Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Trying to have fun again

We have cried a million tears at my house. But I know Pixie would not want me to stay sad, so I am going to try my hardest to be happy again. One good way to be happy is to play with toys. So, I am going to play with my toys as if nobuddy is watching me! This means I can make funny faces...
act silly...
get toys stuck in my teeths...
get wild ...
and just have fun!
Pixie, I hope they have fun toys at the Rainbow Bridge!

129 Notes for Daisy:

Poppy Q said...

Daisy I think Pixie would love to have toys and big bunches of bananas at the bridge.

I am glad that you took the time out to play and enjoy your day.

Smooches to you all.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It's great to see you playing again, Daisy. We're sure that it's what Pixie would have wanted. And yes, there are lots of toys at the Bridge (and delicious bananas too!) and she can play like a kitten gain!

Your Pals,
Sen-Chan and Tom

Anonymous said...

Good for you Daisy. Pixie is watching over you and wants you to be happy and have fun!
{{{BIG hugs}}}

Isis said...

I'm sure Pixie is having a lovely time with lots of toys and banana splits too!

I'm glad you're taking time to play already as being cute and funny for your Mom is nearly as good for her as cuddling you! :)


snowforest said...

We are sure Pixie is having fun playing with her new toys at the Rainbow Bridge ~ she is happy and healthy again and smiling down upon you ~ she wouldn't want you to be very sad and it's great to see you having fun again :)

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Dearest Daisy,
It is good to see you playin'! We are very sure that Pixie has all kinds of very cool toys in heaven...and lots of bananers, too!

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

The Meezers or Billy said...

we think Pixie would be furry happy if you tried to be happy again. but it's still ok to be sad and cry.
we thinks they haf lots of fun toys at the Bridge. and prolly a whole nanner tree just for her

Anonymous said...

IT is very good to see you trying to haz some fun Miss Daisy, not only for beautiful Pixie but also for your momma and dadda, they worries how you iz feeling too you know.
They are extra special gorgeous piktures of you today, I can see just how hard you iz trying..
Just remember little Miss, it is also ok to be sad too!

And hey, for all the parents knowz Pixie could be there playing wit you, now she can, sometimes when she visits! :)
Big big huz and headbutts to you and your families Miss Daisy :)

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think Pixie will be happy, too~! If she sees you are having fun~!!!
She is happy at bridge~! She must want you to be happy at home!!!


Parker said...

I bet that Pixie has her own Bananer plantation and all of the toys and good foods that she wants.
It's OK to feel sad and to play with your toys and to play silly and wild. Feelings are never wrong.
(((Hugs))) to you and your family Daisy!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We think they have lots of fun toys to play with at the rainbow bridge and best of all the cats and dogs and other animals there are all well and feel like playing.

(((Hugs))) We hope that soon you are not so sad. We are purring for you and your family cause we know Pixie left a giant hole in your heart. ~S,S & C

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Glad to see you giving your toys a goin' over!

Pixie probably has some very cool ones at the Bridge.

Keep smiling!

Purrs Shade

Forever Foster said...

We are sure that Pixie has lots of fun toys at the Bridge, that she can have a wild and crazy time with now that she is whole and healthy again. We also think you will be making her heart very happy, knowing that you are trying to have fun.

Sending lots of hugs to you and your Mommie.

Love Fui, Suey and Evie.

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

U have a good way to forget about being sad, Daisy. Pixie must be having a laugh at ur funny photos, especially the one where the toy got stuck in ur teeths.
We are most sure that Pixie has got boxes full of toys to play with, and not forgetting her naners, with or without nip.
Hugs and headnudgies,

Leslie said...

Thinking of you! :)

i beati said...

,you have a great perch and yes you do make silly funny faces and even I laughed. Waddles says Hello . He hopes to be able to climb some day. Now he can only waddle!!

i beati said...

That third face is super craszy !!!! Sandy oh Darlin is on the computer keys again!!

Kaz's Cats said...

