The instructions for my pet Jumping Beans say that I should give my pets a bath about once a week. I never knew Jumping Beans were so filthy. But I think it is very important to follow instructions. If you do not own a microscope, you can click to enlarge the instructions.

Here I am explaining to my Beans that they are about to take a bath. I think they are happy about this. But I am not certain.

They are swimming all around. I hope they get very clean.

Why are they taking so long? This is getting boring. I think it is time to end the bath.

Wheee! It's like a water slide! Hahahahaha!

Now my beans are all wet. I had a great idea! But my Mommie reminded me that I am Not Allowed to work anything that has electricity. I guess my Beans will have to dry naturally. I hope my Beans do not catch a mold. Hahahahaha!

Bathing my Filthy Beans
74 Notes for Daisy:
Yup it's impawtant to stay away from electrical appliances ~ better let them beans dry naturally.
Don't worry Daisy~!
I am sure your Beans won't be sick~! But if you using electrcity stuffs, I think it will be have major issue~!!
I think you are doing very good, Daisy, I have a feeling this will be very successful~!
Haha.. Just make sure that you do not freeze them over coz "Freezing would kill your jumping beans"
Great job Daisy! Well, at least you can cross one chore off the list, until next week. Perhaps you should have gotten Clean Beans?
Daisy, you are very funny! We get weekly baths, and it's never been a problem for us, so hopefully it won't be a problem for your beans.
deer daisy,
yer a verree responsible owner uv doze beenz.
i can't wate until dey start jumpin arownd.
Catch a mold....AHHHH HaHaHaHa.
Oh, and Daisy, I think that Rudy's shave might be like a Brazilian!
It's good to see you taking care of your pets, Daisy. Hopefully these will last longer for you than the Sea Monkey's did. Maybe next you can consider a pet rock.
Wow Daisy, we never knew you had to give Jumping Beans a bath!!! You are so knowledgeable about your pets. It looks like they had a wonderful bath.
I'z learning so much about having pets from you Daisy! :) It's good to see you're following the instructions, I'z been reading my pregnancy books and following them carefully too after all kittens don't come with instructions! ;)
Oh Daisy, you've done it again- you gave us quite a chuckle. Your posts are always so entertaining, and because of that, we have given you the "Winning Attitude Award." You can pick it up at
Enjoy Daisy!
they look very clean now to me and sarge is still waiting to see if you name one of them after him! ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
Good thing the stopper was working in the sink!
Daisy,you are too funny :)I wonder if the beans liked the water slide?
I hope they don't 'catch a mold' either! hahahahahahaha :)
Purrs Mickey
everyone should have clean beans, i hope that the not catch a mold also.
I bet they will dry very quickly because they are small.
Did they enjoy the bath?
My question is how do the jumping beans get dirty? You got them jumping in dirt? Do they sweat? I did not know you had to give them a bath...
You are a very responsible pet owner, Daisy. Just look at how well you are treating your beans!
I hope your beans don't catch a mold either!
You're a great bean owner, Daisy. When I saw them in the dixie cup, I wondered if they were going to get whapped into the sink. hee hee
PS - Last night, there was a question about sea monkeys on that My Dad is Better thank Your Dad game show. We answered it right, because we learned all about sea monkeys from you. hee hee
those beans can swim?? can me eat it too?? me don't like swim or showers but me might want swim with beans!! Daisy you is so lucky!
Beans need bath too? Sooo funny! Hey, but once the hatch & the moths come out, be sure to catch them! Don't let them run away! Heeheehee...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I had no idea jumping beans needed bathing! Catch a mold... :) You are so cute Daisy. I can count on you to make me smile. Have fun with your beans today honey!
Love and Purrs,
P.S. I love your song to Skeezix. Cats are the perfect friend!
"Don't catch mold!" hahahaha Daisy, you crack me up! I love the jumping bean water slide. You gave them a bath and you played a game with your pets. Good job!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Hope your jumping-beans last a long long time. They look so much different from normal human-beans.
Ummm, Daisy....some of them look like they are broken in that last picture....are they? And are you gonna go to the jumping bean blog and post about them?
That is a pretty funny joke, Daisy! I didn't know taking care of Jumping Beans was such hard work, though. Being a responsible pet owner is hard.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Jumping bean! They look so fun! And they can swim! WOW!
You are doing such a great job taking care of your pet beans Daisy!
We learned a lot about Jumping Beans from you Daisy. We had no idea they gotted dirty and needed a bath!
You are a very responsible pet caretaker Daisy.
Luf, Us
That is cool I did not know beans could swim! That will be cool if they turn into moths then you can play with them some more! ~Queen Snickers
