Pixie and I were looking out the window, and look what we saw: an entire HERD of ducks! And they were walking straight towards us. They might have been trying to taunt us.

I can count nine ducks. But I do not think I had all my ducks in a row. This could be a problem.

The ducks were eating blades of grass! Grass is not very delicious. I thought they would eat bugs.

Duck close-up! Good posing, duck.

Finally, I gave the herd of ducks my hardest look and they ran away. Hahahahah! I have strong powers. I think I could be the Uri Geller of the cat world. Next, I will try to bend a spoon with just my mind.

What? Oh. My Mommie says I am Not Allowed to play with silverware. So, I guess I cannot bend any spoons. Never mind.

108 Notes for Daisy:
Oh.. why are there so many ducks outside your house? Are they there to visit you?
~ Girl girl
Ymmmmmmm they look tasty!!!
Dearest Daisy,
We ain't never been invaded by a gang of ducks like that...they look skeery...what kind of ducks are they? It sure is good that you was able to skeer them away. You is a real tough chick.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Yup, they eat grass. We were surprised too. Mom helped us look up what Goosies ate when we moved to Georgia.
Daisy, you may want to keep an eye on Snail, because ducks like snails and bugs, too!
Maybe your house has the good grass, and they will get nice, plump, tasty, and close enough to eat!
That's a lot of ducks Daisy. Did you chatter at them?
Purrs, Sukie X
Oah Wowww~~~
There are many many ducks over there,
that is very strange to me~!
I bet you have very good live show!
Oh, Daisy! We would love to see u bend a spoon!
Sorry we have not been visiting, mommie has been busy looking for a place to rent the past week + days, and she couldn't help us come see u and comment.
We don't see ourselves blogging at the moment, but we would try to come c u everyday!
Hugs and Purrs to U and Pixie!
O Daisy, duckiez iz funny lookin’. I wonderz if duckies tastez good?
O—and I likez to eatz grass. OK?
Ducks and Geese are very troublesome birds, they aren't the least bit afraid of cats. And Geese are very ferocious. We are scared of them. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
We tagged you for a Meme. ~Socks, S & C
it's nice u and pixie saw such a sight together although pixie seems more focused on you than the ducks. mr. max used to love to take walks on his leash just so he could go outside and eat grass. i used to tell him he had a bit of cow in him.
How much fun was dat? Were yoo finking of ducks or lots of water an den dey appeered? Da mind is a furry powerful fing.
WOWSIE....look at the ducks. They are kinda cute!!! You got some great pictures. Mommy says we can send you a spoon if you want to practice.
daisy ... we hav duckz heer in noo york, too!!!! i thot da funshine state only had birdz wid long skinny legz an long skinny beekz!
harharhar! i like doze pikshurz. (now mi mom haz to talk to yer mom abowt her lenz!)
Mighty big birds, weren't they? Nothing small and bite-sized like a sparrow. But if you were able to chase away all 9 by yourself, I'd say those ducks were pretty chicken.
Whoa! You get delivery???
YOU performed magic!
we haf nefur seen ducks like that 'afore - the ducks we haf here all haf green heads. that one wif the white head is weerd looking!
WOW!! Right up to your door!! We've had ducks in our yard ,but not at our door!!
Daisy,the ducks were eating grass because it IS good!!!! heehee
Purrs Mickey
Dennis thinks Pixie helped you stare them away.
Daisy, I wish we were together so you could help me raise my kitten. He is a big handful.
I'm so impressed at how well you tw0 behaved yourselves around all those yummy looking birds!
Those look like the "Ugly Ducks" that live near my old house. They would waddle down our sidewalks and scare the outside cats. They were big and mean. I'll bet you could have used your powers to scare them away!
Good duck scaring! We don't have any of those in our yard. Just mean squirrels and a few birds that like to come up to our door and taunt. But, they aren't so brave during outdoor play time. ;)
Good for you to handle the case with aplomb, Daisy. I would have not known what to do.
OOooo Duck to door delivery! Wonder if dey taste as good as da ones dat Auntie LeAnne make? Good job making dem go away...dey might haf scared Pixie way to much.
Daisy, today's post made me so homesick for South Florida (Boca)... I miss those ducks! Be careful though, where there are ducks, there are bound to be iguanas too.
I wonder what all those big black fevver balls were thinkin'? Maybe they wanted to PLAY! Let's Call Billy Sweetfeets!
OMG Daisy and Pixie, how cool was that having all of those duckies right there for you to look at! We have never ever seen birdies that big, and never will, unless it is on the dining room table ... hee hee! You are so lucky!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Some of us like to eat grass, but The Mom has to bring it inside, because we can't go out.
Do the alligators bother the ducks?
You were very magical to make them go away!
~ Miss Emily
Very exciting to have your very own visiting ducks. You're a lucky girl, Daisy!
Wow Daisy, that's a lot of ducks! Were they going door to door collecting for an old ducks home or something?