Daisy, it's good to have fun with your toys, even when you're missing your big sister. Please take some time to snuggle with your Mom too, 'cos she'll be missing Pixie too.

Hugs and purrs to your whole family,

Gypsy & Tasha

Teddy Westlife said...

I think Pixie is eating lots of bananers at the bridge. I know she is smiling at you having fun again.

Huffle Mawson

mary martha said...

Daisy, you are brave and beautiful. Pixie would be proud of you.
Love and light,
Martha, Buddylove, Mo, Kizzie, Sniffypie, Maggie, Mollydawg and Dennis

Karen and Gerard said...

Enjoy life as long as you can! I'm sure Pixie would want you to go on having fun too, and she's probably enjoying watching your antics from the bridge! Give her a good show!

Anonymous said...

Daisy, it looks like you are playing with a gigantic orange tea bag! Pixie woill be very pleased that you are trying not to be too sad.

Alexi said...

We're sure that Pixie would want you playin' and laughin'. We did a brief post in memory of Pixie. We're sure they're toys and bananers at the Bridge. We also sure Pixie's playing with our friends and beans who have gone before.

Lidian said...

Daisy, we think that there are lots and lots of toys there. And Pixie will be playing with them and is feeling glad that you are playing with some too. She is going to keep watching out for you, just like our mom's Burgo and Cora do for us -

love from your pals Asha & Katia
& Lidian too

Cupcake said...

Boy Daisy. When you're sad, you're sad. But when you play, you really play.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It is good to see you playing again Pixie. It is very sad when you lose somebody you love, but life has to go on for those of us who are left behind, and some days will be harder than others. Enjoy your life and have fun. It is what Pixie would want, and she will be waiting for you in the years ahead. (((hugs)))

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see you playing again. Life goes on, daisy. And I'm sure Pixie would want you to grab the gusto with toys and other fun things.

Oh yes, I think there are tons of wonderful toys and lots of time to play with them at the Bridge...

Hugs to you and your family...

Sweet Purrfections said...

Daisy, good for you! I am glad to see that you are trying to have some fun during this sad time in your household. I bet Pixie has found all types of toys at the bridge and is saving a special one for you when you join her (Hopefully many, many years down the road).

Anonymous said...


It's good that your playing.Nothing can take away the memories she will always be in our hearts....Hugs Ariel

Donna said...

I think the toys are cute. D.R. and I play catch sometimes.

The Florida Furkids said...

Dear sweet Daisy,

We think Pixie is looking down and purring when she sees you playing again. She has tons of bananers and lots of toys and is healthy and young at the Bridge.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Mickey's Musings said...

I think Pixie is happy at the Bridge.She is healthy now and can run and play!!
That does not make it easier for you though. I know you will miss her for ever.
Playing is a good way to help you feel better.

Purrs Mickey

Eduardo said...

It's good for you to have fun Daisy, I know Pixie is happy at rainbow bridge with lots of bananas & lots of toys!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

sammawow said...

Daisy, we both think that Pixie is smiling at you playing. And she probably does have her very own bananer tree and tons of toys! We miss her too.

Purrrrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Anonymous said...

Daisy we're glad to see that you're trying to get back to yourself. I'm sure Pixie has lots of toys and bananas. Keep your chin up.

Anonymous said...

I know they have great toys at the Rainbow Bridge and Pixie is playing too.

Anonymous said...


Stay positive, and cherish the memories!

Dma said...

i'm sure Pixie is tellin you that you have to help your mom and dad through the sad days. Looks like you are doing a good job at that...

Phoebe said...

Daisy, you do look like you are having fun with that toy. I'm sure that Pixie has the BEST toys now.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i am sure there are lots of fun toys and things there honey. and pixie is having such fun too! i think she has tons of bananners too...

smiles, auntie bee

Sarah Coggins said...

Glad to see you playing, Daisy. I'm sure Pixie is happy knowing you are having fun.

Monty Q. Kat said...


JD at I Do Things said...

