Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday Mystery: Can you spot what's wrong?

So, I was practicing my card tricks when I sensed that something was Not Right with my cards...
For today's mystery, you must study the photograph below very closely and see if you can find what is wrong with this picture. You can click on the image to make it a little bit bigger. This might help you. Or maybe not.
I am not sure if this puzzle will be easy or hard. Do you want a hint? If you want to see a hint, look at the photo below:
Did you figure it out yet? If you are ready to see the answer, click HERE!

99 Notes for Daisy:

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Dearest Daisy,
You are a real trickster! We didn't figure this one out at all. You are very smart!

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

Donna said...

Wow, Daisy, I didn't spot it until I checked the answer. You are smart! I wish I could play cards with you. You'd probably win. :)

Anonymous said...

Daisy, we saw the 4 was missing a diamond, but we thought there was a word puzzle to go with it! We stink at word puzzles, so we figured we were wrong. But we were wrong because we were right. OK, now we're confusing ourselves again...

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You always come up with such great puzzles, Daisy! And no, we didn't figure it out....

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

Did u just pull off a card rubbing trick, Daisy?? Cool!

Black Cat said...

Yay, for once in my life I got it right!!! :) xxx

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We didn't see it, but mum asked dad if he could see anything wrong and he got it right away. We told him nobody likes a clever clogs. He probably got it cuz he plays poker every Friday.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We FINALLY got one right. Where did the missing diamond go? Did you eat it Daisy?

~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Isis said...

Oh Daisy you are a bigger joker than the one I see in your pie of cards! ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh Daisy, I can't think well this early in the morning! I looked and looked but I didn't get it!!

JD at I Do Things said...

Oh, I never get these! But that is very surprising and mysterious, Daisy! I wonder who took that 4th heart?

JD at I Do Things

Samantha & Mom said...

Yippee! We got it right! We bignified the picture and saw that a diamond was missing! You are the greatest at slight of hand!
Your FL furiends,

Mickey's Musings said...

That was a good mystery Daisy!!! I did not guess the answer though :)
Purrs Mickey

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Daisy, your tricks are getting harder all the time!!!


Henson Ray said...

You know, I thought that's what it was...but then I didn't see that particular issue on any of the other I looked for something else. Very good mystery, Daisy.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Good one but we didn't get it. We are out of the loop!

Purrs Goldie and Shade

Marian said...

Daisy - You have the best puzzles that we know of. But, this one was too hard for us. We didn't have a clue!!
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie

Chrissie said...

I must confess, Miss Daisy. I was, as usual, totally clueless. You are quite the card shark..I will never play cards with you, 'cause you'll probably take my shirt! If I had a shirt.

Sweet Purrfections said...

OK, Daisy, where did you hide the diamond from the 4 of diamonds? You are one tricky lady.

Parker said...

Someone stoled a diamond!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer daisy,
did u show dat trick to auntie bee'z majik matt? he will like it.
u ar a multi-talunted cat.
i luv u.
pee ess--can u see mi mom frum yer howse?

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

well since i already took my fish oil today i got it right!!! i feel so smart today! har har har

smiles, auntie bee

Unknown said...

Wow, that was a hard one, Daisy, we didn't figure it out. We thought it had something to do with the card getting stuck to you foot. Oh well, we'll try again next week.

Spooky said... stumped me! I was trying to figure out how you picked up that card!

Sarge Charlie said...

good one Miss Daisy, you are a trickster

Rosemary B❤️ said...

What a funny set of cards!

I hope you and Pixie have a very happy day!

Anonymous said...

wow... that one didn't pass quality control.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We missed another one. That was a good trick, Daisy.

~ KittyBoy and Timothy

Unknown said...

Ah ha! No wonder you had the JOKER card pointing right at you, Daisy. But to me and Mica, you'll always be our Queen of Hearts.

Your pals,

Petey and MIca

Anonymous said...

I didn't get it Daisy, this puzzle is too hard for me - but hope you didn't cheat while playing cards :)

Dma said...

woo hoo i saw the error. i hope you can get your money back for the defective deck. or maybe the next time you are playing poker and get a hand of all threes and the four of diamonds you can try to claim you really have five of a kind.


