Monday Mystery: A picture puzzle!
Do these glasses make me look smart? This is a fun new game for my Monday Mystery. Can you figure out the word or phrase from the images below? We will start out with an easy one:
Do you know the answer? Click HERE to see if you are correct!
ps: Thank you to my friend Tigger at Cats Exclusive for being the model for my picture puzzle.

89 Notes for Daisy:
Oh, no! I didn't know there would be a pop quiz today! I didn't study, so I failed to get the correct answer. Those glasses make you look both smart and stylish. Maybe I need a pair of those!
Those glasses look very nice on you, Daisy. I am afraid I do not look so pretty when I get dolled up. We didn't the puzzle. We knew catasscup didn't sound right.
Purrs, your fashion victim friend. Shade
Catdonkeytrophy just didn't seem right...
Oah Dear...This is just too difficult for me....what a difficult puzzle...... But thank you~! I have learned something new today~!!!
Yes, you look great with that glasses, you are a Dr. now!
Yayyy we got it.
Mum remembers that when she was at school they were playing charades at end of term. One of the girls did catastrophe and wiggled her butt at the teacher. She got told off furr being rude. That wuz back in the 60's.How things have changed. Mum sez it's funny how some really trivial things stick in your mind.
hey, I got it right... all those crosswords I do paid off!
You look so intelligent in those glasses. Perhaps I should borrow them, 'cause I didn't do so well with figuring out the puzzle.
Nup, I was thinking catdonkeycup. Oh well, I better study for next week.
Nice glasses Miss D, you sure look brainy in them.
The glasses make you look like a Schoolmarm, which means you look very smart.
We didn't get it right. We were trying to figure out
cat + donkey + trophy =
It just didn't work.
We are dummies, we thought it was lookdonkeycup. Big dummies...
You look very sophistiCATed it glasses, Daisy!
Daisy, I forgot to thank you the other day for the pooping song you sang for me. It seems to have helped a little bit, but I need to do more, and bigger and better. Do you think you could sing it a bit louder? Thank you in anticipation.
that's pretty cool Daisy!!!!
and the glasses make you look cute
Jaja very funny Daisy. You ARE smart, that's sure!
Oh Daisy you are smart as well as very funny! :)
Yay! We were right! :)
Those are cool glasses, Daisy!
That was fun! Since I haven't had my cup of morning tea yet it took me a while to puzzle it out! I kept thinking cat + burro + cup! Then I hit on trophy and it fell into place! I love the glasses....such a professional vintage look! Sweet too!
The glasses makes you look furry smart!
Mommy guessed donkey not ass and welp, its didnt makes sense. So we's didn't guess rights today. We liked the mystery though!
i can't believe you swore.
but the glasses do make you look smart.
MomBean was stuck on 'upasscup'. She's slow.
I can't believe I got it. ha
What if you put the picture of you in glasses with the donkey....
What word phrase do you get?
(wink wink) ha!
Love the glasses!
Unfortunately I was looking too deep and didn't even get 'cat' too busy looking at the expression he he!
We don't spell that word, or say it, the same as you so ASS is fine with us!
Purrs, Sukie X
Daisy, those glasses do look great on you....everything does! We didn't get the puzzle...drat! We thought Catdonkeycup.....not even close!
those glasses make you look smart AND adorable and no, i didn't get it. are we going to play again? cause i'll study next time. i really will!
smiles, auntie bee
This was fun even though Grandpa didn't get it.He says his brain's to fuzzy :)
yo miss daisy, you are cracking up the old folks ye know.
Daisy, you look like our librarian! I love the picture puzzle, your mom bean is so creative!
Ah ha ha! Daisy- You are so funnnieee!
Love & Licks,
Randi look VERY smart in those glasses!
We did not get this one right. :(
HAHAHAHAHAHA! That's great! We like your glasses to. Have a great week!
This was fun Daisy!
I NEVER would have guessed this one.
I must be getting slow in my old age... this was a very good puzzle. I will try better next time.
I think those glasses look really cute. I love the color and it matches your furs so well!
Happy day to you and Pixiekins
Love, Princess
Wow that was quite a puzzle today. We could not figure out what the answer was so we peeked!
You look great in glasses Daisy, in fact you look great in anything you wear!
Hi Daisy! I was thinking "mule", so it didn't register for me at all. :) But, it was fun and I look forward to another one.
You are just so cute in those glasses!
Hugs and Smmoochies,
HAHAHAHAHA! That was great, Daisy!
I think you look wonderful in those glasses.
Oh boy, Daisy. We thought is was catmuletrophy which of course makes no sense...Good one!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Oh we did not do so good on your quiz. We do like your glasses though...
Our Meowm needs a better brain...she couldn't help us at all with that!
We think you look great in your glasses!
I think that is a good word. This is more fun than the puzzles in the newspaper.
Dennis says Daisy is beautiful.
Oh jeesh, we didn't know there was going to be test - we didn't even study!
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Yeah, we got is! You look great in those glasses, Daisy.
We failed! :-(
You really have a face for glasses, Daisy! You look soooooo smart in those glasses!!
Karl & Ruis
Um, kittydonkeycup din't sound right...but da glasses are really cute.
Hai, Miz Beautiful Daisy of the Curly Tail! We has tagged you for the Quirky meme! Check out our blog to find out more, kay?
We like your word pikshur idea. We didn't get it right, though. And yes, the glasses make you look smart!