Daisy: It makes me happy to see you playing with your toys and having fun. I'm sure Pixie is happy too. I happen to know for a fact that there are MANY WONDERFUL toys at the Rainbow Bridge, and Pixie is having a blast.

JD at I Do Things

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i hav herd that the rainbow bridj is wall to wall fun toys and that evrything their is mayd of ham ok bye

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You do look like you are having fun!

I bet Pixie has toys galore at the bridge! I bet they never get to torn up and the nip ones are always very nippy!

Linda S said...

your funny faces make me laugh until I sneeze...I love you Daisy...

Little Ding

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Sweet Daisy, we know that Pixie would want you to have fun! She is romping around Rainbow Bridge and probably climbing her own bananer tree!!!

You play........

The Island Cats said...

Pixie would not have wanted you to be sad...she would want you to have fun in her memory!

Purrs to you....

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Anonymous said...

Daisy I think that Pixie would be very happy and would have wanted you to to have fun and play.

We are also sure that Pixie has lots of bananas and toys at the Bridge.

Hugs to you and your Mommie.



We know that Pixie would want you to have fun and enjoy your toys and feel happy. It will be lonesome without Pixie but just remember she will always be with you, by remembering her she will always be there.


Nomi said...

I bet Pixie reely enjoyed watching you playing wif your toys. She too is playing again and eating naners ! She would be proud of you and think that you are being very brave.

Chrissie said...

I KNOW they have toys at the Rainbow Bridge..and treats and warm sunny places for sleepin' and friends to groom and be groomed by and Someone who knows how to give perfect skritches!

Sarge Charlie said...

I am sad also but you look cute with your tongue out.

LZ said...

I'm sure playing sure puts a smile on your Mom's face. I'm also sure Pixie is content to watch you playing from the Bridge.


Shaggy and Scout said...

Make sure your mommy plays, too.

L. Alida said...

Oh Daisy honey, only you could make me smile through tears.
Once again, I am so very sorry and so very sad about you and Mommie having to say goodbye to Pixie. I just know you will see her again.
I will hold you all in my heart.
Love and Gentle Hugs,

gemmak said...

I am sure there are lots of toys and nanas at the Rainbow Bridge Daisy and that Pixie is happy to see you play...some sads are still to be expected but some playtime too is good :o)

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think Pixie is watching. In fact, I bet if you let that ribbon go and it still moves, that it is Pixie helping you play, just a little...

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

I know they have many, many, many toys at rainbow bridge. and lots of bannaners too.

If you get really lonely, I have new brofur I could ship to you.

PB 'n J said...

We're sure Pixie is playing across the bridge too. It's good to take some time to enjoy toys (and we bet it cheers your Mommie up to see you play too).

Purrs to you all.

Rocky, Angie & S'more said...

Hi sweet Daisy,
It's very good that you're ttying to have fun again. Pixie would want you to do that. We know she is playing and eating lots of yummy bananers at the Bridge.

We put a little tribute for her on our bloggie today.

Rocky, Angie, S'more & Mom Karen xo

Anonymous said...

You are right Daisy, dear Pixie would not want you to be too sad, so I'm glad you are having a little play with your toys.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

I am still a little sad, Daisy.
I am glad you are playing, and I am going to get up and play, too. It is what Pixie would want.

~ Anna Sue

...we like your Birthday Card to Skeezix!

Moonchild Dancing! said...

Daisy, it looks like you are having alot of fun and I'm sure Pixie would want this as well. :) Peace.

Camp Stanhope Happenings said...

So hard to play when you're sad. We're sorry for your loss (just found out today since Izaac is at Camp Stanhope this week--read: hectic).

Camp Stanhope Happenings said...

So hard to play when you're sad. We're sorry for your loss (just found out today since Izaac is at Camp Stanhope this week--read: hectic).

Jans Funny Farm said...

You're "allowed" to be sad as long and as often as you need to be. But we're glad to see you're able to have some fun again too.

Anonymous said...

