The Photo Hunters theme this week is support. I have been thinking about this, and I realized that I would not be able to have my very own blog without lots of help and support from my Mommie.

So, I wanted to say Thank You, Mommie, for your support!

Photo Hunters: Support
74 Notes for Daisy:
Awwww.... U really have been tinking Daisy, that's just the sweetest.
We have to thank ur mommie for sharing ur adventures with us, all ur kitty and bean fans thru out the blogosphere!
Hugs and kissies to you and Pixie!
I think you look very sweet while you are being supported into the air by your mom.
Isn't it great to have such a loyal serv..I mean supporter?
Hi Daisy. We're sure you give your Mummy as much support as she gives you!
We thank our Mom everyday, and we think that you do, too, Daisy! Happy Saturday, Miss Daisy!!
Daisy, that is very sweet of you. We can't believe you are already up and Mom hasn't gone to bed yet. We are so glad you have your mom's support for your blogging.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
I feel outnumbered here :)
Nevertheless, very nice shots of you and your mum.
Great shots. Where would we be without our mums!
Peeps looks like my Tandy
That is a beautiful shots! Nice entry:)
Thanks to your mom too!!
Ah, that's beautiful :) Perfect support!
We want to thank your mom too - for sharing all the sweet stories and photos with us. We loves you Daisy and Pixies mommie. You are very special and we loves that you works so hard to make us all smile.
I for one am very thankful that your meowmie has been supportive so we all can visit with you Daisy!!!
My Photo Hunt is posted. Stop by if you can, would love to have you visit with me. Have a great weekend.
Hi there Daisy. I want to thank your mommy too. She has such a fun and upbeat site and does so much for shelter cats and others who can not speak for themselves.
yer mom izza grate supporter.
Oh, Daisy you have a wonderful mommy. You are lucky that she takes so much pride in you. I'm glad she supports your blog. :)
Mine is here if you have time to stop by. Happy Hunting, my friend.
That was a good idea Daisy. We are very glad your Mom supports your blogging and we got to meet you.~Socks, S & C
Those are such sweet pictures, and it is always nice when the household royalty appreciates the efforts and support of the staff.
Very Very sweet, Daisy~!
IT'S true.
Your mommy is giving you great support~!!!! She is really great~!!!
Oh, that was wonderful!
(Did you get some Temtashuns after that?)
I has to agree, withouts Our Beans we all's would not be ables to blog. Mommy Bean loves the piccy of you huggin your Mom! She says it shows lots of love in your eyes Daisy. and your Mommy make a wonderful team. It is easy to tell that there is a lot of love and support between you both!
You are adorable, both of you. When I read the theme 'support' I immediately thought of brassieres. Also girdles and those new SPANX things. I'm so shallow, you don't even need to roll up your pants to wade around in my psyche!
i saw your mommie in the mirror daisy!!! that was exciting!
smiles, auntie bee
it is nice to have others around to help with our shenanigans.
This is a nice post Miss Daisy, Miss Mommie is, like you a super star of the blogosphere
My support theme is also feline. My cats are always nice..they aren't always good..
You & your mommie are the best team ever!
That is very gracious of you, Daisy, to acknowledge the work that your momma does. You are a classy lady-cat.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Thank u too, Daisy's Mom.
Now dats a good kitty. Forgot to tell yoo how kyoot yur pirate outfit wuz. Bet yur Mommy is yur persunul shopper too. Jes a few minits ago I yakked up sum food rite bak into the bowl cuz I wuz eetin too fast. Mommy jumpt rite up and kleened it and put more food in da bowl. Is it inny wonder we purr so much for our peeples?
Your mommie does a WONDERFUL job of supporting you with your daily blog. The two of you always brighten our day!
Oops, we didn't mean to put We Won!
That was this past week when we actually did win a prize :)
We are very glad you Mommie gives you so much support, Daisy. She does a real good job!!
