For Your Entertainment
First, I would like to say thank you to everybuddy for your very, very kind and thoughtful words about the loss of my Mommie's grandmother. Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated.
Here is a video I made way back in December 2006, when my blog was brand new. I think hardly anybuddy ever saw it. That might be a good thing, because I was not very good at being in movies back then. But I was having fun! If you cannot view the video, click HERE for a direct link.

80 Notes for Daisy:
Almost two years ago, and you haven't changed a bit! You did a great job, even back then.
Dearest Daisy,
You were just as talented way back then as you are today! We really enjoyed your movie! Mazie Grace likes to slurp waters outta the sink just like you!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
You WERE great even back then Miss Daisy, what a gorgeous video!!
hehe I use that trick too and looks behind me to see if there is someone else to blame ;)
What a cute movie. And we saw Pixie in there too. You did look like you were having fun especially when helping the leather get that distressed look. We tried that with Daddy's leather jacket and got in BIG TROUBLE. Mommy sensibly keeps hers put up, where we can't get to it. ~S, S & C
That was a very nice movie Daisy and now I must go and have a drink because you made me thirsty!
Huffle Mawson
U is a natural in front of the camera, Daisy! There was no denying your star quality!
You were made for the movies!
You're a natural talent - a true Movie Star!! We liked the slurp slurp slurp part!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
(we're still sending soft purrs to your Mom, hope she's doing ok)
We loved that movie, Daisy! We like to help Mom decorate for Christmas, too!
You deserve an oscar. I loves water out of the bathroom tap too!! Except I climb in the bath as I don't like jumping up onto the sink.
I liked that movie! It was very funny.
Great job.
Daisy, that was such a cute movie that I had to go ahead and watch some of your other ones too! I love the Circus movie, you're a real daredevil!
Great movie, Daisy! We have an orange mousie like that one and Trixie likes to drink out of the bathroom faucet, too. We guess under the skin, all cats have a kindred spirit.
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
Daisy really rocks out to that music..sandy
Dat was a cute film, Daisy. I liked the water and the pawing. I love suspense films.
Daisy, it is always fun to see you in action!!!! All that playing is thirsty work!
Purrs Mickey
i am so happy that you posted this because i missed it before and it sure is cute!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Aww Daisy you're still the same lovely little kitten...
I love the video and I did not see it before, I hope all is well with your mommie.
I'm so sorry to hear of your Mommie's loss Daisy, I've been away from the computer for a few days because my Mummy was off looking at eer professional boyfriends for me... *giggle*blush* I just love your video, you look so cool in it! :) With luck I'll have some "pin-up" mancats to show off pictures of on my bloggy soon, so do drop by when your Mommie's feeling up to it! :)
awwww.... too cute, Daisy. I haven't seen that one and it was cute. My, you were a thirsty kitty!
I am so very sorry to hear that your mom's gramma died. 90 is a very good age and she had the best life I am sure. I will purrr for all of you
and of course a very safe travel trip for your mom
purrrs of love always
Nice job! Like the music choice too. And it's nice to see Daisy in action.
Awww Daisy, yoor a natural! We like dat musta been da other cat behind me...we is gonna try dat da next time we get in trubbel.
All your videos are great Daisy..try and be good while Mommy is gone...its a good way to help her out during this sad time.
That was cool! Thanks for sharing the video. We always likes watching videos of our favorite kitties.
Your just the cutest I love the video..Hugs Ariel
Ahh, Daisy, isn't water straight from the tap just the best? Sometimes I like to drink it from Mommy's water glass and my head gets stuck in the bottom and I get a bit panicky.
Actually, I like pretty much any water that's not in my bowl!
Your pal,
Mica (Petey says Hi!)
Dear Daisy we were sorry to hear your family's news. Thank you for sharing your early video with us too. Purrs FAZ
I think the video's great - I really laughed when Pixie hissed at you! Momma thinks you are adorable!
You could tell back then that you were a natural and mighty thristy. (laughing)
Hug to you~
Great movie! We are sorry to hear about your Mom's Grandma. We are purring and praying for you both.
Daisy I've been with you since day one!
You are a film natural Daisy. I luf the shot where you say hello to your mommy and yes, tap water is only good direct from the tap !!
You are just too cute drinking out of the faucet!
Great video Daisy! You sure lead the active life, and it was fun to follow you around in this video! It's always fun to see our friends "live"!!!
Daisy, you are too cute! Your Mommie must have so much fun filming you!
Very nice, Daisy! I wish we could've seen more of Pixie, tho.
JD at I Do Things
I loved your movie Daisy! You are a natural born star!