Daisy is such a wonderful looking cat....how cute! I'm in love!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Daisy. Mao heer. Just wunted to let yoo know that the wite rat took one look at yoo popping owt of the cake with yer tummy and tung, and he kinda had a convulsion. I'm shur he'll be bak later after he's reecuverd.

Yer Frend,
Maobert Schnickles

Babs (Beetle) said...

Daisy, it's nice to see you having some fun, although we know you will always be thinking of Pixie too.

Purrs, Sukie x

The Fluffy Tribe said...

Daisy we are furry sorry for you and yer family 'cause Pixie left for the Bridge. We know you must miss her somethin' horrible, but it is good you are being brave and trying to cheer your Momma up too playing so cute. We know also that Pixie is probably watching you when she isn't chasin' our ratsie that have gone there. ~The Fluffy Tribe

BeadedTail said...

Daisy, I'm glad to see you playing with your toys again. I know Pixie is running and playing with every kind of toy imaginable in fields of catnip and bananas!

Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

Hi Daisy,
We have so many sads too about your sister pixie. :'( We don't checks the Cat Blogo-Sphere everyday because mommie doesn't always let us have the lap of tops. But we just finded out right now. It is very sad. I hope you will be able to play again and be happy. And also. We are sure Pixie got tons of bananers and toys at the rainbow bridge!
Veronica and Figaro

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We know Pixie wouldn't want yoo or yoor mommy to be sad fur a long time. She's prolly up in heaven laffing at yoor silly play faces. Yoo and yoor mom can fill dat Pixie shaped hole in yoor hearts wif lots of wunnerful memories.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tybalt said...

I bet Pixie is playing and eating nanners like crazy at the Bridge. You are right, she wouldn't want you to be sad. She would be super happy to see you playing like that!

Puuuurrrrs. <3

Asta said...

Pixie is happy to see you twying to have fun..just like you want hew to have ovew the wainbow bwidge..And I'm suwe she is womping wif fwiends and having a gweat time
smoochie kisses

Amber-Mae said...

Oh Daisy, we're trying our hardest to be happy again too. I'm glad that toy took your mind off that sadness. You look pretty wild in those pictures! Stay happy & healthy!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Poppy said...

Oh Daisy, I am so sorry about your sweet sister Pixie. I was catching up on the last few days of your posts and I was so sad and shocked to see your news about Pixie. I am sure she is waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge. As you requested, I will eat a bananer in honor of her today.


Pee Ess: My sister Clover has the same disease as Pixie, but a very mild form.

Castle said...

just popping by to see how you are doing Daisy...i hope you are not feeling lonely like i did when Stormie left us.

i think they must have some brilliant toys at the Bridge...Pixie will be well catered for...i bet they are all banana flavoured too!

many hugs to you and your Beans xxx

Unknown said...

Daisy, we've been following your blog for a few weeks, and we were so sorry to hear about Pixie taking the Rainbow Bridge. It's good to try and play. We don't think she would want you or your Mommie to have a sad for too long. There are lots of toys and bananers at the Bridge, and she can enjoy them even more now that she isn't so tired anymore.

Give your Mommie an extra kiss or two, OK? Then, maybe you will both have a little less sad.

Trevor & Loki a.k.a. "The Boys"

Forty Paws said...

Tears take a lot out of you. It is difficult work. We are glad that you are having some fun now and making some silly faces!

Luf, Us

Liss said...

I think there are lots of toys at the bridge, strings that move all by themselves and feathers that tickle the ears, so much fun!

I love the card you got for Skeezix

Unknown said...

I know that everyone in your family must be very sad, but it is good that you are trying to have fun again by playing. When my Mum is sad I play hard and act silly, it really cheers her up.

Be well Daisy.

TheSlyCat said...

Daisy we are so sorry to hear about Pixie. I'm sure she does have lots of fun toys at the bridge. We do love to see you playing again though!

Samantha & Mom said...

Pixie will be thrilled that you are trying to have fun and succeeding with the string! Pixie is having fun at the RB and we just know there is lots of toys and tons of fresh nanners for her! (((((hugs))))),

The Furry Kids said...

