Guess what? I got this fancy pink velour jogging suit on SALE! It is very soft and shiny, and it has this fancy pink rose applique. I have never worn a suit with a zipper before. Zippers have teeth, but they will not bite you. At least, I don't think so.

It has this funny hood. This will be good in case it rains when I go jogging. How do you jog again? I forgot. Is it the same as walking real fast?

I figured out a new way to wear the hood, with one ear sticking out! I might look kind of hip this way.

My new jogging suit has pockets, so I can carry my keys and stuff when I go out jogging. I think jogging suits usually come with pants, but I do not know how to wear pants. Anyway, a jogging skirt is much cuter.

I think my new velour suit is very pretty, so I asked my Mommie if I could look at myself in the mirror. I think I look too fancy for jogging.

Fashion Friday: Velour is Pretty!
91 Notes for Daisy:
That is a very pretty jogging suit Daisy and we like the rose on it. Maybe you could wear it when you go strollering.
You always have such pretty cloths Daisy. you could wear it doing circus stunts too.
That is so cute Daisy! I bet you have lots of fun dressing up each week!
Daisy, that outfit suits you the best of all we've seen! It just screams "Daisy"!
Don't lose your keys!
You're right, Daisy, your lovely new suit is too pretty to go jogging in. We suggest you just show off in it!
well, you would not want to get your pretty jogging suit all sweaty, would you?
Very Good Daisy~!
I like this new one~!!
I bet if you wear this dressing jogging, all the lizards will come after you!
That's a very fancy jogging suit, Daisy! Our mom says velour wouldn't be too comfortable to actually jog in though. :)
U may be a little hot under the collar if you run in this pretty velour dress, Daisy!
Dearest Daisy,
As always, you look fabulous in your Friday Fashion! We is just a little worried 'bout them teeths on your zipper, though...we hope they don't put the bitey on you!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
You look so nice in pink! That suit is definitely too good for jogging in. I'm not sure I know how to jog anyway.
Huffle Mawson
I admire your hipness with that 1-ear look. It is quite rakish!
Abby Normal
(still worrying about happy family until monsters appear)
Ohhh lala miss D you sure look fancy. I love that you needed to admire yourself in the mirror.
Smooches sweet girl.
Poppy q
Nice pic daisy.
u do look fancy fer joggin, daisy! i like da one eer in one eer owt look. it'z kinda "gangsta"!
i dunno ... wood gangsta havva roze applique?
jus wunderin.
Oh, that's a great suit. You do look hip!
U lookz berry nice in ur joggin thingie, Daisy. (I goez joggin jist in my fur. OK?)
That is my all time favowite jogging suit..oosually they awe vewy boowing, but I love this one..I love the solow on you and the fact that it has a look too good to jog, it will just make you sweaty
smoochie kisses
ASTA look just beautiful! We love you in pink! What a beautiful suit...espcially on you!!
Daisy, you appear to be getting into a "health" kick with the yoga and the jogging. And fancy clothes, too. Hmmm. Me thinks there must be a special man cat out there.
Oh Daisy. You look beautiful again! It is a very pretty jogging suit.
Purrs, Sukie x
We think you look beautiful in your new jogging suit. It is such a pretty pink. Mommy says it is OK to look fancy when you go jogging, cause it will inspire you to stay in shape. Mommy says she needs more inspiration (she is very lazy sometimes). ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
Daisy, the one-ear hood look is very, very hip!
Daisy,pink is definately your colour!!!!!!!!!! I like the hood over one ear. It gives you a jaunty look :)
Purrs Mickey
You are very fancy in your jogging suit, Miss Daisy. I think that Skeezix will keel over, just like MontyQ does!
Daisy, your pink velour jogging suit is really pretty and you look very beautiful in it! We don't know about the jogging part though, it sounds very tiring ... hee hee! Happy Friday!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Hi Daisy,
Your definitely pretty in pink...
and blue, green, red, yellow etc :)
You'll make a very stylish jogger, Daisy...or perhaps you could wear it while playing the middle-of-the-night game, "Thundering Herd of Elephants." I play that one every night!
Pink looks very nice on you, Daisy. I think all the tom cats will think you're the prettiest girl in the neighborhood and will be trying to get close to you, so be careful, and stay close to Mommie when you're out jogging in your pretty new jogging suit.
you are right- the one ear out look is terribly hip. i wish i had a hat that I could wear with one ear out.
MomBean says jogging is making a painfull face and beating up your knees. But I'm not sure how that works.
You look stunning in pink!
you could also wear it in your stroller if you didn't want to jog daisy. you sure look cute in it!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Wow, we think dat may be to fancy for jogging. Jogging makes da beans sweat and we don't think velour takes well to sweat. We think you should wear that for look beyootiful in it and you should go lounge in yoor stroller in it so everyone can see how cute you look.
Daisy that is a cute jogging suit and pink is definitely your color! You give Mom hope that one day I might like to wear clothes more often! Not in this lifetime! (Samantha) I just tell her to go visit you on Fridays to get her cute clothes on cats fix!
Your FL furiends,
very very nice jogging suit Miss Daisy. all the boy cats would be whistling at you
I think you look like a hip hop artist in your pink velour hoodie! Your rap name could be DCC—that sounds cool. After all, there are hep cats, why not hip hop cats?
Your pals,
Petey and Mica
Very cute! Like always
Super cute, Daisy!
That is a beautiful jogging suit. Pink is your color!
~ KittyBoy
I think you look pretty enough to go to a fancy outing...not jogging. That outfit is way too fancy and you look beautiful.
hi daisy!
i love to look at all your nice outfits!
Datz purrty, but it luks too hot fur da owt-o'-doors rite now.
Luf, Us
I think the hood might be a bit warm for jogging but I could be wrong.
