Having good manners is very important. Like, always raising your hand before speaking out in class. Mr. Shrill has very bad manners. But his twin brother, Mr. Swell, has learned good manners! I have helped Mr. Shrill and Mr. Swell prepare this demonstration about manners!

Mr. Swell always chews his candy with his mouth shut. He only takes small bites, and he says "Thank you" for the candy.

Mr. Shrill takes large bites, chews with his mouth open, and smears chocolate all over! Sometimes he touches the furniture with his chocolate-covered hands. He is a mess!

Mr. Swell is always in a good mood. He likes to smile and be nice.

Mr. Shrill frowns and complains all the time. Sometimes he even says bad words!

Mr. Swell knows that he should always use a tissue when he has to sneeze or blow his nose.

Mr. Shrill scratches his face and picks at his nose when it itches. And he never washes his hands.
I hope you learned a lot so you can be more like Mr. Swell than Mr. Shrill!

Tips on Tuesday: About Manners
85 Notes for Daisy:
But Miss Daisy, they are human thingys, I mean we clean our special spots in public!!
What more can I say ? :P hehehe
But it is good to make sure Humans do things right, after all they look after us :)
That was a furry good lessong Daisy. We would like to know what Mr Swell thinks about sniffing other kitties, er, um, well, private areas?
Thanks for all the good advice, Daisy! #1 says I have perfect manners even though I insist on licking everyone's noses!
Your Pal,
I think there is a definate market for "Daisy's Book of Etiquette"
You should always use a tissue. Mr. Shrill boogers would be awful to look at!
Did we miss an episode? We did not realize Mr. Shrill had a twin brother! Obviously Mr. Swell will be invited to more functions with his fine manners, Daisy!
Daisy darling, your manners are impeccable I'm sure and your raising your hand in class is most impressive :o))
I just LOVE that someone is taking the time and effort to teach some of these naughty people proper manners. Thanks so much Miss Daisy, your manners are purrrrfect.
Daisy, these are all very good lessons. We should all use our manners every day. Have you ever seen a cat pick its nose?
Are you sure Mr. Swell isn't Mr. Shill's imaginary brother? :)
Mr. Swell is much nicer than Mr.Shrill. We are glad that he has much better manners than his brother.
Daisy you forgot about remembering to keep your shirt tucked in...which is REALLY hard when you don't wear pants!
Your pals,
Mica and Petey
Mr. Swell you saved the day - Daisy thank you for demonstrating in that lovely manner how to raise one's pawhand. One would not believe I have all these wonderful cats because I cannot wait to see your smile every day . Hi from Princeman, Sweetheart, Toppy, Bitty Bopper, Pinky and Angel Baby(who is being very bad this morning- picking up kittens and hiding them from Pinky ))
Thank you for those smart tips, Daisy!
That was very funny!
LOL @ Evie/Vampy Victor and the meezers...
So I take it that this is human bean advice?
I be studying a lot. Mostly I be studying about where to lie on the floor.
Ewwww! I never realized how gross Mr. Shrill was. Thank goodness for Mr. Swell. (I do sometimes have problems with smearing chocolate around, but I'm working on it.)
JD at I Do Things
i learned a lot daisy. thank you very much for this psa. i will try to always do this stuff...
smiles, auntie bee
Mr Swell is a swell guy! Amazing to see that much difference in twins ;)
Mr Shrill might need extra training
Purrs Mickey
Excellent lesson! Thanks for the smile and the note on my blog. :)
Daisy you are a great teacher! Now if that Mr Shrill would just learn better ...
~ Molly ~
I would like to be like Mr Swell but I don't know how to hold a tissue.
Huffle Mawson
Well, Mr Swell is certainly the good half of the duo!You will have a hard job of teaching Mr Shrill Daisy.
Purrs, Sukie x
Daisy - We knew you were sophisti-cat-ed, but we didn't know that you also knew etti-cat!! You are so smart.
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
You are such a good citizen helping your friends with proper manners. I think you should be president.
Daisy, that was a very good lesson on manners. Mr. Swell is just, swell! Mr. Shrill needs to go to charm school, we think!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Those were very good tips. We will invite Mr. Swell to parties, I am afraid his brother on the other hand will not be issued and invitation.
~S, S & C
Oh Daisy, Mr. Swell has such good manners! Thank you for this lesson!
i wonder if they had the same parents and if so how mr. swell can be so smart and proper and mr. shrill such a clueless dope.
Mr Shrill is very nawty!
Mr. Shrill sounds more like a typical Mister than Mr. Swell does. I think Mr. Swell is an imaginary creature.
Mr. Shrill sure has a lot to learn from Mr. Swell!
Thanks for the lesson, Daisy. Mr. Shrill is a mess!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
We gave you an award!
Laila and Minchie
Thank you for the lessons on manners. We need to make our woofies read this because they have no manners at all!! We, as cats, are of course perfect. Always.
Those were great examples of what is good manners vs bad manners...we are so glad you were able to share this with us today..
