Mr. Shrill's Eyeballs: A Movie
I think Mr. Shrill is very curious about his new Temptation Eyes. So I made a funny movie about Mr. Shrill. Do not worry, he only ate a tiny bite out of his eyeball. I think he can still see okay.
If you cannot view the movie, you can go HERE for the YouTube version.

Mr. Shrill hopes you enjoyed the movie!

99 Notes for Daisy:
Wow, now that's an eyefull! Or, a mouthful. Whatever.
COOL animation! My son wants to do something like that with his Legos. :)
Miss D you better send a letter to Wallace and Gromit, telling them to watch out you and Mr Shrill and snail will be at movie theatres soon.
Great job!! I think you might need to make your buddy a pair of glasses now.
That was great! Reminds me of weird stuff my first boyfriend used to do with dinosaurs and action figures. Oh, except this is WAY better. LOL
What a pawsome movie. I hope Mr Shrill still can see ok
~ Girl girl
Bravo! Great cast, visuals and directing!
Will u be replacing his eye with a new temptation, Daisy?
At the rate Mr. Shrill's going, u'd better watch ur temptation stock!
I still finks Mr.Shrill is kinda scary. Now him's eating his eye, which is made outta temptations.
Mr Shill is a lot of fun....
Daisy...your Mommy and you are getting WAY TOO CREATIVE!!! Mommy feels so NONCREATIVE! SUPER GREAT MOVIE. We are so glad that Mr. Shrill didn't eat all his eye!!!
Dearest Daisy,
Batman ain't got nothin' on you! Your movie is gonna be a hit!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Cool! So are you a Counting Crows fan?
What a great movie! Is Mr. Shrill trying to make his eyes round?
Wow! Mr. Shrill's movie was so neat and that was so cool him eating eyeball! Great job of the animation!
Bravo Daisy & Mom!
Your FL furiends,
You are very silly Daisy. We enjoyed the music that accompanied the video and the animation was pawsome. We wish we could do something like that. ~Socks, S & C
Oah My dearest Daisy,
This is fantastic!!!
This is a very hard animation!!!! You have to do every pose and make the photo always at the same spot!
This is a very major job and you are doing very excellent job!
Mr. Shrill's movement is very smooth~!!! Excellent Animation!!!
Well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From time to time I look over this site with its well written contributions. I am pleased about the interesting contributions and would like to express my radix complement in addition! Greetings from Germany!
HA! That was a great movie, Daisy. I'm glad you caught that on film so no one accuses YOU of eating part of Mr. Shrill's eyeball!
JD at I Do Things
You make super ,duper movies!!!!I would not eat my eyeballs though,but I do like Temptations ;)
Purrs Mickey
Daisy - We didn't know that you were such an accomplished cinemo. . .cinnamon. . .cenama. . .movie maker!!! That movie was great - and not just because of the Temptation story line!!
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
awesome movie!!!!
"tastin yer eye" ... wow ... dat'zza akademy award winnin short.
daisy ... yer amazin!
THAT WAS SOOO COOL!!!! Miss Daisy, you did an awesome job on that movie! Mr. Shrill needs a sequel! I can't believe he took a bite out of his own eyeball, tho'!
That was cute! I wonder if my eyes are tasty too.
That was a great movie, Daisy!
Wow Daisy - now you're adding claymation expert to your resume!
Chloe says "Hey! Save me some of them eyeballs!"
Great movie!
Not The Mama
That's amazing!!! Mr. Shrill is so much better than Mr. Bill ever was (my human told me about him...I wasn't even born then).
I can't imagine how long it took you to make that little short.
Clamation? Too funny, Daisy! They'll have to add a special Cat-agory to the A-Cat-demy Awards!!
What a pawesome movie ~ you guys are furry talented ~ Mr Shrill is very funny ~ purrs from Snow, Leo and Fairy :)
Ohhh me lov the movie!! he ate his eyez!! can you do dat!?? but it look yummy!! awesome animation daisy!!
MrShrill didn't look like he weally enjoyed his temptation eyes, but I loved the movie
smochie kisses
SnowForest's human here ~ Thanks alot for your comforting words following the loss of our Forest ~ we really appreciate your kindness and are sad to learn about Haiku ~ sending many well wishes and regards your way...
man you are grate daisy with mr. shrill and the eyeball movie. (i know you did it but i won't tell your mommie you are really the star!!!)...
smiles, auntie bee
I've heard of rose colored glasses before but not Temtashun vision!
Well done Daisy!
it is a good thing you did not take a big bit Miss Daisy...
Daisy, you're amazing!
Luf, Us
Kind of looks like Mr. Bill. Oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
That was very clever Daisy. I think Mr Shrill must eat all the corners of his eyes. Or you can eat them. Then they would be round.
Mr Shrill's eyes do look a little yummy. hee hee
That was an awesome mini movie! Daisy... you sure you didn't eat part of his Temptation eyeball?! I know Jingles was licking his lips watching!!!
I suggest you have Pixie stand guard over your stash of Tem-ta-shuns. If Mr. Shrill gets too hungry, he might come after them.
WOW! Are you going to a Christmas special like we had growing up? Love the claymation movies.
WOW! Way cool video!
Hahahahhahaha, that was very good movie!
Daisy, you and your mom are great film makers. We enjoyed this a lot. We are glad Mr. Shrill can still see out of the nibbled Temptation eyeball.
Mindy & Moe
Daisy, I thought you were going to eat his eyeballs!