~ The Bunch
Boy, I'd give anything to have yer mommie insted of the FL. I'm lukky if she even spends five minits a day helping me on my blog. Yer vary forchewnit. And glad yoo like the go-tee.
Aw! I want to thank your Mommie too! She helps make your blog so fun to read and it makes all of us happy! :)
Love Clover xo
Oh Daisy, we just read about the lovely Forest going to the Bridge.
Give your mommy a hug from me, okay?
Thanks for being a friend,
Not The Mama
That is very true Daisy. Where would we be without that support?
Purrs, Sukie X
Your mommie IS furry supportive of your careers an' stuff, huh? That's wonderful, Miss Daisy!
That's so sweet, Daisy - your mom is so very nice!
It's good to acknowledge the little people who make you a big star ... and you've got some great support from your Mommie, for sure!
Our compliments to you Daisy, that is a most thoughtful and considerate and very supportive post you did today.
Thats weely nice of you to fank your mommie and thats a gwate foto of you bofe. Thwee cheers for mommies !!
Oh Daisy that is the sweetest support photo we have seen today!
Hey Daisy!
Do you have any friends who do this?
I thought that was so funny.
Let us know,
Pam Hoffman
Your mommy sure is a great help and support to you for your blog. It is nice to let her know how much you appreciate the support.
It's good to have a supportive mommie! We also like that your mom support kitties who are not as lucky as you!
Daisy, your a good little girl...I adore your pirate outfit!! Talk like a pirate day is coming in September.
Ya, Momz r da best! Ur Mom takez such good picherz of u Daisy.
Dearest Daisy,
We think you sure have got a good mommy. I mean, how many little kitties have such stylin' clothes for Fashion Friday? We know she loves you lots...and you love her lots, too! You've gots a real happy home!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Yep, without your mom you wouldn't have a modeling job earning treats either. She must be quite a mom to give you so much support. Glad you're reciprocating.
Yep, those humans do come in handy when it comes to this blogging business.
You have a wonderful blog Daisy! You and your mom make a great team.
Mindy & Moe
Glad to hear. The cat must be very pleased! =^.^=
The cat is very special to receive this honor.
Daisy, you are such a sweet heart. Do you give lessons to other kittehs?
JK, my kittehs are sweet to, just like most cats, when they want to be :)
I agree!!!! Mom's are wonderful SUPPORT!!!!! Purrs to all Mom's!!
Purrs Mickey
Awww Daisy, that's adorable!
You're right, Miss Daisy. We couldn't do it without'em!
Oh Daisy, that is just so sweet! Your Mommie is awesome! I can tell you love each other very much and that she loves Pixie very much too.
Oh, tell her she has a really cute haircut. :)
Hugs and Kisses,
I love giving my mom hugs too!
Hai Daisy!! the fashion princess! I say you can has awards!! mai mom want to give youu and your mommy great blogging awardz! Mai mom thinks you might already have this award because you is already supa star but she still want to give it!! mee love your bloggingz!! GOMA
` Awww! I know Daisy loves her Mommie so much!! She is so spoilt and gets so much attention!
Daisy, your mommie is a really great support! :)
That is very nice shots of you and you have to thank your mommie. Very sweet.
Oh Daisy, that is a wonderful SUPPORT for this week's Photo Hunt! You and your Mommie are the best team ever!
Your FL furiends,
Daisy, that's really sweet of you to say. You do have a very special Mommy!
You've a wonderful Mummy!
Hey Daisy,
We think it is very great that your mommy helps you so much with your awesome blog!
It is good that you thank your mommie for all her support, Daisy. No one gets anywhere without help.
Roxy & Lucky
Daisy, that was very sweet of you!!!'ve been tagged!
Daisy, that was very sweet of you to recognize your Mommie for all of the support that she gives you!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
Aww, that's sweet. We do need support from one another, humans and cats.
Daisy, It's very nice of you to thank your mommie!! Mom's are the best! We hope you had a greta weekend!!
Kodak, Winton and 3 Perf
Yes, your Mommie helps you a lot and is very supportive of you :-D
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