Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Some Sad News

My Mommie had some very sad news. Her Grandma passed away. She was 90 years old.
Here is a photo from the last time she visited her Grandma in Wyoming. My Mommie told me that her Grandma was very proud that she just had her fingernails manicured. Can you see the picture of Pixie on the wall behind her?
Here is a photo of her from the 1940s. I think she looked pretty.
My great-Grandma loved cats, and had many cats during her lifetime. Here are Gus and Peanut. They went to the Rainbow Bridge many years ago. Now they are reunited.
My Mommie is going away for a while to attend the funeral in Wyoming and visit with family. I am also very sad about that. But I have something planned to post every day while she is gone, so I hope you will visit with me if you have time.


145 Notes for Daisy: said...

Daisy, tell your Mommie that I'm so sorry to hear about her Grandma. And her fingernails did look pretty.

I hope your Mommie has a safe trip, and I will check on you while she is away. ;)



Karen Jo said...

I am so sorry that your Mom's Grandma passed away. She was pretty. I hope your Mom has a safe trip. Here's lots of {{{hugs}}} for her.

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Dearest Daisy,
We are so sorry to hear 'bout your great grandma passin' away. She was very pritty! Just think...right now she's in heaven with all of the kitties she loved over the years and she will help them watch over you and your mommy. She will be a very special angel for you and your family.

We will check in with you every single day.

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

snowforest said...

Oh Daisy we are so very sad to learn about your loss ~ your Grandma was definitely very nice and bright, just like your Mommie and you..we are sending you all our heartfelt regards and purrs and are wishing your Mommie a safe trip..
..many many purrs from us all..

Teddy Westlife said...

Your great grandma had a good long life and now she will see all her cats again.

Of course we will visit you every day!

Huffle Mawson

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We are so sorry to hear about your Mom's Grandma. The PM attended her 90 yr old Grammie's funeral last week so she knows what your mom is going through. Glad to hear she will be reunited with all the animals she loved before.

Wishing your mom a safe trip and sending her some comforting purrs.

We'll come visit you this week, Daisy!

Purrs Goldie, Shade and PM~ Danica

Anonymous said...

We're very sad to hear your Great-Grandma passed away, Daisy. Please accept our sincere condolences. We hope your Mom has a safe journey to Wyoming to visit with her family, and a safe journey back home to you. ♥

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Our deepest condolences to your Mommie. It sounds like her Grandma was quite a lady!

Sen-Chan, Tom and #1

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Daisy, please tell your mommy that we are so sorry to hear about her Grandma. We hope your mommy has a safe trip.


Anonymous said...

Daisy, tell your Mommy that I'm so sorry to hear about her Grandma death....It's really so sock for your mom.Anyway most often i assess this site.Anyway Will you ans. me a question does your mom love cat so much?????????

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Daisy we are sorry to hear about your mum's Grandma. She looked to be a very nice lady. We wish your mum a safe trip. We will still come and visit you every day. How could we not?

The Florida Furkids said...

Dear Daisy,

Please give your Mom some snuggles from us. We know how sad she must be. That's a really nice picture she has of them together and it sounds like she has some very special memories. We'll come by and visit with you every day to keep you company. Safe trip purrs to your Mom.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear the sad news. Your family is in my thoughts - take care of your Mummy, Daisy. *hugs*

Poppy Q said...

Dear Daisy I was sorry to hear about your mommies Grandma. Tell her we are thinking about her and sending you and your mommie big bear hugs.


Poppy and mum Q

Parker said...

Please tell your Mommy that we send our sincerest sympathies. You are right, now your Great grandma will be with Gus and Peanut - what a happy reunion!
We wish your Mommy a safe journey.
Smooches to you and to your Mommy.

Anonymous said...

I send your Mommie purrs, love and condolences at this very sad time.

Lynn said...

Daisy, please tell your Mommy how very sorry I am to hear about the loss of her Grandma......we all will say a prayer for her.


Anonymous said...

We are not very good with words Miss Daisy, and all Momma can think to say on our behalf is a very heartfelt sorry.
Your Great Gamma was very a Pretty Lady, and it sounds like inside and out :)
Maybe it would be nice to help your momma remember nice times and things about her gramma rather than focusing on her loss, celebrate her life :)
Please tell your Momma to drive safely and give her big BIG hugs from us :))))

Karen and Gerard said...

