Monday Mystery: Another Word Puzzle!
For today's Monday Mystery, we have another word puzzle! This one is just a little bit hard, so you might need to put on your thinking cap.
Are you ready? Look at the pictures below, and see if you can figure out the word:

Do you know the answer? Go HERE to see if you are correct!
Thank you to my friend Marilyn at Cats Exclusive for posing for my puzzle.

105 Notes for Daisy:
Dearest Daisy,
Wow...that was way-hard. You are very very VERY smart to be able to come up with your word puzzles!!!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
We thought it was Cat + Shower Curtain + Column.
That's not right again. We'll keep trying, Daisy!
We didn't guess that Daisy. We must try harder.
I had "box-napkin-column"! That's not a word, though.
Oh no I don't feel very clever. I loves your thinking cap Miss D - very dashing.
Banana kisses blown across the ocean to Miss Pixie, and I hope your flutterbies are doing ok.
Nice one, Daisy. I couldn't figure it out, but I blame that on Monday.
Without looking at the answer, I'm going to say cat tarp pillar -- caterpillar -- what your new pets are!
Yeah!!!! I WIN!! I WIN!!!
I got nothin', Miss Daisy-NO-thing! I'm gonna have to look at the answer. I like your hoodie, but isn't it kind of warm at your house for a hoodie?
That was a good one Daisy! Obviously I didn't have MY thinking cap on, like you have. The only one I got was 'tarp'!
That was very hard Daisy!!!! but it was good and you're very smart
This is extremly hard for me, Daisy~!
But I think it's great~!
Thanks for let me learning news things today!
I didn't get anything except "cat". I need to study some more.
Huffle Mawson
That was great Daisy!! I got the first 2 but could not think of the word pillar!!!!! Guess I need a Thesaurus! heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
We need a better thinking cap, yours is adorable by the way. We had cat + bag + pedestal which meant NOTHING.
Oh...we were not even close! This is a very good puzzle!!
Daisy, thank you so much for visiting and leaving such sweet comments for our Mommy. She is doing much better!!!
p.s. Your thinking cap looks adorable on you!!!
sigh. i had nappadcolumn. i didn't think that was right though. that was really a hard one.
i love your thinking cap. i should have worn mine or taken some fish oil first!
smiles, auntie bee
Daisy - You are too smart for us! We even called Crazy Lady at work and she helped some, but all we could come up with was cat + corner + column. We figured it was going to be catty-cornered something. Guess C.L. can go back to work now, she was NO help at all.
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
good golly that was way too hard for a monday morning. i was close though catmatcolumn is what I came up with.
Man! All I got was 'tarp'!
Then I had nap+tarp+column! Duh!
I should have put my thinking cap on like you did!
Good one, Daisy!
Oh, of course, should have guessed, that's probably on your mind a lot.
Hey! I got this one!
rest + tarp + corinthian = a very confused Lois...LOL!
Good one!!!!
That was a tough one, Daisy. The tarp thing messed us up.
Let's play again!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Darn! We were so close. But Mama couldn't figure out what a cat+tarp+ column was. ::groan::
Happy Monday!
That was WAY too hard.
We were mostly wondering why you had on that nice wool blankie over your head in the heat of the summer.
Luf, Us
I came up with Squintnapkinpole. It wasn't in the dictionary, so I kinda figured I didn't get it right.
You are very very clever Miss Daisy. That was a good word puzzle. as usual you fooled me....
I got the puzzle!
Caterpillars for everyone!
Not The Mama
I got it right!!
You always have such fun mysteries to solve! Isn't that a "thinking hood" rather than cap? Either way you look marvelous in it.
Oh very good one there Daisy, I got the cat+tarp bit, but kept coming up with column - Mummy was no help either as she keeps calling them "capilotats" thanks to her baby brother starting that silly name off! ;)
Oh Daisy, we are extra dopey today and did not figure this one out. i bet if Blizzie was home she would have but she is at Gramma and grampa's this week.
