Monday Mystery: My New Pets!
I am very excited because my brand new pets have arrived! They came in this big box. Can you guess what is inside? The yellow label reads "LIVE #######, OPEN IMMEDIATELY!"

ps: I will tell you all about my new pets tomorrow!

89 Notes for Daisy:
What did you buy these for? Will you really keep them as pets?
I'm confused
Oh Daisy, that is SO VERY EXCITING! We both hope you will have a wonderful time with your new pets!
Lee, I will watch them change into butterflies. Then I have to set them free. Rats!
Oooh, a Science Prject for Prfessor Daisy. How exciting, Daisy! The Painted Lady is such a pretty Butterfly!
Miss D, I thought since you got peanuts you might have got a monkey. I guess it would be diffictult to post a monkey to Florida though. So I am wrong again.
I can't wait to see your flutterbyes, how exciting!!
Butterflies, Daisy! Ur toys are getting really advanced!
We can't wait to c the outcome, but mom's going for her trip, so we'll only c u again next week.. :sad:
Till then, headnudgies to U and Pixie.
The foam peanut toys are great fun to play with.
Mommy is very excited that you are raising butterflies. Youngest Boy Bean did it one year. Although he went and found the caterpillars in the yard instead of ordering them. Mommy got to set the butterfly free as it hatched when he wasn't home. It takes awhile after they hatch before they can fly, so please don't try to play with it right after it hatches.
Paws crossed for a successful butterfly. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
deer daisy,
dis iz sumthin da 3rd graderz do in mi mom'z skool ... butterflyz! verree eksitin.
did u get dat grate big net wid yer noo petz?
How exciting! Its the strangest pets I ever thought of. I couldn't guess it righ:(
Dearest Daisy,
Butterflies!!! very excitin'! Who would've thinked of gittin' butterflies but you, Daisy, the smartest girl in the whole wide world!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Oah Wowww~~~~
I guess this finally will have a happy ending, Daisy~!
Because my Cat friend in Taiwan- Mimi's home has lots of butterflies come into her house and have eggs, and the babies all become butterflies and successfully grow up~!
I wish yours could!!
Can't wait!!!
Good Luck!!!
Ooooo, that looks like fun. You can have lots of funs chasing them when they start flying.
I have left you the "Cool Cat Award" on my blog today. Please come by and get it.
this is going to be fun, I hope one of them is real brave
Dennis thinks watching them will be educational.
Dennis got a box of ladybugs one year, we let them go outside on the roses, but some crawled on us and flew off into the air. Dennis doesn't eat bugs or try to catch them anymore. But when he was a kitten he did.
Oh, how exciting! I like to watch butterflies. This will be fun to watch them develop!
I could not guess! Butterflies... wow!
I can't wait to learn more about them :)
Purrs Mickey
nope, daz, i guessed an ant farm. if these don't work out, maybe that could be your next adventure!
smiles, auntie bee
wow!!!! those is cool!
I guessed tadpoles but butterflies are good too. Don't get too attached to them though because when they grow up you have to let them go.
You're so lucky Daisy, we never get pets like that in the post! In fact the best we ever got was a frog from the pond who wandered into our cat run last summer and wanted to be our pet... The sad thing was we broke our pet in a very short time all over the living room floor, so we are all banned from having pets now as we are all far too irresponsible as pet owners! Even though we did point out to Mummy that the frogy didn't come with instructions on how to care for him and warning us not to play too hard with him... I miss the frogy he was fun!
You got butterflies!!??!! Oh wowie I love butterflies!!!!
how exciting! :)
Oh Wow Daisy! Butterflies are so pretty! You'll love them. And it will be so much fun watching them become butterflies. But you have to remember not to eat them!
WOW! Butterflies! SO cool, Daisy! You will be the best butterfly mom, I know it.
Love Clover xo
i was guessing a pet monkey. but butterflies would have been my second guess.
You had us stumped again Daisy! You are so lucky that you will be able to see the caterpillers change into beautiful butterflies! And this might interest you, the company our Momma works for has made little tiny, lightweight round labels that they put on Monarch butterflies' wings to track them. You can see pictures of them at
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Our first commend didn't show the whole link, it is:
We had guessed an ant farm but think butterflies will make much cooler pets!! We cannot wait to see the new pets!!