Sorry to hear the sad news about your mommie's grandma, but it looks like she had a nice life, after all, 90 is old! Who's going to take care of you while she's away?

Dover said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Ohhh Daisy, please tell your Mommie for us that we are so sorry that her Grandma passed away, she was a beautiful lady! We hope she has a safe trip, and is in our thoughts and prayers ...
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan

Spooky said...

Oh, Daisy, I'm so sorry. Please give your Mommie lots of nuzzles and purrs for us. I will check on you every day.

CRIZ LAI said...

We are sad to hear this news too. Our deepest condolences to you all.

Lots of purrs and hugs,
Criz & The J Family Kitties

Cupcake said...

That is so sad. Tell your Mommie that I am sorry.

So sad.

Mickey's Musings said...

for your Mom. I am sorry about her Grandma. She was very pretty too :)It is nice that she had some cute cats in her life.
I hope your Mom has a safe trip.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We will check on you & Pixie while your Mommy is away so you will not be lonesome. We will even bring nip and bananas with us.

Please tell your Mommy that we are very sad about her Grandma passing away and that we will be praying for her and her family.

Gus & Peanut are very cute and we are sure they will be waiting to welcome your Grandma.

~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Alasandra

Alexi said...

Please tell our mommy that we are so sorry to hear abour her Grandma. It sounds like she was a wonderful person.

Here's {{{{hugs}}}} to her from us and we'll stop by while she's away.

i beati said...

Isn't it wonderful Daisy that grandma loved cats so and helped to pass that love on to Mommy? In every passing, there is always a treasure of memories of the good from that life, and what we do is to take some of that good from that person and live it in lives. Don't you agree Daisy??I hope you will not be too lonely . I'll tell you stories of my cats who are not being real good at present. One was running on the roof last night - what a character!!

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

So sorry to hear about your Great-Grandma, Daisy. We are sending our love and hugs and an extra large dose of kitty purrs to your mommie too.
We are sure that ur Great-Grandma left behind a not only a legacy but passing the love of cats to ur Grandma and Mommie, she is truly a blessing.
Safe trip to ur mommie and u keep safe too at home Daisy! We will come see u everyday, like we always do.
MIA for quite sometime Felix, Garfield, Jawsy and Mach

Meowers from Missouri said...

daisy, we are furry sorry for the loss of yer great-grandma. please let yer mommy know that we are purring an' purraying for her in her sadness, an' we'll all hold her close in our hearts as she makes this trip.

love & purrs,
nels, ed, nitro, xinglu, dbd, & meower mom & dad

Sweet Purrfections said...

Daisy, please tell your Mommie that we are so sorry to hear about her Grandma. Special purrayers for her for a safe trip and for peace.

Sarah Coggins said...

Daisy, I'm so sorry for the loss of your great-grandmother. :( Please give your mom extra hugs & purrs.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

give your mommie a big hug from auntie bee honey. i am old too so i understand these things. it is sad too.

hugs, auntie bee

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh, Daisy, we are so sorry to hear your Great Grandma passed away. She looked like a very kind lady. Now she will be reunited with her furries who went before her.

We hope your momma has a safe trip. A sad trip this time.


Laila and Minchie and Mom Peggy

Fat Eric said...

Daisy, I am so sorry to hear about your mum's grandma. Please give her purrs and snuggles from me.

The Furry Kids said...

Daisy, we are so sorry to hear about your great gramma. We are sending lots of thoughts and purrs and purrayers your way.

The Island Cats said...

We're sorry to hear about your great grandma, Daisy. But now she's with Gus and Peanut. Not such a bad thing....

Purrs to you and your mom.

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We remember your Mommie's Grandma, and how pretty her hands were. Please tell your Mommie we are very sad, but our Momma smiled when she saw that Gus and Peanut were waiting for her.

We will stop by and visit you everyday. Safe trip to your Mommie.

~ The Bunch and Mom Bobbie

Gaston said...

Daisy, I am so sorry for your loss, Grandmas are the sweetest persons in the world, now she is in heaven with all her kitties.


