Instead of Fashion Friday this week, I am going to show you something silly! You know I am obsessed with getting to the top of the kitchen cabinets. I will stare and stare and stare up there trying to figure out a way up. Sometimes I will cry a lot, too. My Mommie says she can see my brain working.

So, I was studying the microwave, and I had an idea!

JUMP onto the ledge of the microwave and pull myself up!

Only I realized that my arms are not strong enough to pull myself up. This was a little mistake.

Then I did one of my most daring Circus stunts: I flipped around and did a One-Armed Dismount! And I almost broke the microwave!

I might have to start doing some arm exercises before I try this stunt again. This stunt did not work when I tried it on the ice-dispenser in the refrigerator, either.
Fashion Friday will be back next week!

Friday Follies: Slight Miscalculation
84 Notes for Daisy:
Careful Daisy! We don't want you to hurt yourself!
Daisy, we hope that you did not hurt yourself when you dismounted the microwave!
This reminds me of the time that I got stuck on the garage door opener rails. I got up gracefully enough. =)
Gee Daisy, be careful will you! That looks dangerous...
Oah Daisy, be careful...
I think microwave break or not is only small thing, if you break your nail, it will be big thing!
Girls are very loving their nails~!!!!
you still show very good stunt!!
You are the best in my heart!
Awww, Daisy. You just need to start doing your push ups every day!
I also suggest some lat pull downs...
Then you'll be able to climb that microwave in NO time, trust me!
oh hon, you need to careful! Glad mommie was there just in case...
Daisy, you must really want to get up on those cabinets. Perhaps you should consult with Faith Boo....please be careful!
Be careful sweetie, if you breaks the microwave your mommie might make you use your pocket money to buy a replacement. Then you will not be able to afford any mail order pets.
Have a great weekend. Has you been out in your stroller yet?
Daisy, watch out. If it's this hard to get up there, imagine how hard a time you'll have coming down! You may get scared up that high. I know when Spunky Doodle jumped up on top of my wardrobe, she took quite awhile deciding how to come down. I think she just jumped off onto my bed, but there is no soft bed to land on in your kitchen.
Your mom takes such great action shots! Kudos to her on her great photography!
dis iz verree intrestin daisy.
it izza darin act, indeed.
i wooda liked to see da ice dispenser stunt. (har!)
Every so often,you must try something new! Who knows,you just might find the way up !!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
I think you should be using a stunt double for those kinds of escapades. Great photos by mom, though.
wht does the cat looking for???
Be careful!!!!!!
I think you need to hire a professional trainer. I can't picture you all buff though.
purrs Shade
Please be careful, Daisy. The Olympic judges take the dismount very seriously when they total your final scores.
maybe Skeezix needs to help you werk out to get muscles like his!
Daisy, do you have one of those tall kat towerz? Maybe you could get Pixie to help you push it over by the cabinets and then it would be easier to get up there. Oooh, think of all the forbidden places you could reach with an accomplice and a tower!
You are very brave to get up there Daisy. ~Socks, S & C
A little more practice and you'll be fine Daisy. Remember, practice makes perfect :)
Wow Daisy! What an amazing dismount! With that kind of courage I'm sure you'll make it to the top of the cabinets.
don't break stuff... i have broken stuff and can't fix anything.
We think it is terrible that you cannot get on top of the cabinets. You should get your Daddie to install your own spiral staircase to get to the top.
Keep trying! We know you'll do it someday!
You are so adventurous Daisy! I bet if it's quiet for too long your Mommie thinks, "Hmm, too quiet, Daisy must be up to something, or up ON something!" :) Be careful with your gymnastics honey!
Happy Friday! Hugs and Smoochies,
Wow, Daisy! The rarely seen one-arm dismount with back flip! Impressive!
My upper body strength is No Good, as well. I try to do push-ups, but they're boring. Maybe I'll try climbing up to the ceiling.
