Thursday, July 17, 2008

Where The Beans Are

Ever since my Mexican Jumping Beans went deaded, I have been wondering where they end up. Are Jumping Beans a legume or an animal or a bug? Do they go to the Rainbow Bridge? Or maybe they are reincarnated. Why are these beans called "refried" anyway? Is refried another way of saying reincarnated? Because maybe my Mexican Jumping Beans were reincarnated as refried Beans.
Hey, Jumping Beans! You in there? Hmmm. No answer.
OH NOES! Pixie ate some of my reincarnated, refried Jumping Beans!
Daisy: Pixie, did you eat my Beans?
Pixie: Um, no. Why do you ask?
Daisy: I can tell by the expression on your face that you ate some.
Pixie: No, I didn't. I promise.
Daisy: Do not make promises you cannot keep!
Daisy: Come here, Pixie. Let me sniff you for beans.
Pixie: I only just ate them. They haven't been digested yet.
Daisy: You DID eat them! They were my pets. At least, they might have been my pet beans.
Pixie: I know where you can find them later tonight.... hey, where are you going? Bring back some guacamole, okay?

Jumping Bean: Daisy, do not worry about me. I have had a good Jumping Bean life. Thanks for giving me a bath, and for letting me play football.


80 Notes for Daisy:

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You mustn't torture yourself like that about your jumping beans, Daisy! I am sure they are somewhere safe, in the bean version of Rainbow Bridge, and not in that can! Or in Pixie, for that matter.

Your Pal,

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think your beans are just fine, Daisy~!
But it's very good seeing you and your sister's conversation. That is very funny~

That Squirrel said...

A friend was telling me yesterday that there's a particular special kind of coffee bean that's made special by being passed through a cat's digestive system. It comes out when it should and is then ground into coffee. A delicacy apparently. Another friend responded to this by asking if she was talking about refried beans.
The poor refried beans - it's not easy to look like poop!

Black Cat said...

Awww, I'm sure they are not in the tin of refried beans Daisy, don't worry! What are refried beans anyway? And what makes jumping beans jump? (You can tell I don't get out much, ha ha!) Sweet to see you and Pixienaner together:) xxx

Anonymous said...

LOL! She knows where you can find them later... Pixie is very funny.

Anonymous said...

Yew jus' hafta watch Pixie verreee closely over the next day or tew. If shee bes jumping arounds and twitchings, she eated da refrieded jumping beans!

meow 4 now,

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Poor poor jumpin' beans...they has gone to heaven, now, Daisy. We will have a moment of silence in our house for your bean-friends.

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang

Poppy Q said...

Oh noes, you made us giggle tonight Miss D.

Poppy Q

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You will have to follow Pixie and see if she has jumping poop later Daisy.

Spooky said...

Oh, you two are toooo funny!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those are very good questions, Daisy. We don't know the answer.

So Pixie likes beans as well as bananas? Does she like foods that begin with "b"?

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Pixie, it was very nice to see you.
Daisy seems a tad bit obsessed with those jumping beans.

~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Anonymous said...

Poor Daisy,
I'm sure those weren't your jumping beans. But you can check later, like Pixie suggested....hee, hee!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Oh Daisy, we are sure those aren't your jumping beans! They are jumping around in jumping bean heaven.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

::Hi Pixie:: We forgot to say hi to Pixie! How are you? It is so nice to see you!

Karen and Gerard said...

That is so funny! I laughed out loud and look forward each day to reading your blog. Your comic sequences are so good! I think this is the first that I've seen Pixie.

cat_aunty said...

Ahahahahaha that was FUNNY!!!!!!! It really made me laugh out loud!

Dear Daisy, I am sure your jumping beans are in Beans Heaven, not inside Pixie.....

How are you doing Pixie?? You look very well.

Kitikata-san said...

Oh Daisy, sorry about your beans being gone, but I bet Pixie was only smelling those mushy beans.

Monty Q. Kat said...


mister jeter harris, hizself said...

daisy ... yer so funny.

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Daisy!!!! I'm sorry ,but Mom & I were laffin at your Mexican Jumping Beans reincarnated as refried Beans.
Do you think they will make Pixie jump around a bit? Hahahahahahaha
Purrs Mickey

Teddy Westlife said...

Oh poor jumping beans! Oh well, at least they had a good life with you.

Huffle Mawson

Chrissie said...