Oh you have Flutter Byes!!! That is so cool! We can't wait to see them!
Daisy, this is very exciting! We've had butterflies at our house, too. You will love watching them! Have you ever had ladybugs as pets? You can get them through the mail, too, with 100 or more in a little container. Maybe your mommie could help you get some of those, too, sometime! :-)
I was telling some lady about my butterfly garden (playground) and she asked if I was having butterflies brought in. I thought she was crazy! I guess you really can do that.
We didn't guess butterflies. That will be exciting to watch your new pets hatch out and fly. We like chasing butterflies.
I nefer guessed your new pets would be flutterbyes. This should be fun. I fink you might just make it wif the flutterbyes.
ooooooh, pets that you can play with! we sure hope they're gonna live in the house with you. and, if so, we sure hope your mom doesn't have valuable breakables around. we'd be launching ourselfs offa stuff to play with pets like that!
Wow! What a wonderful pet! I guessed a fish, lol.
What will you do when it becomes a butterfly? I can't imagine your Mommie letting you keep it in the house. Maybe you will have to get one of those plaques that says If You Love Something Let It Go Free.
Enjoy your new critter. :)
Oh I had no idea. I was thinking maybe Lady Bugs, but I was wrong.
Oh cool pets!!!!!!!
Oh cool! I never heard of keeping butterflies as pets. I thought maybe you'd gotten an ant farm! Looking forward to hearing more about them!
Now we know why you are so smart's all these science projects! We thought it would be an ant farm. Well, all of us were jealous that you were gettin' a pet and we bugged mommy for one too. So...mommy went out yesterday and bought us a Betta fish. His name is KID and we love watchin' him swim all around. We will put photo's up tomorrow! =^Y^=Setzer
Wow, i's never would haf guessed butterflies. i's seen them from tha window an they's look tasty, er, pretty flying around.
Can't wait to watch them grow...
Oh Boy!! We are excited about your new pets. The Mom's grandbean had some in his school class and they were so much fun to raise and release!
Wishing you good luck for a successful project!!
~ The Bunch
Oh my! I didn't guess that! I think I would try to catch them and eat them if they were mine. MB says she wouldn't trust me to have such pets.
Purrs, Sukie X
I guessed wrong...I thought you had crickets sent to you by the men in da blue shorts, but nope I was wrong....and it's very more exciting than crickets...Daisy you are amazing.
That will be fun. I remember catching caterpillars as a kid, then watching them cocoon in their little container. But they never emerged for me. :( Hopefully, you'll have much better success, and once you free them they'll stick around your garden so you can watch them.
Looks yummy!
Ohhhh....butterflies!! They are so pretty! Josie watches them out our window in the backyard. We can't wait to see your new pets!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
WOW Daisy!!!! We never woulda guessed the new pets are flutterbuys!
This will be fun to watch!
WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!
You're so lucky Daisy! Mine Mummy never gets such exciting pets for me! I can't wait to hear all about them tomorrow!
YAY!! We guessed rights!!
The littlest bean girl gotted her butterflys when she went on a trip to Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory. She loved watching them change. It is hard though to not want to lets them go, she had leaky eyes when she letted them out.
We can't wait to see what your new pets are! Hopefully they'll be better than the last ones.
We are in the flite path for Monark butterflies. I wonder why thay don't taste like butter tho.
WOW! How exciting, Daisy! FLUTTERBIES!!!!!!
I was wrong with my guess. Ack.
I think the butterflies will be very exciting pets for you to raise :-D
Oh Daisy, how exciting for you! Will Mommie make a movie of them hatching? We have seen butterflies hatch at the botanical garden and it was very cool. They sit and let their wings dry for quite a while before they are ready to fly. They will love Florida's warm sunny weather.
Your comic yesterday with Mr. Shrill was so funny. I hope snail gets his eyeballs back next week! :)
Thanks for the "werm" info. We have to take Toeshee and his poo to the V E T Wednesday. :)
Have a Great Day!
