Wednesday, September 17, 2008

You can mourn and still be fashionable


122 Notes for Daisy:

Christine and FAZ said...

Dear Daisy, we haven't stopped by for a few days because we have been away in Italy so we didn't know your sad news. Dearest little Pixie has gone to the Bridge where she can run and play and jump and eat bananas to her little heart's content. Your poor mummy mast be very sad indeed but also happy to know that Pixie is comfortable and healthy again. You must remember, Daisy, to give her lots of love and cuddles to help her remember happy times. The biggest hugs from us all here in Wimbledon. FAZ

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Dearest Daisy,

You are right.
I believe while Pixie looking at you from the bridge, still have your fashionable way to mourn her, she will be happy as well.


snowforest said...

You look great Daisy ~ so glad that you are trying to keep your spirits up in this difficult time ~ you are very brave..and fashionable too :)

stan said...

it is as if she is saying, "what are you looking at?" :)

Anonymous said...

so cute daisy.happy WW to you.

Anonymous said...

daisy i love the hat. very fashionable indeed. suits you!

mine is up. hope u can stop by :)

Hazel said...

Oh Daisy,
You are such an inspiration.
I am sure that Pixie is smiling down on you.
You are in my thoughts.

Rosie & Cheeto said...

beautifullie taystful, daisy!!!

SandyCarlson said...

Hey, good looking. What you need to say to me?

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You sure look very fashionable there Daisy

~ Girl girl

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You do look very fashionable in your hat Daisy, but also very respectful.

Forever Foster said...

Daisy, you look beautiful

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Dearest Daisy,
We just tried to post a comment and screwed-up by misspellin' a word. We is so sorry! We just wanted to tell you that we think you look wonnerful. You is holdin' up real good durin' this hard time. We just know Pixie is so very proud of you and we is sure your mommy and daddy are, too. You are a very good girl.

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

PS...Your hat is just lovely!

Anonymous said...

Pixie would expect nothing less, Daisy!

Mom loves your hat and would love to have one like it for herself!

Parker said...

That's a nice hat Daisy. I think that Pixie would approve of you staying fashionable!

Juliana said...

ow...such a cute :D

Please stop by also at my WW post : in HERE or HERE Thanks

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That is a very lovely hat, Daisy! Pixie would be proud of you!

Sen-Chan and Tom

Anonymous said...

Oooh That is something Momma would wear!! She loves the Cos Play outfits, pity she is a little to old to be dressing that way now ;)

Miss Daisy you can do whatever you please! Everyboddy mourns in different ways... a lot of cultures even celebrate the life of someone who has crossed over with parties etc.. My Momma and Dadda like to talk to people about the happy things and remember fun times, coz that is how Momma and dadda would like people to react when they cross over.
Miss Daisy there is no rules other than be true to you. :)))
Our familes puurs you just the wayz you iz , anyway that may be :))

Isis said...

You look gorgeous Daisy, even if your sad. I think I shall dedicate my next song to Pixie and make sure it's good and loud so you can hear it too! :)


Teddy Westlife said...

Your hat is very stylish Daisy. Pixie would be proud of you.

Huffle Mawson

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

That is so true, Daisy. It helps makes you feel a wee bit better. Pixie would approve of your lovely look!

Purrs Shade

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

You look very fashionable and those are perfect colors to wear while you are in mourning. Are you sure you don't want a brofur?

Hootin Anni said...

Now you got me bawling....sweet sweet Pixie [I scrolled down] Ohhhhhhh, how sad.

Love your style and Pixie would be proud. [typing through tears]

RegentCardis said...

Awww, how cute. What a great picture! :o)

Sarge Charlie said...

You are very fashionable Miss Daisy, I sure hope you and your mommie are feeling better.

The Meezers or Billy said...

very beautiful!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Of course you can dear Daisy!

Daisy Deadhead said...

I also didn't hear about the sad news of Pixie. :( I am so sorry. (The photo of Pixie as a baby was ADORABLE!!!!)

I am still not over losing my Grand Old Man (in June) and don't know if I could ever replace him.

But remember, nine lives! I have always been so jealous of cats for that existential advantage!