Miss Daisy, it's kind of dangerous to be at that particular end of Miss Pixie after she's eaten beans...just sayin'.

Dma said...

i'm with pixie on this one. someone puts a plate of refried beans in front of me and i'm going to eat them.

ps. did you figure out what happened to your sea monkeys?

Anonymous said...

I totally didn't know about pixie, So when there was a picture of pixie on I thought that the beans were so hot they singed poor daisy. Now I know.

I thought it was a pretty good example of photoshopping.

The Fitness Diva said...

"I know where you can find them tonight" had me HOWLING!!!
Thanks for the laugh!! :D

Donna said...

Jumping beans are different from food beans. I think jumping beans go to a big park.

The Meezers or Billy said...

we doesn't think jumping beans end up as re-fried beans, but just in case, mommy will never eat re-fried beans again. (not that she liked them to begin with).

LZ said...

Mmmmmmmm guac......tasty stuff.


Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

I hope your reincarnated, refried jumping beans don't make Pixie poot later on ... hee hee!
Thanks for helping me celebrate my birthday Tuesday, it was SO much fun!
Purrs and headbutts,

Randi said...

Whoops a Daisy! I bet Pixie did eat your pets...but at least they were tasty....Just don't let her near your butterflies!

Love & Licks,

dennis said...

Dennis says don't worry about the beans. Daisy is so kind hearted...

Dennis is always happy to see Pixie interacting with Daisy. Dennis would have stopped by earlier but life with Eddy has been brutal. He jumps on me and it's tiring.

jenianddean said...

::snicker:: "I know where you can find them later." That Pixie...she's a funny one!

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Anonymous said...

Oh... so that's where refried beans come from???

Now I know...

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Refried beans were our Iggy cat's favorite human food! He loved them--we don't know why.

His last week, he lived on Taco Bell Bean Burritos. The Woman was trying to decide if she should euthanize him, but he was so happy--he just didn't want to eat much except what he really liked!

Nomi said...

I guess the beans make a change from bananners !! Sorry Daisy. I'm sure Pixie didn't weely eat them. What the heck are re-fried beans anyhows ? They don't sound too appetising.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Bwhahahahaha! Beans are funny. Well not da ones dat bit da dust but what happens to beans after dey am eaten are reeeeely funny.

Shaggy and Scout said...

We think those are a different kind of bean. Eatin' beans not jumpin' beans. bean heaven is a stinky place!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We don't think Pixie ate your beans, It sure is good seeing her today!! Give her a smooch from us!

~ The Bunch

Babs (Beetle) said...

I'm sure that Pixie didn't eat your jumping beans Daisy. They have gone to a special place for I mean dead jumping beans ;O)

Kellykat said...

Ha ha ha! You are so silly Daisy. And that Pixie, what a smarty cat. I can't believe she ate your beans!

Cat Street Boyz said...

OK, that does it no more beans here! Hi Pixie...hope those beans don't come back to haunt you!=^Y^=Setzer

Tybalt said...

I am sure your beans are safe at the Bridge, so it is ok that Pixie ate some of those refried beans . . .

Luka & Ezri said...

Refried jumping beans? That doesn't sound appetizing.

If pixie eated them I'm sure they'll jump and wiggle and squirm in her tummy and teach her a very important lesson about eating other peoples refried pets.

Motor Home Cats said...

Hi Pixie! It is nice to see you again.

Daisy, we don't think they make refried beans from jumping beans. We think they make them from a type of bean called Pintos.

But, we agree with a couple of others who said that you need to check to see if the refried beans are jumping or if Pixie is.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Anonymous said...

Did you ever hear the story about the magical bean stalk? Pretty neat. I bet your beans became a magical bean stalk and certainly didn't become refried beans!

Besides they haven't been gone long enough to get in that can anyway. SO let Pixie have them all unless you like them and then munch away without a bit of guilt!


And so ends the saga of the mexican jumping beans....



The WriggleButts said...

You treated the jumping beans as good as can be, Daisy!


Copito said...

I never ate beans, but I love avocado and tortillas, I'm a good mexican hamster!


The Furry Kids said...

Mama loves bean humor. hee hee

Beans, beans, they're wonderful fruit...


The Crew said...

Maybe you should check the litterbox later and see if any survived the trip!