Hugs to You and Pixie and Mommie,
We did the same "project" through insectlore as well! When the chrsyalids hatch and the butterflies emerge, be warned, pigment tinted fluid comes out-- ours was bright red and made our habitat look like a bloody massacre! We put pictures on our blog all along the way and it was one of our favorite projects so far. I think we are going to do ladybugs next! (PSA...If you haven't done triops already--don't bother. They stink. Literally stink. Yuck!) Love your blog!
Hi Daisy! We can't guess and we can't wait to see!! We are wishing you luck with this latest pet adoption. Pepper wants to know - how come kitties like to rub cheeks on stuff? Does that feel nice for kitties? Pepper is going to try rubbing her cheek on something just to check it out. But we have to ask about it.
We loved your post on "Support", that was very sweet. We think that your Mommie rocks! It's nice to take time and recognize the human beans in our lives. And the jumping beans too.
I thought it was going to be an ant farm!
But butterflies are very cool!
I can't wait to see more about your butterflies! Those are going to be fun!
Kitter wanted me to tell you that she had to go to the V.E.T. this morning because she has a urinary tract infection and a kidney stone starting. She thought that you might have some sympathy for that. Also, she is very excited that she gets special Science Diet foods now. She is excited because you said that it is so good.
Oh Daisy, I hope you are very careful when handling your new pets. I'm sending you a box of butterfly bandages just in case.
Your pals,
Petey & Mica
Rats, rats, and double rats! I guessed an antfarm! Phooey!
I was thinking along the cat food but was skeptical since packages are usually not meant for cats :P.
haha..the cat looks so interested in the package.
maybe it can smell what's inside!
I can't wait to hear about them tomorrow!
Wowee! I didn't guess butterflies. I didn't guess anything, actually, I was stumped (do you Americats have that saying? When you're at a loss? I think it might be a cricket metaphor. The game, not the insect). Butterflies are a very exciting new live project. Have fun, can't wait to see what happens...
We can't wait to see what happens with your butterflies!
You've got kittypillers! How neat! And when they turn into flutterbys you can pounce after them till they flitter away.
My mom guessed wrong, she was hoping you got ants because she likes them.
I hope you have good luck with these pets. I have a good feeling about them!
Don't eat or pounce on them when they hatch.
Whoaaaa! I love butterflies! You are so lucky to have such great new pets!
I'm looking forward to the caterpillar become a butterfly! I hope it doesn't get deaded. I'm keepin' my paws crossed for you, Daisy.
I can't wait to see how these work out.
Butterflies are so beautiful!
I's sure that a beautiful kitty, like you, will have great success with your new pet.
Daisy have fun wit your new pets. We grew them as a science project. Be use to set them free after a few days.
chase them about the room!
Omg Omg, Butterflies, how incredibly cool. Every year the Museum of Natural History has a butterfly exhibit and its sooooo amazing!
We guessed that you would be getting butterflies last week. We are so excited to see them grow up and be off on their own.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Woh.. this is really exciting... Can't wait to see your new pet
~ Girl girl
I never would have guessed butterflies. What a beautiful new pet for you! I hope your mommy takes lots of pictures as they got through their metamorphisis.
Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
REAL butterflies?
OOoh! We're so excited!!!
Today is Toosdays!
Dont forget to post about your pets!
Hanging Around,
Rudolf & Goofy
I can hardly wait to see what you have to say tommorrow about these new pets. Sometimes I see pets like those in the garden. They fly up and loop around so you can't catch them.
Hi Daisy, just dropping in to see how you are doing...
Wow, Daisy, we can't wait to see your new pets! Very exciting! :)
Daisy that sounds like a cool pet...but Jingles says they look yummy...oh no...maybe not so good pet. What if you like to chase them like the lizards?!
Daisy! I'm excited for you and new pet butterflies! You're a good girl to be so patient and read the directions -- and not eat the larvae.
JD at I Do Things
I cant guess, wht was that? I am now going the link that u gave.
I thing your cat is little bit jealous with your new pets.
I am really curious what's in that it was a butterflies...The cat pictures is really make me curious because the cat looks like very eager to know what's in the box...
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