Hugs and purrs and slobbery dawg kisses to all of you.

The Furry Kids said...

PS - We really like your b-day present to Skeezy in your sidebar. It took Mama a minute to realize that you were jumping out of a cake. hee hee

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I am sure Pixie has lots of toys and naners at the Bridge. I am glad you were able to play a little today.

Purrageous Pirates said...

We know Pixie would not want anyone to be sad. We think you playing is a great idea - it makes you happy and cat play usually makes the beans laugh too.

Anonymous said...

Big toys and lots and lots of bananas!

CastoCreations said...

It is healthy to grieve but it is also healthy to move forward and live life again. Celebrate life! Doing so celebrates Pixie's life! :)

Clover said...

Oh Daisy, I am so sorry about Pixie. I am sending great big puggy hugs and kisses to you and your Mommie. I will eat a bananer tonight for Pixie.
Love Clover xo

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
I am sure Pixie would not want you to be sad.
I like to see you playing again and doing those funny faces!
Kisses and hugs

Chaffee Street Cafe` said...

Daisy, M'dear, you are looking as beautiful as ever. Pixie wants you to have fun.


Bobby and Theresa111

Lux said...

I'm sure there are squillions of toys at the Bridge, Daisy ...

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Dearest Daisy: from Auntie Stinkie:
Dr Tweety has told me about the huge loss at your house. I want you to know that I will stand in for your senior cat at any time you need one for advice. Pixie was your big sister and she guided you through many times, both good and bad. I cried when Dr Tweety told me. But I have some good news for you Daisy dear. Because I am so old, I can hear some of the voices at the Rainbow Bridge... and I just heard Pixie say that she would like a nip nanner.. and guess what? Caesar just gave her one!!!!
We love you Daisy,
your Auntie Stinkie

TorAa said...

This a fantastic tribute to Pixie,
who will now watch all our steps under the Rainbow

Black Cat said...

Daisy darling, you are doing the right thing. Do things you enjoy. They distract your mind, for a time, from your grief, and this is needful if you are not to go mad. Pixie will come to you in dreams. My beloved Mum and Cats do on a regular basis, sometimes just to warn me about stuff and sometimes just to hang out lovingly. It might be several weeks though, I think there is an adjustment (not bad!) time at the Bridge, so remember always she is there with you and for you, eating nanners:) xxx

The Devil Dog said...

Dear Daisy, we are sure they have plenty of toys at the Bridge. We are sure Pixie would not want you to be sad.


Anonymous said...

Playin was the only thing that took my mind off of Fatty. It works well I found out cept today - I escaped to the basement to look fer her.

~ Shadow ~

Colby and Cheddar said...

Daisy, we just hurd about Pixie, and we are furry sorry she had to go the Rainbow Bridge. We know she is feeling better over dere, cause Mom says there is no pain any more once you get to the end, but we knows you are hurting cause you miss her so much. Just 'member she isn't sick any more. And it's good dat you can enjoy your toys, cause we're sure Pixie would want you to be happy!

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Awww, we like the impromtoo daisy pickshurs. Thayre grate--espechullie the one whare the toy is stuck in yer teeth!! hahaha

Pixie wuld be happie to know that yer doing yer best to have fun again!

Speedcat Hollydale said...

We all love you Daisy .... I know that loss is hard. As you play with your toys, it is ok to be sad. Remembering the wonderful times with Pixie will stay in your heart forever.
I too think of a great friend from my past, and am able to smile with a happy reflection now after some time to heal. Many many hugs for you.


Team Tabby said...

Pixie would want you to be happy Daisy. We think she has made many friends at the Bridge by now and is having a good time.

Mindy & Moe

Jessica said...

Daisy, Kitter and I are so sad to see that your family has lost a member. We are sure that Pixie has lots and lots of bananers and many wonderful new toys at the Rainbow Bridge. We're sending you and your Mommie many hugs and purrs.

Quill and Greyson said...

Good for you Daisy, I'm sure she would want you to play your heart out.

Boy said...

