The big day has finally arrived! I got up early and got ready to release my Painted Lady butterfly pets. I am a little bit sad about this.

Mommie, are you sure we have to let them go? She said Yes, I must follow the directions.

I will give my butterflies a final kiss goodbye. I am whispering to them "Be happy and fly good!"

The Habitat is open so they are free to go. Goodbye my friends! I hope you have some babies.
This one stayed for an extra second to say goodbye. Then he joined his friends.

I am watching them go with a heart filled with happiness and a little bit of sadness. I think I done good.

Fly away, high away, bye-bye
104 Notes for Daisy:
yes, i think you did good, letting them go is the best gift you could ever give them. to the butterflies... cheers!
U done reel gud Daisy, u shared sum beauty with da hole world.
Dearest Daisy,
You are so great~!
Although it's a little bit sad, but not only you have done a successful pet sitter at your very first time, but also rais very beautiful butterflies~!
They have great chance have more beautiful babies~! And it's because your kindness and your choice!
You have very beautiful heart! And it's priceless~!!!
Good job, Daisy~! Good job!
I think you done very good! I am very proud. I wonder if mum will let me get some pets now. I've sacked Polie you know.
Huffle Mawson
You're doing such a nice thing there. And you didn't even bat one with your paw! Now that's super sweet of you...
I am fairly sure my cats would have made chasing and swatting down those butterflies the mission du jour. Those butterflies were pretty, but not nearly as cute as you in that pink harness. Where did you get it?
Dearest Daisy,
We think you done good, too! We is REAL proud of you!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
Vettech, that is my fancy Puppia harness and leash. I won it in a contest! I am very lucky!
Daisy you and your mommie have big big hearts, and sweetie I think you did a really really good job in looking after your flutterbies and setting them free.
I am glad that none of these pets got deaded.
You done VERY GOOD Daisy, we are proud of you. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
I think you done good too Daisy...
Yep, you did good Daisy. You reared your pets very well and now they will make their own way in the world.
I felt a little sad too, but you were a very good girl. You looked after them well and they were your bestest pets.
Purrs, Sukie x
Well done, Daisy. You did a very very good job.
Bye butterflies :waves paws:
U have been a really great pet-owner and fren to the beautiful butterflies, Daisy. Maybe they will come visit in the near future. :)
Purrs and hugs,
That is such a lovely post, Daisy! After so much heartache with your pets, you were able to see the beautiful butterflies grow and then to let them go. Well done!
PS: we love your harness!
Your pals,
Sen-Chan and Tom
You did great! I am so proud of you for helping to raise them from caterpillars to beautiful butterflies and then having the courage to release them. I did notice, however, there was a "leash" attached. Hmmmm. Do you think mom didn't trust you to let them go?
What next?
Great pictures, as usual. Daisy, you certainly have some interesting outings.
Daisy, you done real well. What a wonderful foster parent you are. The painted ladies were beautiful!
You did good Daisy, they're very purrty butterflies! Sadly my latest pet froggy was stolen by Dad last night! :(
You and your Mommie are so generous. We are glad you shared this gift of life.
Bobby & Theresa
Oh, Daisy. Yes, you done good. I know it was hard, but I bet your butterfly friends will come back to visit -- and bring their many babies!
JD at I Do Things
Daisy, a good Mother knows when to let their children fly! You did a wonderful job!
you did real good. part of being a mommmie is learning to let go when it's time to leave the nest...
oh YAY!!!! you did very good raising them and letting them go. how beautiful and sad at the same time
Daisy, I think these have been your most successful pets to date. Now, depending on what you do to Snail on Sunday, I think you're ready for another pet!
Your pal,
Fly away, flutter-bys, fly! How exciting Daisy! Are you a Mommy now, or an Auntie?
Oh Daisy, that is a little sad but you did the right thing. Maybe they will tell their babies how you took such good care of them.
Bye, bye Butterflies!