Jaya said...

Gosh, Daisy, I'm sorry to hear about this. I hope you won't be too lonely while you Mommie is away.

Liss said...

I'm so sorry. I will pray for your mommie. And yes your great-grandmother was quite a lovely lady. Kissies to you and your mom today.

Dma said...

My condolences.

I love the picture of your grandmother's manicured nails.

Janet said...

Daisy, we are so sorry to read about your Mommie's Grandma. We hope that your Mommie has a safe trip to visit her family. Give her lots of hugs when she comes back. Lily, Tinsel, & Janet

JD at I Do Things said...

Dear Daisy: I'm very sorry for your and your Mommie's loss. Grandmas are very special. I know she'll be happy seeing her Gus and Peanut. Best wishes.

JD at I Do Things

LZ said...

Daisy we are very sorry to hear this. We know how very special she was and its always so hard to loose such special family members. Her kitties look like Eric & Flynn! Don't worry Daisy, we'll always visit you!


Anonymous said...

Daisy,we're so sorry about your Mommie's loss. Please give her our sympathies.

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Purrs for your Mommie.

Gizmo said...

Daisy's Mommy, I am so very sorry to hear this! I bet she is very happy to see her kitties again. We will keep you in our prayers!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I guess we are never really "grown up" enough to be ready to lose a grandparent. Soak up the comfort I know Daisy offers.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are so sorry for your Mom's loss.

We will definitely keep visiting you while your Mom is gone.

You know Wyoming is very close to Utah.....

Anonymous said...

Daisy, we're sorry about your Mom's grandma. Looks like she had a good life. Bet she's happy to see her cats again. God Bless have a safe trip Daisy's mom.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Daisy, we is so sorry to hear about yoor Great Gramma...we'z sending hugs and purrs to yoo mommy. Her Gramma was furry purrty! We hope yoor mommy has a safe trip and we know Gramma is enjoying being wif all her kitties again. ((((hugs))))

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your Mom's grandma. Gus and Peanut were adorable and are probably purring all over Grandma's lap right now.

Samantha & Mom said...

(((((((hugs to you Mommie))))! We are so sorry to hear about her Grandma! Have a safe trip Daisy's Mom! We will be by everyday to check on you Miss Daisy while your Mommmie is gone!
Your FL furiends,

Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice said...

We are so sad about your g-ma...our g-ma lives with us. Sometimes she does very well. Other times she has hard times moving around.

HUGS~ All of us over at Ernie's Voice

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of Grandma's passing. hugs,thoughts, and prayers.

I love that photo. Your Mommie and your grandma look a lot alike. Both are very beautiful women.

To Mommie, have a very safe trip, hug your family, and know that we are all thinking of you during this difficult time.


Paula said...

Daisy, I'm sorry for your Mommie's loss. I hope she has a safe trip.

Babs (Beetle) said...

I am so sorry about your great Grandma Daisy. But she is in heaven now and all young again. She was a very pretty lady.

Purrs, Sukie x

TheSlyCat said...

We are so sorry to hear about your Mom's Grandma. We will try our best to visit you often:) We love your blog!

The Cat Realm said...

Daisy we are very sorry to hear about your Mom's Grandma's passing. She looks like a very lovely lady!
Lots of purrs
Mrs. Oz and Tintin
(Karl has to help the CCSI executives in Africa - you can read about it at

jenianddean said...

We are so sad for your Mom. To live to be 90 is amazing, but it is still too young. We hope your Mom has a safe trip.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Daisy we are all very sorry to hear about your Grandma.

Purrs to you and your family in this difficult time. I hope her trip is uneventful.

catsynth said...

We are so sorry to hear about your Mom's Grandma. It sounds like she was a wonderful person, and had a long and good life.

I lost my grandmother last year at age 90 as well, after what had been a good year for her.

We hope your mom has a safe trip, and we send our condolences.

Randi said...

Hi Daisy...please give you mommie warm snuggles & purrs...we are so very sad to hear her Grammie passed away...I'm sure she will be playing with all her kitties first at Rainbow Bridge...

We are thinking of you.