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay that is a verry prety owtfit but on the zippr thing i dont want to scare yoo but dada wuz watching a dokyoomentry calld theirs sumthing abowt merry and it showd that zipprs can be verry danjerus ennyway i am shoor yore peepel will be careful to keep such a zippr trajedy from happning to yoo ok bye
That very cute! I think those kind of joggin suits are for shopping in expensive stores in malls!! :D ~Queen Snickers
That is much to nice to actually jog in. I would suggest wearing it to lounge around in, especially if you are feeling a bit chilly.
And by the way, you look great in it.
That is a very spiffy jogging suit, but I think it's too nice to actually jog in. Besides, as best I know, I don't think "jog" is a cat speed. I only know slow walk, normal walk, and run really fast.
Daisy, pink is definitely your color! And I agree: that one-eared look is definitely hip. My advice? Make this a lounging, rather than jogging outfit. Lounging is also more hip.
JD at I Do Things
OK's time for your own mirror! That it to high for you to see your pink cuteness!'s you!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
You look great in velour, Daisy. We love that colour on you too. You gots it on sale! You are a great bargain hunter.
Mindy & Moe
Daisy, that is a very gorgeous and elegant jogging suit! I think you are right - a skirt is MUCH more attractive than pants!
I like your pink jogging suit. I bet that you would look very nice in it over at the Crew's baby shower which is having pink stuff!
Oh dat that suit is furry pretty Daisy. Pink is a great colour for yous!!
Daisy, are those pockets big enough for an iPod? You gotta have tunes when you go out jogging. :)
The rose applique is just the right touch! And pants for jogging would be way too hot.
That pink jogging suit is so purrty on you Daisy!
Pockets for Temptations! You look gorgeous in your jogging suit! It looks softer than our silkie furs.
Laila and Minchie
Pink is definitely your color, Daisy! You look *great in that soft fabric!
You are rockin' that pink velour Daisy! The one ear poking through the hood is so cute! The rose adds a nice romantic touch. Yes, it's too pretty for jogging. Maybe you could wear it to a cafe and sip some nip ice tea. :)
Have a great day!
Hugs and Purrs,
I don't think cats are supposed to jog. That is sweaty exercise. You should just model the pretty jogging clothes!
You could wear it when you do yoga too. Or strollering!
Daisy, velour is very pretty - you wear it well!
I love your profilin' look! Very sophisticated!
It does look very hip with one ear sticking out Daisy!
Daisy Dahling - You look precious in pink!! We have just been tagged by Grrreta for our first meme and we are tagging you (if you haven't done this one lately).
Meme Rules:
*Link to the one who tagged you.
*List the rules on your blog.
*Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
*Tag 4 more bloggers.
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
That's a super fashion Daisy!
My, how stylish! And how PINK! You know, pink is one of my favorite colors! I'm happy to see that you like it too!
You look fabulous, girl! You should definitely go out today, at least for a stroll. That thing is too pretty to jog in! ;)
Your new pink velour jogging outfit is so fashionable, Daisy. I especially love the color!
I would use it as lounge wear though. I think velour is too hot to wear jogging. Unless you're going to do your jogging inside the house with the A/C cranked.
I love this outfit, Daisy. I have to get one. :) The ear sticking out was pure genius.
` But... your butt's hanging out!
lol I'm lovin the outfit!! Daisy you have such good fashion sense!!
You are MUCH too fancy for jogging, Miss Daisy. I agree with Eric an' Flynn: You should wear that kyoot outfit when you ride in your stroller.
Hmmmmm, we've never seen anyone wear a skirt jogging. We bet if they fell, they would show their spot 13. Maybe it is just for looking good in. If that's the case, you nailed it.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
oh Daisy, what a gorgeous pink jogging suit. So pretty!!! We wish we could put clothes on our kitties. They would not let us.
Yes Daisy, I agree. I think that you look way to pretty for jogging in that pink velour jogging suit. I love the idea of leaving your one ear sticking out--very cute!
Oh, we love the new "one ear in-one ear out" trend!!
Tipper & Misty
Dudette - very cool. Why would a cat need pockets?
You look purrfect in pink! We think jogging sounds like too much work. We like to run around the house for a few minutes and then nap. Napping is good! The one-ear look is stunning!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oh, Daisy, you look so pretty in pink, though that suit appears to be a little overwhelming for jogging. How about a nice stroll along the lake instead?
That has GOT to be the MOST amazingest outfit yet!
Daisy, you look like such a diva in your pretty pink jogging suit.
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
ps. we've been told that when you wear a jogging suit, you don't really have to jog...
WOW WOW WOW. It's pink. It's shiny. It's YOO!!!! 4 paws up --- way up --- for this smashing onsombul!!!!
You look so pretty in pink, Daisy. I think that outfit is much too fancy for jogging. I would be perfect for strollering, though. I think your one-ear-out look is very hip.
Daisy you look furry puretty in that suit..great fashion statement as always..
Today, I am going to show you what I know about Yoga! Yoga is a very good exercise to do so that you stay limber and strong. It is very fun, too. This pose helps keep my spine bendy.Have a good day.
You look so great in your fancy, shiny, pink velour jogging suit. I have a feeling everyone will want to get one of their own to look just like you.
Daisy, I think Eric's idea of you wearing that for a strollering outfit is a good idea!
Daddy sez zippers do bite! He sez thats why yoo gotsta ware underware. So be careful Daisy!
How big is your closet girl! Wow another great piece for your fashion collection! You do look HIP with the ear sticking out, cool:)
Hmm.. We think if you go jogging with this. You're bound to find a trail of male cats behind you..
Oh wow. Very cute!
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