A missing diamond might be worth looking for.......


jenianddean said...

At first I thought it was because there was a Joker in the deck, but then I saw your hint. Very tricky deck of cards. Diamonds are a girl's best friend. Maybe you Mom took that one.

Liss said...

Oh that was a good one.

Run Snail, run, Daisy is trying to eat you.

The Fitness Diva said...

Good one, Daisy! One has to get up pretty early in the morning and have breakfast before tackling one of your puzzles!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

OMC!!! That is to funny! Did the cards come to you that way?

Forty Paws said...

Wowee! That is way too spooky.

Luf, Us

Brownie said...

Didn't guess it until I clicked the link

How humans buy defective things?

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You are a magician! I did not see that.
Sorry I have not been around....same old is busy. I miss your blog!

Anonymous said...

It's a sad day when not even the playing card companies have any quality control anymore!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Daisy! Did Mr. Snail or Mr. Shrill steal the diamond? They are very valuable!

The Meezers or Billy said...

we finally gotted one!! WOOO HOOOO!!!

Anonymous said...

Daisy, that is the first time I've ever seen something like that in a regulation deck of cards.

Still, there are 3 big diamonds and two little diamonds on that card. Maybe the 2 little ones make up for the missing big one.

Jans Funny Farm said...

That's funny. Wonder if the whole batch came out like that? If not, perhaps you have a collector's item.

Kavan said...

I see it! The 4 is missing a diamond!

That was fun!


catsynth said...

Wow, that's pretty freaky. What happened to the missing diamond?

Karen and Gerard said...

I should have seent that. It wasn't too hard. You are very observant! Good eye, Daisy! I like your puzzles. You are very creative!

Shaggy and Scout said...

That was Hard.
We thought it had something to do with the ace up your sleeve in the 2nd picture!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

WOW That one got us!!

Sandy Kessler said...

That Daisy is so clever fooling the bloggers and bloggettas

Boy said...

I saw it! YAY! I wove all your mystewy questions Daisy! You're a genius.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wow, we biggified da piksher and stared and stared and den mom sed "why are there only 3 diamonds on dat 4 card"...but we thawt maybe dat was part of a "trick card" deck.

Alexi said...

I only saw two! Your paw must have been hiding the third! Were you practicing your card tricks or with your tricky cards? Hee!Hee!

The Crew said...

Gosh Daisy, you're giving us hard puzzles! Do you have sticky on your paw so you can hold a card?

Your friend

Copito said...

Hello Daisy, my mom will have a prize for your mom, find it on my blog!

Anonymous said...

That was a toughie for me Daisy. you sure do know how to keep me guessing!

Mo and The Purries said...

That was a very good card trick, Daisy.
I did not get this one.

Poppy said...

Hi Daisy! Are you stuck to that card? I hope you were able to break free!

I gave you an "artsy" award for always having such beautiful pictures...go to my blog to see!


Kimo and Sabi said...

Did yer momma buy yer cards at da dollar store? Sometimes ya git whut ya pay fer.

Anyhoo, we dropped by to say hi cuz we is bored. Da beans won't be home 'till tomorrow. Any new pets at yer house?

Babs (Beetle) said...

Woo hoooo! I got it, I got it!

Purrs, Sukie x

The Furry Kids said...

Those are very tricky cards, Daisy!

Mrs. Sniffles said...

Wow, you are a furry astute fluffy!!! Hey,guess what? I nominated you for an awards! Come visit my site to picks up your badge.

Skeezix the Cat said...

I gest rite!!!! And by the way, yoo are the QWEEN OF MY HARTS!!!

The WriggleButts said...

You're so clever, Daisy!


Colby and Cheddar said...

We can count to high numbers, like dis: one, two, free, four, many, lots! So we knew the four doesn't have enough diamonds.

We are very smart kittehs. S-M-R-T!

Dat was a grate puzzle, and lots of fun to figger out. Thanks, Daisy!

Quasi said...