Oh Daisy! Mine Mummy just camed back and we found out the sad news about Pixie. I'm so sowwy.
It's gweat you're twying to have fun Daisy.
Purrs and hugs for you!
Oh and do come and see mine Mummy's pictors after you finish pwaying!

MaoMao said...

You make such adorabble toy faces, Daisy! I'm sure Pixie is looking at you frum the Bridgie and smiling. You and yur Mommie and fambly are in our hearts -- love to all of you.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao and alla the Ballicai.

Sushi said...

Good girl who knows how to have fun! I bet Pixie is very happy to see you playing with that stuff between your teeths from up there in the rainbow bridge!
PS: love your cat tree!

Mr. Hendrix said...

aw Daisy, it is OK to have fun, and it is OK to be sad. you should feel however you feel and not let anyone tell you differently.

it is hard to lose a loved one who has been so important. i think the toys at the Bridge are way better than anything PetSmart could come up with.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I'm sure Pixie would want you to be happy too. I hope they have lots of fun toys over at the bridge too

~ Girl girl

Just Ducky said...

Do you need a playmate?

Chesney Cats said...

It's good for you to play & have fun, Daisy. We're sure that Pixie is smiling because you are playing.
We bet she has tons of cool toys to play with at the bridge.

Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma

Petra ~ said...

Daisy (and Daisy's mom) - I wish I had been by your blog sooner so that I could tell you how truly sorry I am for your loss. Daisy, I know its hard. You will look for Pixie for some time to come, expecting her to be hiding around a corner. And Pixie's mom, you gave her a good life. Now she will wait for you in heaven. I always imagine my lost loved ones as being a twinkling star in the sky at night, smiling down at me and reminding me I am not alone. My thoughts are with you and of course, I will eat a bannaner in honor of Pixie.

We3Katz said...

Good fur u Daisy, u honor ur sister by rememberin her an doin all the things she would like tu do with u if she waz here an well.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I bet seeing you play made your mom feel a little better too. We're sending lots of hugs and purrs to your family.

Anonymous said...

Pixie would want you to play, Daisy. It's hard, I know.

Skeezix the Cat said...

I'm glad to see yer flossing cuz that keeps yer mowth kissing sweet - I saw it on teevee.

I spended all day looking at yoo jumping owt of the berthday cake and showing yer tummy and stikking yer tung owt in a vary provakative way. It was kinda like sensery overlode for me. WOW. I git short of breth just thinking abowt it. Thank yoo for making my day so speshul.

Kimo and Sabi said...

That is a furry good attitude you gots Miss Daisy.

Tesla and Hansel said...

dun worry daisy. I fink da bridge iz da best place in da whole werld. No more sufferin kitties or nuffin. Iz gud. Lots of toys, and mice ta chase.

The Crew said...

I'm sure there are squillions of toys at The Bridge and no one ever has to share!

Southbaygirl said...

Daisy, you and your mom are so strong! We are so sorry you are so sad! It's so hard to lose a family member! Our thoughts and prayers are with you!!

Kodak, Winton, 3 Perf, Blossom, Velcro and mom Penny

moxylyn said...

Sorry for your loss of Pixie. We recently lost one of our babies just 3 weeks ago and it hurts terribly.

dennis said...

I Love you, Daisy. I wish i could be with you.

Yours forever (and I speak like an intelligent adult by the way)


Sasha said...

Dear Daisy, I am so sad for you. Purrrrrrrrr.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Raypod just told us about Pixie passing through the Rainbow Bridge. We know about broken hearts, as our Purrson lost her special boycat to HCM. We know what sadness is, and know you are missing your Pixie, but she would want you to be purring and happy, so try your hardest to do that...and you will be surprised that soon just thinking of her will make you smile, we promise!

Teri and all the Furry Dance Cats

Anonymous said...

I think it's sweat Daisy,i have enjoyed to play with you,very amazing.

Anonymous said...

Great Idea! I'm sure once you start playing, you'll still miss Pixie, but be less sad of her death!

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