Hey Daisy we want to ask you about your harness? We want to get one for Bubbles and are trying to figure out the size. We know Luxor wears a medium. What size are you? We know girls don't want to talk about things like that in public, so our e-mail is the2bsATgmailDOTcom
Dear Daisy,
You did a great job with your butterflies! We're very proud of you. We know it had to be sad to release them. We have a butterfly garden, but we're not allowed to go outside to see it. We watch them from the windows.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I gonna cry!
U did really super-good.
It's always sad when your little ones leave home. You did a great job Daisy :)
Purrs Mickey
Daisy you did real good. Because of you there are more butterflies in the world. Also it was very good of you not to eat them ;)
u done good daisy. real good.
You done wondewfully good..those fluttewbyes wewe lucky to have you taking cawe of's sad to say gooby, but you helped give mowe life and booty to the wowld..I hope theiw babies come visit you
smoochie kisses
Yoo did do good, Daisy! Butterflies is very beautiful.
You've done a wonderful job, Miss Daisy, raising your little caterpiddlers into beautiful they can go and make some more caterpiddlers! I'm sorry you feel need a lizard break!
Oh Daisy, that is so cute you saying goodbye to the Painted Ladies! You were so wonderful to take care of them until it was time for them to go! Maybe they will stay close and come back to visit you!
Your FL furiends,
You surely did good and ambivalent or not - mostly good- Daisy had a new adventure. Time to write a children's book of all Daisy's adventures..
You know what they say, Daisy. If you love something, set it free. That way you can chase it around the yard when it comes fluttering by again in the future.
Just fink Daisy, thems flutterbyes can go and haf a wonderful life now thanks to you.
oh Daisy, what a nice thing you did. butterflies are universally loved, so you put some love into the universe. that is a good thing.
i'm sorry you're sad, but the butterflies will come back to visit every year and so will their babies.
wow you did wonderful daisy!! i hope they have babies and they come and stay with you.
smiles, auntie bee
Wow Daisy that was beautiful.
Oh, how wonderful and beautiful Daisy! You were a wonderful mommy to those butterflies. I am sure they will go out into the world and make you proud!
Bye bye butterflies!
Daisy: I have a surprise for you. Take a look at my blog post for today and enjoy.
We didn't know they were borned!!!!
We missed the Sat post with the news.
Congrats on a nice batchof healthy, happy flutterbys! It is hard to say goodbye but look how pretty they are in nature doing butterfly things!
We have really been enjoying watching your butterflies!
You raised some really pretty butterflies Daisy. Congratulations on a job well done :)!
You did done good, Daisy! :)
she looks really wise when she gazes to camera...
wow! i never realized Daisy went for walks in a harness... i wanted to get a giant rabbit that did that, but got put off getting one due to the number of ruffians who kept fighting dogs in my old "manor"...
You did a really great job with these pets! Fly away purrty butterflies!
Hi Daisy!!!
We have missed you so much! Our human had to have surgery so she hasn't been online in a month. We are so happy to see you again and hope you had fun letting your "flutter-bies" go free! We love to chase those things when we are outside! We hope you can come and visit us soon!
Love Theodore and Sasha
(and Benson and Gibson too!)
I bet Charlie could fly real fast...
You did real good Daisy. That was the right thing to do and shows what a kind and good cat you are! Maybe they will still come back and visit from time to time.
You've done very good and I'm so proud.
I think you did good too! What a great day!
You did a wonderful job raising your butterflies, Daisy! We will keep an eye out to see if they fly as far as Chicago.
Laila and Minchie
Bless their little winged hearts. They'll be fine.
Luf, Us
You did do good letting them go. I think I might have wanted to play with them a little bit more....
Oh is good you let them go. And now there are more purrty butterflies in the world!
Oh Daisy, dat was both aciting and did a furry good job of raising yoor flutterbys!
Congratulations, Daisy!
You have had your best success yet with these pets of yours.
Maybe you will get to do it again someday.
Abby Normal
u did a grate thing daisy! i'm so prowd uv u.