Daisy, the humans say that you should be a card dealer in Las Vegas. They say "the house" would never win, whatever that means.

snowforest said...

We knows too ~ number four has a diamond missing ~ maybe it couldn't resist your cuteness and gave it to you :)

Sunny's Mommy said...

That was too hard for me, I did not get it. You need new cards. You can't use defective cards to do your card tricks. That might be unprofessional.

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Very Clever! I didn't figure it out and thought maybe you were playing Uno and someone gave you a very bad deck of Uno cards.

I was happy to find out you like to brush your own face sometimes! I don't have too many friends who do that...I prefer to brush my own face and have mom do the rest.

Gledwood said...

Hello Daisy you miaowing entertainer!

Your picture is so extraordinarily cute I just had to come by when I saw you at some other cat's purring blog...

Hey I posted up another lion vid today (on my main blog) come by have a look... I'd never seen anything like that b4... amazing!

Anonymous said...

Mom spotted it yet she was wearing glasses.

Lux said...

Fooled me again, Daisy!

Mimi Lenox said...

Daisy is so smart....

The Devil Dog said...

Something is missing on the 4 of diamonds!

Roxy & Lucky

Anonymous said...

How odd!

Teddy Westlife said...

Oh I didn't figure that out. I will have to keep practicing.

Huffle Mawson

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Golly, Miss Daisy! You are so clever.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I don't know where you got your cards, but I don't think you got a very good DEAL.

Petra ~ said...

ok, now I need glasses! Dangit!

Asta said...

that was a vewy good mystewy..I didn't look hawd enough and got stumped, heheh
anytime you want to come ovew. we could play cawds
smoochie kisses

musingwoman said...

Okay, I blame my failure to see the missing diamond on the Bahama Mama I just drank that had way more rum in it than usual.

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

That one is very tricky, but I figured it out. Phew.
Great mystery, Daisy!
your bud Pepi

The Cats Stephens said...

That was a tough one, Daisy! We didn't get it. We were all looking for a buggie. That is the only thing about a deck of cards we might be interested in, is if a buggie was on them.
Thank you so much for entering the blanket raffle! Good luck getting the Emily blanky, you're the only entry right now... Purrs and thanks!

L. Alida said...

Hi darling Daisy! I didn't see it until I peeked. I was impressed with the way the card stuck to your paw though! :)
You aren't going to eat Mr. Snail are you? Eeew! Stick to cat food and treats. Escargot sounds just too gross to contemplate!
See You soon honey!
Hugs to you and Pixie,

SophieKitty said...

My brain hurts from thinking so hard and I didn't even guess correctly!

Sushi said...

I looked and looked, found nothing wrong, but the curiosity was killing me and I had to look at the answer! Very tricky one Daisy!

Just Ducky said...

I see it, the four of diamonds card is wrong, it only has three diamonds on it!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

The 4 of diamonds got ROBBED!

LOBO said...

Is it that a cat is playing cards?


Leslie said...

Dear Daisy,
On our science website we looked at a experiment which was a slime experiment. We made some pets like daisy's pets except they were made out of slime, but some are already deaded.

This is from Ms. S

Leslie said...

This is from the students of Ms S.
Here is the right link:

Leslie said...

Dear Daisy, it keeps cutting off the m off of com in the website url.

meemsnyc said...

Hahahahaha Daisy, that was a good trick!!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That was a tricky puzzle, Daisy!

Anonymous said...

Well, that one wuz too easy.
i's can spot differences reel easy. it's tha obvious stuff i haf problims wif.
hee hee.
great Monday Mystery.

Karen Jo said...

I got it right for a change. Did Mr. Shrill steal the diamond to use for an eye? I have given you an award.

andrahyb said...

* Giddy Dogs *

This is what happens when a SMART cat tricks some SILLY dogs. LoL!!!

Indeed a tough one!

Ooh! Daisy... Did you check your paws! See if any diamonds are stucked beneath them!

~ RG

Anonymous said...

I am very week with cards. All the card games seems to me the most tough one.

Linda S said...

I'm pretty sure I saw the real 4 of diamonds behind your ear. is that the trick?

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