Love & Licks,



We are all very sorry to learn about your Momma's Great Grandmother's passing. We know she is sad about losing such a lovely and dear Grandmother. We hope she will have a safe trip and we will keep you all in our purrs...

and Mom Debra

Claire said...

Very sorry to hear about your great grandma Daisy. Will promise to keep visiting you until your mommy gets back x

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry to hear your sad news. Grandma looked beautiful I think.

Matthew S. Urdan said...

So sorry to hear about your grandmother. She sounds like she was an amazing woman. Remember, she lives on in you.

Chesney Cats said...

Daisy, we are so sorry to hear of the loss of your Mommie's grandma. What a beautiful lady she was! We will be purraying for your Mommie & family.

Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma

Forty Paws said...

We're so sorry that your Mom's Grandma passed away. Tell your Mom to have a safe trip. {{{hugs}}}

Luf, Us

Tybalt said...

Oh, Daisy! That is very sad news for your mommie. I will be thinking about her and purring super hard for her.

Her great-grandma was very pretty. And her being a kitty lover means she must have been a great ladybean.

Anonymous said...

Oh Daisy, I am so sorry about your Mommy's news. She looked such a kind lady - but you can be sure she is now reunited with her favourite fluffies. I guess you'll all miss her.

My mom's grandad was 100 years old on August 8th 2008 - so mom worries about him too. But over the rainbow bridge is a lovely place to be ...

Haley H said...

I'm very sorry to hear about your Mommy's Grandma. I hope you Mommy has a good trip to Wyoming and gets to share lots of sweet memories about her Grandma with her family.

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Daisy, we're so sorry that your great-Grandma passed away. She was a super Grandma. We will come visit you while your Mommie is away. And we will send lots of purrs to the whole family.
Mini and the resta the Hotties

Shaggy and Scout said...

We are sad to hear of your Gramma's passing, Daisy & Mom.
That is a very pretty picture from the 40's and the one with her painted claws is a ice one too!

Kellykat said...

Daisy please tell your Mommy that we are very sad to hear about her Grandma. Grandma's are always very special. We will purr for you and your family.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry about Grandma, Daisy. I'm also sorry that you will be without your mom for a few days. It'll go quick.

Mike Golch said...

Daisy Condolences to you and your mommie on the loss.

gemmak said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your mommy's sad news Daisy, your great grandma was a very beautiful woman wasn't she. I think mommy will need you to be a brave girl while she is away to save her lots of curly cuddles for when she gets home again.

edward said...

i'm very sorry for your loss. your grannie was beautiful and gus and peanut were nice cats too.

Unknown said...

Oh noz!! Daisy I is so sorry for you mom!! Your moms mom lookz very kindz...have a safe trip and Daisy me is wishing all of u well!!

Jean9 said...

Daisy, tell Mommie that I am so sorry to hear about her grandma. I wish your Mommie safe travels. I will come to read your posts when I am online.

Sarge Charlie said...

My thoughts are with your mommie today miss daisy.

Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear about your family's loss Daisy. We hope you won't miss your mommy too much while she's gone.
Abby, Rosie, Jackie, Gidget & Lola

Sunny's Mommy said...

That is very sad news :( Grandmas are very special people. My condolences to you, your Mommie and all of Mommie's family.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Grandma. I'm so glad to know that she will have furry friends with her.
Safe journies to your mom.

LizzyT said...

So sorry to hear of your sad loss, my thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time.

Tiger Lily said...

Daisy, we are sorry to hear this sad news. Your Great-Grandma was very pretty and it sounds as if she was also very nice. Please give your Mommie extra snuggles and prrrrrrrrrs for us.

We hope your Mommie has a safe trip to Wyoming.

{{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus

Anonymous said...


I'm so sorry to hear the sad news.I love the photo of them so sweet...Hugs Ariel

Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

hello daisy,
I am very sorry to hears about your mommie's grandma. she was very pretty!! I am sure she will gets to see all her kittehs again.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Daisy, please give your mom some nose bumps from all of us.

Anonymous said...

Oh Daisy we are so sorry about your Mom's Grandma. She was a very pretty lady, both young and old. Sending (((hugs))) to you, Pixie, and your Mom.