Virgos are a peaceful people!

Daisy Deadhead said...

Yes, I forgot to say, I do love the hat.

Unknown said...

Daisy, I think you look just like Scarlett O'Hara when she was in mourning in Gone With The Wind. (Except she wore a dress with her hat. Good thing, we wouldn't want her clothes gone with the wind, too!)

Very slowly, that cold icy sadness will melt away into a warm glow when you think about Pixie and that's how you'll know she's in your heart forever.

Your pals,

Petey and Mica

Anonymous said...

Pixie is smiling....I'm sure!

Donna said...

Daisy, that is such a good hat. I love the colors.

Paul Eilers said...

My wife loves this site!

She is all the time telling me what Daisy has said or done.

So I thought I would check it out.


Liss said...

Very 80s

Dma said...

I love that hat and your look goes perfectly with it.

Mickey's Musings said...

Hugs to you Daisy!!!!!!!!
You look so good :)

Purrs Mickey

Kitikata-san said...

Meow, I just heard about your big sis Pixie. I am sorry to see the news. I hope you can have joy and fashion with lots of goods remembering of Pixie. I love Pixie's baby picture. She was just a doll. Many meows and purrs in your direction.

Anonymous said...


You look very fashionable...Hugs Ariel

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Yes you can! And you carry it off well.

Patrice said...

That is a beautiful hat Daisy. I'm sure Pixie wouldn't want you to stop being fashionable.

i beati said...

You are the height of fashion Daisy . I just noticed you popping out of a birthday cake. did you know my cat Pinky has your coloring and expressive eyes but not your distinctive curly coat!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Daisy,
We were very sorry to hear about Pixie. Our hearts go out to you.
You look very nice in that hat.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

this is a very sweet and pretty hat, Daisy.
I think it is good that your mom has you now, to keep her happy. It also brings back lots of wonderful memories of when Pixie was your age.
I know Pierro does that for mom, except pierro is not as naughty at caesar was :-D

love and purrrs to you and your family
always <3 Prin

Tybalt said...

Daisy, you look very lovely and stylish. I am sure Pixie is honored.

jenianddean said...

I think that is a very fitting mourning hat. We're still thinking about you and Pixie every day. I know Pixie would have liked that hat.

Bonnie Story said...

Daisy, That is a snappy chapeaux! Very dignified with a touch of flair. We are thinking of you and we hope that you are keeping positive and being very nice to your Mommy, she might need extra snuggles. It's not the same being the only kitty and we hope you are not lonesome. Take care and we send our best wishes to your family. Pepper & Bonnie

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dat's a purrty hat Daisy, but we get da feeling Pixie is prolly saying dat yoo are silly cuz yoo don't like to wear hats...Speedy wore mom's silk scarf as a cape last night, it was aksidental, but histerically funny anyway.

The Devil Dog said...

Dear Daisy, you look quite the English lady! What a lovely hat. I bet Pixie would like it, too!


Tiger Lily said...

You look just beautiful Daisy. We are sure Pixie approves.

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} and prrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus

Purrageous Pirates said...

You are very fashionable and quite cute in your hat!

Honey P. Sunshine said...

iz dat a chanel hat? have yoo and mommie seen pixie's ghost yet? mommie used to see the binky's ghost fur a short while after the binky left, it was fleeting but she was there



Pixie would want you to continue to look as fashionable as always. I know she must still be enjoying all of your fashions, and you do look very lovely today.


Shaggy and Scout said...

Very lovely hat Daisy!

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

Nice hat! It looks like just your size!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Glad to see your sense of style hasn't deserted you during this difficult time.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

You look very fashionable. We are still being quiet today too, in honor of Pixie.
~ Gracie

Amber-Mae said...

Love that hat! Glad you're no longer feeling sad. Pixie must be sooo happy with you now becoz you're a strong girl!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Daisy I know you will always be fashionable. That is quite the cute little hat.

Preethi said...

I cant stop smiling.. that was so cute

Wilderness at the doorstep

Babs (Beetle) said...

Daisy, Pixie would want you to do all the things that you did before. She wouldn't want you to be sad all the time. Your hat is very beautiful!

