I am so excited to show you my new project! I am going to grow my own SEA MONKEYS!!! First, I must read the directions carefully. Creating life is very serious business, so I must do this properly. Well, there are lots of directions. So, maybe I will just do the best I can.

Here is the habitat for the Sea Monkeys. It is just like a tropical resort! They have their very own beach with toys and games and everything. There is even a surfboard. I did not know that Sea Monkeys liked to surf. I thought they only liked to swim.

Here is a very important step: I am checking out the little sucking thing to make sure it works. This one passed my inspection. Even though I am not sure what to do with it yet.

Next, I am testing the water quality. It tastes pretty good. But the instructions say the water has to sit overnight before the hatching process can begin. So the Instant Live Eggs are going to stay in the packet for now.

It is very hard to wait. I am going to tap on the glass to see what happens. Nothing.

I will be back every so often to update you on the status of my Sea Monkey project. In the meantime, I am going to shop for some cute monkey outfits for my new friends to wear.

Mad Scientist Monday: I am creating LIFE!
63 Notes for Daisy:
Wowww, I check on internet to know what Sea-Monkeys is, they look really cute~!
You are very careful doing your project~!And testing the water quality, nice work~!
Can't wait to see them~!!!
Wow Daisy, that sounds like an exciting new project! Good luck with it! What do sea monkeys wear?
that looks like a great project. You are a very clever girl being able to grow monkeys. Please do not grow any deer, lions or tigers. They may try and eat you.
Poppy Q
Dat's a great project you are involved in. We will be looking forward to the results. Great photos!
Wow, a surgeon, a fashionista and a scientist - there is no end to your talents. FAZ
Are you going to eat your sea-monkeys for lunch?
We is furry proud to call yoo our frend cuz yoo are just so darn smart and talented. We can't wate to see dem monkees. It's furry thawtful of yoo to shop fur kyoote outfits fur dem.
Wow your very own monkeys! How fun, I bet you can teach them circus tricks!
Sea Monkeys? I will's have to look them up. We are having a big boom storm outsides so I'ms going to hides.
the tank is really cute. Maybe you could put some lizards in there if the monkeys do not work out....
Summer is a good time for indoor projects.
have a happy fun day Daisy
Wow, sea monkeys- way cool!
Glad to see that thing sucked. :-)
WOW! COOL! You know I love monkeys so I want to get some sea Monkeys too!!!! I will watch how you grow and care for them and see if it is something I want to do.
Good luck! I can't stand the waiting!!!
Oh goodness! We haf nefer seen no Sea Monkees. Will they be Davy Jones' or Mickey's children? Will they sing?
Luf, Us
How exciting! A summer project. We can't wait to see your Sea Monkeys. I don't think Mom would let us grow anything especially in water. We like to put our paws in anything that has water in it.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
tthe sea monkeys have some great toys!
well now this IS exciting daisy! your very own sea monkeys? i simply cannot wait for you to dress them up. will they be featured on fashion fridays? what fun! you are a doll!!!
smiles, auntie bee
This looks very interesting, Daisy.
I am looking forward to seeing what your Sea Monkeys look like.
Your projects always amaze me!
~ Napoleon
Hay Hay we're da MUNKEEZ!!!! I'm so ixsited, I can hardly wate for da see munkeys to hatch!!!!! Ware do yoo shop for kyoot owtfits for them?
Wow Daisy! You are such a smart and scientific cat! We're looking forward to seeing how they progress, and to see your outfits for them!
Definitely keep us posted Daisy! That looks so very interesting!
oh cooooooooollllllllll!!
I had sea monkeys once!
Be careful not to knock their home over. THAT'S A BAD THING.
"Wow" Daisy that is very exciting and what an adorable habitat :)
Good Luck with the Sea Monkeys!!!!
We tried it before and it never worked. We then switched to tadpole breeding - but that is another WHOLE story....
By the way Daisy:
"I could tell that Anastasia was a "reckless abandon" type of girlcat" - so that is how you think of me????
O.k. maybe there is some truth to it. And i was a bit bad this morning too. Posted a picture of Karl without telling him....
Oh, we can't wait to see your sea monkeys grow up!
That sure is an exciting project! I can't wait til they hatch.
Monkeez? More monkeez?! Noooooo....don't go near da monkeez! Didn't you see da movie "Outbreak?" We fink this is why our house is hermetically sealed - to protect us from da monkeez! Be furry careful . . .
You're so smart & talented Daisy. I'm sure your experiment in growing monkeys will be a complete success!
Your friend
Aw, Skeezix took my line! ;)
You're so clever! I wonder if the little creatures will look up to you like their mother? I bet they will be fun to watch!
Daisy you are so talented. Not only are you a high fashion model, studying to be a doctor and a lizard wrangler, but you are now creating life! I am very impressed.
I can't wait to see the sea monkeys when they hatch.
HI Dais--
Have fun with your sea monkeys. That's a very ambitious project. Are they going to need much tending to?