L. Alida said...

Jumping beans become refried beans? Eww! Now not only do I not want spaghetti for a while , now I don't want refried beans in my veggie taco!
;) It's a rough week for intestinal humor Daisy!
I'm sure that Pixiepoo didn't eat your pets honey. She knows where you can find them later; So funny! I think there's a good bit of protein and potassium in beans, so they are good for Pixie. You should try them! :)
Thank you for the smiles as usual.
Hugs and Smoochies,

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

***waving hi to Pixie** Don't eat thoe beans, we hear they can create noises that come out of your tushy!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

I like reincarnated beans! They are yummy with chips and cheese!! Maybe some sour cream! DROOLL! .... I got go get momma to make some nachos. ~Queen Snickers

Sunny's Mommy said...

I am going to really hope that your deaded jumping beans were not in the can of refried beans. Cause that would not be good at all.

Rocky, Angie & S'more said...

Hi Daisy and Pixie!
Not to worry, we're sure your pets are safe in jumping bean heaven :)

Pixie sweetheart, it was nice to see you today! You look wonderful, as always!

Us xo

P.S. Mommy is having a craving for nachos now... :)

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Daisy, my Mom is laughing and laughing! She says she'll never look at refried beans the same way again!!! We think finding Pixie tonight will be easy! You might want to wear a gas mask!

Sarge Charlie said...

I got to tell you Miss Daisy, the Old Sarge likes Old ElPaso beans, they are excellent with tacos. Did you ever try tacos?

They never made me jump.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

I always thought those refried beans smelled funky!!

JD at I Do Things said...

I hope those refried, reincarnated beans don't start jumping in Pixie's tummy!

JD at I Do Things



Anonymous said...

Lol...Find them later Pixie is so funny :)

Anonymous said...

Lol...Find them later Pixie is so funny :)

The Florida Furkids said...

We're sure that really wasn't YOUR beans! Pixie wouldn't eat your pets (hmmm...or would she?) Nah....she wouldn't.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

MaoMao said...

wowie, I'd nefur thought that maybe reincarnated and refried meant the same thing! Maybe you'll find yur pets in yur next can of refried beans, that way they'd be both reincarnated and refried, hehehe!

You and Pixie are sooooo cute and funny!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Daisy Dog said...

Oh My! I never ate a bean before! Can cats be Rascally???

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

We don't want Pixie to get in the habit of eating your pets. Be sure to tell Pixie that butterflies taste nothing like butter.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

I'll bet that Pixie'll "reunite" you with your jumping beans if you ask her really nicely ... an' wait awhile.

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Daisy, I hopez u findz some new beanies to be ur petz. OK?

Lux said...

That Pixie! :) I am also convinced that she ate some of your deaded pet beans!

meemsnyc said...

Refried beans, are you sure the jumping ones are in there?

Liss said...

Oh poor Daisy! I can't imagine the smells you're going to be smelling tonight!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Ah, a polite jumping bean that says thank you. Wherever did you find it?

Anonymous said...

Poor Daisy, I wouldn't bother recovering them if I were you! You and Pixie are very funny!

Karen Jo said...

Oh, I am sure that your jumping bean pets didn't end up in that can of refried beans. You might want to give Pixie a wide berth tonight, depending on how much of those refried beans she ate.

Sassy Kat said...

We think your jumping beans have jumped away and cannot not find their way back to your place. We will be on the lookout for them, maybe they took the magical flying van from the Italians and are zooming around in that.

We are ready and heading out on the safari on the 18th. Too excited!!!!!! I know a lot of adventures are awaiting us.
Sassy, Momo, Opus & Roscoe

Leslie said...

Daisy, mom just loves you!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh dear.. the poor jumping beans.. But at least they knew you're good to them Daisy

~ Girl girl

Anonymous said...

Oh Daisy! You are so funny and always thinking so hard about things. You are sort of like a philosopher (you must say that word very slowly).
I love your post on refried reincarnated beans. What an idea! Silly Pixie shouldn't eat them until you can verify that your Mexican Jumping Beans pets are not in there!

We followed your lead a few months ago and go some pet beans of our own. They went deaded too. Mr. Honey ate some black beans the other night and I had to inspect them to make sure his Mexican Jumping Beans weren't in there. fortuately, the pet beans were much larger than the black beans so they'd be easy to search for.

Keep on investigating stuff! You are so smart!

caspersmom said...

I don't know Daisy, I don't see any beans jumping on that plate. Are you sure they went into that stuff just laying on the plate? I don't see Pixie jumping up and down after she ate a little of it. Guacamole sounds good.


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