Sunday Comics with Daisy!
In case you do not know why Mr. Shrill does not have eyeballs, you can go HERE to read the story. I had to eat his eyes because they were made of Science Diet pellets. I did not know this would make Mr. Shrill so upset. My mistake.

I do not know if Mr. Shrill noticed that he put the eyeballs in crooked. I will have to straighten this mess out next week.

73 Notes for Daisy:
I wonder if Mr. Shrill will see things really low to the ground now. And crooked. Daisy, look what you've done!
Poor snail, he sure gets used and abused. I hope he gets his eyeballs back!!
Have a nice week sweet girl.
Oh, no! Poor Mr. Shrill! Do you have any more Science Diet pellets in Snail-size?
Dear Daisy,
I think you should leave Mr. Shrill's eyeballs just as they are. Let him live with the consequences!
Poor Snail! what will he do now. Watch out Daisy, he may come after yours!!
purrs, Goldie and Shade
Daisy, Daisy,
Wouldn't you be upset if someone ate your eyeballs? Why wouldn't Mr Shrill be upset?
I hope snail can get his eyes back.
Poor snail ! He will be bumping into things all over da place now, and Mr Shrill will be walking all wonky. Oh dear Daisy. I hope you can sort it all owt !
Dearest Daisy,
Since I am blind, I knows what it's like to not have ain't much fun. We gots to figure out a way to help both Mr. Shrill and Mr. Snail.
Very truly yours,
Mazie Grace &
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Do not worry, Mazie Grace! I am working on a solution that will make everybody happy. Tune in next week!
Daisy, I completely understand why you had to eat Mr. Shrill's eyeballs. If I saw someone with donuts for eyes, you can believe those eyeball-donuts would be in my belly before you could say, Oh noooooooo!"
JD at I Do Things
Oh Daisy - poor snail. Mr Shrill is very naughty to take snail's eyes, then you were very.....No! you could never be naughty, just tempted beyond your control.
Purrs, Sukie X
We are relived to hear you have a solution. This is a terrible mess Daisy, we shall be waiting with baited breath until next week. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Poor snail. We have lots of snails and they leave icky stuff around. Without eyeballs won't snail get icky everywhere?
We can't wait to see what happens next!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Your crooked eyeballs make you look a bit crazed, Mr. Shrill! We think you should give them back to snail and ask Daisy to give you some more edible eyeballs ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
ARGH!! Mom is having nightmares! She loves the snail so much!
We can't sleep with her having hysterics!
The snail is her favorite!
OH NO MR. SHRILL!!! You can't have Mr. Snail's eyes! Give those back at once!
Daisy....don't you have something Mr. Shrill can use for eyeballs???
Eye see that Snail is in a real pickle. Maybe he needs a Seeing-eye dog -- oops -- cat?
Poor snail.. Will new eyeballs affect mr.shrill, I wonder? At least he should have them properly adjusted! He looks more cross eyed than a pug!
Ut oh!!!!!!!!!!! Poor Snail!! What will happen to him now? How will crooked eyes affect Mr Shrill?? I cannot wait fir next week!!
Purrs Mickey
poor little dumb snail. i hope this gets straightened out honey cause i am worried about mr snail!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Oh no, poor mr snail, what will he do, maybe miss Daisy will become a seeing eye cat.........
That's funny.
I am anxious to 'see' how u resolve this unsightly mess.
oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW Daisy -- I don't blame you for having to eat Mr. Shrill's eyes. They looked nommy.
Oh Nooooooooo!
Snail can't see and Mr. Shrill probably sees crooked!
Hurry and fix things, Daisy!
~ The Bunch
OMGawd! They aren't straight!!
Luf, Us
Oah My~!!!
Poor Snail....he lost his eyes!!!
I laffs, Daisy! I laffs a lotz. OK?
Dennis is concerned--did Beautiful Daisy eat the eyeballs really and truly?
Dennis wonders if Daisy ever ate these things:
Very good, Daisy! I am laffing—I mean “laughing”—along with my furball, Alex.
Oooooh Nooooo, Mister Shrillll!
