I did NOT give a bitey to the doctor. Even though I wanted to, on the inside. Usually I just try to be invisible.


84 Notes for Daisy:

Sasha said...

Daisy,you are much too gentle to give the VET a great big bitey. Besides it might be dangerous. He could get a fright and drop you. I once put my clawsies in the back of one of the VET's where I go. I don't think it hurt too much. Anyway it didn't hurt me, and that's the main thing.

Ramses said...

Oh boy you didn't share your gift of the bitey with the VET?! You shock me Daisy... ;) Your amylase level being high as well as your BUN/creatinine ratio from the look of things must make your Mommy and vet a little worried that you might take after your big sisfur Trixie... I shall purr that it's just a blip or some silly mistake Daisy!


Anonymous said...

Daisy, we are very pleased to hear you did not give your V-E-T the big bitey becasue he is just trying to keep you healthy!

We hope your higher levels of amylase and creatinine aren't causing your any serious problems.

andrahyb said...

Yeah! We were right on you!

Hmm, on the amylase level thingy we arent too sure but we one thing we know -- you're surely blessed!

Keep Meowing!
Rudolf & Goofy

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Dear Daisy,
You are so great and tender not give bitey to the doctor.
I don't dare to give bitey to doctor, but I think you are very polite so you didn't~!
I am glad your condition is doing fine :)


Anonymous said...

Daisy you are a very good girl for not biting the vet! The vet is just trying to make you healthy, even though sometimes it's not very pleasant visiting him!

Poppy Q said...

Daisy I have got a microchip too!! I wonder why your amylase is high? I hope it is only temporary.

Sounds like you were a good girl for the vet - you deserve some treats!!


Parker said...

I hope those higher levels of amylase and creatinine are just a temporary thing Daisy.
How nice that you did not put the bitey on the vet.
I am glad you got chipped! It really doesn't hurt too bad!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We understand about wanting to give the vet biteys. We have thought about it a time or two, but ours is really nice and very fast. ~Socks, S & C

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

PS: please keep us posted on your blood work. We are purring that it will get back to normal ASAP.

Donna said...

I am so proud of you, sweetheart. You were very brave. Good job! Lots of snuggles for you!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Good for you Daisy...biting the vet would not be very nice. are a very nice kitty!!! So you are chipped? Great! Now you won't get lost!

We can't see you at all when you are in your carrier....invisable!

The Meezers or Billy said...

you're too sweet to put the bitey on the v-e-t.

what does a high amlayse level mean?

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

You were such a good girl for not putting the big bitey on the V-E-T. We hope those levels go back to normal for you. We don't know much about amylase levels.

You look very cute in your carrier. ;)

purrs, Goldie and Shade

Karen said...

I " Pixel" Have a microchip too, Samba is going to get one he just doesn't know yet

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Dat's wonnerful dat yoo got yur chip. Owr humans haf not done dis yet fur us. All fings are related to food. What are yoo eating? Have yoo been eating a different kind of food lately or the same kind? Schmaybe too many leezards or schmaybe too few leezards?

Karen and Gerard said...

That's awesome you got a microchip. I've been thinking of getting one for my cats. That was good you didn't bite the doctor!

Dma said...

congrats on being microchipped. what's the frequency? i'll try calling you on my iPhone...

what's amylase?

Frasier said...

Hi Daisy
We are struggling to get back to our routine !!!
Were you scared inside your little housey?
Hooray you got a microchip!
I tried to bite the vet the last time i went!!!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

well honey all i can say is you sure are a good little thing with all that done to you and you are still smiling!

smiles, auntie bee

Honey P. Sunshine said...

i try to be inbisable too

Babs (Beetle) said...

Oh Daisy, you are a very good girl. I don't know what all that blood stuff means, but it looks lower than it did in January so it will probably go down some more.

A microchip is good, so you won't get lost.

Purrs, Sukie X

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

We were wrong. We were hoping it was "C", because an elevated amylase level sounds scary! We hope it gets back to normal, Daisy! We want you to be purrfectly healthy!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

U're now officially Agent 496 27****, Daisy. :D
Though ur Amylese level is high, it has gone down considerably, Daisy. We know ur Mommie will keep close watch and make sure to get it down more with the advise of the V.E.T. :)
Morning kissies to U and Pixie!

Mickey's Musings said...

I am like you Daisy,I do not bite the Vet,I just try to be invisible too!!!
I hope your health is good and the next time everything is normal!!!!
Purrs Mickey

Chrissie said...

I will purr that your amylase levels drop to normal, Miss Daisy. And I think you showed remarkable restraint in eschewing the fang-plant this go 'round. After all the things the V-E-T did to you, the bitey was certainly deserved!

Nomi said...

I haf a microchip too. I had mine when miewmie furst got me. I also had to haf big injecshuns and that was followed by my 'lady gardenectomy'. Efen after all dat, I didnt bitey, not once. I just get furry streesed but miewmie talks to me all da time.

