Today, I am going to show you what I know about Yoga! Yoga is a very good exercise to do so that you stay limber and strong. It is very fun, too. This pose helps keep my spine bendy.

You can use accessories to make your Yoga more fun. These are called blocks. You can stand on them with your front paws, just like this. It is not a very hard exercise.

Or, you can just use them to play funny games with.

Sometimes, I also like to use a strap. It helps keep your paws strong!

Here I am
playing working more with the strap. You should also try doing your routine on a sticky mat. You can really dig your clawrs in good!

Finally, you should have a soft towel to rest your head on when you are tired. Namaste!

Ps: You do not have to do Downward Dog if you do not want to.

Yoga Daisy!
98 Notes for Daisy:
Thank you for this wonderful Yoga overview! The strap does look like fun. However, we do not know what a Downward Dog is, but we're pretty sure we don't want to be a dog.
Oah Wowww~~~ Daisy,
I haven't plan to do Yoga~!!
But you are doing great~!
I think I will consider doing that after I read about your overview~!
To keep my health!!
I especially love you rest on the towel, it's very cute!
Those are very instructive exercises, we are going to practise them now.
That's so pawsome. And it sure keeps your very fit
~ Girl girl
Oh I thought that yoga move was called "Down with Dogs!" ;) You're a great yoga teacher Daisy I'm sure I have now learned lots! :)
Dearest Daisy,
So that's how you keep your girlish figure! Looks like fun...especially since it looks like you git to lay down on the floor...can you maybe take a nap or somethin' while you're doin' it?
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
Now we know how u keep ur slim figure, Daisy! How often do u practice yoga??
:whisper: the belly can be a wee difficult to get rid off, just like mom's belly...
I can do the downward dog because in some place, I am an honorary husky. It's okay, I'm still really a cat.
Will you be putting out your own yoga DVD?
Huffle Mawson
i like to werk owt miself daisy ...
i prefer da tree climb to yoga, tho.
I don't have any yoga accessories, but I think I do some of the yoga positions anyway. I'm very good at it...except when I fall off my footstool.
Wow nice cat blog I will have to stop by more often!
Wow, we didn't know cats could do yoga. We shall have to give it a try. Mom does Power Yoga with Bryan Kest. She does not like Down Dog at all but she loves Tree Pose, except when we try to climb up her while she is doing it.
Scylla & Charybdis
Nice moves Daisy. ~Socks
You are a great yoga teacher Miss D, thanks for all the great tips.
Wow Daisy, you are always teaching us new things! You are the Yoga Master!!! Thank you so much. We are off to practice!
That is a very good lesson daisy. You are a good teacher. I doubt I could get Livvie to join in though.
Purrs, Sukie x
My favorite part is the end, where you get to lay there like a lump to 'meditate' and 'cool down'...for me it's more like 'nap time'.
Lucky you Daisy - you're done with your exercises for the day. That reminds me that I need to get up from the computer and go do mine.
Yoga looks interesting!! I like the bendy spine!! I do that a lot. Maybe I'll try some other moves ;)
Purrs Mickey
You are such an accomplished girl, Daisy! Thanks for telling us about Yoga!
Tom says what that you said about dogs?!
You need a yoga outfit now to do your workouts in...
i don't know if i could do that daisy, you are very limber!
and cute.
and sweet.
smiles, auntie bee
u are a yoga yogi... (although technically i think yogis are male but I like the alliteration)
Thank you for the yoga lesson, Daisy, you are a great yoga instructor.
You are clearly in a sound place mentally since you're such a good yoga-er. And the Downward Dog can be replaced with the Upward Cat the next time you yogize. It's much better for your paws.
Thank you for the most excellent yoga lesson! We love to do yoga with our pet human too.
Nice workout Daisy. The blocks look like they might be fun.
Now I know how you stay in such great shape Daisy!
Now we want to learn how to yoga!
Laila and Minchie
You could call it Downward Cat...
Namaste Daisy! We really enjoyed your yoga lesson.
Daisy, you are quite the yoga master!
Luf, Us
That was great, Daisy! You are so knowledgeable! I took Yoga for a few years and that's exactly what it looked like! :)
You mentioned Downward Dog but I'm surprised you didn't show us the cat position!
Oh, EXCELLENT, Daisy! Bravo, bravo!
And your pose postures are perfect!
Yes, yoga is great for cats, and will help to keep you limber and strong.
You should invite some of your other cat friends over and have a class!
Don't forget the cat pose! It's my favorite! ;)
I likes the soft towel part best. hehehe
My mom tried Downward Dog, once, and got stuck! But I'm all about restin' on the towel, I'm just sayin'.
That looks great! Momma used to do yoga, now she is looking for a think for our Wii that will get her started again! We will have to try it out! ~Queen Snickers
great yoga lesson. Sammy likes to do upward twisty cat
This is the specist nature of yoga. We have one pose called cat that is only done with cow.
However there is both downward dog and upward dog--
How did they get two poses all their own?!
Great Yoga lessun but I dont like the sound of Downward Dog. I'll just do the bit where I rest my hed on the towel. Is that enuf to keep me suppel and helfy ?
Good job Daisy! I used to do Yoga quite a bit. I hope to get back to it when I get my wrists and knees under control strength wise. My favorite is Child's Pose. :) The Cat is a great spinal stretch. Too bad humans don't look as cool doing it as kitties! I will have to look into those nifty blocks your Mommie has. Those might really help me a lot.
Have a really great day!
Love and Hugs,
Wow, I think yoo cood singulhandedly start a cat yoga revolooshun!
Miss Bee has started going to Curves, she is just like you after her workout.
Terrific workout! Do you also snoopervise your mommys workout?
You awe so good at this..I think uopu awe mowe flexible than me..but I do Doga all the time..namaste!
smoochie kisses
pee come no one is adopting that dawling little Mandy?
You are very good at that Daisy - what a great way to keep your back nice and slinky!