JD at I Do Things
Glad you weren't hurt, Daisy. I tried and tried to get to the top of the giant entertainment cabinet this week, and I'm not strong enough to pull myself up, nor are my hind legs springy enough to jump that high. I've got to figure out another way to get up there.
Too bad you could not get a picture of your Mom's face as you nearly broke the microwave...
i meh goodness daisy yoo be carefuls! do not hurt yoorself!
I neveh been to da top of da cabinets... but yoo gifs meh sum ideas...
You are one determined girl! Don't give up! You'll find a way yet!
Laila and Minchie
Wow, a one-armed dismount!
You get a "10" from the purry judges on that one!
Have a great weekend!
Not the Mama
"Wow" Daisy your so brave and cool :)
Dat's a furry tricky stunt Daisy, I hopes you are okaies after dat one. Some paw strength trainings may help you get to the top of the cabinets soon!
I can see your brain working, too, Miss Daisy! I think you might try some chin-ups to strengthen your front leg muscles..that one legged dismount was spectacular, especially since it was unplanned and unpracticed! Just think of how HIGH up you'll be when you finally make it to the top of the cabinets!
WHOA, that looked like a very dangerous move when the door of the microwave vent came time use something that doesn't open....ask Pixie to boost you up from the counter top.....Oh, I can picture that happening Daisy!=^Y^=Setzer
Be careful Daisy. Mom's don't like it when we start breaking stuff. I highly recommend a cabinet-to-refrigerator approach, if the top of the fridge is available. Also, that stove top might get hot, so watch for the little "hot surface" light...
Oh noes Daisy! (he he...saying "noes" is funny!)
You better be careful...I hear flat top stoves like the ones in your kitchen & my kitchen can get hot & burn our little & big paw paws!
I suggest you save your allowance & buy yourself a ladder...
Love & Licks,
That's commitment Daisy! You'll find a way I'm sure.
KC said...
Wow, that is a grrreat idea, Daisy. Can Faith an I come over and help. We could all climb up tha cabinets together.
We are glad you didn't hurt yourself. You better start lifting some weights and getting those "guns" built up!
ha! I think you are very brave to use a circus stunt in the kitchen on appliances - cute too!
that is pretty funny daisy!!! you should get yourself some of thse shelf things,
I revied it in my bloggy!
we hope our neighbors get some kittehs too but we thinks they look like dog people!
Ooops! Careful! It would be awful if the microwave fell out and you went squish!!!
WOWY - that wuz a furry good attempt! WE have learned to jump from da kitchen island to da top of da frige . . . 'cept now da beans put a bunch of stuff on top of da frige to "discourage" us!
Oh Daisy. be careful you don't hurt yourself - never mind the microwave :O)
Sometimes I climb where I shouldn't and it's hard to get down.
Purrs, Sukie x
Yes Daisy, be careful! Heh, I feel like my mom: "Don't break your neck!!" We would all be very sad.
Oh Daisy, dat looked furry danjerus! Yoo haf da flexibility Speedy lacks and he has da arm strength yoo need...maybe you could get together and teach each other. We also like Geekmom's idea...get Pixie to help yoo push yoor tower over der.
Oh that's funny but what a dangerous stunt you did! Please be careful Daisy. Your arm could come off together along with the microwave door ya know...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh Daisy, you are very daring and determined...
Oh goodness Daisy!!
That looks dangerous. I hope you get some work-outs in before trying it again...or maybe not trying it again!
~ Anna Sue
Ah, Daisy, a gal after our own hearts. Break the appliances, pull the cabinets from the wall, whatever it takes to get on top of them. Determination is half the battle. The other half is surviving the feat.
Yoo know, I used to be a 7-pownd weekling, but then I started werking owt and doing kerls. It reely made my arms strong like an ironman. I cood give yoo sum tips if yoo like. Just don't overdoo it cuz gerlcats shood be a little sqwishy for kuddling.
Do you wanna to cook, Daisy?
You're so cute Daisy!
