Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Lizard-y Trouble: Mr. Tom Has Gone Too Far!

Look what happened! While I was busy tending to my Sea Monkeys, Peeping Tom the lizard got INSIDE my house. I think Mr. Tom is worse than a peeper, he might be a STALKER! And he is stalking ME! I will teach him a serious lesson. First, I must catch Mr. Tom. The chase is on!
Gotcha! What's that Mr. Tom? Am I holding you a little too hard?
Now I am going to try to instruct you about manners, Mr. Tom. First, peeping into houses is rude. And I think breaking into my house is against the law! You are lucky I am not calling the authorities. Are you listening to me?
Sadly, Mr. Tom did not listen to me. So I had to take matters into my own hands. I mean, into my own mouth. Lizard skin tastes very dry, in case you were wondering. And also very wiggly.

Just when I was about to give Mr. Tom his final sentencing, my Mommie took him away from me! And she set him free on the Outside! I am very upset about this. Because I know he will be back to peep into my windows again. And I did not even get to keep his tail for a souvenir.
ps: More Sea Monkey news tomorrow!


63 Notes for Daisy:

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Daisy, don't be so disappoint~!
Don't mind about this little tiny rude creature~!
He doesn't worth to thinking so much~!
Just let him go, you got lots of time and chance to teach him what is polite~!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Oh my goodness Daisy, a lizard got into your house! You are a very good, very quick hunter to capture him like that. He sounds like a very bad, rude lizard. I hope he doesn't bother you again.

Anonymous said...

The next time a lizard comes again, make sure it won't escape.

Anonymous said...

nice chase dandy :)

Ingrid said...

Hehehe, you did it right ! But you mom too, poor little lizard.And he didn't even leave you its tail in your mouth as souvenir ! We don't have lizards here in Belgium only mice, but that's the same job !

Christine and FAZ said...

Well done Daisy, lizards need to have good manners like everyone else. I certainly hope Peeping Tom has learnt his lesson now. FAZ

Tommy and Teaghan said...

At least we got to see da leezard. We only has fake ones here. Maybe one year Mom will take us on baykayshun wif her and we can chase some around.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Don't worry Daisy, I think you scared him pretty good. He did look tasty, though...

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Shame shame on Peeping Tom!!
You should have tossed him out of the house.

happy day Daisy. We are looking forward to the monkey news

Puuurrrs Prinnie

Anonymous said...

That is one determined lizard! And a very rude one. It's too bad your mommy got in the way of justice!


The Furry Kids said...

I sure hope that Mr. Tom learned his lesson. I'm glad we don't have lizards around here. They are rude!


Anonymous said...

Hi Daisy, you shoulda put him in prison, I mean the Lizard Observation Pen. Maybe he woulda learnded his lesson then. Sorry you didn't get to keep his tail - maybe next time!

LZ said...

I can't believe how rude that lizard is getting! What next? Visiting your litter box? Eating Pixie's bananas? I'm worried Daisy, please keep an eye out.


Dma said...

Those are great action shots Daisy. Excellent job catching Mr. Tom. I do have to agree with your mommie's actions however. Breaking and entering is against the law but it isn't a capitol offense.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

daisy you are amazing! first you teach him a lesson and then you are such a good reporter you warn the rest of us about him! i wonder if there is a lizzard registry to report him to or something? good work!

now about those sea monkeys???

smiles, auntie bee

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Mr. Tom is very daring! Lucky for him that your mommie saved him!!!

I am looking forward to hearing more about the surfing Sea Monkeys. I have been watching Shark Week a lot, I hope to see a Sea Monkey!!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

I sure hope Mr. Tom learned his lesson!

Honey P. Sunshine said...

you tell that mr. peeping tom lizard, Daisy

The Meezers or Billy said...

lizzerd does not taste like chick-hen?

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Daisy, I think you showed him a very good lesson...he probably won't come back for a long time. Too bad mommy had to spoil your fun tho...


Mr. Hendrix said...

i think you taught him a good lesson. i'm not sure he is brave enough (but maybe he is very stoopid) to come back and peep on you!

sorry you didn't get a tail this time.