Oh dear. This looks like a Tripper Tutorial if ever there was one!!!
Hmm, Mr. Shrill and Mr. Swell look very similar, and they don't seem to ever appear together. I think there may be a Jekyll & Hyde thing going on here. Have you noticed that Mr. Swell pops open a small vial of bubbling fluid and drinks it before Mr. Shrill shows up?
I have never had to use a tissue for my nose though. And I take very small bites of my cat food.
Wow! Mr. Swell is quite the gentleman.....
Gosh. I see that my cats have some improving to do! Thanks for the tips, Daisy!
You are so funny!!!!!
i's never liked Mr. Shrill. him's a walking bag of germs an dirt.
Pleeze don't get too close to him's, Daisy, him's probably haf cooties, too.
Love and purrs,
There are lots of beans who need to read your tips Daisy. Manners are furry impawtant.
I like Mr. Swell a lot better!!
We didn't know Mr Shrill had a twin brother. We think maybe Mr Swell is his other purrsonality trying to come out.
Sniffie and the (finally dry) Florida Furkids
I'm with the others..what about the things we cats do as part of our normal, you know, catness? We sniff and lick and yak...and then we do it again! But it is good for Mr. Shrill to have a good example in Mr. Swell to follow..now, if he'd only pay attention!
OMDawg! Mr. Shrill is a PIG!
Luf, Us
Yoo furgot to menshun that yoo shoodn't kiss anybuddy rite after likking yer Spot 13.
Lol....That was a great lesson :)
Are Mr. Shrill and Mr. Swell related to Goofus and Gallant at all?
Mom said that reminds her of the Highlights characters Goofus and Gallant. Thanks for the lessons. They were very good.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
PS - Have you passed on these tips to Tripper?
I think that is a very good lesson to learn. Especially for humans.
Good lessons for the day!
These are good lessons Daisy.
You have two good examples here... one of what not to do, and the other (mrSwell) what are good things to do.
I hope you and Pixiekins have a super day
Thank you Daisy! I shall learn to be like Mr Swell.
Oh oh, da only one of us who uses tissue when dey sneeze is Sadie. Mom sez she hasta learn to take one out and not sneeze into da whole box. We is gonna try to praktiss some of dem good manners...
That is a good lesson, Daisy. Mama is now convinced that she works with Mr. Shrill. Especially after she saw the parts about him frowning and complaining and being a messy eater and picking his nose. Yep. She works with him. Gross!
I would cewtaimly pwefew Mr.Swell as a house guest..MrShwill is vewy messy and wude
smoochie kisses
WoW! I bet Mr. Shrill uses his sleeve too, when blowing his nose. You better teach him.
Abby & Stygia
You are so funny Daisy and Mommie! :)
I didn't know Mr. Shrill had a brother! Hopefully Mr. Swell's manners will rub off. (And hopefully, Mr. Shrill's icky stuff wont rub off on your furniture and furs. Yuck!)
Have a really great day!
Hugs and smoochies,
Daisy Mr. Swell is teaching us all good manners! Mr. Shrill could also learn from Mr. Swell.
I know lots of people you can give manners classes to Miss Daisy!
I know lots of people you can give manners classes to Miss Daisy!
Maybe Mr. Shrill needs a refresher course on manners. I bet you would be the perfect teacher.
Wot? Maybe you shouldn't have given Mr. Shrill his eyeballs back!
Thanks for stopping by and wishing me a Happy Gotcha Day Daisy ... I appreciate it so much!
I thought you were kidding ... ha hahahahaaaaa!!!!
I have lernt me lesson. No more boogers on me shirt :-)
Your friendly neighborhood cat,
Mr. Shrill is teaching us many things~!! He is a great model!!!!!
I like seeing Mr. Shrill, he is always having lots of expressions to make us understanding!
I probably need to learn some manners. I mean, I don't even know how to use a tissue!
Manners maketh (gingerbread) man!
My finger is a little better, thanks for asking, but I have now stubbed my toe, which hurts but can't be nearly as bad as your poor Mommie's torn off toe nail. That has to hurt Big Time! Please give her my love and sympathy! :) xxx
Is Mr. Shrill a ninth grader? Mom says that Mr. Shrill behaves furry much like her students. Perhaps you should give Mr. Swell extra credit an' Mr. Shrill a DETENTION!
Wow, what a great lesson! We learned a lot!
Oh noes! I chew my food like Mr. Shrill!
Mr. Swell iz furry nice but Mr. Shrill soundz like more fun!
I like to sit in a chair next to Mommy at the dinner table and lick between my toes. Is that bad manners?
Hey that was great! It's just like Goofus and Gallant from Highlights back in the day.
-Bogdan's Investor
mr. shrill makez me laff an laff!
Sounds like Mr. Shrill needs to hang out some more wif Mr. Swell!
I'm going to do my best to emulate Mr. Swell, for sure!
Mr. Shrill sure is swell. Thanks, Daisy.
I Miss My Hair
Thanks for that lesson, Daisy. Mr Swell is a nice guy!
Those are great examples of good and bad manners Daisy! Mr. Shrill and Mr. Swell are purrfect examples!
Your FL furiends,
Hey, wait a second... ever notice how Mr. Shrill and Mr. Swell are never seen in the same place at the same time?
Manners can be taught to the kids. No one else. You seem to have worked hard for this post? All that is your hard work or someone helped?
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