Anonymous said...

my condolence to the bereaved family.

BeadedTail said...

Daisy, please tell your Mommie that I'm very sorry to hear about her Grandma.

Black Cat said...

I'm so sorry Daisy's Mommie, your Grandma was pretty and had a lovely smile. Her cats will be glad to be reunited with her. Have a safe journey and I hope your ouchy toe won't be too, well, ouchy:) xxx

The Devil Dog said...

Dear Daisy, we are so sorry for your loss. Your Grandma was very pretty as a young woman. Her cats were pretty cute too.
We hope your momma has a safe trip.

Roxy & Lucky

Anonymous said...

So sorry for you and your mommy's loss. Her grammie is in a better place now!

Kitikata-san said...

Oh Daisy, be extra nice to your human ok. That is very sad news. I too think your human's grandmom is pretty. She a Shirley Temple cuteness to her. Meows and purrs to you and yours.

Tink said...

My condolences to your mommie, Daisy...

Max said...

Aw, Daisy I am very sorry about your Mom's grandma. I know she lived a very long life, but that doesn't make your Mom less sad.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

We're so sorry for your great-Grandma's passing. Grandmas are very special people... your mum's Grandma looked like one of the special-est! (((Hugs))) to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

we are very sad for your mommie. tell you we are saying lots of little prayers.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

O, i's so sorry to hear about your Mommie's Grandmother. She was a furry beautiful lady, jus like yours mommie.
But i knows hers Grandmother is running an playing wif Gus and Peanut again.
We's keep you all in our purrayers.
Love and Purrs,
KC & Crew

Copito said...

Oh I'm sorry Daisy's mom, that is so sad...


Just Ducky said...

Purrs to you on the loss of your Grammie. Safe journey.

SophieKitty said...

I'm sorry about your great grandma, Daisy. It looks like she lived a long and happy life.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. We're sending purrs and condolences at this very sad time. I hope your mommie has a safe trip. Our thoughts are with you. (((Hugs)))

Skeezix the Cat said...

Oh, Daisy, we are so vary vary sorry to heer this sad news. Gus and Peanut look like vary nice cats. I'm glad they're reunited, but I'm sad yer mommy's gramma is gone. She looks like she was vary nice and vary fashunubul, too.

Heer, how abowt a big hug? ::bare hug ::

Nessa said...

So sorry to hear this Daisy, be as sweet as you can and love your Mommy extra special. She'll need it.

meemsnyc said...

Oh Daisy, we are so sorry to hear about your Grammie. We are thinking about you and your mommie. Big hugs and purrs!

Jimmy Joe said...

Daisy, I am very sorry that your great-grandma passed away. She had a very long life, and I bet she was very happy to hear about all of your (and Pixie's) adventures!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Sushi said...

What sad news Daisy... Sorry about your Great Grandma's passing... don't know what else to say...I thought it was lovely that at 90 years old, she still looked after herself by getting her nails done. Hope you Mom has a safe trip, and you be safe at home by yourself too.

Petra ~ said...

You nana's nails looked very pretty and wow! Pixie in the wall spotlight! Way cool! I hope your mommy's heart heals quickly and of course I will stop by every day! You make me smile even when bad stuff happens. Thank you Daisy.

(Daisy's mom - I am so sorry for you loss. I will keep you in my prayers.)

Bogdan, the editor said...

We are very sorry to hear your great-grandma died. She lived a long life and was a very pretty lady.
Purrs from us.

tahtimbo said...

I am very sorry to hear of your loss. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers

Unknown said...

What a lovely woman. I sure hope I'm getting my nails manicured a vibrant shade of red when I'm 90. Your Mommy was lucky to have had such a woman as a role model for so many years. Clearly, her love for cats will continue to live on in your Mommy.

Gentle purrs, sweet Daisy. You know just what broken hearts need to heal.

Your friends,

Petey, Mica and their Mommy Jane

Girl Girl Hamster said...

So sorry to hear about your great grandma. :(

Please take care~

~ Girl girl

Asta said...