Purrs, Sukie x

Jessica said...

Daisy, I think that Pixie's heart is joyous seeing you continue with your life and the things you love to do. The best part is that her heart isn't sick any more, and she's feeling better than ever. I know your heart is sad......and we mourn with you. We're sending you many, many cuddles and purrs.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Daisy, you are always the height of fashion, no matter what the situation.

Kellykat said...

Very appropriate fashion. It would be even better with a little black veil on it. We're sure Pixie would approve.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar

The Furry Kids said...

Sometimes when you wear something that you feel good in, it helps your heart not to hurt so much.

BeadedTail said...

Daisy, you look bee-yoo-tiful in that spiffy hat!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

yes, and you look very lovely my dear!

hugs, auntie bee

Kimo and Sabi said...

You look lovely as always - furry fashionable and appropriate attire fer da moment.

Maybe you should start a Rat Hat Society Chapter fer cats?! That would mean cats 8 yrs and older would wear read hats and purple attire, and cats 7 yrs (the Pink Hatters) and under would wear pink hats and lavender attire!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Daisy, I gave you the Blogging Friend Forever award today. Cause you are a great friend to every cat.

Even after Pixie leaving, and going to the Bridge, you carry on and try to make every cat feel better from this awful sadness. Here's some purrs for you, too. Could you please pass some on to your Mommie and Daddy for me? Thank you.


Tesla and Hansel said...

Yoo look so wunnerful wif dat hats. An we finkin of yoo effureedeh.

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

You iz da most winsome mourner I know.
I am stoppin' by to say dat Auntie Stinkie haz posted a speshul tribute to Pixie on our blog.
Da momee iz home sick today, so she helped our sad Auntie write da blog.
We lovez you Daisy... tellz your momee we lovez her too!
Dr Tweety & da Fab Five

PB 'n J said...

You are so very right Daisy! It's good of you to help your Mommie smile.

Purrs, love and huggs,
Perl, Bert and Jake

Black Cat said...

That's a great hat Daisy and you are quite right carry on as normal as much as you can. I'm sure Pixie would want you to:) xxx

Anonymous said...

And when you're dwelling in happy memories you can also use the hat to dance the flamenco to celebrate the memory.

I'm still sad for your loss too. *hugs*

Samantha & Mom said...

Daisy you look very stylish in your hat! Hugs from our house to yours!!
Your FL furiends,

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

You are always fashionable no matter what the circumstances we are very impressed with you Daisy. ~S,S & C

Clover said...

You do look very fasionable, Daisy! Sending more hugs your way!
Love Clover xo

Anonymous said...

DKM said you look like a Spanish Señorita in that photo.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Wow, yoo look vary vary fashunubul. As always. Yoo know, if yoo mooved yer rite leg just a littul bit, we cood git a good view of yer tummy!

Anonymous said...

So, so sorry to learn the news about Pixie. I know you all will miss her.

Eduardo said...

You look great Daisy! My Daddy made some banana pancakes in Pixie's memory for me & Mommy, we have a picture if you want to see. I really enjoied them.
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Asta said...

If anyone can , you cewtainly can...twy not to be too sad..youw sweet Pixie is pwobably busy eating bananews wight hnow, and not husting anywhewe, and looking down on you wif love and cawe
smoochie kisses

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, didn't Scarlett O'Hara say something like that too????

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

pee ess. you look mighty fine, Miss Daisy, in that hat!

pee pee ess. we know you are still sad about's okay to be sad...but it will get better with time...

LZ said...

Pixie would want you to stay yourself. Its a very cute little hat.


Jimmy Joe said...

You know what, Daisy? That is a very good lesson. You are always so wise.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss, I have two girls and they will break my heart when they are gone.

Southbaygirl said...

Pixie would be very happy to see you are still fashionable! We hope you and your mommy are feeling a little bit better

Kodak, WInton, 3 Perf and Blossom

Laura W said...

Oh Daisy, even in grief you are fabulous.
I just came from Sunny's blog where I learned of Pixie's passing.
Please know that you and your Mommy are in all of our hearts tonight.

Marilyn said...

That is a very pretty hat!