Mom is not help, she guess, tabby + pad + column.
I hope both you and Pixie have an extra wonderful day!
Yippy we got one!!! ~Queen Snickers
Wonderful thinking cap.
Cool puzzle, Daisy! :)
Thank you so much for celebrating my birthday with me! I really appreciate it. - Dragonheart
wow ... i wuz reelee off ... i thot it wuz
tabby + shower curtin + pole ...
an i wuz completelee lost!
Good Monday Morning Daisy! I guessed Kitty paper column. Oops! :) Caterpillar makes much more sense.
I can't wait to see the butterflies!
I liked yesterday's comic! I have a feeling Mr. Shrill's Temptation Eyes will be in you tummy soon!
Thank You for making me smile!
Hugs to You and Pixie and Mommie,
That was hard. I didn't know what the middle one was. I thought it was cat + ground sheet + pedestal Ha ha!
I never get these right and this one one was hard! You are very good at coming up w/ these Daisy!
Oh we did not get it again. But that was a good puzzle Daisy!!!
We didn't get it. Thought the pillar was an urn. That doesn't work at all!
That was a tricky one, but I figured it out (with some help from my mom).
You are such a super smart little cat! You come up with the best posts!!!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
We had no clue! We arenot good at those particular games and neither is Meowm!
That was very fun Daisy! We had it almost right.
Miss Daisy
I must confess I didn't know exactly what the second item was but I did get the cat and the pillar.......
I had Tabby-Napkin-Pedestal, Cat-Serviette-Column and Tabby-Serviette-Column. Duhr! You are so clever Daisy! I would never in a sqillion years have guessed tarp for the middle one. The only tarps I've seen are usually huge black things over people's roofs, lol! :) xxx
P.S. Aren't you hot in that hood?
That was a doosy Daisy - you had us stumped!
I was close, but I didn't quite get it! I think I need a thinking cap, Daisy.
You look very smart in your thinking cap.
hi daisy! that is very clever!
OMG, I just read through all the comments and I'm laughing SO hard!!
I will definitely be back to try it again next Monday, Daisy! And to see if all your funny friends here can do better next time too! This is fun! ;)
that was a hard word puzzle. I guessed the first part 'cat', but guessed wrong using 'cover' and 'column'
Daisy, this one stumped us only because we didn't think of pillar. It was a good puzzle! Fred's answer cracked us up, too as well as Tripper's comment! Hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Ha!!! I didn't look at the answer yet but I'm guessing it's = Caterpillar! I'm not so sure what the 2nd one is called actually but after looking at the cat & the pillar, caterpillar popped out of mah head! Okay, now I go look at the answer & see if I'm right or wrong. *cross paws*
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Too hard for me but I love your thinking cap, that picture is so cute!
Excellent puzzle, though at first we read "cat-sail-pillar."
Your pals,
Mica and Petey (It's Mica Monday so I get to go first!)
Daisy, I am so terrible at these clever puzzles, but I LOVE the picture of you in your thinking cap!
JD at I Do Things
Caterpillar, caterpillar! I got it ! YAY!!
And I love your stripey hoodie!
Love Clover xo
Daisy, we love your hoody! You look so cute. Meowmy thinks that Scotchy would look good in one of those, where did you get it?
We thought we were doing pretty good with the puzzle but we didn't get it right. We was guessing cat+tarp+pole for catapolt. Ha ha ha! Guess we'll have to try harder next time.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
I was so close, but still wrong. Ack.
We got tarp.
We need a thinking cap like yours!
~ The Bunch
You got me on this one--too smart for me! I need a nice thinking cap like yours--beautiful!
that was lots of fun! it took a few minutes cause of the middle picture but finally my mommy got it. she kept going "column, cat column" until her coworker went by and said "piller" so it was a joint effort!
can you tell me where you got your pets from? mommy planted a butterfly garden, but because it is the first year, we haven't had any chrysalides yet. she wants to get from a reputable company.
those are very pretty pets!!