Poor snail, I hope he gets his eyeballs back! Because we wouldn't want a blind snail creeping into a sleeping Pixie's mouth or anything!
Not The Mama
Well Daisy, if things get a bit messy around there we all know why!!! =^Y^=Setzer
I wonder what Mr. Shrill needs eyes to see? What's he up to? What's he gonna do? What's poor Snail gonna do without his eyes? He won't be able to help with Miss Daisy's science experiments, or her new mail-order pets, either, if he has no eyeballs...hmmmm.
Oh no! Mr. Shrill has Snail's eyes and Snail has none! We can't wait till next week to see how you fix this one Daisy! Does Snail have a name?
Your FL furiends,
That Mr. Snail is sure gullible. He needs to take empowerment lessons and learn to say 'no'.
Oh Daisy, this leaves me in such suspense!
Uh-oh....poor Snail!
KC said...
O, Daisy, Mr. Snail will be even slower than ever now... you's gotta get him a little cane so him's can tap an not bumpie into fings.
I don't like Mr. Shrill furry much, he talks too loud.
Mine mommie likes Mr. Snail, too, and so I, we wants him to haf his goggly eyeballs back.
Oh no snail your eyes!!! Can you see?
That was pretty sneaky of Mr. Shrill! Our thoughts are with the sweet Mr. Snail
We're relieved you have a solution for next week. Your adventures with Mr. Snail would be limited if he doesn't get his eyes back. But you ate Mr. Shrill's. You aren't going to steal a set from a lizard?
Mr. Shrill is very rude! We hope you really get him back good next week.
Laila and Minchie
Mr. Snail needs to go to the Eyeball Transplant Clinic. Good luck, Mr. Snail!
Poor Mr. Snail. Bad Mr. Shrill. Now he is cross-eyed (like me) but he has brought it on himself by stealing poor Snail's eyes! Roll on next week - can't wait to see how you resolve this one Daisy dear:) xxx
Poor Snail! Can u clone him some new eyeballz Daisy?
what's going on here? Daisy I missed your support post and pirate post--they are very nice!
Oh no! Poor snail.
another great one! can't wait to see what happens next!
Daisy, that was funny! We can't wait for you to fix things!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
me thinks Jeter's Auntie Bee should doodle snail some new eye balls!
Oh no, poor snail!!
Love Clover xo
Daisy, we can hardly wait until next week for the 'solution'!
Mindy & Moe
Poor Snail can't see a thing now! Are you gonna fix this up Daisy? You can give Mr Shrill his vision back with only 2 kibbles, are you gonna be a good girl?
A transplant is clearly needed.
Poor poor Mr Snail! We love the Mr Shrill cartoons! My pet human loved Mr Bill on SNL. (yes she is old!0
thanks for making her laugh today. She needed it!
Ha ha ha. How are you going to fix this, Daisy? We can't wait to see.
Poor snail. How is he going to see now
~ Girl girl
ON! Poor Mr. Snail... His eyeballs haf been captured. We're not really sure what a snail uses eyes for annyway, but it is fery sad!
oh, how bout this!?!? Snail takes lizzard's eyeballs and lizzard's gets pellets fur eyeballs. Than yoo can eat lizzard AND get yer reel fud all at once!!!!
Mr Shrill has nice eyes now...but what about poor snail?!
Aww! Poor snail! Daisy... Help him before he gets into trouble!
Paws Up for Sunday Comics.
Rudolf & Goofy
Poor Snail. We hope he gets his eyes back.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Poor snail, he lost his eyes!
Poor Snail.
Snail is not too bright. He should have split when Mr. Shrill said come closer :-0
Daisy, why weren't you in the comic this time? Were you waiting for your pets?
I can't believe you would let Mr.Shwill take youw good fwiend snail's eyeballs..I feel tewwible fow snail
pleez fix this
smoochie kisses
Its hilarious post. I think Mr Shrill is extremely naughty to obtain snail's eyes.
Poor snail... Hope Mr. shrill gives Mr. snail his eyeballs back soon.
Haha, very funny. I thought snail eyes too small for him?
` That's just weird.
` Hey, what did the snowman say when he got coal in his stocking?
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