You are very, very brave, Daisy! I can't really remember what the top of your cabinets are like. Maybe your Mommie could put a step stool on the counter for you. Or my very favorite suggestion is that you stand on the counter and cry until she helps you up there. Would she go along with that? And most importantly, could you get down from there by yourself? You don't want to get stranded.
PS - Mama sort of giggled about you not being strong enough to pull yourself up. Whenever Daddy wants her to help him lift something, she always says, "I can't. I have the upper body strength of a kitten." hee hee
What's up there that's so interesting, anyway?
Your friend
even though you didn't get up there, it looked like a lot of fun anyway!
daisy if you come to my house i will put a ladder by the cabinets so you can climb up there whenever you want to. ask your mommie to do that too!
smiles, auntie bee
I'd congratulate you on the new trick but MomBean is nearby...
You are so brave Daisy. I'm sure one day you will find a way up to the top.
My meowmy told me to tell you that I am lucky cause her quilt only cost $29.95. But the priceless one is collecting my furs for future generations in the back of the closet.
your dismount was superb! Bravo!!
You saved your performance with that graceful one armed dismount. Nobody ever would have known what you were really trying for !
Oops! Daisy, if you come over here, I'll teach you how to break a toilet! You seem to have a natural talent ... :)
That was an impressive dismount, but you might want to rehearse a little next time so you don't hurt your arm. You posted a video of a similar get-to-the-top-of-the-cabinets attempt awhile back; are you still hearing Led Zepplin songs in your head when you try this?
Daisy, they should make jumping up on the microwave an Olympic'd win a gold medal with that move!!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Oh no! Be careful, Daisy - you could get hurt. My Liberty had a nasty fall when she went climbing a few months ago. She fell off the roof, and smacked her nose on the way down. She had a nose bleed and had to go to the vet. So please be very, very careful, Daisy.
Poor Daisy, you really want to get up there don't you. Maybe your mum could buy you a ladder for your purrfday or Chris Mouse present.
EEK Daisy! Please be careful! That shiny thing under the microwave can get HOT and hurt your little paws. Allie keeps getting up on our shiny thing and Meowmy squirts her with that wet thingy - she doesn't like it.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You need to consult with Skeezix 'bout mussel-building before you try that stunt again, Miss Daisy!
Gee, I think I could jump ta the ceilin straight from the counters. Cause I'm a meezer an we are good at that! Only our cabinets dont got a space on top of them.
Om my goodness Daisy, do not hurt yourself. You have Lucky all in a tizzy as to whether or not you are okay. Maybe you should not try that again. I don't think I could bear to tell Lucky that something happened to you.
oh no! Wow, that was a close call. Keep thinking, you'll get to the top of those cabinets.
If there were a cabinet climbing event in the Olympics, you would win a gold medal. Due to the level of difficulty of your dismount, and the shininess, of the appliance you deserve a 10.
Please be careful, Daisy. Mom can replace the microwave, but not you!
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Whoa! lucky the microwave wasn't switched on. It would be a disaster then. :P
Oh wow Daisy, that is a good trick to try to get up the cabinets. Be careful with the dismounts. We don't want you to hurt yourself!
I'm not even allowed on the kitchen benches. You're so lucky.
Huffle Mawson
well u cute little daisy your quite naughty huh!!!??? u should be really really careful next time 0:)
Poor Daisy...
Luf, Us
I bet you could walk a tightrope too!
Hey Daisy, just call for takeout, you don't need the microwave.
Daisy, what happen after that?
Is the microwave fallen?or your cat fallen?
You better be careful, Daisy. That microwave might be hot :-p
Get off of the stove. You could get hurt from the stove if it were still hot. Please stop trying to climb on the cabinets.
Please be safe,
Daisy, just keep practicing like on the piano. You will make it someday. But please be careful, I sure don't want you to hurt yourself.
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