Fashion Friday: Ahoy, Matey!
Today I am modeling my fierce pirate tank-top and scarf. Are you a little bit scairt of the skull and crossbones on the front?
You can also wear the scarf on your head for a more traditional pirate look.

Fashion Friday: Ahoy, Matey!
Posted by Daisy at 7/11/2008 04:30:00 AM
Labels: cat fashions, how to wear a scarf, pirate cat
92 Notes for Daisy:
Daisy, dear - you must never, and we mean NEVER - smash those lovely ears!! You look marvelous in Red, by the way!
You'll make a pawsome pirate Daisy. :)
~ Girl girl
Oah Daisy~!!!!
You look so so cute~!
You must be the prettiest pirate ever~!!!
I like the way you using the scarf, that is very smart and neat~!
Nope, we are not looking at ur belly, Daisy... not now anyway!
Pls don't make us walk the plank!Red looks good on u!
Ahoy there my matey, don't you look fabulous fierce in your pirate outfit.
You are one special girl Miss D. Have a great weekend!
Daisy, you look like a scary pirate!
My favorite is abandon Ship. Daisy, you need to have that outfit ready for September 19th, international Talk Like a Pirate Day.
deer daisy,
u called my mom a good sport ...
i think yer a good sport ...
an a sporty dresser an a byootiful lookin pirate!
I wanted to start my day of smiling and, as usual, I came to the right place!
Jack Sparrow will be jealous of your fancy attire!!!!
I love you in the 2nd picture. You look fetching. And don't worry, you do not have a squishy belly. I have a squishy belly. Do they make bigger pirate outfits with elasticized waistbands?
Move away Keira, Ms daisy is here.
Love da poses! Yoo make a wonderful pirate.
yo ho ho.
Ahoy right back at you! You look quite fierce in your pirate clothes - we were askeered until we saw your pretty face!
Sniffie and the FL Furkids
your squishy belly is cute. and skeezix is prolly gonna faint.
That is a great pirate tank top!! You will be all ready for Pirates Day!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't tell kitties not to look at your squishy belly because that is the first place we look!! Especially we Mancats,know what I mean ;)
Purrs Mickey
Why you like to join the crew of the Black Furrball? You definitely have the right outfit for it!!
Daisy, your traditional Pirate look is simply the cat's meow!
Laila and Minchie
Arrr, Daisy, you look beautiful as a pirate. Aye.
We were a little bit scared of you. You look smashing in red. ~Socks, S & C
nice cruise wear daisy! you can come on a cruise with me any day!
smiles, auntie bee
You make a very convincing pirate. I bet you could pillage a bunch of treats with cuteness alone in that outfit!
Ahoy Matey!
My very first Halloween, I was Petey the Pirate! My mommy made me wear my skull sweater with a black bandana on my head (she even stuck one of her gold hoop earrings in the scarf. I was glad she didn't stick it into MY ear!)
When shall we join up and go pillaging the Seven Seas for tuna treats and tennis balls?
Your pirate pal,
Squishy belly -- a little too much grog perhaps?
Hey Daisy -- here's a riddle.
What's a pirate's favorite letter?
And another:
How much did the pirate pay to have his ears pierced?
A buck an ear!
It looks like you're ready to step aboard the Black Pearl....
Argh Matey! Please don't make me walk the plank!!!!!!~~ Junior
You are a very cute pirate Daisy! We think your belly is just fine!
We are very excited about having two little KittyCats named after us! The Mom will let us know when they arrive at your shelter. We have to go back outside now.
It is lots of fun being your NOMSS Friends :)
::waving:: 'bye!!
~ Bob and Patrick
That's the perfect outfit to wear when visiting Capt. Jack, Dante & Fagin aboard the Black Pearl.
Daisy you are a great pirate. I hope you gotted extra Temptations for the smashed ear pictures.
P.S. Your little belly is very cute.
You are a gorgeous pirate, Daisy!
Daisy! You're a mess! Luf the various scarf tying means.
Luf, Us
We didn't know you got your super adorable big sized cat post!
Daisy u are looking mighty cute in this outfit! ;)
The last photo was funniest. I always wonder how you get Daisy to stay still for dress up and photos. :D
Your pirate outfit is awesome! I never saw a Pirate Cat before. You are so funny, Daisy! Don't be self-conscious about your belly--it's very cute! The scarf is a wonderful finishing touch! Your mom got a great picture of you abandoning ship too! I laughed out loud--you always brighten my mood!
Shiver me timbers, Daisy, but you make a most excellent pirate. I especially be liking the second photo.
Is there anything dat doesn't look good on yoo? Are yoo going for a cruze on da Black Pear?
I is very skaird of the menacing pirate!
Great outfit Daisy! You make a pretty pirate!
You are a very cute pirate, Daisy! :)
DAISY! You are a PURRFECT pirate kitty! So fierce! So cute!
Are you going to join Captain Jack on the Black Furball?
TUMMY SHOT! TUMMY SHOT! TUMMY SHOT! I'm gonna hafta abandun ship heer cuz I'm gitting sum urjes.
that's really adorable! even though we are scared just a little bit.
Ahoy Daisy, purrmission to come aboard your cat tree,....sure looks like fun!=^Y^=Setzer
Oh Daisy! I do loves your pirate outfit! I wish mine Mummy buys exciting outfits for me too! And more pink shirts! I loves pink!
