Thursday, July 10, 2008

Um, about my Jumping Beans...

I have been so busy lately that I have neglected my Jumping Bean pets for weeks. I guess I am a little irresponsible. Now, I'm very worried to open the Jumping Bean holding tin...
OH NOES! They seem a little bit dried-up. And how did that bug get inside?
Hey Beans! You alive in there? Move around or something...
I know! I will give my Jumping Beans a very special treat: they can swim in the Sea Monkey enclosure... since the Sea Monkeys are not using it any more. Please do not ask what happened to my Sea Monkeys. I do not wish to dwell on that.
Hmmm. The Jumping Beans are not having much fun. They are not swimming around at all!
Let me examine them closer with my scientific magnifying glass....
AAAAHHHHHH! They are ALL DEADED! I can hardly believe my eyes. Why do all my pets meet with such tragic ends? First the Sea Monkeys, and now the Jumping Beans.
Well, you will be happy to know that I already have another pet on order. It will arrive in the mail in about a week. I can hardly wait! It is a big surprise, so I will not tell you what it is.

ps: Have you noticed that all my pets arrive through the mail?


87 Notes for Daisy:

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh no.. Does jumping beans go to the rainbow bridge too?
I can't wait to see what is your new pet.

~ Girl girl

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh noes!!!! well, maybe that bug killed the rest of them.

we can't wait to see what pet you get next!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Dear....
Purr and purr to your pet.....
At least you have tried very hard~~


Oh Daisy
We are sorry about your jumping beans...maybe the next pet will be foolproof!



Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Poor Daisy, you don't have very much luck with pets, do you?

Anonymous said...

Deaded? All of them? Are you sure? Purrhaps they are just hibeanating, Daisy.

Poppy Q said...

I fink the moral is that you should never have to pay for real friends - real friends are free!!

Good luck Miss D, I can't wait to see who you buys next.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

well bless their little hearts. have you tried an ant farm? nancy has a pet ant named roger as you know. but the other day he climbed up my leg and i "accident-ly" swatted him across the room. oops...

smiles, auntie bee

Ramses said...

It's a shame about your jumping beans crossing over to join your sea monkeys, but I wonder what you've been ordering with your Mom's plastic card for you next pet?!

The next question is, does your Mom know you've got her plastic card...! ;) I hope you're not going back to your bad ways and trying to use toy plastic cards like you did the toy green papers to pay for stuff, I'm not sure prison colours would look good on you! ;)

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Our condolences to the new pet, whatever it is.

Perhaps you should ask Pixie to help you take care of your new pet. Maybe she is more responsible.

~Socks, S & C

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

RIP jumping beans... Daisy, we knows u tried to be a good pet owner, but when ur pet is in a small can, it is easy to forget about them, esp if we have busy schedules.
So we hopes ur new pet will be way bigger!

Dma said...

poor jumping beans. i hope your next pet mets a better fate.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer daisy,
i hope u haven't ordered mi brudder matsui az yer noo mail order pet. it seemz dat yer mail order petz do not liv long an happee livez.

Chrissie said...

AAAaaack! The jumping beans no jump, the Sea Monkeys no swim, what will you get next, Miss Daisy...ants?...whatever it is, it will be very scientifical! (I'd have the bugly thing investigated for beanicide!)

Donna said...

Oh no. :( I has a big sad.

Leslie said...

Oh Daisy, I am so sorry that your beans are deaded. We all send you hugs. :) :) :)

And Daisy, you are one of the brightest cats we know, and we are sure you could do our name a city in Australia game. We have faith in you!

We used a Google map. We are hoping we get to do M cause we ahve a REALLY good one.


Unknown said...

Dear Daisy,

I was shattered to hear that your precious Mexican Jumping Beans have crossed to the other side. (Yikes! I hope you're not haunted by Mexican Jumping Bean Ghosts! How would you know that it wasn't just a bad burrito???)

Your Pal,


P.S. Maybe the fly in the tin was the rein(chilicon)carnated Mexican Jumping Beans? Just a thought.

Mickey's Musings said...

Pets through the mail? That's it!!! Something in the post office kills your pets!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey

jenianddean said...

You are a little cat, and young, so don't feel bad that your pets meet tragic ends ... that's what happens. Plus, I don't think jumping beans are expected to be around too long, anyway.

The Crew said...

Daisy, we passed on an award to you!

Tybalt said...

Oh no, Daisy! I hope you have more success with your next pet.

The Man Under the Mango Tree said...

Too bad Daisy, your jumping beans can't really jump.

How about " guess the new pet of daisy portion..."

If it's by mail, methinks it's worm... lots of them...