JD at I Do Things said...

Daisy, I'm sure you will get to the bottom of the amylase levels mystery. In other news, you look quite fetching in your red bandage. I hope they returned the blood they stoled!

JD at I Do Things

Unknown said...

you fight with white suit lady?? doctr?/ wow you is brave! me dont like that personz!! scaryz!! u has microchip too? me has one too but me dont know where it go. Mai mom say its with mee but me dont think so.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Why is your amylase level high?

Mr Jingles said...

Meow from Jingles...he hates going to the vet and feels your pain. He too likes to try and be invisible and doesn't want to come out of the carrier. Usually when we come home from the vet he will be upset and gives me the silent treatment for the rest of the day! Or at least until I give him tuna!

Kavan said...

I knew that was the answer! I can't imagine you giving the bitey to anyone dear Daisy!



All of us hate going to the Vet also...we all feel you showed great restraint in not putting the bitey on the Vet...especially after he stole your bloods. What do you have to do to lower your amylase level?


Tybalt said...

Daisy, you were a very brave girl not to bite the doctor, even though you wanted to! I hope those elevated levels don't mean anything scary . . . you've got me worried about you!

Quasi said...

Good for you for showing restraint and not putting a bitey on the vet. But, what is Ambylase? Does it build up when you don't get enough Temptations?

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Daisy, your carrier looks great! :) We have both been microchipped (when we were kittens). Since we can't wear collars because they would rub our skin raw, the microchip would be able to identify us if we ever managed to escape.

Durward Discussion said...

You were a very good kitty even for such a not entirely nice day.

Clover said...

Hi Daisy!
You look very cute in your carrier. Hope you are feeling less stressed after your trip to the vet. Glad you didn't bitey the doctor!
Love Clover xo

Anonymous said...

We try not to give our vet the bitey either because she is a nice lady. You look very rugged with the red bandage on your leg Daisy.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Daisy, I think you should have given the vet the bitey. You are so nice.

L. Alida said...

Hi sweet Daisy. I knew you would not give the VET the bitey. I was worried about your blood tests and I see things have not changed. What causes that? You sure seem healthy and happy though, so I'm sure you are purrfectly fine. :) Your red band aid is quite fashionable!
I enjoyed your comic from yesterday too. So silly! :)
I hope I'm back on track visiting and I hope everything is wonderful with you and Pixie and Mommie!
Love and Smoochies,

Shaggy and Scout said...

You fooled us with the "not true" in there! You would make good tests if your were a schoolteacher.
We hope you solve the mystery of the amalyse levels soon. That is troubling.
You ARE practically invisible in your carrier!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Daisy, your poor little leg! I know a visit to the VET can be scary and rough but you seemed to have come through it with flying colors! It's great that you're so sweet natured.
Jelly Bean has a chip too, she got hers when she was 11 weeks old so now if she gets lost it will help her get back home again.

TabbyNormal said...

Dear Daisy,
I was not at all surprised to hear you did not give the doctor a bitey because I know you have much more important things to do!

I hope they figure out what the problem is, if any. And in the meantime Ms. C and I hope you are feeling quite well and playful.
Abby Normal

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yay, we gots it right...Zippy sez yoo should at least try to bite the vet. Ours expects it so sometimes she doesn't even know, to lull them into a false sense of security.

Sandy Kessler said...

I love Daisy so much every picture is a treasure sandy

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

You are furry brave to get all of that stuff done at the v-e-t. Scary! I'd have DEFINITELY given the v-e-t a mega-mondo bitey!


Beethoven said...

I loves the vet, especially my Dr Grace so I will not even think of putting bities on them. Though I is not very sure about tomorrow. I is getting very worried about tomorrow, Daisy!

LZ said...

You're very brave!! Its good that your microchip did not hurty you. I think our vet makes you go night-night to get one.


Sunny's Mommy said...

Ack. I got it wrong today. I can't wait to see your new trick tomorrow!

Unknown said...

Yep, we figured you wouldn't bite anybody, not even the v-e-t.

Mr. Echo said...

Me and Tenny gots mike rowe chips too! She got hers when she wuz sleepin, but yur rite, it don't hurt us tuff kitties. I wood feel terribull if sumthin hurt yoo tho. Like that amylace stuff. I bet yur Mommy and yur vet persun will take care of yoo tho.

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

Oh goody! I was right! I just KNEW that you wouldn't give a bitey to your nice kitty doctor.

Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

Liss said...

What a big girl to be so brave and good at the vet.

Motor Home Cats said...

Daisy, there is no way you could have bitten the vet. You only give love bites, and you couldn't possibly love the vet, so no love bites to him/her. We are glad that the microchip didn't hurt. We got ours put in years ago, and don't remember it either. We hope your elevated levels aren't an indication of something wrong.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Anonymous said...

I think I'd ask for my blood back!

Mr. Hendrix said...

bendrix says he'll give your VET the bitey for steeling your bloods. he says you're so nice you shouldn't have to.
it is very good you are chipped. so are we! now you'll always get home to your mommy.