It's good you were able to stare them away. When Pickles and Jelly Bean are both on the bed, Pickles can stare the Bean right off the edge!
gosh what a lot of ducks daisy! you are very brave, i would have been a little bit scairt of all of them, there are too many! i am always scairt they will peck out my eyes...
smiles, auntie bee
Ms Daisy even those ducks wanted to visit you.
No, you're more like Nina Kulagina because you are too sexy to be a Uri Geller.
Glad to see you again.
God Bless...
Daisy I think your Mommy;'s comment about the silverware might be because she doesn't want to see you chasing after a duck with a knife and fork! ;)
Ooh and I have a boyfriend too now, he's not a fashion designer like your Skeezix, but a gourmet cook! :) This will come in handy when I'm pregnant and have cravings I bet! ;)
We had ducks in our pool once - they thought it was a big litter box though and Daddy scared them away. You're pretty powerful to scare them away yourself!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furgang
Wow! Just look at all of those ducks! Now THAT is something that I haven't seen on my front porch.
i have never seen a duck! or many ducks! we have doves in our yard though. mourning doves. but they seem nice. i think i would freak out if a herd of ducks came up to my door like that!
Wow, that is so cool, Daisy! They walked right up to your house! We only see ducks when we go out in our stroller.
The Uri Geller of cats...LOL! You crack me up daisy!
It was nice to see Miss Pixie today, as well.
You have duck friends too!!! Just today our friend Dicky Duck, the traveling duck, has a guest post up on our blog!
We've never seen ducks like those before! We just have mallards.
Those are wonderful pictures, Daisy! You and Pixie are also in the same space, too. Well, it is a special occasion wif visitors coming to your door. You bof need to 'welcome' them.
Mindy and Moe
That is a lot of ducks! And several different types by the looks of it! We still have ducks here, but they all look the same. They like to come close to the apartment, but they can't get as close as yours did! Good job scaring them away!
**waving hi to Miss Pixie! Looking good Pixie!**
Hours of fun.
you did a good job getting those ducks to run, is this where the term ugly duckling came from
Your ducks are different than ours. We have the mallard ducks with the green heads. Also lots of canada geese. They leave ginormous poops everywhere.
Wow! I hope your mommie din;t have to clean anything up when they left!
"didn't" (sorry!)
Oh Daisy! That's not a HERD of ducks...THATS AN ARMY DUCK INVASION! Use all your super powers! & Pixies! Show those ducks whose terroritory they are on!
Love & Licks,
You better not bend any spoons, Daisy. Your mom might make you pay for a new one and with the price of gas today ..... Well, let's just say, it would be very expensive.
Better to just use your power on ducks.
whoa - no way! the only groups that come to our door are Jehovah's Witnesses. you are lucky.
Wow all those ducks, that seems fun.
WOW what entertainment! Momma said it is good you can make the ducks leave, she used to have a pet duck and they can make porches very messy! ~Queen Snickers
Wow, that is a serwious amount of Ducks Daisy and you scairt them all off, all nine of em !! They is furry tasty to eat, so my miewmie tells me but we don't haf ducks here just fwogs. I eats gwass too. Its gud for your innerds if you know what I mean !!
What's with all the ducks? I can't believe that came right up to your door. But don't the ally-gadors try to eat them? I'm not sure I'd want to be a duck in your neighborhood. hee hee
Ohhh WOW!! Daisy you can has too many duckz!! Me is bit scary cuz they bigz!! you has so many friendz(lizard, snail and duks)me is jelousz!!
The grass is always greener on the other side Daisy, guess it was your turn to be the other side! Hey, we were wondering what happened to the white headed duck that was at our lake....all our ducks are mallards except that one odd duck! Hi Pixie, always nice seeing you!=^Y^=Setzer
I love it how Pixie is watching you watch the ducks instead of watching the ducks herself, Daisy!
I'm surprised you have so many ducks, and that the gator in your lake doesn't eats 'em all up!
Not The Mama
I just wanted to tell you that the pictures are looking great. They are so cute and and and and..... looking sooooooo tasty...:-)
What a fowl encounter. Did you and Pixie chitter at them?
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Those are some odd looking ducks. We don't have those here in TX I think. I have to ask my mom to go to FL to get me some new duck friends for my big world.
Misty says that you and she should get your thinking caps together and find out why your agent and her agent is not calling!
That's furry strange. Do you think that they are friends with some vishus deers and wanted to taste some curly cats for themselves? If so, it's good that you have such strong psychic powers Daisy:) xxx
ohhh they are soo cute
wewe the ducks twying to be youw new best fwiends???
They look disappointed as they'we leaving..did they leave lots of duck poop?
you and Pixie awe vewy good guawds
smoochie kisses
Oh the Florida ducks!! They are VERY odd looking aren't they? What kind are they again? I wouldn't want to meet them.