an i want u to know dat mi mom sed dat she spotted one uv yer painted ladiez flyin arownd mi gram'z howse today.
it wuz verree eksitin.
YOU did fabulous.
You are very good to let them go. I'm after I might like to "play" with them. I'm sure they will come back and visit.
--Jasper did REAL good, Daisy girl!
I would have been crying and everything! You were so brave and you handled it well. I hope they come back and visit you from time to time. You were a real good Mommy to them~!
Daisy, you did such a good job raising your butterflies! And you didn't even try to eat them. Huzzah!
Fly, beauties, fly.
Bye, bye, butterflies :-)
You have proven that you can be a very responsible pet owner. I hope your butterflies make homes in your garden and visit you often.
You were a furry good butterfly mommy.
Daisy, are you on Stuff on My Cat on 7/27 with your crackly tick????? We think it's you!
ohh i know daisy it is very hard to say good-bye to your did such a good job playing with them!!!
That was so nice of you to let them are a dear poose!
Maybe some of them will fly to Texas and come see us. Wouldn't that be nice.
It was very educational Daisy.
Maybe sometimes you can get a pet you can actually keep. At least these didn't die.
Missy Blue Eyes
OMG ... I LOVE DAISY! There's such personality in her sweet little face.
Saying bye is sad .. but they are free! Yay!
You did very good Daisy :)
You did very well, Daisy. You should be very proud of yourself.
Roxy & Lucky
Yes, Daisy. I think you done good.
good job daisy. I'm very proud of you for raising those butterflies and letting them be free in the world. That's very Mature of you!
You did excellent Daisy! You took good care of those butterflies and gave them their freedom. Even if you are a bit sad you must be pleased that they grew into such beauties.
Mindy & MOe
You're a terrific momma, Miss Daisy. Are you gonna get some more butterflies to raise?
Daisy - You did a great job with your butterflies. We know it was hard letting them go, but it will be better for all in the end. We know that Crazy Lady keeps wishing that The Big Boy (who came home after college and stayed!) would fly away so that she could let him go, too!! She says it all the time!
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
I think you "done good" too, Daisy. You are very kind to let them go so they can be free and have a life outside the habitat.
Boni Maroni
Daisy, this is just beautiful. What a lovely thing you and your mom did!
I know those butterflies will have a happy life, because they had a very good beginning!
love and purrrs, Prinnie
Daisy, you did do good! Great job on raising your butterflies - they are so lucky to have had a "mom" like you!
Love Clover xo
I'm not laffin an laffin. I'm kryin and kryin. It's so sad to see them fly away. They were vary good pets cuz they didn't go ded!!!
You did a wonderful job, Daisy. It was sweet of you to kiss them goodbye.
Oh Daisy! What a nice send off you gave the butterflies! Hopefully you will see them again one day!
You did VERY good, Daisy. Congratulations on being a successful, responsible and caring pet owner.
Daisy: You are a really great caretaker. You has done good!
Oh Daisy, I can put myself in your shoes and imagine how difficult it was for you to say bye to your beautiful pets, they still love you, but they are happy flying away too.
Ya done good raisin the butterflies, Daisy! Lettin then go was hard, but now ya can see then flyin all aroun yer yard... :)
Your butterflies are very beautiful, Daisy. You did the right thing letting them go.
Awww... yes you done real good Daisy... very proud of U!
Our hearts are full of happiness for your beautiful butterflies.
This is the best pet yet, Daisy!
~ The Bunch
Oh that is so wonderful!!! I really would love to do this some day. :)
Daisy, you did great! You can be proud of what you accomplished with these pets.
Oh Daisy - you are a darling! ANd you had those pet butterflies just when the students were studying Monarch butterflies!
The students have a new word - "deaded".
I think you did do good! I feel happy for the butter flying things too. These were the bestest pets you hadded weren't they?
We bet you didnt want them to leave but you were one nice kitty to share these lovely butterflies with the entire world...
We're keep our heads high to see if any travels here - that is if possible. Lol!
Byebye Butties!
~ RG
They must be so happy to find the open sky above them. How did they thank you?
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