Amy Lilley Designs said...

An absolutely precious of the best...the hat is cheering everyone up!!!

The Cat Realm said...

You sure can! We also think you can mourn and still laugh! We are sure Pixie would want you to be happy, she knows that you love her no matter what!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh, Daisy, what a beautiful hat! Pixie would so approve!

Hugs and purrs to you and your mommy and daddy.

Isis said...

hello daisy, thank you for stopping by my blog. I wanted to tell you how nice you are, and how much sister and tesla love reading your blog. I feel like i know you already! :) I am very sorry for your loss, but, you couldn't have better friends than at the blogosphere... we're all here for you and we love you, and we'll be here for this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

It is so hard to return to normal after a sad loss. But it helps when you know so many cats and their humans care about you.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Daisy, You have a "don't you dare tell me what to do" look on your face. Was your mom being bossy?

TabbyNormal said...

Man, we alwatys have too much to say to be wordless on Wednesday, but you look great!!
Abby & Styggie

Lux said...

What a darling picture of you, Daisy ... :)

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Scarlett O'Hara, Jackie Kennedy, and Daisy the Curly Cat... a formidable trio of fashionable mourners!

Anonymous said...

Daisy, we fink yoo look very nice. Give yer mom some purrs and headbutts from us too, it will help her heart heal too.

TorAa said...

Adoreable - a heart breaker.
What more to miew about?

Anonymous said...

Of course you can be, Daisy. You can be anything you want while in mourning. Kisses.

Ellen Whyte said...

Poor Pixie! And poor you. Glad Pixie had such a good home in the life she had.

Scoop died a year ago (minus two days) and we're still missing him every day. Keep thinking I see him sitting on the chair in the kitchen and on his box by the window. Who knows, maybe he's visiting!

Lorenza said...

You look great!
Kisses and hugs

Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

Hi Daisy! I just wanted to come by and say hello. I hope you and your family are doing better!

Tara @ Feels Like Home said...

Your hat is mahvelous, dahling! Pixie would approve. :)

Just Ducky said...

Very fashionable.

SophieKitty said...

Daisy, that is a very jaunty chapeau! It's nice to see that you're modelling through your sadness.

Hope you and your family are doing ok.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Great hat! That's an adorable picture of you.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am a guide dog raiser in Seattle, WA. The puppy I am currently raising is named Shep. I love your blog and I love reading about other people’s pet experiences. I also have a website where I sell pet supplies and i have a blog on it also about guide dogs. I built the site to try and help raise money for guide dogs and other animal charities.

monkeybunkey said...

you can still be beautiful, even when you're sad. love the hat. so purrty.

Karen Jo said...

You are wearing the perfect mourning hat, Daisy. I am sure that Pixie approves. I am so glad that you like Pixie's limerick.

MaoMao said...

Daisy, you maded my Momma say SQUEE!!!! You look adorabble. And I'm sure that sweet Pixie thinks so, too.

(((((((((hugs)))))))))) and purrs from MaoMao and the Ballicai.

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

Pixie will be happy to see u being strong and not losing ur fashion sense...
Hugs and Purrs,

Anonymous said...

In my opinion you are really great and also love able. Thanks for sharing this post.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

We think Pixie will appreciate the Black, fer mournin. But we think she will also appreciate the red, fer life...

Our thoughts an purrs stay with you...

Chrissie said...

I think you look beautiful, Miss Daisy, but I am sorry the hat is black. I wish it were pink, with white ribbon or some such.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You are lovely, Daisy. You must miss Pixie a lot, and still you look fashionable.

darlene said...

omg!! the hat!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the cat mourn is so cute and beautiful,this is unique fashion i seen.
good comments.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

oh donts frown, miss daisy! pixie iz happee!

luv and hugs and lots of purrs.

Katie Ann Kitty Too
Daisy May Daffodil
Bootsie Woo
Mousie Cat
n Spunky Boo.

Anonymous said...

Dear Daisy, we haven't stopped by for a few days because we have been away in Italy so we didn't know your sad news.

Anonymous said...

Dear Daisy, we haven't stopped by for a few days because we have been away in Italy so we didn't know your sad news.

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