I'm sorry I've been so absent lately. The woman has been very tired lately and she's had trouble keeping up with things.
Wow Daisy, you nver stop amazing us, you're a furry talented girl, we can't waits to see the monkees when they hatch!
Daisy you always have the most interesting things happening in your life. Surely it's your fine, inquisitive mind!
Please tell your Mommie that we looked at a lot of the cats in her shelter recently. There are so many, aren't there? It makes us very sad. Mosaic Lady has a wish list going of some from a sanctuary near us but she wants to drive up to the place and meet all the cats and the nice people who run it all by themselves. You might enjoy looking at their site:
We sorta feel like we should get one little tiny kitten and also give an adult cat a good home...one that's not had one in a long time, or lost its own home thru some sadness, you know? Like you said, there are so many wonderful cats in need. How can you ever choose just one?
Mosaic Cats & Lady
Sea Monkeys, I always wondered what they were. Now I get to watch from inception to birth. Cool, you are the coolest Daisy. You just do the neatest things.
Hi 5 paw,
P.S. We are having a surprise Birthday party for Samantha tomorrow at 5pm at our blog. Mom has Sam at a Spa Day today so we can keep her from blogging and tell everyone about. If you have any ideas, we would appreciate the help. Just leave a comment on my Mancat Monday post today. Shhhh!!
Sea monkeys! hehehehe! Now that sounds like fun. I didn't know there was such a thing as monkeys in the sea but Momma told me she used to have a bowl of sea monkeys when she was a little kid. Who woulda thunk it. I bet you'll take furry good care of your monkeys!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Oh, this is terribly exciting! We have never seen Sea Monkeys before - not even ever... Won't you need very tiny little monkey clothes for them?
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Wow Daisy, now you are creating life? Should we call you Frankencat?
Can't wait to see them!
I've never seen a sea monkey before. I've never even seen a monkey. You get to live in a facinating world. I'm anxious to see what they look like.
Dats furry good quality assurance Daisy, specially tasting the water. Dat is a furry important one. I hope dose monkeys don't break out and get vishus like deer, or rude like lizards. Maybe dey will be yore friends instead.
Good luck!
Mom says she had sea monkees when she was a girl. She can't wait to revisit her childhood with yours.
Wow, how exciting, Daisy! Sea monkeys sound like fun. I can't wait to see how they develop and read about what you learn from them! I greatly admire your scientific mind.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
this is fascinating! our Lady always wanted sea monkeys, but she never had any. we really really really wanna know what 'zactly they are and what they do and how they do it. we're gonna be waitin' furry impatiently to find out.
So you're like Dr. FrankenDaisy? Wow! Creating life is awesome. You go Daisy! Keep us posted.
your bud Pepi
Ooooh - this is soooo exciting!
Keep us posted often - this looks very fascinating!
Our bean kids had those a couple years ago. You can get a little keychain to put a couple in and hook it on your collar when you go out. Sea Monkeys are fun.
What a lovely cat - and obviously very very curious too!
Meowm has always wondered about those sea monkeys! We will be looking forward to watching tem hatch and grow with you!!
deer daisy,
congratyoolashunz on yer noo project. i will be watchin fer da hatchin uv yer sea monkeyz.
(an i will be laffin an laffin!)
Oh boy, seamonkeys! Mommy says she can't wait to watch them develop through your eyes. We don't know what seamonkeys are but they sound fun and anything that involves water and monkeys is ok in our book.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Grrreat shots! Make surrre you feed the little crrritterrrs salty ba-na-na-nerrrs. I hearrr that's what sea monkeys like to eat.
Daisy, I am amazed. Not only you have good manners and now you are working on a sea-monkeys project. Cool!
I am amazed at how many talents you have, Daisy. You are a professional fashion model, a doctor and now you bring life to the world. What is there that you can't do???
In my feed reader, I saw "mad scientist" and "create life" and I got REAL concerned for the planet! I'm glad it is sea monkeys!
I think you'll enjoy this Daisy. Maybe you can have a snack in a couple months??
That is sooo cul! We can't wayt to see little monkey's swimming evaryware! Wow, yoo gotta keep us updated on yer seemonkie progress
Wow. I heard 'bout those Sea Monkeys. What're you gonna do wif them when they hatch? Can you eat 'em?
Listen, this is cute and all, but ditch it, go to the seafood section of the supermarket and get some jumbo shrimp! Sea monkeys are shrimp brine!!!!
Oh, I can't wait to see what sea monkeys look like. Do you suppose they are good to eat?
I am very impressed with your new project, Daisy. I have heard of sea monkeys, but never seen one. I will be following your project with great interest.
Are they here yet? What are you going to name them? Are you going to teach them to do the hula? Maybe they can come to Hawaii with us:)
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