Anonymous said...

Glad you got your pet chipped. Smart thing to do.

The Devil Dog said...

Daisy, what are amylase levels and what do they represent? It is not good to have high levels of anything. Trust me, I know. Get better, okay.


Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

hello daisy! good job on not giving the doctor any bitey. I do not know what is amylase but I hope it does not mean you are sick!!!

ps, I would put the bitey on the V-E-T because I am scared of them!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

That was nice of you not to give the VET the bitey! I very happy you got chipped!

The WriggleButts said...

You are very good not giving the vet a bitey. I think. I love my vet. They all laugh at me for that. But hey-they put me on a table to admire me and give me treats, what's not to like? Anyway.. Good girl Daisy. And I'm sure the V E T was more afraid of you than the other way around anyways!


MaoMao said...

I'd guessed right, too! I didn't think you'd give the vet the bitey. And big huggies, my sweet furriend -- we will purr that yur elevated amylase level isn't causin you any problems.

You look cute peekin outta yur carrier!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

SophieKitty said...

You look super-cute and little in your sherpa bag. I'm glad you got chipped. I wouldn't want my friend Daisy to get losted.

Cat Street Boyz said...

Of course you would not bite the hands that keep you healthy...all us Boyz hope your blood levels return to purrfect, just like you sweet Daisy!=^Y^=Ty

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Blogger just nibbled up my comment without my permission even!

I am glad you survived the brutality of the vet and did not give the vet the bitey. I absolutely HATE going to the vet. I would rather Pierro chomp on my tail than go to the vet. I hate that place, nothing ever good happens there. I am sorry your bloods are high. I hope it is just something no big deal-ish. I will purr for improvement.

Purrrrrs to you and Pixiekins
Love, Princess

Sarge Charlie said...

You tricked me cause I had no idea

Andree said...

those vets are BARBARIANS, Daisy! I am glad you are home again. But I'm glad you are safe with your chip, too. When's that vet going to give you back your bloods that he stoled?

Bogdan, the editor said...

All V-E-Ts deserve the bitey. You shoulda done it.

catsynth said...

You''re very well behaved to not give a bitey to the VET. Hope your tests turn out to be nothing of concern.

Kitikata-san said...

You are such a good girl Daisy! I am glad you did not bite the vet. That showed a lot of restraint.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh I would give the vet a bitey. You sure are brave

~ Girl girl

Randi said...

Oh a big bity to the vetty would have been very funny! he he he!
Sorry your Amy-Lazy isn't being very lazy lately...why is it high?

Maybe cuz you like being in high places...

Love & Licks,

Max said...

My amylase level was high, and they put me on antiobiotics for a couple of YEARS...that helped. Or maybe time did. Who knows? But it can be a sign of pancreatitis, which gives you a good excuse for avoiding stress, which means you get your way a lot.

Anonymous said...

I guessed right, too! I didn't think you'd give the vet the bitey.

(((((hugs))))) to you, sweet Daisy! I hope your amylase level isn't something problematic.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

We wanted to stop by and say thank you for celebrating with us this weekend. Sorry we couldn't stop by sooner, but we've been having problems with our internet connection...Anyway, we just wanted to express our thanks!

Purrs and Headbutts,

Moki and Family

Anonymous said...

We're so glad you got your chip, but we are worried about your test results. Our Mom says that a high amylase level along with a high BUN/creatinine ratio can mean possible pancreas or kidney problems. But we know your Mommie and your V-E-T will take wonderful care of you! Love to you and Pixie!
MamaCat & the FurryPurries
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie, Freckles, Lola & Dandelo

Lux said...

I guessed the right one! I knew you would only want to give your mommy biteys!

I hope that amylase thing gets fixed very soon!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer daisy ...
i left u a little sumthin on mi blog.
pleez take a look ... an biggify fer an espeshullee good vyoo.

Amber-Mae said...

You are such a good girl to not bite the Doctor! Oh, when the microchip was injected into my back,, it was soo painful but I did not complain. The needle was sooo thick!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

The Furry Kids said...

Daisy, I'm sorry that you had to go to the V-E-T. It was very good of you to not give the V-E-T the bitey. I know you wanted to. I do not know why they gave you a red bandage and not a pink one. Next time, they should give you a pink one. It looks like your amylase is going down, but I wonder why it's so high? We'll send you special amylase-reducing purrs.


Mimi Lenox said...

Poor Daisy has a boo boo. Did it hurt much? You sure are a good cat not to bite the doctor after that!

caspersmom said...

Hmm, looks like your creatnine rate was high too. Looks like you were a real good kitty at the VET without the bitey. Wouldn't do any good they would do what they have to do anyhow. Brave Daisy!


Southbaygirl said...

Hi Daisy,

We hope your ok! We seem to go to the vet more now that we're older! 3 Perf is the only one that tries to bite the doctor!!!

Kodak, Winton and 3 Perf

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