What a fun movie: fun to watch you having fun! :)
I hope you'w Mommi awwived safely..I loved youw video!
smoochie kisses
.....this has been a depressing summer.......
Hi Daisy I is Jake! I like your video. Yoo did good! Wanna play?
I is Jake!
We all here are sorry to hear that your Grandma passed away.
Mommy Bean
You were such a cute little babycat!
We are glad Pixie does not hiss at you like she used to!
~ The Bunch
That was a lovely video Daisy. You looked like you couldn't find enough things to play with :O)
Purrs, Sukie x
deer daisy,
i do remember dat video. i wuzza fan den ... i'mma fan now!
i'm very sorry to heer abowt yer mommie'z granma. pleez giv her luvin headbutt'z frum me.
Aw Daisy..that was a great movie...I liked your slurping from the faucet...being so talented & cute makes a pretty kitty very thirsty!
Love & Licks,
We think you were destined to become an internet star!
Hey Daisy you're still the same!!
Daisy: have you seen this video? You might be interested.
oh Daisy you is not afraid of waterz?? dat is impressives!!
Looks like you had a lot of fun making that movie. :D
Daisy you are even more beautioful on film than you are in pictures!!!! We always thought it was weird when kitties drink from the faucet, I do it all the time (Theodore)! We really liked your video. One day maybe we will get to star in one of our own.
Theodore and Sasha
That is a good video, Daisy.....
What a great video and what a star you are. Watching you play was a treat and makes me realise how much I miss having a kitty about the house.
Wow, what a thirsty cat! I don't like water though..
Sending purrs over to your mum. It's very sad news.
Awwwwww Daisy! You were and still are very cute!
You're so funny, Miss Daisy. I think you've got lots of design talent! Those Christmas decorations look terrific.
Adorable, Daisy. Thanks!
Mindy & Moe
That's a nice video! You look so sweet.
I'm glad to hear that Mommie is doing a little better. Grandma must have been such a lovely person. 90 years is such an accomplishment! All the best-- take care. :)
That was a very good first movie! I think you were very cute in it :-)
You are very curious, Daisy. So am I. No wonder we are friends.
Wow! Thank you for letting us see that! You are very talented!
Daisy my dear you've always been destined for stardom. I'm not sure what all of us would do without the smiles you and your mom bring us each day.
We's sorry bout yur Momma's grandma. She was sure a pretty lady. Plus dat wuz a very happy fun video of you. Yur such a spunky happy girl jus like da ofur ladies in yur house.
Dear Daisy and her Mommie -
Please add us to the list of kitties who send their condolences about your great-grandma. This is a sad time for your mommie and she will need lots of your love when she returns from Wyoming. We hope that your mommie has lots of wonderful memories to give her comfort during this sad time.
With sincere sympathy,
~J&B and their mom
P.S. We love your movie.
Hey, Daisy, that was pretty cool!
Sorry to hear about your Grandmommy.
That's so sad. My condolences...
Very cute movie! Now I'm thirsty. You are an amazing actress. Pixie is an excellent suporting actress too.
Dearest Daisy and Mommy and Pixie, I'm so sorry about your Grandmother. Thinking about her reuniting with her kitties is a sweet and comforting thought. I think about my Grandma that way too and it eases my heart.
I hope Mommie has a safe trip to see her family and I'm sure she will give you lots of loving and extra treats when she returns.
I enjoyed your video very much Daisy! Pixie's "back off sister!" hiss was funny.
Sending Gentle Hugs Your way,
I had soooo much fun watching you take a break to have some water after each one of your FUN activities! Loved to see you "in action"! Have a good day Daisy!
We saw your movie before, but it is always good to see your movies again. We were so sorry to hear about your grandma. Our thoughts are with you.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
I think that's a really nice video. You look the same now and in the video
~ Girl girl
That's a precious movie, dear Daisy!
And please forgive us -- we Ballicai are so sorry we've been slow on the uptake with visiting. We are so sorry to hear about your Mommie's grandma. Our Momma lost her grandmother four years ago, and she was 100 years old. Grandmas are such precious people, and we know that your Mommie will always remember your Great Grandma with love and wonderful memories.
Our Momma sends your Mom an extra big squishy hug, and all of us send you our love.
Purrs, cuddles and love from all the Ballicai and the Ballicus Mom.
NIce video. Our cat was hanging around the computer while viewing.
Dennis loved it!
Daisy, you sure were having fun in that video. And we like how you slurp water! We have to try that!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
We remember this one - you were so tiny.
Isn't that a way too long relationship :)
She was old enough no? Mommy's grandma. Lovely that she got the chance to live soo long else these days who lives above 70 yrs max?
These may just be the funniest photos I've seen in a long time. Thanks for the laught, Daisy!
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