I don't know daisy....
Mine mombean does that to beans that she cooks and eats for dinner!! She soaks the beans for a whole night nap then she puts them in a big pot with lots of bunny food and boils and boils them.....
You better keep your pet beans out of the kitchen.
Hi Daisy is me Luna again.
You are a very responsible pet Daisy!
Hugs for you
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Hi Daisy
You are a very expressive kitty!
Glad the beans are clean now !
I do think it's wise to stay as far away from electrical devices as feasible!
Those are some incredibly clean beans!
hahahahaha. I would prolly try and eat them if we hadded them. we nefur knowed that beans could get that filthy either!
Well, those beans were much better sports about going swimming than that lizard was on Sunday!
Good job washing them beans!
Castor and Pollux
Daisy your jumping beans are very lucky to have you as their owner! They take a lot of work and you are a very responsible GirlCat. Mom had to read the "don't catch a mold" twice before she got it. Silly woman!! We think the BoyBean ages rather well! (hehehe) We think he was 6 or 7 in the picture!
Your FL furiends,
Those beans are ready for more jumping for joy!
I thought one or two pets might be going down the drain there for a minute!
You take such good cawe of youw beans..I hope they appweciate it! That was a lovely bath you gae them..No electwic appliances, speccially neaw watew is a gweat idea
hope they dwy
smoochie kisses
You are quite the caring and responsible pet owner, Daisy! You are lucky that your jumping beans like baths ... baths sound terrible to me! Oh and by the way, Sam is a lot bigger than Simon, who is a skinny, slinky boy, but he also lays down more when he eats, so he looks a lot wider ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Water and electricity definately dont mix. I think it's best you listen to your human bean's advice!
Catch a mold!!! You're too funny Daisy.
Do you know what makes your beans jump? There's a moth's larva inside there, throwing itself from one wall of the "bean" to the other. Eventually a moth will come out of it.
Daisy, I know you're so proud of Skeezix for his burst into stardom on Stuff on my Cat! Now you're a celebrity COUPLE! (Did he borrow those great fashions from you, or did he design them for himself?)
Oh, Daisy, you are a hoot!
You're so funny and so cute!
(Gee, that was an accidental rhyme!)
We must be thinking the same thing today, Daisy. You were bathing your beans and I was bathing my feather-butt!
Your friend
I'm astounded! Who knew that you had to bath your jumping beans!
It is a good thing you read instructions thoroughly or they might have become very, very dirty.
You are really very funny Daisy :)
Daisy, you're a very good bean mommie! It is very important that they stay clean, I didn't know they were so dirty either!
Good thing you didn't use that electric dryer- it might have bean a disaster!
Glad yoo whapped the cup in the sink. If the beans fell to the floor, they mite get hurt.
Clean beans keen! (If you know what I mean...)
Ohh we hope they don't catch cold either!
Hahaha Daisy we can rely on you to make us laff. We're do you get all your ideas? We hope they don't catch a mold either.
Wheee! LOL
Daisy, I think your beans enjoyed the water slide very much! Did you read all of the instructions? That's a lot of instructions and facts! I think you might need a temptation if you read all of it!
Your beans took a bath!!! That looked like fun!
The Woofie always gets wacked by Winton-she shows teeth but never uses them, but Winton will use his nails and the woofie goes yelping away...we all laugh!! The Woofie does love us-she just follows us around ALL the time because she's a herding dog-she's trying to herd us. Doesn't she know she can't herd cats!!!
Winton with the help of Kodak and 3 Perf
Bwhahahahahah! Good one! We don't want to scare yoo, but yoo know Mom took dem beans apart once and dare wuz WORMS inside. Shudder.
Wow, I didn't know beans needed baths... You're such a responsible pet owner, Daisy!
Maybe it would have been more fun if you used bubbles!
Hi Daisy!
You did a great job washing those beans - they look very clean!
Your Mommie is right, you have to be very careful when using electrical appliances - especially near water!
Dear Daisy, we hope you keep us posted about the beans. We are very interested in how they do.
Roxy & Lucky
Woh you sure are a pawsome pet owner to bath your pet beans. Have they grown bigger already?
~ Girl girl
Your beans look like they enjoyed their bath. Good job.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
That second pic is adorable! You're so inquisitive Daisy!
You are really very naughty Daisy :)
You are a really good "bean owner"! Great job with the bath!
Wow! what a nice hair dryer Daisy has got-- be careful. I think that Daisy has a great life. I try to get my cat, Dennis to do things, but he is um... very... unmanageable. he has been acting suspiciously an moping.
Mommy and I luvs reading your blogs you are sooo cute and you look great in all your fashions. Have fun with your beans!
you're a very furry punner!
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