Stretch and reach! Ahhhh.....we love yoga and you gave us some good tips to work on Daisy! Thanks!
she looks so cute.. haha and tired!.. I think yoga makes her looks good.. ;)
I like how you're taking a "breather" snuggled up in the towel. Thank goodness you don't have to do Downward Dog! It would be so un-catlike!
Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
So thats how you stay in such good shape!!! Can we do the Pounce on Dog?
I can sit with my legs crossed... that's about as yoga as I can get...LOL!
Wow. I'm impressed. My mommie does Pilates. Are you going to take that up next?
Wow Daisy, you are such a good yoga instructor. You have inspired me to do some exercising!
hi daisy! thanks for the birfday wishes!
we also like yogas, but we do not has a mat like that!!!
Excellent yoga class Daisy! I can do the towel move, lol!
Actually by the time I was three-quarters through the drawing last night I was steaming mad because my graphics programme lost the eyes and various other bits and I had to do them again, grrrrr!!! :) xxx
Daisy, so do you mean to tell me that all this time my cats have been digging their clawrs into the carpet, they have been doing yoga???
JD at I Do Things
Daisy, I like your picture on the blocks. It's super cute.
Yoga is pretty fun. I'm partial to downward dawg myself. I do it every day. There's one more move I like to do: secretly chew a hole in your mom's mat and then when she takes it to class and unrolls it everyone can be amazed at your talent. It's super fun.
WOWY - you are in good shape! Namaste!
Dennis is not doing downward dog! But the cat stretches are fine!
I like the way you do yoga, Daisy! That looks like so much fun. I'm so glad to hear you don't think we have to do downward dog :-p
You should be a yoga instructor! Namaste.
ohhh wooww! Daisy!! this is why you stay so fit!!
Daisy, you are furry good at yoga! I think the strap part and the sticky mat look espeshully funsies! I love diggin my claws into stuff.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Yoga is so much fun. We've been trying to get our Meowmy to do it with us but she's not bendy enough. Namaste to you too!
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
great job Daisy! that looks like fun and is very healthy.
I forget who I saw that tried it yesterday (my brain is all nipped out), but they got to eat bananna bread. we wondered if Pixie likes bananna bread.
Awww Daisy! We should host a yoga/doga retreat for every pup & kitty that want to be more limber..
I can teach them my flipper paw paw pose & you can teach them how to stretch real good!
Love & Licks,
Boy oh boy, Daisy, we got tired just thinking about all of that yoga stuff! We love the resting on the towel part best ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
I love your daily entry, that's the reason I never forget your site everytime I do my drop :) I love animals especially cats.
hello daisy! I is not giving up hopes yet, but it is very difficults to know that I is QUALIFIED for my jobs and I cannot get any! this unemployment rate for kitties is very, very high!
I really like the resting on the soft towel part! ;-)
Yoga looks fun, but I like YOGURT better.
This is a very interesting lesson on yoga Daisy. I do not think we have anything like that in our house.
prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
Oh, my. These exercises look so strenuous, we need to go take a collective nap.
Hehehe. We kitties can nap but the pups have to go take Jan for her evening walk.
Daisy, you are to be commended for your exercise routine. You deserve an extra temptation but you don't want to undo all that hard work with extra calories. Or do you?
Thanks for the lesson, Daisy. What is downward dog?
What an inspiring post, dear Daisy! Yoga looks like such fun. And I can certainly see how it helps you keep your lovely figure, too! *smile*
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
We've never seen that stuff before. Is it hard to do?
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
I think there was a mouse there in them excersize blocks :-)
Hi Daisy, my cat Spike just got summer hair-cut. She don like it!!
I always love reading your blog,
its very entertaining!!
Thanks for the yoga lesson, Daisy. It looks easy but we think we'd rather just take a nap instead.
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
No wonder why you are such a happy kitty. It's the yoga. I really like the sticky mat...I love to dig my clawrs in stuff.
Hi Daisy, thanks for the instructions. We'll be practicing with our mama everyday now! It will be so fun and we'll be in good shape too. Except for Bubba, because he's so lazy.
Hey Daisy. Thanks for the yoga lesson. Mom says her massage therapist tells her she needs to practice yoga to learn to relax.
Sorry we haven't visited the past couple of days. Mom's laptop crashed and she is still feeling a little yechy!
You are a great Yoga instructor, Daisy!
Mindy & Moe
namaste Daisy guru
Excellent lesson ~ fun and informative as always :)
Oh daisy- yer soooo well rownded-but not in a 'yer fat' way!
I like the cat and cow pose best. It helps us beans with back troubles.
I really like the Yoga Pictures there great.
Namaste Daisy! Yoga is an excellent exercise, for the body, mind and soul. No wonder you are so fit and well balanced. I learned a bit of Yoga with you today. I'll try and start soon. TGIF! Meow!
My cats were into extreme exercise. They would jump from the deck to the stone patio a whole floor of the house below. I think cats were the real inventors of that French thing where they jump off buildings and act like human pinballs.
Daisy, you are doing an excellent job with those yoga poses!
Oh the yoga cat!!!! all the pic is nice.
You are the Yoga Master!!! Thank you so much. We are off to practice!
Yoga llokz fun! Maybe I tryz dat someday. OK? (Now I gonna takez a nappie. OK?)
Daisy, I do yoga too, but would not get nearly as bored with it if you were doing it along with me.
Oooh Yoga! Good things cats are flexible!
Thanks for sharing your fitness secrets with us.I always wondered how you stay so bendy.
Daisy, you always have such wonderful posts.
I think Auntie Spooker needs to sign up for your Yoga classes!
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