I didn't get the correct answer 'cuz I thought that the kitty was Lego (Adan's kitty brother). I thought, "What the heck is a Lego/Donkey/Cup?"
*GASP* Daisy! I cannot believe you said that! LOL Love the glasses..those are hot.
I got it right! Mom did not know that I knew that middle word....I don't think she was too happy that I knew it.
Mommy's reading glasses are lots like that cept hers are purple. Yore glasses look lots better on yoo than hers do on her. But don't tell her I saided so.
KC said...
well, i's gotted catburrocup. that didn't sound right either.
i think tha glasses look furry nice, Daisy, but you still look smart wifout thems.
We think you look great in your new glasses, and very smart as well!!!!
We were able to get the puzzle right too!!! probably due to the countless hours Momma spent playing online puzzle games with us....
Rossetti and I don't think you should get in trouble because its another name for a donkey and you were using the A** word to describe the animal, NOT cursing (we were afraid our Momma would yell at us though) also, if a word is in the dictionary, it should be okay to say it, right?
Kirara of
The Kiaton Empire
That makes more sense than
At least I got the "ass" part right!
You DO look smart in your stylin' glasses, Daisy!
Add a purple wig and you could go as Dame Edna for Halloween!
Not The Mama
*snigger* you said a@s tee hee hee
Bendrix got this one right but I didn't. I kept thinking "donkey"
You look smart and pretty in your glasses.
Of course, we all know you're already smart Daisy, but those glasses make you look even smarter.
Poor Mom couldn't figure out your puzzle. Maybe she should borrow your "smart" glasses.
I got as far as "cat burrito"...
Dat is a very clever riddle, Daisy. Mommy was preoccupied and not thinkin' straight, so she was saying "Tigger Ass Gold? Tigger Ass Brass?" Needless to say, your answer was much better.
Ha! HA! HA! Daisy! That was a great picture puzzle! Love your glasses - so retro!
Awesome glasses! Love the puzzle even though I failed at it.
Hilarious photo with the glasses. Great job!
Your eyes shine right through the glasses, Daisy. You look good.
We never seem to guess correctly.
purrs and tail wags
Love the glasses!
Catdonkeycup? Hmmmm . . . that doesn't seem right . . . we'll have to check out da correct answer.
Boy...Mommy was no help on that one...she didn't think of the...BAD WORD! Who gets time out for that one Daisy? giggle...=^Y^=Ty
Maaaaaaaaaaaan I just sat there for thirty minutes trying to figure that out and I still couldn't figure it out.
Good Job
ohhhh,daisy you are the coolest in them glasses
The glasses do make you look smarter. As for the quiz, mom didn't dare say ass, so she didn't guess it correctly.
That was cool& easy Daisy!!!!!!!!!
Even Mom got it!!!!!!!!! heehee
Purrs Mickey
That was fun and easy! Parker is it's o.k. to call a donkey by it's other name...we just shouldn't call each other the donkey's other name.
I loved the pictures of your emotions :)
I got it right! Yipee! I like your Monday mystery games. They're fun. And those glasses make you look super-smart.
I couldn't get the answer cuz I was too busy being stunned by how beautiful you look in glasses, Daisy! Very good puzzle, BTW. I'll get it next time.
Wow, Daisy, I am not nearly smart enough to figure that out! Maybe I should get some glasses, too.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
You look great in yur glasses, Daisy! You look furry furry smart. You are a furry smart kitty gurl! You're both a docktor and a scientist.
*snorkies*, I loved yur pickshure puzzle. I gotted the answur right, and my Momma laffed and laffed!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Love the glasses Daisy. You are smart wifout the glasses tho.
Mindy & Moe
PS. we got it right.
Your best puzzle yet! I did'nt get it tho. But I will! Keep 'em coming!!
PS: You remind me of Katherine Hepburn in those glasses. Wicked COOL!
Daisy, you always look smart, but you look smart in those cute glasses, too! :)
And I loved your picture puzzle! I got it right, *smile*. And it made me giggle and giggle!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
I think that second word is a little bit naughty, Daisy! Love the glasses on you ...
You look really smart in glasses. That's a really clever quiz
~ Girl girl
It isn't a tabbydonkeytrophy? Oh now I see the other comments, I see I'm not the only one who had a bit of a problem. Maybe next time. Good puzzle Daisy!
Clever... I was trying to work out what a kittenasscup was! I don't think you should get in trouble for using the word 'ass' in this context. It's totally legit. By the way, have you heard of an Australian comedian called Dame Edna Everage? She is really a man dressed up as a lady. I think she/he is a bit famous in the USA (she had her own show and was also in Ally McBeal for a while). Anyway, she/he wears glasses just like yours... check it out!
What a great puzzle Daisy, you got me again! Instead of the right word I was using Donkey and I wasn't getting any close to solving the puzzle. Very well thought out. Give some woofies(kisses) to Pixie for me ok?
Daisy, I knew whut the anser was but I coodn't say it cuz part of it was one of the werds on my bad werd list. Can I wisper it in yer ear?
And I LOVE the glasses. Altho they'd be more kyoot in pink.
Hahahaha!!! Ooops, should I be laughing or should I not?
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wow! We are surprised! We got this one!
We think you won't get in trouble for using that word, and you look very smart.
~ The Bunch
I think bloglines has fixed something--we have about 100 posts to read and most are multiple posts from blogs that haven't been updating in forever!
Thanks, Daisy!!! We got the right answer (with just a little help from Crazy Lady). That was fun!
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
P.S. Your glasses are just divine!
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