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Oh Daisy am I jealous. I love chasing lizards but it's been a long time. Now we live in a third floor apartment and I don't think lizards can climb stairs.

Great pictures. You did a very goo job stalking the stalking lizard Daisy. To bad your mom took him away...I hear they taste like chicken...my mom always took my lizards away too.

Sarge Charlie said...

Three cheers for Daisy, job well done mam, HIP NIP PARTY

Natalia said...

Bummer about the tail. But cheer up! If he is a stalker he'll come back and you'll get another shot at him!

The first edition of The Laughing Cat is up and running!


Hey, Mr Tom, yoo pikt THE RONG HOWSE TO BRAKE INTO. That Daisy gerl trize to teech EVRYBUDDY abowt manners. Time to find sumbuddy new to stawk, pronto!!!!

The Cat Realm said...

My thoughts are with you Daisy!
You have NO idea how many FREAKING times this same thing has happened to me! Sometimes I think I will fire the butler!
But I developed a technique: Now I put the lizard in my mouth, make sure he is still wiggling, and then I RUN by the butler so fast that he sees I have caught one but can not catch me!
He is very frustrated about this. Just as I was when he took them away from me!
Try it out!

The M's said...

The girl bean saw one when we went camping over the weekend. It scared her really bad. Glad to hear that you are not scared of them.

Unknown said...

Daisy, you are such an adventure seeker! I hope Mr. Tom learned something from your little encounter!

Forty Paws said...

Holy smoking lizards Daisy!!! How on earth did you catch him and his tail didn't fall off? You are a true huntress. Too bad your mommy took him away from you before you could finish teaching him a lesson.

Luf, Us

Shaggy and Scout said...

He sure is a brash little fellow!
First it's peeping now stalking.
We hope you scared him straight.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer daisy,
ok ... fine ... so tom got into yer howse an den yer mom let him go ...
but i jus wanna know ...
how da heck do u keep yer growt do cleen an fresh?

Mosaic Cats said...

We were just thinking of you because there was a lizard this size out on our back deck but it had a neon periwinkle blue tail! We have never seen anything like that in our whole lives! Mosaic Lady was showering so she couldn't get the camera, or let us out to get close up to it, but we'll keep an eye out in case we see it again. We know you will be very interested in it!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Oh, MomBean remembers when a lizard got into the house. (This was before me wif another cat.) It was such a to-do HeBean says next time let the kitty have it.

But good work roughin' up the lizard, you taught him a lesson!

Willow said...

Wow, I was excited to see how to catch a lizard. Too bad your mom sent Mr. Tom back outside but maybe you'll have another chance to catch him again. Since he seems to be a rude stalker, he'll probably be back!

Anonymous said...

While we're glad that Tom escaped with his tail, we think that you are a great Lizard Hunter!
Maybe you need your own show on Animal Planet! Crikey!

Probably best that Tom got putted outside, he might eat the Sea Monkeys!

oh ps: Not The Mama says "Babble Balls are here!"

Cafe Cats said...

Daisy! You are so very brave! I can't imagine having someone break in like that. You did very well protecting your family from Mr. Tom!

Tyler said...

Daisy, Wow! How RUDE! He didn't even knock? Considering your such an online bloger star, I'm not surprised that you have stalkers. But INSIDE the house is very very  dangerous. I'm glad you took care of him. I guess you don't need a bodyguard yet. Why in the world would your mom take him and put him outside? What if he goes and meets Mrs. Tom and then has Tom babies and then you'll be pestered night and day.

MaoMao said...

Daisy, you are a Mighty Huntress, and I think it's furry good that you tried to teach Tom some manners! Good fur you from defendin' yur home against the rude Lizzard Stalker!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Spoon of life said...

I feel safer to know you're around;)

Anonymous said...

*giggle*, you are a brave kitty, full of courtesy and integrity! It's too bad Tom couldn't follow your example. He deserved the chewing-out he got, pun intended *smile*!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Anonymous said...