Even better than Batman! I expect huge grosses when this hits Europe.
Your pal,
Wow! Computers can't be too hard for you. You do videos, cartoons, fashions ... Neat!
That's a cool animation. A little surreal in a way ;)
That is a cool movie! But if he likes Temptations as much as we do, he will soon have NO eyeballs!
Um, ewwwww
Ohmygosh, that was sheer awesomeness.
Hahahaha Daisy, mom and dad took a break from cleaning (well, mostly mom) and dis movie was just the thing...daddy was laffing so hard he had tears running down his face. Yoo better keep an eye *hehe* on Mr Shrill or all yoor temptations will disappear!
Fantastic, Daisy! Your creativity continues to astound us!! Mr. Shrill could get a really cool pair of sunglasses to hide his chipped eye.
We really enjoyed Mr. Shrill's movie. Eating your own eye does not sound like a good idea though but it is good his eye was made out of Temptations!! Mmmmm, temptations...
I can't get over how talented you are, Daisy!
Cool!!!Mommy wasn't sure if we could watch it 'cause eyeball eating might be rated "R" and we can only watch "G" or "PG!" Our paws are mommy has to have a long talk with us about eyeball eating:( =^Y^=Tinker
Daisy, you and Mommie did an amazing job with that movie! I'm so impressed with your animation skills! I mean it, that was really cool! :) How long did it take to do?
I hope Mr. Shrill doesn't develop a taste for Temptations now! You and Pixie better keep an "eye" on him! ;)
Have a great day.
Hugs and Smoochies,
hahahahaha....Daisy!!! Cool stull with cool music!
We love your outfit on your Monday post. You look absolutely adorable and so stylish!
Momo & Pinot
Great movie, Daisy's mom! I think if I had Temptations for eyes I might have to try a bite, too.
Wow, Daisy I had so much fun, you forgot to put in the end who produced the video! I'm so impressed, did you do it yourself or did your Mom help put this together? It's awesome. Always wondered how the play dough gets some "life" in videos. Amazing work!
WOWY - Mr. Shrill is a talented actor. We would like to see morre of his movies!
I think SNL should call you! Thank you for making us laugh!
I just hope Mr Shrill doesnt eat any more of his temptation eyes !
If I didn't know that Daisy directed this movie I have been thought it was a Spielberg direction :O
More movies Daisy please :)
I'll bet that 34 second clip took a lot of time and patience to make. It was great...I loved it.
Daisy you are so talented. A film maker! Inspiring!
Thank you for the advice. I'm hoping things clear up. I will keep some of that stuff on hand!
that is furry funny. how did you done this? how come you is not in the movie? I wold have liked to see you have a supporting act-ress role or somethings!
Very cool, Daisy!
We like the way his mouth moved. That must have been hard to do!
~ The Bunch
You are amazing Daisy. Claymation is very hard to do and you did it brilliantly.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Mr. Shrill better stop doing that. Otherwise he's going to end up without eyeballs again :-0
Congratulations to Mr. Shrill on his first film, and your Mommie on her animation skills. This is an excellent movie!
Ack, that is scary! I hope he doesn't eat his nose next.
Hehe...I think someone may not have eyeballs for
You have an award waiting for you on our blog!
Daisy, that's amazing, I love it! :) xxx
Oh my cat, a temptation eyeball! That was very interesting, I wonder what flavor it was.
That was cool! Mr. Shrill better watch out or Daisy will take advantage of some tasty eyes.
har har har, Mr Shrill has homemade lasix surgery!!
Hahaha the movie that this summer!
Go Mr. Shirll
Oh Daisy, that was such a great movie. I am very impressed by your movie making abilities!
I hope he does not start to like temptations too much because I would hate for him to steal yours!!!
Tell Mr. Shrill we enjoyed that very much.
Roxy & Lucky
Daisy you always amaze me's with how talented you's are!
Well ... If lizards can lick their own eyes, why not Mr. Shrill, right?
Wowie this is a really great video!!!!
Happy day to you and Pixiekins <3
What a great movie. Mr. Shrill is something else!
This is shur to git nommynayted fur an Akademy Award!!!!
Haha..yes an eyeful indeed.
Excellent movie! I hope Mr. Shrill can see ok. Maybe he can visit the eye doctor for glasses in his next movie. Oh, and you amd my mommie listen to the same music!
You are so talented! Stop motion animation is very, very difficult to do. The movie is great! The Temptations really mastered a convincing portrayal of Mr. Shrill's eyes. They are definitely aCATemy award contendors.
wow, that's a good movie, should be beating Batman in ticket sales.
Wowie, that is a way kool movie! Great job! And that was furry nice of Mr. Shrill to taste-test his temptayshuns eyeballs fur you, Daisy, hehehe!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
That must have taken a million billion hours to make! I think that Mr Shrill could give Heath Ledger a run for his money at next year's Oscars!
Wow! That's very adventurous to get into claymation! The Temptations eyes are purr-fect, too.
So, how did it taste?
Gweat movie! You're a genius Daisy! Did Mr Shwill wike the taste of his eyeballs?
Daisy that wuz grate!!! You are a wonderful movie maker.
OMdoG! I loved it! So cool & funny too. How did you do that? Your sure are one talented kitty. Hope Mr.Shrill still can see okay...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
` OMG! Awesome movie!
Wow!!! That was really cool!!! Congrats on the great claymation movie!!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
wow hot topic here.
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