Yoo is so clever! Thinking about yur pets I see!
kitty+tarp=pillar = kittarpillar!
No wonder Mom couldn't figure that one out. She doesn't have a cool thinking cap like yours!
Oh Daisy! I GOT IT!
I must have been the neato striped thinking cap/sweater/hoodie you had helpedid me a lot!
Love & Licks,
Darn! I guessed
Daisy your hat is to die for.
I wish we were neighbors because I would beg you to let me borrow that until you got so sick of me begging that you would just give it to me.
Oh drats! We are not very good with these picture puzzles! We will have to try better next time! We love your thinking cap!! It must work well, your puzzles are very thought provoking!
Your FL furiends,
Ahw.I couldn't do this puzzle. You must be furry clefer Daisy.
That one was very hard. We thought the last one was a column, and we couldn't decide if the middle one was a tarp or a tent or a flap.
You are very clever.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Mom thought the middle one was a shower curtain. ha ha
ACK! We dint think of "pillar"!
Good one...
Hi Daisy! We were confessed to being befuddled by the puzzle, but it was fun to think about it!
Tom just loved the "Honey" comment today. You are truly a sweet girl, Daisy!
Sen-Chan and Tom
D'oh - I always get these puzzles wrong - they are too hard for
me : (
Hahaha It wuz easy fur me!
Mom got stuck on the last picture. She kept calling it a pole and she knew it wasn't right but just couldn't come up with the right name. If she had we might have been able to guess it. Good puzzle.
Ooo ... That was an EASY one, Miss Daisy!
That was a good puzzle. Unfortunately, I didn't get it until I peeked!
We didn't get it :-( and are feeling very silly. Great puzzle! You are clever...
Ugh! I thought really, really hard and I didn't get it. And you're growing butterflies! Sometimes, I'm not too bright.
"Hey" My mom got it guess I'll have to stop calling her a dummy...Not!!!
I didn't have a thinking cap, and I think I had too many of my fwiend Lacie's smoofies at the pawty, I don't have a awe too smawt fow me
smoochie kisses
That was very clever. I am glad it included a cat. All things should, of course!
Thanks for the well-wishings, too! I am doing better each day.
mommees gots it right!! she hads to really put on hers thinkin cap tho!
Oh Daisy, we love your thinking cap! I think we need one because we got the puzzle wrong!
Hahah....that was a difficult one! I could only guess the cat part right!
Oh.. that sure was a difficult puzzle for me Daisy..
~ Girl girl
We got it!!! We got it!!! I can't believe we actually got it!!!LOL...
Got the 1st and last word together and I got it Daisy! Didn't know the word for that cloth, good I learned that here!
clever puzzle!
looking cute (as always) Daisy!
We thought the middle one was hammock and had lots of trouble figuring that one out.
Hey Daisy, nice hat. I've often asked people to describe their thinking caps. Mine is a propeller beanie.
Don't know if you noticed but I mentioned you in one of my blog posts for today.
We couldn't figure it out. Our MamaCat thought it had something to do with putting a cat on a pedestal, which we think should be done anyway!
Very smart puzzle, Daisy! We bet you had your glasses on when you thought this one up!
Love, MamaCat & the FurryPurries
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie, Freckles, Lola & Dandelo
pee paper post sissors rock
I dunt getz it! [:-(
Now wasn't that clever! My mommy had to help me with this one. Even she had hard time!
LOL so neat! I had " Sleepy Tarp Pillar" and thought wtf? and gave up rather quick and looked then kicked myself!
What I REALLY love if your thinking cap little Miss, you look so adorable! :)
Ooh..the cat looks cozy in the clothes there.
That was one awesome puzzle!!!! We gave up and cheated by looking, hahahahahahaha
Karl and Mrs. OZ
The pictures of Daisy are so cute!
When I saw Daisy for the 1st time then she was not this much cute.She is looking georgious.
Where is the puzzle?But I love Daisy.How old she is right now?
None represents a thinking cap like Daisy !!!!
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