Oh your ducks look different from our ducks - very cool (though we've never really gotten that close to our duck before)! You must have some serious powers Daisy, could you try plastic forks?
Wow, Daisy that is a lot of ducks! Maybe they were as curious about you and Pixie and you two were about them. :) You have such a fun yard for observing nature, just perfect for kitties!
Have you seen the commercial with the kitty using "ancient kitty mind trick" to get his favorite food? Is that what you do? ;)
I hope you and Pixie have a wonderful day chillaxin' with you Mommie!
Hugs and Love,
Them ducks poop a lot too - you should check yer lawn, so you don't walk into any of their poops!
P.S. - we watched an Animal Planet story da other day about all the ginormous snakes on da loose in Floreeda - they will eat cats too! Be careful!
P.S.S. - We want to know how you and Trixie like yer new cat "tree" (da new wood one) - we are finking of asking fer one from Sandy Paws.
I counted 9 too! Do you think they were normal ducks, or those killer ducks that everyone is so afraid of?
oh boy! those ducks look fun! i wish they could have helped us trash the house. they leave big messes.
i'm glad you enjoyed swinging on the fan! i know i did.
I don't know daisy... Pixiekins is giving you some hard looks too!
I hope you two have a very happy day today!
That's a lot of ducks! I bet you could have played a fun game of Duck Duck Goose!
In the last picture it looks like you are trying to mesmerize the ducks and Pixie is trying to mesmerize you : )
Maybe the ducks want to be your friend? Maybe they want to be in one of your cartoons?
Wow, that was really cool, Daisy.
The ducks by your house are very different from the ducks here. Were they loud? They looked like nice ducks.
Laila and Minchie
Daisy, I am impressed with your mind power. Imagine if you WERE allowed to play with the silverware!
Wow! If you bend a spoon wif your mind perhaps you could bend steel wif your paws!
P.S. We gave you an award!
Wow! If you bend a spoon wif your mind perhaps you could bend steel wif your paws!
P.S. We gave you an award!
Well, these ducks are nice, I've never seen a duck, Daisy, but if you want, I can give you a spoon haha
Hmmm ... Those sure are a whole bunch o' duckies that you have, Miss Daisy. I don't like duck furry much 'cuz it's kinda greasy. I prefer turkey.
Dear Daisy and Pixie, wow! What a fantastic day with the ducks. Boy they looked really cool to watch. Too bad your human did not open the door for you, so you could play with the ducks.
Those ducks look terrifying! They look like zombies! You were both so brave to not run away.
looks like somebody called for a du(ck)livery !!!!
ooh how cute!
my family would love to see all those ducks.
I remember we used to feed the ducks at hotels near Disney. They loved the food, especially the pasta =).
Wow! That's cool. However, Pixie does not look like she is up for having guests.
We just wanted to stop back by and let you know that our humans also like lots of brie and wine, so your mommy's totally not alone there. :)
Wow, I only had two ducks visit me a couple of months ago. Not a whole herd!
Oh I love ducks. Those are very interesting looking ducks too! :)
What a treat to have such cute visitors...if only you could have gone out and "played" with them! LOL
Oh wowie, that is furry kool! Momma and Daddy ranned into a herd of ducks on one of their hikes! There's ponds nearby and maybe the duckies got lost!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Wow Daisy, those are a lot of ducks! You are good at getting them to go away! We just have Mo & Jo and we think they plan on living with us forever!
Your FL furiends,
Perhaps the ducks were playing duck duck goose, only they forgot to bring the goose? *smile*
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! What a treat to see all those ducks outside your window. They look.... tasty! Pate anyone? Hehehe, just kidding.
:::waves::: Hi, Duks!!!! Have yoo ever kunsiderd waring sum kyoot owtfits?
Well, given that you live in Florida, they could have been looking for Daisy Duck and had the wrong address!
Your pal,
MEOW Daisy!! Feel free to join the genie meme at my blog yeah? Have a good one! :)
Oh, those duck look fun to chase!
Thanks for coming over and helping with the door opening seminar!
This photo reminds me a bit of the one Mao and his brother Junior took of themselves conversing with geese (maybe?)
Hi Pixie. How are you feeling?
I see the photo of duks with cat sitting. The is very nice. Specially greenery. So i think you a lucky girl daisy. Thanks for sharing photos.
OMDawg! This was so very scairy!
Luf, Us
That sure is a lot of ducks coming to visit. You look so cute, I'm surprised you were able to scare them away!
Boy, that's a whole bunch of ducks that came to visit you and Pixie! Sometimes ducks visit us from down the road but usually only 1 or 2. I think they like their own pond better, ours is kind of green right now.
Wow, these ducks are just as good as the turkeys. There sure a lot of them visiting you. Neato. That's one thing we don't see around here, is ducks.
Wow, how very exciting! A whole herd of ducks! Did you ask them to play Duck, Duck, Goose?
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
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