Bravo Daisy, FURRY nice catch, we bets that RUDE lisserd won't make da same mistake two times! We's sorry you didn't get to finish teaching him a lesson tho, the beans always hafta innerfear, don't they?!

Anonymous said...

Eeek and intruder.Quick hunting skills Daisy I wonder what Tom would have taste like.

Anonymous said...

Well Daisy, I think it is unfair that your momma took Tom away from you. You were only trying to punish him fairly. Just plain unfair.

Anonymous said...

You caught him and you should get to punish him. It's not fair that your mom released him before you were finished dealing out justice. Don't worry though, you'll have another chance. Stalkers always return. Even if you have a restraining order.

Anonymous said...

Wow Daisy! Teach that stalker not to mess with you!

Kitikata-san said...

Daisy, you have had so much fun with your pet sea monkeys and lizard, although that human made your pet lizard go outside. I can't wait to read more about your sea monkeys! do they have tails like ours?

Gretchen said...

Gee, lizzards look like so much fun. My bean bought me some hard old plastic ones, but they're no fun. They don't move like yours do. Too bad you didn't get to keep his tail. You could have had it mounted.

Anonymous said...

Aww I'm sorry Daisy. It looks like Mr. Tom escaped this time. :-)

Henny and Marlene said...

Great photos of you and Peeping Tom!! You're maybe right, he will peeping in again to stalk on you, but hey, eating him is also not such a good idea, dry taste... bblehhhhh :(

Hugs from us to you, Daisy!
Marlene, Henny and the kittie gang
(we still don't know what sea monkeys are...?)

Lux said...

Maybe Mr. Tom will come and visit *me now - I hope so!

Samantha & Mom said...

Daisy that was a great catch! Too bad Mom took it away. Lizards are very territorial, so he will be back!!
Thanks for coming to my Birthday Party!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
O, Daisy, a reel live lizard. Yummm. Maybe if'n he breaks in ur's house again, this time u's can finish him off. And keep his tail as a souvenir. Hee hee.
Purrs, KC

pee ess: now i's gotta go back 'n read 'n learn what a sea monkey is. i finked monkeys live in trees, but maybe there be some monkeys that live in tha sea???? wonder what they eats in tha ocean? can't waits to find out.

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Wow, you sure taught Mr. Tom a lesson (but we're also glad he escaped with his tail)!! We hopes he knows it's not a good idea to come back.

Thank you for the purrs and kind thoughts for our Uncle Rocky and our Grandma and Granddad (and Mom and Dad too).

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

That stalking Tom sure was lucky your mommy took pity on him and let him out. We hope he learned his lesson, Daisy!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hehehe, goodbye Mr. Peeping Tom Lizzerd and don't come back! We think maybe Jeter's mom is obsessed wif yoor growt, tho it is furry clean...yeah, what is yoor sekrit.

Phoebe said...

He had a very extremely long tail! What a strange lizard he is.

caspersmom said...

Doggone it Daisy your Mom is like mine. Has to spoil all the fun and take the lizard and set them free. Sure wish you could have taught Mr Tom the ultimate lessson. Good luck with the sea monkeys.


Kimo and Sabi said...

You gots to be careful about them lizards - he could have been a rabid lizard and you cudda gotted sick! (he does look furry tasty though!)

Daisy said...

I do not know the secret to the grout. Because my Mommie does not like cleaning. I guess it just stays clean by itself!

Peach Man said...

Dang, so close to a tasty snack. I hate when mommies take away your snacks. (this keeps happening to me!)

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i am laffin an laffin.
i gess we don't hav da self-cleenin growt in dis howse!

Karen Jo said...

I hope Mr. Tom learned his lesson and ran far, far away from your house. Or maybe he's not so smart and will be back, so you can have some more fun with him.

Fletch said...

I'm glad your mommy saved the lizard. Here in Arizona, we learn that lizards are our friends, and with two cats of our own, we need to make sure they don't get eaten.

In fact, one of our cats likes to sit outside and stare at a lizard that lives inside the block wall. We call it "Lizard TV."

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