Now that is a cool outfit Daisy! I bet Captain Jack and Dante want you on their crew really badly now.
I like your cat post too!
you look so beautiful!
Beautiful photos! The last one is fantastic!
(PS for the cat people: I am discussing on my blog if kitties feel grief as humans do. Drop me a line if you have any opinions or stories.)
I hope my humans never find out there are costumes made for cats. So far I have been lucky enough to wear just kid clothes and I can get out of those.
Dearest Daisy,
Yes, we was a bit skeert when we saw the skull on the front of your tank top...but then we saw your pritty face and knowed that we was all safe. We particularly like how you look in the photo just before you abandoned look lovely, Miss Daisy!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
The LL thinks its really cute when you have a scarf on your head. She said it reminds her of the girls in Fiddler on the Roof.
I think of all the scarf looks I like the traditional style best. It looks quite dashing.
Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
Oh, Daisy, you have such patience. And a very versatile outfit.
Daisy, ARR ... That is a pretty classy looking deck. And we love the way you abandon ship.
Bobby and Theresa111
I like pirates- a summer or two ago the kids got these little pirate head rags from McDonald's from the Pirates of the Caribbeans Happy Meals. I made all of them wear them for pictures from the teens to the baby... I don't know why Mommies like pirate pictures, because real pirates are scary.
Those are the most excellent photos, Daisy! We particularly love the headgear. You are so cute, we mean FIERCE, in all of them!
Daisy, you are totally fierce!
Oh Daisy, those skull & cross bones did make me a bit scairty, but you looked very lovely in them.
How do you like your Lotus scratching post?
Daisy - you make a great pirate. Are you going to join the crew of the Black Furrball? They have a wonderful captain, but Skeezix might get a little jealous.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Yep . . . we gotta git one of them cat trees!
P.S. - you make a furry fashionable pirate!
You look like a fierce pirate kitty, Daisy! I love that you can wear your scarf many different ways. You must be very patient to wear a scarf on your head. I'm pretty sure my kitties wouldn't do that.
Oh Daisy, you do make me laugh!
MB says she loves your squishy belly and would like to snuggle it.
I really like this outfit, but I think that Mitzi is more of a tomboy than you could ever be.
Purrs, Sukie X
Ahoy, Daisy! I was a bit scairt by your ferocious skull and crossbones, but I was quickly un-scairt by the various ways to wear your pirate scarf.
JD at I Do Things
Oh gosh Daisy, you look absolutely adorrrrrabible.
I hope you and Pixie have a spiff week-end
Love and purrs
Another posh fashion statement.....
Ahoy Daisy! What a great pirate lady you make. Are you Daisy Bonney now? I'm with Gandalf and Grayson tho, we love those ears!
Uh oh, looks like Skeezy got urges!!
As usual, just when I think you can't get any cuter..... you do!
ready forthe Bucs season photogenic cutie !!I love to see you every day my 7 are not enough
ahoy matey miss daisy, you could go cruising with us anytime
I laughed so hard that I spit my drink out! Being a cat lover - I am so glad I found your blog. Daisy - you are great!
You are a very fierce pirate, Daisy. And we don't notice anything bad about your belly.
Roxy & Lucky
Oh Daisy, you do look fierce, in a great fashionable way! They should do couture pirate wear on Project Runway and you should model. :) And your tummy is adorable!
I'm sorry about your jumping beans. I hope you have better luck with your next project.
Thank you for wishing Billie Happy Birthday too. I am a bit behind on my blogging again.
Sending love and Hugs to You and Pixie,
Love the scarf worn the traditional pirate-way. It looks great on you. You make a great pirate for the Black Furrball!
I like the picture with the bandana on your head! :) I was only a little bit afraid of the skull and crossbones.
Love Clover xo
Daisy - you are soooo funny! Mom says I have said that before, but I can't help it. I love the pirate look.
WOW Daisy this outfit is on of the "fiercest" I've ever seen you wear. Really trendy and fashionable!
Hi again Daisy, I forgot to tell you I have the Magic Lamp of Luck for you at my blog!
I'm not *too askeered, Daisy - just a little bit! :)
Daisy, the pirate cat!! hohoho and a bottle of rum(?)
Cool cat!
You look so cute Daisy in the tank top...and you have a cute tummy! Meow from Jingles!
Ahoy Daisy,
You look so cute in your pirate outfit, I just want to go Arrrgh!
Not The Mama
Have you ever thought about doing a shoot on a Harley...this would be the perfect ensemble...
Wow! You should have popped by me at the cottage, Daisy, you'd have fit right in!
Okay, that made me laugh out loud...LOL! I love you Daisy! (don't tell my cats I said that tho )
` Aaa haaa! My favorite! A pirate that purrs rather than plunders! This gives me cruel ideas for my space cats.....
Daisy you make the best girlcat pirate and you look so cute in your outfit!
Your FL furiends,
Daisy, we hope that your ears were not hurted when you were wearing the scarf like a babushka!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
"arrr" says the cat
Nice way to dress up the cat!
This is the first ever pirate cat I've ever seen and wow, Daisy - you are one cute pirate!!
A Life in Bloom
Because Life is a Blessing
Daisy you are absolutely adorable in your pirate outfit!!
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