Take care Ms Daisy

Sarge Charlie said...

Sorry about your pet jumping beans, I still miss the sea monkeys, especially the brave one named sarge.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Oh dear....sorry about your jumping beans. We can't wait to see what pet you get next.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Sorry about the beans, Daisy. Maybe you should plant them and they might grow into a pet tree. They you wouldn't have to order then anymore, just go pick them when they are ripe.

purrs, Shade

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Daisy, maybe you should try a pet rock.....I bet that one would live!

RIP jumping beans.

Forty Paws said...

Yes, pets are VERY HARD.

Luf, Us

Karen said...

Yes Daisy, perhaps a pet that is not alive to begin with would be your best bet. The pet rock is a great idea! Or you could get a Chia Pet, which you would just have to dump your Dixie Cup of water over each night, instead of pushing it into the sink! Adios Jumping Bean Amigos!

Nomi said...

Hey Daisy, how abouts one of them virtual pets ? I fink you might find it easier to nurcher. You could haf your furry own virchual mouses !!

The Furry Kids said...

I'm sorry to hear about the jumping beans. I'm sure the third time's the charm, though. :)


Rocks said...

This was fun..first time to visit your site and I love it! can't wait to see your new pet!

Anonymous said...

Poor beans... What's up with that bug? EWWWW!

Anonymous said...

we like what Poppy Q said! oh, and we sure hope your next pet will be an ant farm. we love watching those little guys. they keep coming into our house. hey - can you get real live fev-vers through the mail?

Anonymous said...

For a long time I look here in regular intervals by and read the interesting and well written contributions. Here I would like to thank you for it once and leave greetings from Bavaria!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Maybe da little jumping beans lived to der life expectancy...or maybe dat bug killed dem! Something about getting pets thru the mail must haf a bad affect on dem. We hadded a pet fly fur a couple days but den Sadie ate him. We don't think yoo are suppose to eat yoor pets.

TabbyNormal said...

Oh oh, what could you be getting next? If I could have a pet, any pet, I would like some fishies! Do they come in the mail?



LZ said...

That is interesting they come in the mail. I don't think our pet horse came in the mail but maybe. Perhaps on a big freight truck. If a big freight truck pulls up don't let your mom answer the door. Horses ruin humans.


Babs (Beetle) said...

Ha ha! You don't have much luck with pets Daisy. It's a good job your mum does a better job with you and Pixie :O)

Purrs, Sukie X

dennis said...

Dennis thinks you should get a kitten. Kittens are very rugged, filled with lots of energy and will not disappoint.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh maybe pets by mail do not last very long. I think you should get pets by some other method Daisy.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Our condolences, Daisy. What a shock to lose your jumping beans. We really hope you have better luk with your next pets.

Clover said...

Hi Daisy,
Sorry to hear about the loss of your jumping beans. I hope your next pet has a longer life span!
Love Clover xo

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

How sad. Maybe you should just stick to lizards and snails?

Laila and Minchie

Anonymous said...

Oh no, we are sorry your jumping beans got dead. Maybe the sea monkeys will be friends with them at the Bridge.

We can't wait to see your new pet Daisy!

Motor Home Cats said...

We can't wait to see what your next pet is going to be. A grow your own butterfly? A grow a tadpole into a frog? An ant farm?

We are sorry your beans went to the bridge.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

JD at I Do Things said...

Daisy, perhaps you ought to look into getting pets from a shelter or pet store rather than in the mail? They might not end up deaded. Just a thought!

JD at I Do Things

Daisy said...

Daisy is so beautiful when puzzled!!!! :)

Mr Jingles said...

Jingles says the beans look yummy...he wants to eat them.
Can't wait to see what the new pet is!

Lux said...

I'm so sorry your jumping beans expired. Can't wait to see what your new pet is, though!

Cat Street Boyz said...

Daisy, have you questioned your lizard?????=^Y^=Setzer

Mo and The Purries said...

You know that what's inside jumping beans is moth larva, right?
So, one of your jumping beans turned into a flying moth... but not quite the same, eh?

Can't wait to see what's in store next for you, Daisy!

Unknown said...

I agree Daisy, pets are very hard. I hope you have better luck with your new pet.

The Crew said...

You always try your best Daisy! We think those pets are defective.

Anonymous said...

For goodness sakes, Daisy, you do have the worst luck with your pets. We hope your next one doesn't fall victim to it, too.

MYM said...

LOL .. Daisy is so animated. Love that last one ... lol.

I had a cat blog, but seriously, how many photos can you have of cats napping? Sheesh!

Michael said...

Oh no!!