I'm vewy sowwy youw Mommi's Gwama went to heaven. I'm glad she had a long life and got to see hew wif hew pwetty nails all done..Ithink she ws bootiful..the whole time..No Mommi says no mattew how old someone gets, it's nevew the wigh time and it's always sad..but someday we can all see each othew again..I hope hew catses awe snuggling wif hew
sad smoochie kisses

Lux said...

Oh Daisy, I'm so sorry to hear the news about your mom's mother passing away. The picture of her is just lovely. {{{hugs}}} to your mom.

Luxie & family

LadyJava said...

My condolence to your mommy Daisy.. Our prayers are with you and your family :)

Dun worry.. all the kitties from Cat Tales would come daily to visit you ok :)

MYM said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's grandmom. She was a very pretty lady ... and must have been a great lady to have such an amazing granddaughter. {hugs}

Chaffee Street Cafe` said...

Bobby and I have some ears and a wobbly bottom lip. Tell your mommie that we are sending her our prayers and love. Sorry for you and Pixie too.

Chaffee Street Cafe` said...

tears ... not ears.

Amber-Mae said...

Oh Daisy, please tell your Mom 6that we are so very sorry to hear about this sad news. Her Grandma sure was a very pretty lady in her younger days & what nice red nails she had! Please give your Mom a bug Golden hug for me will ya? Please tell her to have a safe trip too.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Chrissie said...

Miss Daisy, please tell your mommie that I, too, am very sorry she lost such a wonderful person in her life. Gus and Peanut will be so happy to see her and, I'm sure, she to see them. Safe travels!

Marian said...

Daisy - We are very sorry to hear about your Mom's Grandmom. We liked her picture from the 40's - it reminded us of Shirley Temple! She was real pretty.
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie

Donna said...

That was a very nice granma, Daisy. I am sorry. Rest in peace.

Nomi said...

Sorry to hear the sad news. Grandma looked nice a weely nice lady and yes she was a very pretty young lady. Hope your mum has a safe trip.

sourpuss said...

My sincere condolences on the loss of your Mommie's Grammie.

The Crew said...

Oh my, we're sorry to hear about your great-gramma, Daisy. We know she was a good person if she loved cats.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I am so sorry to hear about your mommy's grandmother. Your mommy must be sad. I will send over purrs and my thoughts are with you. Your mommy's grandmother was very pretty.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Daisy, we didn't get by yesterday. We are sorry to learn about your mom's grandma. Your mom must be very sad.

When she comes home, she'll need lots of comfort from you.

Sending purrs and tail wags,

Team Tabby said...

We are so sorry that your mommy lost her grandma. The pictures you posted are a great tribute to your great-grandma. Safe trip to your mom.

Hugs and purrs,
Mindy & Moe

Anonymous said...

We're so sorry to hear about your mom's Grandma. Our Lady says Grandma's are Very Special People. Hers are in Heaven too. Purrs, hugs & love from all of us.

Maria said...

I'm sorry for the loss of your great grandmother. If she loved cats, she had to have been a pretty cool lady. I hope your mommy is doing ok and I'm sending her great good love!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss.

The WriggleButts said...

Daisy, please tell your Mommie we're so sorry for her loss. Her grandma was a very pretty lady. Mom lost her grandma almost a year to the date. I'm sure you'll provide plenty of comfort to your Mommie when she get back home.


Anonymous said...

I agree that it was sad news that but I think you should not take this news as sad news. You must be proud that your moms grand ma lived soo long..she was lucky enough

Anonymous said...

Hi, Daisy,

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about the death of your Great Grandma, she of the lovely fingernails. :o) What a wonderful long life she must have had. I love to talk to people of this age and hear about all the history they've lived through and how things have changed within their lifetime. She must have had some interesting stories to tell.

Best wishes and warm hugs to you and your family while you mourn your loss and celebrate her life.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear about your great grandma. She was very pretty in all those pictures. I hope your mommie spends good time with her family at the funeral. And you take good care of the house while she's gone.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for you mommies loss Daisy. Lots of purrs from us.

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Anonymous said...

This is something what you can really rely on...! Since long time I look here at regular intervals and read the interesting and well written contributions.

Its really appreciating.

Anonymous said...

Great post!
A little hard to read with some of the weird characters that didn’t transfer well, but other then that I enjoyed the brief quotes form the interview.

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