You have to take better care of your sea monkeys and jumping beans Daisy!!

Karen and Gerard said...

I love your pictures and commentary! It's so funny. I am adding you to my favorites right away! Aw, c'mon Daisy. Tells us what your new pet will be. I can't wait.

Irishcoda said...

Oh noes, poor jumping beans! Have you tried one of those Chia pets yet? :)

Anonymous said...

Awww! Cute kitty. I have two cats, and my neighbors cat has decided he'd rather live at my house, too. Love their personalities!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

I hopes they are butterflies. Dey are fun to raise, the littlest bean girl dids that and gots to release 3 outside whens she was done!

PB 'n J said...

How sad about the jumping beans, but they were a bit boring, so we're really excited for the next pet!

Bobby D. said...

Daisy, I drew a cartoon for you! (just joking I drew it a long time ago) but sometimes you wear tops and no pants so I did think of you when I found this strange old cartoon guy & I forgot why I drew him.

You must have very cold air conditioning if you don't mind getting all dressed up with hats and everything too. It's been brutally hot in NY

ps sorry about your pets

Kimo and Sabi said...

WOWY - pets are a lot of hard werk . . . and expendable?!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Yes, we've noticed all your pets arrive by mail. We're hoping you don't decide to get anything that can't survive getting run over by a forklift if they come by postal mail.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Hi Daisy!
The KittyCats let us use the blog to say HI in a video to you!

We are looking forward to finding out what pet you are expecting to arrive. Hope it gets there soon!

~ Bob and Patrick

caspersmom said...

Yeah Daisy, maybe that is the problem. Your pets come through the mail. Maybe the mail is a little tough on them and weakens them. I'm so sorry that your jumping beans went the way of the sea monkeys. What about the bug in the tin, was it dead too? Hopefully you will have better luck with the new surprise pet.


meemsnyc said...

Oh Daisy, we are so sorry to hear about your jumping beans. Thanks for sending us over the link for auto-links. We are going to use it for next week's Wordless Wednesday posting!

Milton said...

Would you like me to get you more beans? I could go to the Mexican store and get you pounds and pounds of beans! They calls them 'Pinto' beans here. I think 'Pinto' is Spanish for 'Jumping'.

Mine mombean sez that they are always very fresh.
Maybe you just haded old beans.

Sunny's Mommy said...

You seem to have very bad luck with your pets. I don't think it can be all your fault though. Maybe they were defective when shipped to you. Perhaps when you order you should inquire if they have warranties.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Uh, oh ... Your pets are dead. Sigh. At least your snail an' lizard are still alive, right?

Copito said...

I have no comment on the death of your pets ........... well... I do not like to be your pet Daisy, hahaha, only has survived the snail.

I wonder who will bring the postman now?


The Florida Furkids said...

Awww Daisy we're sorry your Jumping Beans got deaded. We've never had jumping beans, so we don't know how to take care of them. We're looking forward to your next pet (and glad that we're not mail-order pets!!)

Luv and sympathetic headbonks,
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

How do you find all your mail-order pets? I can't wait to see the next one.

The Island Cats said...

Oh Daisy...we're sorry about the jumping beans and the sure are rough on your pets, aren't you? Can't wait to see what's next.

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

SophieKitty said...

Oh noes! Deaded jumping beans! I hope your next pet adventure is a bit more successful. I can't wait to see what it's going to be.

LOBO said...

What a cool idea!!!!

The Devil Dog said...

Daisy, do you think you might not have what it takes to have a pet? Just asking.

Roxy said...

Third time's the charm Daisy!!!

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh my goodness! We think you should look for a different pet supplier! We can hardly wait to see the new pet!
Your FL furiends,

Sushi said...

The way you order your pets is really interesting. I will think about getting some for me by mail too! Good idea Daisy!

Luka & Ezri said...

Maybe mail order pets are not such a good idea Daisy.

If you're sending away for the ant farm, make sure they aren't fireants!

Beethoven said...

Oh no!!! Maybe pets that arrives by mail are more prone to going over the bridge?
I can't wait to see what new pets you're going to have Daisy!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We bet ya ordered a butterfly tent!

Anonymous said...

ohoh.... Mr. Shrill; the sea monkeys, the jumping beans.... I am kinda surprised Mr. Snail and Lizard are still alive actually...... at least they provide entertainment value!

Spoony Quine said...

` LOL! Best post evar, Daisy! Don't give up having more pets, though! Maybe an ant farm would be nice....

Unknown said...

This blog entry is so hot. I just love when Daisy is talking to the snails....I can just hear her, "Hey Get out of the water I want to play with you!

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